
Disclaimer-Not mine, Joss Whedon and Hart Hanson

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're saying that we're stuck here over Christmas? Look, you know, I have… places to go, you know? I have obligations," Booth said to the man in the suits.

The FBI agent groaned as everybody began to bicker and suddenly blame him for bringing him the body. He told them he was just doing his job, but he knew it was. If only he wasn't so rushed to get work done? All he had to do was fill out an extra paper or two and this mess would not be happening.

Or he should have stayed at the party with Angela.

The meds began to fog his mind and Booth started to laugh as he saw little lights twinkling on the ceiling. Sleeping bags were delivered and everyone parted ways to sleep this nightmare away.

Booth should have known that sleep never came when he wanted it too. He asks Goodman about the twinkling lights in the sky and the only thing he says in return is that he is stoned. Stoned is good though, he thinks, at least when you're stoned the pain in his heart dulls a little.

Goodman and he start to talk about Christmas and Booth smiles at the picture of him and his family. In return he takes out the picture in his pocket and shows it off. Responding to the picture Goodman tells him how cute his son is. Booth can only agree and begins to engage in a small rant about how Christmas is one of the only times he gets to see his son.

Lights begin to twinkle again and the conversation is ended.

Three…Two…One Booth counts in his head and walks over to Bones who is glancing at particulates. All he wanted was to get somebody in the Christmas mood and if it was the only good thing that would come out of this Bones would believe in Christmas.

With his mission in mind he walks up to Bones and discusses the case for a moment before getting to the point, "You don't seem too upset about missing Christmas."

"Indications are that Christ, if he existed, was born in late spring and that the celebration of his birth was shifted to coincide with the pagan rite of the winter solstice so that early Christians weren't persecuted," she tells him and Booth laughs sarcastically.

"What are you the Christmas Killer?" In response she tries to say it's the truth and Booth ends up getting even more annoyed. "It sounds like the truth 'cause it's so rational, right? But, you know, the true truth is that you just- you hate Christmas, so you just spout out all these facts and you ruin it for everyone else."

"All I do is tell the truth Booth, I don't ruin it with facts. If you don't like it then how should I spend my Christmas?"

"Christmas is the perfect time to reexamine your standing with, you know…"

"A helicopter?"

"Oh, right, right. You can't measure the man upstairs in a beaker, so he can't possibly exist."

"The man upstairs?"

Booth groans, this is getting little too ridiculous. "Yes Bones, if you can believe in an invisible fungus than why can you not believe in God?"

"Whatever Booth, I have a murder to solve. Why don't you just go say some prayers and try to get God to forgive you for being a sniper."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh I can read you like a book Booth. You feel guilty for something, more than likely killing people as a sniper. That's why you think Christmas is a good time to get in his imaginary good book."

"You make it so hard to be nice to you," Booth tells her and turns around and goes back to his sleeping bag. However he can't sleep. His thoughts were too filled with screams of torture, death, despair, and massive rivers of blood.

Booth was working out the next morning when he heard everyone try to get Christmas and Christmas Eve to feel like Christmas. They began talking about a Secret Santa and he agreed that could lift people's spirits. Plus he never really participated in one before; he was more into personal gifts.

All of them are debating how to hand names out and the agent starts to laugh at them. Everyone stares at him as he hands over his hat filled with names. After he explains it they all agree that was a good idea and pick out a name. Sometimes these squints were annoying, but they were definitely entertaining.

After that the case became precedent and Booth spent a large portion of the day making phone calls and sorting through evidence. When life sucks, work can be a great distracter. He knew that more than most people. Of course some people had to mess things up though.

He and Bones were just talking about the case when out of the blue she asked him if he really did have a son. Most definitely not the can of worms he wanted opened right now.

"Yes I do is that a problem?"

"No, but we are partners Booth! We tell each other stuff like that."

"It never seemed like the right time," he tells her. Or the right story to get people to trust him, he adds silently.

"Booth, why now?"

"Hey nothing brings people together like a Christmas lung fungus," he shrugs and goes back to the case. However before he goes to find Goodman for help he makes a pit stop to ask Angela for a favor.

Christmas Eve dinner started pretty decent. Chinese food was one of Booth's favorites and Christmas Eve was better than Christmas in some ways. He wished he was spending it with different people, but it wasn't too bad.

Except for Brennan. Now she had the nerve to talk about how Christmas was a myth and how the Jesus story matched the case because she had a child and was unwed. He really hated people talking shit about his religion. No, shit was fine, but what Brennan was doing was ridiculous.

"I can understand why you'd be sensitive, Booth. You have a child out of wedlock," Brennan tells him and he has to calm down before answering.

Angela is trying to get Brennan to apologize, but he steps in, "It wasn't out of wedlock."

"What!" everyone exclaims. Nobody can remember him ever saying anything about a woman in his life.

"I said I didn't have him out of wedlock."

"What happened did she die or did you get divorced?" Brennan asks.

"Sweetie," Angela sighs.

"Neither. We are happily married. Now can we get back to the case please?" he pleads.

Luckily everybody senses his discomfort and drops the subject. Booth sighs, his friend, they seemed more than coworkers these days, did not need to hear about him and his family. More than that it hurt him to think about too much, and this Christmas fiasco was already enough pain for now.

One by one visitors come to the door and Booth looks at the door longingly awaiting the arrival of his son. At the moment he spends his time trying to figure out their families. He figured it could be rude, but hey what else was someone supposed to do in this lab?

Goodman seemed to be the family man that he always tried to be. Booth loved his son, and his son loved him; but sometimes he figured he could never put the guilt away. And that guilt could be bad for him. His little girls were cute though, and it showed a different side of the administrator.

Zach's family was exactly what Booth imagined them to be. A huge family, with everyone who could get here talking to him. The youngest squint laughed and Booth noticed he looked happier than he had ever seen him before.

When he saw Hodgins' girlfriend Booth had to do a double take. The entomologist had not been kidding at how smoking she was. If he had been into tall brunettes he would have to deal with a very angry Hodgins. But he was taken and preferred blondes.

Angela's Dad was something. From what Booth could infer combined with what he knew of the rocker, his good natured attitude was only for his daughter. He felt bad for the artist who barely had a father growing up. Again he didn't have the greatest father either though.

Finally Booth got to go and smiled as he saw his son standing outside of the glass door waving at him. It truly breaks his heart to have him so close yet so far away. If only he could break out of here and go celebrate Christmas the way he wanted to.

Sadly the visits couldn't last forever and once everyone had gone the case had to be solved. Everyone is sitting together putting the facts together when Booth suddenly realized that Brennan hadn't had anyone come to visit her. He knew her parents were MIA, probably dead, but it made sense why she was such a scrooge. Maybe he could at least make Christmas special for her.

"Where was you wife Booth?" Brennan asks.

"She's away on business, "he sighs. "She isn't getting back for another three days."

Nobody speaks for a moment until Angela breaks the silence, "So that was your son? He's adorable. He even has your big forehead."

"Actually Booth's frontal bone is not much larger than the average one," Brennan says.

"Thanks Bones! See it's not too big Angela! But yeah that was Conner."

"I thought you said his name was Parker." Goodman says.

Booth smiles, "It is. His full name is Conner Parker Booth. We usually call him Parker though.

After that they return to the case and Booth is relieved once they find out the killer, motive, the works. He only wished he could have done more to help the victim's loved ones, but the crime was too old. Angela seemed to be on the same wavelength for she talked Brennan into finding Ivy Gillespie.

Later that night everyone, sans Brennan, was sitting on the couches upstairs drinking eggnog that Hodgins managed to get his hands on. Angela had succeeded in making the mood very festive and surprisingly Booth found himself to be having some fun.

Goodman seemed genuinely surprised at the charcoal sketch Booth drew of him as a superhero with Super Dad written on the top. He shrugged off everyone's astonished looks that he could draw. Out of everyone Angela seemed most impressed, but when she asked him questions about where he learned to draw like that he changed the topic. Drawing was a little painful for him.

Zach had given Booth the robot he had made. At first he was very confused, but after some explaining Booth couldn't have been happier. Parker was going to love it. He enthusiastically shook the young scientists hand when suddenly white fluff began to float down from the ceiling.

Everything about it pointed to snow, even though it must be fake because it couldn't snow inside. Zach lets some land on his hand and frowns, "This feels like snow, I don't get it."

"It was me," Angela smiles. "I thought we could have a white Christmas. Don't ask me how it seems to be snow. Brennan helped me on that front.

"That was very creative Ms. Montenegro," Goodman tells her.

"Actually it was Booth's idea. He just needed help."

"Well snow is just such a Christmas miracle!" he told them with a smile. Booth laid down almost perfectly content. If his family was here it would be perfect. He loved the snow and the miracles it brings with it. It snowed on his most amazing Christmas.

The next day everybody got the go ahead to leave. Booth couldn't have been happier at finally escaping the lab, but frowned once he saw Brennan. After offering her an invitation to join him for Chinese he leaves.

Booth wasn't surprised when he saw Brennan walk into the restaurant, nobody wanted to spend Christmas alone. "I don't get it Booth," she says. "Why is Christmas so important to you?"

"It's one of the best memories I have of my Dad and of my wife."

Before Brennan can say anything she turns as she hears a little voice scream Daddy and run into Booth's arms. Booth hugged his son and turned back to Brennan. "Bones this is my son Parker. Say hi bub."

He waves and Booth smiles as he feels his spine tingle and quiet footsteps come up behind him, "Hello my Angel."

"Buffy? I thought you weren't coming back from Scotland for a few more days."

"Come on Seeley you know me better than that. I'm from California I hate the cold. And Scotland is way cold at this time of year. Giles was sick of hearing me whine and Faith could handle the girls. Plus there wasn't any big bad. He knows how much spending Christmas with you means to me."

"I'm glad," he says and kisses her back.

"Oh Parker you have gifts at home from Aunt Willow and Uncle Xander and Grandpa and Auntie Dawn and Uncle Spike!"

He smiles and Booth turns to Brennan, "Bones this is my wife Buffy. Buffy this is my partner I was telling you about."

"Nice to meet you," Buffy says and shakes the brunettes hand.

"Likewise. What do you mean by a big bad and girls?"

"Well I'm head of an international private investigation firm called Angel Investigations and big bad is an inside joke. We also have a school called The Slayer and Watcher Society for troubled Girls."

"We should get going," Booth tells his family. "I'll catch you later Bones?"
"Sure," she says and watches the family leave.

Booth wrapped around walks out of the restaurant with Parker in his arms and Buffy's arms around his waist and he was happy. This did turn out to be a great Christmas.

So this was just a little one-shot I wrote during Christmas one year and found it as I was going through old files. Hope you liked it, I know it isn't good but I wrote it during History class last year, sooooooo.