So about ten years ago my significant other suggested I read the Wheel of Time series. Thinking he was a total dork I ignored him. Now, ten years later I was complaining to him about not having any good books to read and he suggested again that I read them.

And who is the one face palming themselves for all the years of neglecting such a wonderful and profound piece of literature? Yeah. Me. Seriously, if you haven't read The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan stop reading this and go read that. Now.

I am so stoked that I have 13 more books to look forward to, plus a prequel. Yay.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, songs, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this work.

The other Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Itachi strategically started to come up with a plan using the A Priorti Probability method. He knew he had to calculate the probably that Sakura was interested in only him first. He had gotten the impression, but he didn't know her well enough to believe it might have been exclusive. Next, applying the information previously gathered, he would use deductive reasoning for when best, if such a time came, for him to make his move, thus computing an end result.

The drawback to this strategy, however, was it can only be applied to a finite set of events; things can unexpectedly occur or circumstances can unpredictably change.

If and when the time came, Itachi knew there were a few ways he could go about approaching Sakura and he knew some were better than others. Unlike in investing where someone can reasonably portend the change of a share with a fair amount of confidence, he was aware that dealings of interpersonal relationships were not as streamlined. He learned this the hard way.

Beginning to weigh all of his options, he knew one way was to start a conversation and attempt to keep her undivided attention for as long as possible, but he knew that was merely a compulsion he felt; it wouldn't have been prudent though. It appeared that a lot of people wanted some of her time, and occupying all of it would come off as inconsiderate, maybe even possessive. He also didn't want to appear too obvious, too eager. That might be a turn off.

But then he didn't want her to believe he wasn't interested at all.

That was when Itachi knew this had to be handled delicately.

Itachi thought another way was to make it known to someone else that he was interested in Sakura and perhaps they could point it out to her; a second party, like Naruto, Kakashi, or even Sasuke. However, Itachi was fiercely independent, and calling upon someone else to help out made him feel inadequate, like he was incapable of handling it on his own. He had already acquiesced to the help Shisui and Kakashi had given him, and that was enough. It was now time to 'row for the shore.'

So what he did was hang back a bit. He kept to his own company while surreptitiously watching Sakura. After a while of doing this it was confirmed the best strategy. There were some other males apparently vying for her attention and it was clear some of those clowns had not devised a plan like he did. One idiot would be talking with her and another would approach, his intentions too transparent that it was off-putting, and they would eventually slink away, defeated, when the outcome they were hoping for was not forthcoming.

Sakura took it all in stride though. She didn't seem to be overwhelmed by the attention, especially if there were multiple males simultaneously parrying for her, but she wasn't discouraging of it either. That told Itachi she really was "untouchable" as Kakashi informed him at the Melting Pot performance. Or she was holding out for someone else. Or perhaps she was already taken and Kakashi was unaware of it. That was a possibility Itachi wasn't all-too-willing to consider, but knew he would inevitably find out soon enough.

Another thing he noticed was, as a sign of interest, she was brought a drink. Another thing: she never drank from it. Throughout the evening one loser would bring her a glass of something only for it to be replaced by something else another had brought.

Itachi wouldn't allow himself to guess on the reasons why she wouldn't drink; he only admired her good judgement. God knows what could be in those drinks and she may have been wise in not partaking of them.

Shisui understood what Itachi was doing, hence why he wasn't pressured to get a move on. Itachi would catch his eye and a corner of his cousin's mouth would turn up in a knowing smirk.

Itachi was biding his time, winnowing out all of the unsavory would-be-suitors.

He doubted there was any competition at all, if he was being completely honest with himself. He was one of the best dressed and was probably one of the most educated. He was probably wealthier than all of those other slobs, too. He was pretty sure that once he and Sakura got to talking and she learned more about him he would be the one walking away with her phone number that evening.

And now seemed to be the perfect opportunity. Sakura had migrated toward the kitchen and Itachi watched with great satisfaction as she looked around for the last man that had departed from her, and not seeing him, poured the drink he offered into the sink.

He smiled to himself and took one step in her direction but almost ran into someone as they suddenly appeared in front of him.

"You're Uchiha Itachi, aren't you?" a tall woman with sandy hair and big brown eyes asked him. She had her hair pulled into a ponytail with two strands hanging on the sides of her face.

"Yes...?" he trailed off in a question. He did not recognize her.

"I'm Inuzuka Hana. My little brother is in Naruto's band."

That didn't explain who she was (she sounded like information she offered should have cleared up something), but Itachi politely extended his hand nonetheless. "It's nice to meet you, Hana-san."

He didn't want to be rude, but Sakura was still standing alone by the kitchen sink. He had to make his move. He looked over Hana's head and turned his body in a way that made it seem like he was heading somewhere. Hana completely ignored it.

"I heard that Hatake Kakashi has employed you on his next hedge fund."

Itachi's eyes snapped back to hers, narrowing slightly in suspicion. This time he regarded her more closely and saw that she was wearing a simple black dress that ended mid-thigh. He couldn't decide what class of money she might have been in. She smiled wanly, patiently. There was a touch of condescension in that smile that immediately didn't sit well with Itachi. "I'm a columnist for the Wall Street Journal. Several colleagues of mine have interviewed you and your partner before. Just recently you had Mitarashi Anko interview you, right?"

Itachi nodded slowly, still wary.

Hana seemed to decode his apprehension and laughed. "Look, in my line of work you're referred to as a "hot commodity." You can't blame me for walking over here to introduce myself since this is the last place I would have ever expected you to show up."

Itachi had nothing to say to that so remained silent. He glanced over Hana again and Sakura was now moving back out into the living room area where he was. But then that also meant there were plenty more people that would capture her attention before he did.

Undeterred, Hana said, "I've done some research, since, you know, as a columnist I do that, and I noticed that the hedge Mr. Hatake is involved with you and Uchiha Shisui has diverted from his usual trade of liquid securities..." She trailed off, looking up at him expectantly.

Itachi observed her curiously for a few moments, surprised at her knowledge, before asking, "Is this off the record?"

Hana laughed again. "Oh! Of course! Anko would kill me if she thought I was running on her beat!"

So Itachi, feeling oddly split between the urgent need to talk to Sakura and the willingness to speak with the surprisingly well-informed Inuzuka Hana, started chatting with her about business related affairs, being sure to keep the details of the actual investments undisclosed. It all felt akin to having a stock that's over-taking his portfolio and the need to sell or to add to other holdings was becoming necessary. Sakura was the stock that has taken precedence over the others, and now the time has approached that he act on before it plummets.

Fifteen minutes into their conversation Kakashi joined their group. As usual, he was already acquainted with Hana and they took over most of the talking. Itachi excused himself politely when he saw Sakura standing with Sasuke and his girlfriend. He couldn't decide whether to be pleased or disappointed with that.

"Are you serious?" Sakura was asking as Itachi came close enough to hear what they were saying. "That's great!"

"Hey nii-san," Sasuke said. "Ino and I were talking about moving back to Konoha."

"I'm sure mother would appreciate that," Itachi said, then he turned to Ino. "I didn't know you were originally from Konoha."

Ino, a super-model for Calvin Klein, was tall and she had her long blonde hair curled stylistically down her back. With a sweep of her hand she removed some it from her shoulder. "I actually started my career here." She stuck her bottom lip out in a pout. "I would miss California and the warm weather, but Konoha is my home. My family is here, too. They would be happy to know I'm coming back." She unconsciously stepped closer to Sasuke and put a hand on his forearm, leaning against him. The action wasn't smothering in the least, despite what Naruto said about Ino being clingy. It appeared Sasuke didn't mind her affection. Itachi rather liked her and deemed her worthy of being with him. His little brother needed someone who would not tolerate his random moments of moodiness and withdrawal.

"I love California, too," Sakura said. "Unfortunately, the music climate there doesn't even compare to the one here."

"Speaking of music," Sasuke spoke up. "Nii-san and Shisui-san haven't stopped talking about the night they saw you at the Miller."

Itachi knew right away that Sasuke was attempting to get a rise out of him. As a matter of fact, Itachi had only mentioned it once as a suggestion that while Sasuke was in town he should go check it out. Ostensibly, Shisui had informed his little brother of much more. Itachi was not going to dignify Sasuke with an embarrassed or angry reaction. After all, little brothers were supposed to annoy the hell out of the older ones, weren't they?

"I just merely said that while he's in Konoha he should get tickets." Itachi shrugged nonchalantly and snickered on the inside when Sasuke frowned and narrowed his eyes at him. "It was a great show." He then turned to Sakura. "I have a few questions about the logistics of it, however."

She appeared startled by that statement. "A few questions about the logistics? Like what?"

He took only a fraction of a moment to note the crystalline sparkling of her eyes before he continued. "How can you allow people to request a song of their choice with any authority that you will be able to perform it? It isn't plausible that you know every song ever created."

Sakura cocked her head to the side and looked at him speculatively for a few moments before one side of her mouth rose in a sly smile. "What are you implying, Itachi-san? That I'm not talented enough of a musician to know many songs?"

Itachi's eyes widened at her inference. "That's not what I meant at all," he said in a tone that conveyed assurance. "I was just stating a fact. It's not probable that any musician, no matter their level of talent, can claim they know every song."

He could see it again. Her eyebrows rose just slightly in a way that seemed to be only for him, and her lips curved into another secret smile.

"That's a very astute observation, Itachi-san. Not many people question how our program works." She sounded both impressed and proud. If it was in Itachi's character he would have blushed. "We, or I should say our producers and management, have a modus operandi of how to bring in certain people. That's actually the key."

"The key is to bring in certain people?" Ino asked.

Sakura nodded. "Yeah. The reason why we claim people can request any song their heart desires with such-" She glanced at Itachi- "authority is because we know the people who are attracted to our performance only listen to certain..." She paused, tilting her head to the side thoughtfully, contemplating the appropriate word. "...Wavelengths on the music spectrum, if you will."

"But how can you ensure that certain people will come to the event?" Itachi asked. "You could have people who listen to different wavelengths come, as well."

"That's true," Sakura conceded. "But most of the right people come. And we ensure that by our advertising."

"You advertise to a certain demographic," Itachi surmised.

Sakura nodded, her eyes gleaming. "That's right."

"That's very clever," Itachi said, thinking back to that night when he spoke to her after the performance. She seemed pleased at Itachi's song choice, an oldie, even going so far as to walk up on stage to inform the crowd that whoever requested the song, she "loved them." She commented later that oldies were not as appealing to their generation as it was to an older one. He now knew she was also referring to the crowd base.

"It is," Sakura agreed. "I wish I could take credit for it, but I just do what I'm told," she said with a wry smile. "But it's not only that. What a lot of people don't realize, or just don't know, is that a person has to audition to get into the Melting Pot. Not just anyone can join." At this she blushed and her shoulders hunched slightly, abashed. "Well, when I say audition it's not really that. The group is actually formed ad hoc according to what the producers think will make the claim that any song can be requested viable."

"Ad hoc?" Ino asked.

"Basically the group is handpicked," Itachi answered her.

"I get it," Sasuke said. "So only the best can join the group and the likelihood that they know more songs increases."

Sakura blushed further, but was shaking her head. "Well, not exactly. I mean, the Melting Pot does consist of some very talented musicians, but I guess you can say they're the best in certain categories. Like me..." Sakura quickly put her hands up as in a quick surrender. "And I'm not saying I'm the best, but I specialize in string instruments. Other members of our group may specialize in percussion, another brass, get the picture."

"So all the grounds are covered," Itachi interjected. "If a particular song is requested from a certain genre, then there are members of the group that can play instruments pertaining to the song choice."

Sakura nodded and smiled like she was pleased. "And also...well, I don't mean to sound arrogant or anything...but only people who can sight-read perfectly make it in, too."

Itachi's brow furrowed, not familiar with the term 'sight-read.' The others clearly did not know the term either as they looked at Sakura questioningly.

"Sight-read? What's that?" Ino asked.

"Sight-reading is playing a piece of music for the first time," she responded.

"That must take great skill, to play something the first time perfectly," Itachi said, admiration seeping into his tone. "It must be difficult to perform a piece of music that you've never seen before in front of thousands of strangers."

Sakura shrugged unassumingly. "It might be a little nerve-racking at first, but very practiced musicians usually think nothing of it. It's what they're trained to do." She shrugged again.

Another favorable characteristic Itachi could add to Sakura's repertoire was modesty. She was very talented but not pretentious about it.

"Have you ever had an occasion where you needed to sight-read?" he wondered.

"Sure," Sakura said. "More than you probably would think, but the beauty of meeting the expectations of playing any song requested is hiding the fact that you don't know the song."

Itachi's thoughts again went back to that night and tried to come up with a moment where it might have seemed like she didn't know a song. He couldn't, as he remembered very well how self-possessed and confident she looked.

"That's pretty remarkable," Itachi said unthinkingly. He almost cringed. He recalled the last time he complimented her on her talents and she wasn't much affected by it. This time, however, he was rewarded again with Sakura's secret smile and she shyly responded with, "Thank you, Itachi-san." Then she straightened her posture. "I mean, there's a lot more involved than even all that. Did you notice how many musicians made up the band?" she asked him.

"Twenty-two," he replied automatically, remembering counting the number of people that were on stage after the show ended.

"And did you notice how many people were of...ah, different ethnic backgrounds?"

Itachi pondered this for a few moments. While he hadn't particularly noticed that detail he could guess as to why. "You include a variety of people from different ethnic backgrounds whose musical skills are more inclined toward a certain genre," he deduced.

"That's right. Before the show, after all the requests are collected and sorted out, we divvy up the choices to the people who will perform them the best."

As the discussion continued Itachi thought when he walked over here he would have to consciously put his strategy into action, but he was sidetracked by how easily conversation flowed with Sakura, which wasn't a bad thing. And just as if the universe were working in his favor again, Sasuke and Ino were eventually directed to another group and he and Sakura were left standing there alone. Well, as alone as two people could be in a room full of people.

The air seemed to change between them as Sasuke and Ino walked off. The realization that Itachi would now finally get to speak to Sakura without any bystanders was both exhilarating and distressing; his heart-rate increased and his palms felt a little more moistened by nervous sweat. She seemed to feel the difference too, for when she looked up at him her translucent eyes bore something personal, intimate. Itachi definitely thought she found him attractive, too.

Going back to the strategy, he asked, "Can I get you something to drink?" as if she hadn't been offered drinks half a dozen times that evening.

She shook her head. "No, thanks."

And she seemed relieved, which made Itachi cheer on the inside. Instead of just arbitrarily handing her a drink he thought it was more considerate to ask. That was undoubtedly the right course of action.

Itachi contemplated on just being completely honest with her. He was intrigued the first time he saw her; at that moment he knew he wanted to get to know her more; she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, etc., etc.

Before he could speak a word she said, "You're so much different than your brother." She chuckled lightly to herself.

"How so?" he asked, not sure if he wanted the answer.

"Well, for one, you think before you speak. Two, you carry yourself with more...ah, poise than he does." She looked at him apologetically. "I don't mean to insult Sasuke, but I think it's true. Three...and I know I don't know you very well, but I think Sasuke can be hot-headed at times, but you don't come across that way." She looked like she wanted to say more, but she suddenly clamped her mouth shut.

All positive things Itachi noted with gratification.

"Thank you," he responded quietly. Another charged moment occurred between them as nothing else was said but they were looking at each other meaningfully.

"Do you have any siblings?" he asked almost hastily, desperate to keep the conversation going.

For a fraction of a second Sakura's smile faltered and her normally bright eyes dimmed just slightly, but she recovered quickly; an action that seemed well seasoned. "Um, no. I'm an only child."

"You're lucky," Itachi said and she laughed.

"Do you want to go somewhere more quiet?" she suddenly asked, and Itachi raised a brow, stunned by her question.

"I know, since the music is so loud?" Sakura added, blushing fiercely, probably thinking her suggestion would come off as an offer. Itachi almost laughed. Would he ever.


And then his cell phone started to vibrate. Resisting the urge to curse, he looked contritely at Sakura while he pulled it out of his jacket pocket. "Please, one second," he said, turning his back to her and feeling like a complete tool. He hated to do it, especially with where things were going between them, but he knew he needed to take this call.

It was who Itachi was waiting for and he quickly told the person he would call them back in a few minutes. He turned back around and Sakura was looking at him with her brows raised.

"I'm really sorry, but I have to take this." He hoped the regret he felt was clear in his tone. "It shouldn't take too long. It's work related and it's important-"

Sakura smiled, but he could see the undercurrent of annoyance in it. "It's alright. Go ahead."

"I'm really sorry."

"It's fine. Just...uh...when you're done..."

"I'll come find you," he promised.

She nodded, turned and walked away. He couldn't help but admire her shapely feminine curves as he watched her go.

He walked down a hallway and tentatively pushed open a door, hoping it wasn't the bathroom or an occupied bedroom, and was glad to see a dark and vacated office space. He turned on the light and shut the door, walked over to a wheeled chair and plopped down. He scrolled through his call records, found the number and pressed send.

Nara Shikamaru answered on the first ring. "Hey Itachi."

Not caring for any preamble he asked, "What was the verdict?"

There was a long-suffering sigh on the other end, like talking was too troublesome for the guy, before he said, "The judge ruled in the plaintiff's favor."

Itachi's entire body stiffened, an impulse he used to quell being too reactionary. He wanted to throw a victory punch into the air.

"The defendant was charged with patent-infringement and-"

Itachi knew all of that already. "What was the settlement?" he interrupted Shikamaru.

"Ninety-four million."

Itachi nodded to himself. When he met with Shikamaru for lunch yesterday they forecasted as much.

"Did you send me the transcripts?" Itachi asked him.

"Yeah, it should be in your email."

"Thank you. I'll make sure that Mr. Hatake-"

"There's no need," Shikamaru broke in. "I had to do this for my boss, too."

Regardless, Itachi would make sure the man was compensated, even if he already had to be there. Itachi couldn't be at court because of the party.

"Thanks again," Itachi said and hung up. He immediately checked his mail. Not only did Shikamaru send the transcripts, but he also provided all of the court documents pertaining to the case, all of the other transcripts (even though Itachi had all of the previous ones already in his possession), and an audible file (that was quite large) of that day's and all of the other hearings. That was why Itachi trusted Shikamaru with this favor: he was incredibly thorough.

Even though Shisui and Kakashi were just down the hall he forwarded the email to them. Hedge fund managers usually don't inform the lawyers they've hired how they plan to profit from a verdict that is rendered, but Kakashi has been nothing but upfront with him and Shisui. The best way to make money, in this case - and it was a pretty big lawsuit - was to bet on the overreaction of the market. Kakashi would appreciate being the first to know about the outcome of the trial.

Itachi glanced at a clock on the wall. It was almost nine o'clock. He knew court probably let out around 8:30. The name of the game was time. Market time was crucial in the investing world and now he just gave Kakashi the edge on it. When Kakashi receives the news he can go out on the ECN for the after-market trading.

Itachi opened up that day's transcript and started to read. It was a pain in the ass doing it on his phone, but he was eager to see the details of how it all went down.

It wasn't a minute later before Shisui and Kakashi found him. Taking the liberty that Itachi was sure Naruto would have granted them anyway they fired up the computer and got to work disseminating all of the relevant information to the interested parties involved in the hedge. Kakashi worked his magic as Itachi and Shisui kept track of the after-market trends on their phones. Itachi was positive that Kakashi was going to score millions off this deal and that would leave himself and Shisui handsomely rewarded.

After a while Itachi glanced up at the clock and he froze. He had told Sakura that his phone call wouldn't take that long.

That was over an hour ago.

"I'll be right back," Itachi said quietly, full of dread, as he made his way to the door. The dimmed sounds of the party were continuing on the other side and when he opened it it was like cacophony in his ears. He dodged people as he went looking for Sakura.

Just as he started to despair at the idea that she may have left, he spotted her. She was standing with a group of people and he was in her line of sight if she would just look a little to her left. He took a step to walk over to her but abruptly stopped. She caught sight of him and their eyes met for a long moment before she purposefully looked away. It was distinctly dismissive.

And that was when Itachi knew his Sakura Stock had plummeted.

"Where the hell are you going?" Shisui yelled after him.

Itachi left. The only reason he showed up to that fucking party was to see Sakura. Now that he royally fucked up his chances there wasn't any reason to stay.

To any person watching him they would believe he was walking briskly - with 'fuck off' radiating from him - may have been from the cold, but on the inside he was raging with anger directed at himself. It was building and getting to a point where Itachi felt like he needed to punch something.

Shisui caught up to him, his breath expelling from his mouth in swift little puffs of condensation. "Stop, man. What the hell happened?" He placed a hand on Itachi's shoulder, but Itachi wrenched away.

"Hey!" Shisui said more authoritatively. "Stop!" Shisui's grip firmed. "Tell me what happened."

Itachi was implacable, if anything. He stopped but refused to answer. He tilted his head upward and felt the light touches of precipitation against his face; it just started to snow lightly.

"I'm going to call a cab," Itachi said after a minute of fuming. "Stay if you want, but I'm leaving."

Shisui knew when Itachi had reached his breaking point. Even if he industriously attempted to pull it out of Itachi, he would just dig his heels in further. So with a heavy stare, then a nod, Shisui turned and went back to Naruto's apartment.

Itachi sat on some stranger's footsteps and called a cab. It was Friday night so God only knew when it would arrive.

The waiting only gave him time to ruminate, which he detested at the moment. He didn't want to think any more on how badly he screwed up.

A normal man, especially one of his stature and station, would cavalierly brush this off without another moment's thought. But he wasn't a 'normal' man by any definition of the word.

He was so angry because it was all too reminiscent of his previous relationship. Michiko claimed she left because he worked too much. Sakura dismissed him because he forgot about her...because he was working.

At first, when Itachi fully realized that Michiko was serious and not coming back, it was painful. She was a consistent presence in his life for the past nine years. Itachi thought he missed her, but later realized it wasn't because he loved her; it was for what he thought was a permanent fixture in his life. He shook his head disparagingly at himself. He took advantage of the idea that she was always going to be there for him. When she threatened to break-up with him the first time he asked her to move in with him. When she threatened to leave again he gave her an engagement ring.

They had been engaged for the last three years with no wedding date set. Eventually she got tired of the placating.

Hindsight was glaringly and agonizingly clear. Itachi couldn't blame her for leaving, but didn't necessary yearn for her. She was a lovely woman, beautiful on the outside, smart and intelligent, but he knew he didn't love her. After college, the next logical step was for her to move in, then give her an engagement ring. But it was all for the sake of being loyal to how long they had been together rather than a strong desire to secure her as his. He could see that now.

On the flip-side he could apply the same blame to her, as well. Weeks would go by where they hardly spoke and while it was Itachi's fault she wasn't entirely blameless. She would book trips and vacations and the only time he would know about it was in an email, text or hastily written note left on the kitchen counter. The least she could have done was ask if he wanted to join her so he could take the time off work, but she evidently didn't care enough.

She left in her wake a sense of absence and emptiness that Itachi knew he deserved. While he wasn't cruel to her - quite the opposite since he gave her anything she wanted and took her anywhere she wanted - he was negligent of her real needs and decidedly ignored his obligation for romance and communication.

Mei had told him that Michiko ultimately thought his career was more important than her. Itachi supposed she was right because in the end he didn't see their relationship worthy enough to work hard at and go after her.

Itachi had spent the last six months attempting to learn from that experience. He didn't want something like that occurring again, but he wondered if it was just who he was. He loved his work; loved working. His career made him feel responsible, capable...powerful. When a successful deal went through he knew it was because of his diligence that made it happen. When he saw green next to his stocks he felt supreme. Just like every other Uchiha he knew, he was following the supposition that he was going to be prosperous. No one should have the gumption to assume otherwise. He knew he needed to be more attentive in a romantic relationship, but to what end? His job demanded his time...a lot of it. He couldn't and wouldn't quit for the sake of anyone. Even a woman.

He hung his head, ashamed, because then he was thinking of Sakura. She seemed the kind of woman that deserved his time and attention. Then he thought of his own mother, up late many nights looking extremely disappointed, having just received a call from father letting her know that he wouldn't be coming home again due to business.

He didn't see eye-to-eye with his father; had a cordial but distant relationship with the man. Itachi didn't resent him, but didn't respect him either.

A sad moment of clarity settled over Itachi. He realized that he was becoming just like him.

He supposed he could be grateful of Sakura's immediate rejection of him. It was better than nine years of attempting to fit a puzzle piece into the wrong space.

It wasn't like Itachi to give up. The only time in his life where he had, in fact, given up was with Michiko and that was long overdue. He would spare himself and Sakura any hard feelings before they materialized. She deserved better anyway.

Itachi didn't notice that someone was approaching until they stood right before him. He looked up at Sasuke as he stopped and silent communication passed between them. Sasuke sat down next to him on the steps, remaining quiet. Itachi wondered how much he knew.

Itachi minutely shook his head again. Wasn't he just belittling Sasuke not too long ago for his seemingly incongruous bouts of brooding? And here Itachi was, exhaustively doing his own brooding.

Both naturally reticent, they sat in companionable silence. Itachi was surprised by the comfort his brother brought just by sitting there with him. Sasuke didn't press Itachi with questions or for answers, but considerately came out to give him company. Itachi acknowledged that his feelings of wanting to hit something had vanished.

Not a single car had passed while Itachi had been waiting so when he saw headlights turn down Naruto's street he knew it was his cab.

"Are you and Ino going to move back to Konoha?" Itachi asked suddenly.

Without looking at him Sasuke nodded. "Yeah. Probably," he said, shifting a little, the leather of his jacket making squeaking sounds.


Sasuke responded with a noncommittal grunt as the cab pulled up. When Itachi stood Sasuke stood with him. Itachi, again, felt oddly less burdened when his brother pulled open the cab door for him. Before getting inside Itachi put a hand on his shoulder in thanks.

"Ino and I will see you later," Sasuke said. "Don't stay up for us," he tacked on before closing the door. Itachi got the underlying message: don't work tonight.

Itachi didn't want to be there. Another party only reminded him of last night's disaster, but it would be considered remiss if he didn't show up to his own company's Christmas party. And the fact that this was the first year he didn't show up with a date only magnified his reluctance.

He walked in behind Shisui and Mei, presenting his ticket to the bouncer at the door, who then handed them plastic nametags. This was also the first year it was being held in the Grand Ballroom at the Plaza Hotel. Shisui and Mei reserved a suite for after the party which Itachi thought was pretty pointless. The Plaza was in Midtown and wasn't too far from the Upper Eastside where they lived. Itachi lived in Tribeca in the financial district of Manhattan so his journey home would take three times as long. Since those two were staying at the hotel Itachi decided to crash at their place. Sasuke greatly appreciated this plan as that would leave him and Ino alone in his loft. Itachi didn't want to think too hard on what mischief they could get into in his absence.

They entered through the fifteen foot high, deep mahogany doors into a relatively large foyer that was curtained off from the main venue. Itachi could hear what sounded like live classical music from the other sides of the curtains. He chatted vapidly with colleagues that recognized him as a small line was forming to go inside.

Once through the curtains they entered upon an ornately decorated space. Every table and chair was covered in ivory silk; the back of the chairs were ornamented with red silk bows. In the center of the tables were what appeared to be real mini-pine trees decorated with dazzling Christmas lights.

Anyone invited to this event probably felt lavished upon with the meticulous decorating and opulent atmosphere, but Itachi only felt like he needed a drink. He considered himself a social drinker, as he mainly indulged himself during business affairs, but felt the tides soon changing as his first thought was of alcohol.

"I'm going to get a drink. Would you like me to get you something?" he asked Shisui and Mei.

Mei raised her brows in a very curious way then she quickly looked up at Shisui. His cousin gave him a look that can only be described as perplexed.

"Uh...suuure..." Shisui responded, drawing the word out rather irritatingly.

Already knowing what they would want Itachi turned from them and headed over to the bar only to get into another line. He didn't think too deeply on their strange looks and reactions as he passed the time checking his stocks on his phone.

He was presented with a small silver platter to hold all of the drinks and he walked over to their table. Each place had an elaborately designed sterling name-holder that held a card with the name of the person who is intended to occupy its seat. He sat next to Mei and Shisui was on her other side. He took a sip of his Dom Perignon then continued to work on his phone.

"Itachi," Mei got his attention. He would have merely responded with a "Yes?" without looking up but she actually sounded nervous. He glanced up at her to see her bright green eyes looking uncertain.

"What do you think of the music?" she asked, her voice even coming out uncertain.

Itachi studied her for a few long moments before turning back to his phone. He shrugged. "It's fine."

She huffed a little, and the sound was both impatient and unsettled. "Did you know that you're company originally hired a DJ but Shisui, at the last minute, convinced the party planning committee to hire live music instead?"

Now Itachi looked up and fully regarded her. "What is the point of you telling me this?" he asked, not really caring if he sounded as agitated as he felt.

Mei almost looked stricken, like his reaction was the last she was expecting. She looked away for a moment, closing her eyes. When she turned to face him again she had a seemingly cunning and mischievous smile adorning her features. "I think it adds a whole other dimension to the party, don't you think? I mean, a DJ would have been fine." She waved her hand as if to indicate it really wasn't good enough. "But people playing Christmas music live on real just completes the feeling of being in the Christmas spirit."

"Sorry hon but I don't think he's catching onto your clues," Shisui suddenly said to Mei. She huffed again and this time it was more impatient.

"What in the hell are you guys talking about?" Itachi asked in a no nonsense tone. He was exasperated with their looks and cryptic meanings.

"Geez Itachi. You're usually more observant than this," Shisui told him with an eye roll. "Will you take a look at the quartet please."

Frowning with his eyebrows pinching together in consternation Itachi looked up at the four people sitting on stage.

And he froze.

Beside him Mei started to giggle.

Now Itachi understood the weird facial expressions and Mei's random ramblings. There was Sakura, wearing black pants and a white blouse, heartily playing Christmas music on the violin with the three other people on stage.

"Consider this your Christmas gift from us."

Shisui couldn't have sounded more smug if he tried.


Itachi: such a strategist.

ECN: Electronic Communication Network. An electronic system that brings buyers and sellers together for the electronic execution of trades.

Just in case anyone really wanted to know that ;)

So, more interestingly, I am currently rockin out to the new "Thousand Foot Krutch" album. It's not actually released yet so you have to listen to it on youtube.

Send me a line and tell me what tunage you're currently enjoying!

And send me reviews and PMs too. Cuz I luff 'em.