Wao no reviews at all… Hahaha. Never mind I am still bored so I will still update this.

Disclaimer: I do not own Death note… if I do you have no idea what Mello would do to Near.




I was then brought to a class and told that it was free period so I can move and get to know about the orphanage.

"Hey so you're the new comer?" A red headed boy went up to me.


"My name is Matt. What's yours?"


"Well Zero I will be giving you a tour!"

I was let to a room where a lot of kids were either playing cards or video games.

"This is the play room, we usually have fun around here! I usually play the video games here!"

I look around and saw many ordinary kids… except for one kid, wearing all white playing card stacking all by himself.

"Who's that?"

"Oh that just Near. He's number one here second is one of my best friend, Mello! I am third though…"

I scanned through the whole room and did not see anyone out of the ordinary until I saw someone kicking Near's card stack. He had a bowl cut and blond hair.

"So I presume that that is Mello?"

"Hahaha… yeah he don't really like Near very much but I think Near is okay."

"How childish."

"Eh!" Matt look shocked

"Well he looks like some kid throwing a tantrum onto someone better than him."

It seems like Mello heard me as he stomped towards me glaring at me with a scowl while Near just widened his eyes.

"Hey who the hell do you think you are you newbie!" He screams at me.

"I am just Zero and I was just saying what I think…"

Before I even finish my sentence, Mello launch a fist at me. I just simply grab the fist and twist it a bit and hold him down. Everyone just gasp. I smirked as I let go.

"Matt lets go I want to see more of the orphanage!" I whined as I pouted.

"R-Right!" he said as we went out of the room.




"Wow you are so cool how did you do that to Mello! He is like the best fighter in the whole school!"

"Ahahaha… I just know some self defence."

"Right… anyway this is your room, its just opposite of the room I share with Mello. And this is also Near's room so I guess you two are roommates I guess. His legs are not able to move properly so be sure to help him with anything! Breakfast start at 8am and ends at 9am. 9am to 11am is morning class. 11 am to 12pm is lunch and 12pm to 4pm is free time. 4pm to 5pm is afternoon class and 6pm to 7pm is dinner. All the time not stated you can do what you want. 10pm is lights out and Roger usually check if the light is out in each room as we go to bed." Matt then sigh. " I will write you a schedule since you should not be remember all.

"No need." I blankly stated and cough for awhile and started mimicking Matt's voice. "Right… anyway this is your room, its just opposite of the room I share with Mello. And this is also Near's room so I guess you two are roommates I guess. His legs are not able to move properly so be sure to help him with anything! Breakfast start at 8am and ends at 9am. 9am to 11am is morning class. 11 am to 12pm is lunch and 12pm to 4pm is free time. 4pm to 5pm is afternoon class and 6pm to 7pm is dinner. All the time not stated you can do what you want. 10pm is lights out and Roger usually check if the light is out in each room as we go to bed." I said.


"I have what you call a photographic memory…"


"Yeah… I guess." I said sweat dropping.

"Hahahah… its almost bed time you should go into your room."

I went to my room after saying goodbye and saw Near playing chess in the room.

"Um… Hi?"


"So I guess I am your roommate guess?"


I sighed and move towards him and join in the game.

"You know you should really stop being so antisocial you know Near."





It was pretty easy for me to adapt to the Wammy's house. I seem to have fun with Near and I was also manage to be his friend or some sort. Being with Matt and Mello is a bit weird I guess… Matt is always cheerful while Mello seems to rarely smile. Nonetheless we are counted as friends.

It is a normal day in the Wammy's House as I watched the teacher teach some formula. I did not need to take any notes because of my memory and Near was playing with his stack of cards under the table. Matt was playing his Gameboy and Mello is eating his chocolate.

I was able to go from 459th to 4th in the Wammy's house in a couple of days much to Roger's surprise.

After a few days at the Wammy's house, I found out that Matt and Mello are in a… relationship? Well well surprise surprise, though I also manage to dissect our relationship. Matt was already friends with Mello so they are practically on the same island while there is a lake between Mello's island and Near's Island, I was like a bridge between the island, Mello and Near's relationship can still not be counted as friends but it is going to be close though. But there seems to be a small glass wall on the bridge though. So I guess that is what is separating Near and Mello…




Yay this is a new chapter and I am so happy that I finished this quickly!