Disclaimer: Deep in the jungle there is a magical monkey that farts every time someone is born, by the time that monkey stops farting, I will still not own Harry Potter.

Warnings: Hot man on man sex between members of the same family, blah blah blah, if this offends you, blah blah blah, then go away, blah blah blah... :P

AN: Alright, so I finally got around to editing this bad boy and this is the end result of my hard work...It's not too different from the original other than a few adjustments I made to the plot regarding plot holes and some typos, incorrect punctuation and poor grammar...I also tried to make it less "Americanized" and more "British" in regards to slang.

I hope you guys don't mind the changes too much, and I'm even daring to hope that some of you might even LIKE said changes!

Anyways, I know it's probably obnoxious of me to ask, especially since I lost all the story stats when I deleted it, but if you could find it in your hearts to review and give me some constructive criticism, pointers, observations, opinions on the changes (if you can see them), etc, it'd be very appreciated and I'd be very much obliged! :)

Much love from Sunny (Rainy) Southern California,


Chapter One: Bloody, Obnoxious Doors!

Charlie Weasley sat at the window watching the pouring rain. It was relaxing and made Charlie feel a certain calm he couldn't feel anyway else.

Charlie adored the rain.

A loud bang from downstairs snapped Charlie out of his reverie. He heard one of his brothers (he couldn't specify which, although he had a good idea of who it might be) curse loudly as he came crashing through the front door of the Burrow. The doors had been rather obnoxious lately and had not let anyone in without a fight. And obviously, his brother, who was most likely in no mood to be messed with, had taken out his anger and frustration on the door.

Charlie groaned when he realized who it was: Bill. If there was anyone he had no desire to face at that very moment, it was his older brother, Bill, whom he had been horrified to find he loved as more than a younger brother should love an older brother.

'Why me?' he thought, 'Why did I have to fall for Bill?'

'Why? Oh yeah, 'cause the fates hate me.'

Charlie, it seemed, had loved Bill for a long time...longer than he was consciously aware of until very recently.

He sighed.

'I hope he goes to bed right away,' he thought.

Charlie was currently sitting in a chair in Ron and the twin's bedroom, not wanting to face Bill, who he was rooming with, just yet. Charlie wondered why he couldn't have just fallen in love with someone who was a girl and who was outside of the family. It's not as if Charlie was bad-looking in any way. In fact, most people actually considered him quite attractive, with his bright blue eyes, shaggy mop of flaming red hair and his stunningly muscular and perfectly sculpted physique, earned from years and years of working with dragons. He was really quite handsome. And on top of that, he was charming, intelligent, witty and attractive, everything a girl could possibly want.

He sighed.

'Why me?' he thought.

Then he remembered that the Fates hated him.

He heard Bill walk past the twins room and breathed a sigh of relief.

Bill opened the door to his and Charlie's room and stepped inside.

-In Bill and Charlie's room-

Bill pushed the door open and walked inside.

When he saw that Charlie wasn't there, he paused.

'Where's Charlie?' he thought.

Then he remembered that it was raining and that Charlie loved the rain and would, naturally, be somewhere he could see and listen to it.

Bill's first thought was Ginny's room. Then he remembered the ward against males she had put on it in her fourth year, due to Fred and George's pestering to try their new products.

'Fred and George! Of course! Charlie is in their room!'

Bill hurried to the twins room.

-In the twins room-

The bedroom door banged open and Bill burst in, grumbling about 'Bloody, obnoxious doors.'

All the doors had been acting up!

Charlie looked up, startled.

'Fuck!' he thought (and dropped the book he had been reading) when he saw who it was.

Bill leaned into the door frame and looked at Charlie with one eyebrow raised. Charlie blushed and looked away.

"How come you're not in bed?" asked Bill softly.

"I couldn't sleep," said Charlie truthfully (he had been too busy thinking about Bill).

"Why?" asked Bill.

"Do you need to know why?" snapped Charlie irritably.

Bill looked taken aback and hurt by his brother's sharp tone.

"No," he said softly and looked down, "I was just wondering though, I'm sorry for prying."

Charlie's gaze softened.

"It's okay," he said, "I wanted to listen to the rain anyway, I couldn't have done that if I was asleep," he added.

Bill looked up and smiled.

"Would you mind terribly if I kept you company?" asked Bill hopefully.

"Not at all," said Charlie, gesturing towards the seat next to him.

Bill sat and faced the window.

"Charlie?" he asked.

"Hmm?" said Charlie.

"Why do you like the rain?" asked Bill.

Charlie turned to look at him.

Bill blushed under his scrutiny.

"It's calming, the sound of the falling rain relaxes me. And I love the way it smells afterwards, like earth and purity, like everything has been washed away and cleansed," said Charlie, looking out the window again, "Why?"

"No reason," said Bill quickly, "I was just wondering, that's all."

Charlie looked at him again...and barely noticed Bill's appearance.

Bill's red hair (which went went past his shoulders a little) was out of it's usual pony tail and was loose. His dark sapphire blue eyes were tired and sad. He looked stressed and depressed.

"Bloody hell, Bill, you look like shit!" remarked Charlie. But Charlie wasn't serious, he loved way Bill looked with his hair loose and disheveled. This added to his fang earring made Bill the incarnation of raw, primal sensuality. He did look tired though.

Bill gave Charlie a wry look.

"Thanks," he said sardonically.

Charlie grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry, you just look really tired...like you haven't slept in weeks," said Charlie.

"Actually, it's been a month since I've had a good night's sleep," confessed Bill.

"What? Why? Is it about Fleur?" asked Charlie, ignoring the surge of jealousy he felt at her name. He was too concerned about Bill to care about that insipid French veela. Although, Charlie supposed that was a bit harsh. She truly hadn't been that bad, and after getting to know her personally, she was actually quite sweet.

Bill had recently broken up with Fleur Delacour. She, of course, had been confused and somewhat hurt, but ultimately seemed to understand, accept it, and move on. Charlie was glad that they had broken up-although perhaps it was a bit cruel to be glad about something like that-because it meant that Bill was now unattached.

Bill had told the family that things between him and Fleur just weren't working. But that was only partly the reason why he had broken up with Fleur.

No, he couldn't tell his family the other part of the reason.

They wouldn't understand, nobody would. Nobody COULD!

Bill sighed.

The truth was that Bill was in love, but not with his (now ex) fiancee, Fleur Delacour. No matter that he had tried his hardest to make himself love her. In the end, he just couldn't...he couldn't force himself to lie to himself or to her any longer...so he broke things off and tried to resign himself to the inevitable reality of being in love with the one person who was forbidden to him in almost every single way: his little brother, Charlie.

Bill almost groaned aloud at the thought.

'Am I stupid? I've got to stop this...I could never be with Charlie, I could never even hope to be with him! It's wrong and if he were to ever find out, he'd hate me forever!' he thought miserably.

"Bill?" asked Charlie, sounding worried, "are you okay?"

Bill sucked in a breath and cursed inwardly.

He had been staring at Charlie, without realizing it while he was thinking.

"I'm fine, Charlie, and no, the reason I can't sleep isn't because of Fleur," he said.

Charlie looked skeptical.

"Somehow I don't believe you're fine and if it's not Fleur, then what is it?" asked Charlie.

Bill scowled.

"It's nothing," he muttered.

Charlie exploded. He'd had enough!

"No! It is something!" Charlie roared, "And I intend to find out what it is that's bothering you!"


"No Bill! You've been completely depressed and I have a feeling that it's something big. You're my brother and you've always been there for me... and I intend to be there for you too," said Charlie, standing up and kneeling in front of a dumbstruck Bill.

"Charlie..." breathed Bill, "You wouldn't understand—I—you—you wouldn't understand, you couldn't..." he repeated, his voice lowering to a saddened whisper.

Charlie reached out and touched his face tenderly.

Bill's heart seized and stuttered.

"Just tell me. Of course I'll understand," reassured Charlie.

Bill looked up into Charlie's azure eyes and nearly cracked. Then he realized how close Charlie's face was to his.

Charlie gasped softly when he saw Bill blush and look down again.

Could it be...? Maybe he had been wrong...maybe Bill...

And at that moment, something inside Charlie, the part of him that was sick and tired of fighting, snapped.

Charlie leaned forward and kissed Bill right on the lips.

Bill was stunned and began to pull away but Charlie held on to Bill's shirt tightly and didn't let go. Too shocked to do much else, Bill froze and just stared unseeingly with wide blue eyes until Charlie pulled back, a look of hesitant hope on his face.

Bill stared in shock at his younger brother.

'What the bloody hell was that?' he thought, only to realize, a few seconds too late, that he had said it aloud.

Charlie's look of tentative hope vanished and his visage crumpled, his expression turning into one of utter despair, humiliation, and anguish.

'Aw, shit!'

"Charlie! Wait!" he cried but Charlie paid no heed and ran from the room, tears pooling in his eyes.

'Fuck!' thought Bill, cursing himself to the lowest depths of hell for his folly.

A/N: Well there's the first revised chapter. I hope you liked it.