A/N: This is my first fanfiction, EVER, so hopefully it'll go over well. As the story progresses, more will be revealed about the world it resides in. Oh, and this is pretty much a story where no one ends up with who they typically do, as I kind of wanted to explore that option, so hopefully someone enjoys it! Don't worry though, they still end up with people they FIT with, at least in this story anyways...

Disclaimer: Not sure if I need this or not, but here's to being careful. I don't own Naruto nor any of it's characters, though the story is my own idea.


And so it was that with the urgings of Matt Tuck, Hinata Hyuga fluttered her eyes open only to give a tiny groan and roll onto her stomach, pulling one of her four sleeping pillows in closer so that she could cuddle with it for a moment longer. As the song continued to play, the volume on her alarm much to high for her to simply ignore, an arm reached out in hopes to somehow shutting off the damnable contraption, with little results.

She was a tiny thing, one of the shortest amongst all the students, yet here she was curled up with a pillow in the middle of her queen sized bed, with her alarm clock a good six feet from her bedside, laying atop her dresser with the glaring red numbers taunting her, signalling that it was already seven. There was a very good reason she'd moved her alarm so far from her bed, as well as why she used Bullet for my Valentine songs to wake her up. Hinata didn't particularly enjoy getting up in mornings, and it had nothing to do with a desire to continue sleeping. She was spoiled, and she knew it, having a queen bed while most of the other students settled for twins or doubles, and although the larger size didn't necessarily account for it's extra comfort the fact that her father had bought it for her certainly did. None of that helped with the fact that she 'felt' as if her bed was the most comfortable thing in the entire world, and leaving it's comfort was always a difficult thing for her to do.

Why she was spoiled while the others had smaller beds, as well as the rather obvious fact by now that she did not share her dorm room with anyone, both needed explaining. There was also the little fact that the song playing would, in normal situations, cause other's to shout out and demand someone lower the volume immediately. Unlike all the other females in this dorm however, who shared rooms on the second floor, Hinata was given a bedroom off on her own, and for once it was a privilege that was not granted to her simply because of her heritage, in fact the room had been all but forced upon her.

When she'd first come to the Academy and her fellow students had learned of her particularly unique ability to 'read their thoughts' they naturally grew anxious around her. Since then a few of her fellow classmates had learned of her power's limitations, and she'd actually managed a small group of friends, however that did not change the fact that upon first arriving, the students had acted with trepidation and all but demanded she be given the one room further apart from everyone else. She couldn't entirely blame them, as it wasn't so much their thoughts as it was their dreams they did not want read, and the moment she'd revealed that she could in fact read dreams they'd all but freaked out on the extra invasion of privacy. It didn't help her case at all when she tried to explain she could only read dreams that, from what she could tell anyways, happened during REM sleep. Her first ever roommate had freaked out, and since no one else wanted to switch, adjustments were made and she was given a room of her own.

At first the situation had entirely disheartened her since she'd been so easily cast out. She wasn't the only person to suddenly earn a single bedroom however; another fellow student was also suddenly forced to have their own room given there was an even amount of girls in this dorm. Only unlike what everyone first thought, it hadn't been Hinata's roommate to gain that little bonus but one Ino Yamanaka, who gladly took her own room. While some had first complained it was entirely because of her family connections, they quickly learned that Ino had her own terrifying ability that equally earned her some privacy. And it was Ino that had taught Hinata to see her separation as a privilege, for now she shared her room with no one, and could do whatever she pleased for the remainder of her stay at the Academy, which included trading out the previous two twin beds for her own queen!

The song suddenly ended and after a brief moment of silence, started over again, alerting Hinata of her dilemma. She'd just spent nearly five minutes in bed daydreaming! Throwing her sheets off suddenly, she bounded to the end of the bed and hopped down from the four feet rise of her mattress, rushing over to her dresser to immediately turn off her alarm. Without even sparing a moment, she pulled open a drawer to grab a pair of undies with a mostly matching bra, taking a few steps toward her bathroom before suddenly stopping in mid-motion. Lifting up the pair of beige lace thongs, a delicate eyebrow arched up slightly before she gave a tiny growl under her breath. "Ino!"

Tossing the damn things aside, she'd hand them back to her questionable friend later; she turned back to her dresser and procured a proper pair of beige briefs, much more to her liking. Catching a fleeting glance of her alarm caused to give a soft "eep!" as she jumped and turned, dashing toward her bathroom.

After a rather quick shower later, she stood in her underwear in the bathroom with her hair combed out, using a blow dryer to get rid as much of the dampness as she could. She wouldn't have enough time to completely dry her locks, and certainly not enough to straighten it as smoothly as her father preferred, so as soon as most of the moisture was gone, she set the dry down and decided that pulling her hair up into a bun would work better for today. A simple black clip held it all in place as she dashed into her closet in an attempt to quickly find something to wear.

At this point it may be worth mentioning just why Hinata was rushing so much to school, since she had woken at the same time she did everyday, and this certainly wasn't her usual routine. Today was unique in that they would be deciding the pairings for the training camp that was to take place later in the month, and their rather sadistic teachers, at least that was the running theory as far as all the students were concerned, had decided the pairings would be made on a first come first serve basis, and while Hinata had no particular dislike of anyone, she could easily think of a few people she would prefer being teamed up with. At the top of that list, most notably, was her crush for over a year now, Naruto Uzumaki. Though odds were against her, she certainly couldn't give up the chance to spend hours a day alone in training with him; the mere thought sent her face flushing in embarrassment.

As she pulled out and tossed aside pants, she quickly thought that the sudden appearance of the thongs in her drawer might have to do with today, yet shook that thought aside. She'd corner and question her friend later about them, for now she needed something to wear! And then she found them, her Christopher Kane's, a pair of coloured jeans that fit her just loosely enough to remain comfortable, yet fitted to her form so as not to enrage her fashion forward friends. The fact that they were florescent orange was an extra bonus in her opinion as she slipped the pants on, quickly buttoning up even as her eyes glanced about for a top. That search was far less difficult as she quickly pulled out a grey t-shirt, the words 'destroyed by fame' displayed across the front and pulled it carefully over her head, avoiding messing up her hair. She wasn't one to simply run out like this however, there for quickly grabbing up her Donna Karen oversized hoodie/cardigan, she went on the search for shoes.

She paused for a moment, realising her bed was still in its unkept status and sighed at her upbringing. She couldn't just leave it like that, the sheets would get wrinkled and then she'd be forced to sleep with wrinkly sheets, all night! She could just hear Tenten rolling her eyes, and she would have done it so dramatically that indeed, one could have heard the action. So Hinata dashed over to her bed quickly and stood on her tippy toes while she threw the sheets back into place and quickly smoothed them out. Once her comforter was neatly atop, she took a few more moments grabbing hold of all her decorative pillows and tossed them onto her bed. With a slight sigh, she then stepped to the end of her bed and used the wooden steps that made it easier to climb onto her much too high bed frame, and proceeded crawling toward the headboard. As soon as she reached the mass amounts of pillows, she began arranging them properly, indeed getting lost in the tiny action. It wasn't as if it took up all her time, but as her eyes took note of her alarm clock, she blinked and gave a tiny gasp, finishing up quickly. Sliding off the right side, she once again smoothed out the comforter, than glanced around as returned to her previous task of finding footwear.

Opting on her Jimmy Choo biker boots, she swiped up a pair of socks from her dresser and as soon as her pants were neatly tucked into the boots, she was all but out her bedroom door. She needed only to grab her bag, a black leather satchel that would hang loosely from her shoulder, and she was out, ignoring any form of makeup; which in all honestly, was pretty typical for the shy girl. She would apply some lip-gloss on her way out, but only after she had something to eat. A quick meal would have to be necessary as she dashed down the hall toward the kitchen, hoping that some breakfast muffins would still be available.

She was in luck, to a degree, for some oatmeal chocolate chip muffins lay on display in a cute little basket atop the counter, and although she frowned at the calories, she also chided herself for being so concerned over a single muffin. She wasn't a health freak like Ino or Karin, certainly a single muffin wouldn't kill her day, even if it was extra large. Grabbing a bottle of strawberry juice from the fridge as well, she decided the two would have to do and quickly made her way out the side door even as she bit into her muffin. Given her curiosity, she paused for a moment and activated her bloodline ability, the secondary ability allowing her to reach out with her mind reading gift and find the thoughts of her fellow dorm-mates. From what she could find, Sakura wasn't too far behind her, while Tenten didn't seem to care one way or another. Karin was apparently upset over Sakura hogging the bathroom for too long and Ino was still distressed over way to wear. There were others too, the remaining females that also stayed at the dorms, yet from what Hinata could tell only one had managed to leave before her. Good, so far luck was with her!

Eight minutes later found her tossing out an empty bottle in the recycling bin, her muffin long since devoured, and lip-gloss finally being applied to her lips. An orange Tic Tac was quickly tossed into her mouth as she glanced about the hallway, finding it noticeably empty and so wandered about with her head held high, humming softly as she made her way to homeroom. It was only 7:38, leaving her with just over twenty minutes until class began, plenty of time to get herself to class and a good spot on the waiting list.

Now would perhaps be an opportune time to explain the particulars of Konoha Academy, or to be more precise, Konoha Academy for the Exceptionally Gifted, yet who really went around saying such a mouth full?

Konoha Academy was a private institute, naturally only those with special gifts could enrol into the school, yet that wasn't the only thing that made it unique. There were laws set into place from generations ago that dictated how a child born with a special gift was educated, all of which were still followed to this day.

Two ways a child could come about a power, the first being the most obvious, through family bloodlines. Bloodline abilities were the most common, simply because every member of that particular family had said ability, though naturally it ranged in strength from child to child. Bloodline abilities were also unique in that each bloodline usually had two abilities, the more common ability, and a unique to the family only ability.

Every now and then however a child could be born and given an ability at complete randomness, and while those with random abilities did not benefit from the secondary bloodline ability, they were always born with exceptional strength in whatever their unique ability was.

Children born with these special abilities were kept out of public schooling, the preset laws dictating that they be home schooled, and home trained, until the age of roughly 16 when they would enter one of the multiple Academies through out the lands that specialized in furthering their education and training. Naturally, those born into families had the upper hand in these situations, since it was automatically known they would adapt a power, and their education began almost instantly. They were also blessed with an abundance of trainers through out their entire family. It was the children born with random abilities that found the situation worth arguing against, since any child, family born or not, did not come into their abilities until roughly the age of 8, though some children have been known to discover their ability at 10 or even 11.

By then, children with random abilities had already begun public schooling, and were suddenly pulled out; home schooling being thrust upon them, and indeed their parents. Though the government provided funding to compensate, this was not always the biggest problem. The child still needed to find a trainer, and random abilities were just that, entirely random. Often times the only available trainer could be on the other side of the world, and it wasn't always easy convincing someone to train a complete stranger of a child for the next potential eight years.

Whether they were family born or not however, roughly at the age of 16 they were to be tested, and should they pass, enrolled into one of the Academies and moved into the campus dorms, separated entirely by the outside world for the remainder of their training. Some students came late, due to failing of the tests or difficultly in acquiring a trainer. Few students entered early, however it wasn't unheard of. As it stood, there were two students currently attending Konoha Academy that had entered a full year before the norm, one of them being Hinata's very own cousin. Over all however, there weren't many students actually attending this Academy, despite its immense campus size. The campus grounds could easily house hundreds of students, yet there weren't more then fifty students with two dorms each for females and males. Twenty-two female students mingled with twenty-five males, which meant classes were rather small, and the entire curriculum at the Academy was run in an entirely different way then public schools. Instead of grades, they were given ranks, which one could raise up in as little as a semester.

Rather suddenly Hinata found herself hitting a solid wall, a small "eep!" once again escaping her lips as she took a tentative step back and lifted a hand to her nose to gently rub it. "Ow…" came out softly as she wondered just how she ran into a wall. Since when did a wall exist in the middle of the hallway anyways? For that matter, since when were walls hard, yet warm? Lifting her eyes to peer at the 'wall', they suddenly widened as realization quickly dawned upon her that indeed she hadn't run into a wall, but the back of a person. And not just anyone at that, why of all the people to run into it had to be him? All she could think was 'Oh no!' before quickly dropping her head, eyes concentrating upon the wooden floorboards below. She didn't take any time to chance misunderstandings, quickly opening her mouth to utter an apology; he wasn't patient, and certainly not forgiving but most importantly, he'd definitely take this as some excuse on her part for wanting to get closer to him. "I-I'm sorry! I wa-wasn't paying a-attention…" Nervously, she began chewing on her bottom lip, making the recently applied lip-gloss go to waste, and frowning as she'd stuttered just then. Her father had gone through such lengths to rid her of the habit, yet even now when she grew nervous, it still reared its annoying head on her.

'How proud father would be,' she sarcastically thought as she heard feet shuffle, knowing he was turning around to face her.