Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or Wizards/Camp Rock just the storyline. :)

Alex woke to the smell of pancakes coming from downstairs. She rose from her bed and made her way to the nearby bathroom. She wasn't sure what to expect of the day but she knew she was ready. Today was her first day of senior year. Not just her first day of senior year, but her first day at a new school full of students she knew nothing about. Alex's parents had moved the family from Austin to Dallas due to her father's job. She dreaded having to leave her friends behind but looked forward to what Dallas had to offer.

As she made her way down stairs, Alex recalled her final moments with her friends in Austin. Her best friends Harper and Sophie had hosted a farewell party for her and invited almost the entire junior class. The night was spent sharing stories and wishing Alex a safe and happy move. The only downside of the party was when her ex, Nick, showed up. He arrived with his two best friends, acting cocky as always. He spent a large majority of the night watching over Alex's every move. As the party began to die down, he left without even saying a single word. Alex cringed at the thought of him not saying goodbye.

"Good morning Alex! You ready for senior year!" Alex's mom asked her as she placed a plate of pancakes on the table.

Alex shrugged. "Yeah, kinda."

She finished her breakfast and grabbed her backpack from the couch. Before she knew, she was in her mom's passenger seat outside of her new high school. She stared at the large building. It was huge compared to her high school in Austin. She hugged her mom and made her way into the building. After a few minutes of complete confusion, she walked into room 354.

"Welcome" said a man who looked to be about thirty. "I'm Mr. Ramos"

"I'm Alex Russo. Am I in the right room?" she replied.

He looked at his attendance sheet then faced Alex, "Yes, you are Miss Russo. Take a seat wherever. Welcome to your homeroom."

Alex looked around the room. She made her way towards the back of the room and sat in an open seat next to a brunette. She settled into her seat as more students began to pour into the room. Mr. Ramos began to make a speech about what to expect this year. She looked over at the brunette next to her, she was gorgeous. Alex focused her attention back to Mr. Ramos as he continued to ramble.

"Hey, can you pass me my pen? It rolled off my desk" asked the brunette.

"Uhh, yeah." Alex managed to reply as she handed her the pen.

"Thanks, I'm Mitchie by the way." She said bringing up her hand.

"Alex." She said shaking Mitchie's hand.

The two looked at each other and fell silent.

"So, where'd you come from?" Mitchie broke the silence.

"Oh, I came from Austin. I just moved to Dallas this past month" Alex said.

"Austin? That's so awesome! I've always wanted to go there, what's it like?" Mitchie asked.

Alex laughed. "It's pretty great. There's a lot to do. Kind of like here, sort of."

Mitchie raised an eyebrow, "Austin cannot be like Dallas. I've heard it's crazy weird!"

"Well yeah, it's pretty weird. But good weird, I lived there almost all my life and I loved it!" Alex said.

The girls spent the rest of homeroom discussing Austin and Dallas. When the bell rang they both went their separate ways. Alex looked at her schedule trying to figure out what class to go to next. As she entered the classroom, she noticed the brunette, Mitchie, was sitting in the back row. They locked eyes and Mitchie smilingly pointed at the seat next to her. Alex made her way over and sat.

"You stalking me?" she asked with a playful laugh.

"How could you tell?" Alex replied.

"You have really pretty eyes!" Mitchie changed the subject.

"Thank you. You have really nice hair" Alex gushed.

"Not during a game, I don't!" Mitchie said.


"Yeah, I play soccer. During the games my hair is a MESS"

"Oh you play soccer? That's pretty cool. What position?"

"Striker. I score the goals!"

Alex couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. She liked this girl, she was nice.

"Do you think maybe I could sit with you at lunch today? I kind of know no one." Alex asked nervously.

"Of course! I'd love to get to know you." Mitchie replied.

The two girls smiled and focused their attention on the teacher who was beginning to go over the syllabus.


"Hey guys! This is Alex. She's just moved here from Austin." Mitchie said.

"Hey" they all said in unison.

"This here is Morgan. That's Aria and Erin." Mitchie said pointing at each as she spoke their name.

Mitchie and Alex sat down and began to eat their food.

"So Mitch, you ready to play this year?" Erin asked.

"Why wouldn't I be!" she replied.

"Word around campus is that you may be able to take this team to state!" Morgan added.

"Yeah, it's a possibility. We've come a long way the past three years, but I think this is our year!" Mitchie said.

"State? That's really awesome! You must be really good!" Alex cried.

"Yeah, thanks! I'm hoping it all works out. And I'm kind of good, yeah. You play any sports?" Mitchie asked.

"Not really. I did gymnastics as a kid but that's as far as I went. I'm more into mu-" Alex said smiling.

"When are try outs?" Morgan interrupted.

"They start today actually" Mitchie said as she flashed a smile to Alex. It was an apologetic smile.

When lunch was over, Mitchie walked Alex to her next class. She was thankful for finding someone kind enough to help her out on her first day. Before she entered the classroom she felt her arm being tugged.

"So I was wondering if I could get your number?" Mitchie asked. " We could all hang out sometime outside of school"

"Oh yeah sure! Give me your phone." Alex typed in her number and saved it. "Text me so I can save yours"

The girls hugged and Alex entered the room. The class went by slowly but soon enough it was three o'clock. She made her way out of the school and into her mom's car. After explaining to her mom how great her day had gone, she took out her cell phone.

1 unread text message:

Hey it's Mitchie!

Alex saved the number and replied back.

Hey! :)

The entire ride home she spent gushing over how nice Mitchie had been. She told her mom everything, from meeting her in homeroom to their number exchangement.

"Geez Lex, it's like you have a crush on her or something" her mom joked.

Alex gave her a half smile. She hadn't thought about it, but now that her mom brought it up, maybe she did. "Whatever, mom" she managed to say. When they finally got home, she made her way to her room. She threw herself on the bed with her journal. She scribbled down some ideas and then took out her phone.

Mitchie: What's up? :)

Alex: Just got home from school, writing. You?

Mitchie: Homework already? I just got out of tryouts. So tired!

Alex: More like writing a song. :) How'd that go?

Mitchie: Great! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. I've got to go, nice talking to ya!

Alex felt a little disappointed at how short their conversation had been but she was glad she had found a new friend in Dallas.