Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or Wizards/Camp Rock just the storyline. :)

Two weeks later (Graduation)


Today was the day. After today I knew my life was slowly going to change. After today I have to watch Alex board a plane to LA, where she will be for the next two weeks. I'm proud and excited, don't get me wrong, but being apart from her for so long is going to be difficult. This is just the start though because once she's back in my arms, she'll have to leave again. The only thing I know is that if we can get over this summer, there's nothing that will ever come between us.

Today is also the day that I've work so hard to get to, graduation day. After today I'll be moving to my apartment in Austin, an apartment that I'll soon be sharing with Alex. I'll be spending most of my summer at my soccer training sessions. I looked forward to that until I found out I couldn't train or play until my knee heals. That won't be for another 3 to 4 months. But because I'm still part of the team, I have to attend all practices… and therefore I'll be miles away from Alex.

"Mitchie!" Dallas yelled as she waved her hand in front of me. "You want to miss your graduation?"

"Huh? No!" I said as I regained focus.

"What's got you so zoned out?" she asked as we walked to her car.

"Just thinking about this year and everything that's about to happen." I admitted.

"You've grown up so fast, Mitch." Dallas said as she sat in the drivers seat. I could see the tears begin to fill in her eyes. She wasn't usually this emotional, but the pregnancy was taking its toll.

"Dal, stop, you'll mess up your make up. Wait until I actually walk across." I laughed.

"Ah, you're right." She smiled. "I'm so proud of you Michelle."

"Um, that's not my name." I said as I rolled my eyes. Dallas began to drive away from the house and she quickly glanced at me.

"It kind of is." She laughed.

"Doesn't mean I want to be called that!" I told her.

"Oh, shut up. You'll always be Michelle to me." She smiled.

"You act like I'm dying Dallas. I'm just graduating." I said with a chuckle.

"You're graduating and moving four hours away!" she pouted.

"You'll live. I mean, once you have the baby you know I'll be visiting as much as possible." I smiled.

"Well I'm glad to know you love me." She rolled her eyes.

"I meant like I'll be visiting the both of you."

"We're here." She said.

"I'll see you after the ceremony." I said. "I have to go to meet up with everyone."

Dallas hugged me and walked into the gym to find my parents and my sister. I walked towards the home locker room, where all the seniors had to wait before the ceremony began.

"Hi Mitchie." My counselor said as I walked in. "Everyone's lined up in alphabetical order. You're…" she looked down at her list. "Between Melanie Thomas and Justin Trent." I rolled my eyes at the last name she mentioned. I should have known I was next to Justin.

I walked by all of my classmates as I tried to find the T's. Before I reached my destination I noticed my beautiful girlfriend was in a conversation with the people beside her. She didn't notice me coming so I snuck my hands around her waist and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"You look beautiful in that graduation gown." I whispered in her ear so only she could hear.

She shifted in my arms so she could face me. "You scared me Mitchie!" she laughed.

"Eh, I try." I smiled. I brought our lips together and then pulled back before I let myself get too into it.

"Get a room." I heard Justin say, he was about ten people behind us. I looked around to see if any of the teachers were around and I lifted my middle finger and smiled at him.

"Mitchie, behave." Alex said as she brought my arm down. "Go line up, we're about to start." She said.

I stole a quick kiss before making my way over to my place in line. I rolled my eyes at Justin as I waited for the principal to walk in.

"Hey Mitchie! Can I ask you a few questions?" Kate, the school newspaper editor asked as she walked over to me. "I'm making a video for our reunion."

"Um, isn't that like in 10 years?" Justin laughed.

"Shut up Justin!" Kate said as she rolled her eyes. "Is it okay Mitchie?"

"Yeah, sure." I smiled.

"First can you say your name as well as sport and position you played." She asked.

I nodded as she pressed the record button on her phone. "Mitchie Torres. Girls soccer varsity striker. Number thirteen." I said.

"So Mitchie, how does it feel graduating as a state champ?" she asked.

"It feels really good. Not many people can say that they were state champs in high school… and I'm really blessed." I said as I looked at Justin who just rolled his eyes. He knew I was talking about him.

"Okay, besides winning state and being named MVP, what's been your favorite part of the past four years here?"

"I'd say it's a mix between meeting Alex and getting engaged to her." I gushed.

"Ha! You two are engaged." Justin laughed. The two of us didn't really tell anyone but our best friends and family about it.

"Yes." I admitted as I brought up my left hand to show him the ring.

"Good luck getting married." He chuckled.

Kate turned off her recorder and glared at Justin. "Can you not interrupt." She said.

"Go away Kate… No one cares about your stupid video." He bitched.

"Justin, is there anyway you can just shut up?" I told him.

"Don't you realize marriage is between man and a woman? Unless there's something you're hiding." Justin said with his annoying chuckle.

"Don't make me punch you again Justin… I've done it twice before… you know I'll do it again." I said getting angry.

"You're bluffing, we're about to graduate." He laughed.

I turned around before I did something I regretted. "Sorry Kate." I said as she nodded and walked away.

I looked over at Alex who was a few people down from me. She raised her eyebrow and rolled my eyes and pointed behind me.

"Calm down." She mouthed. I could tell she was worried so I decided to ignore Justin.

"Okay guys. You ready?" the principal said as he began to lead us into the school gym.

The walk to my seat felt like an eternity. I was nervous and excited all at the same time. I tried to get the negative thoughts out of my head but all I could think about was tripping in front of everyone. The principal got up the small stage and began to give a speech. The parents listened but I was sure all the students were dozing off.

"Front row, please stand." He said after a long speech. The front row did as he asked and lined up to receive their diplomas. When all their names were called the second row stood up. After a while my row stood and we walked over to the line. Alex was the first of our row and I smiled as she got ready to walk.

"Alexandra Russo." The principal said. Alex made her way onto the stage and shook his hand. She took the diploma and smiled at her parents. She looked beautiful.

"Michelle Torres." The principal said a few people after Alex. I took a deep breath and walked over to him. My thoughts were only on walking straight and not messing up. He placed out his hand for me and I shook it. I smiled over at Alex as I was handed my diploma.

The ceremony continued as I found my way back to my seat. I bent over to get a glimpse of Alex who was smiling and looking at the stage. I sat in my seat and waited until the principal finally dismissed us.

"Lex!" I said as I struggled to make my way to her. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed my lips. I let my hands slide down to her waist as the kiss began to get passionate.

"Mitchie, Alex." Dallas said interrupting the moment. She brought her arm around the both of us to give us a tight hug. "Congrats!"

"Oh my gosh, alex!" her mom almost screamed as she came over to us. Her dad followed behind. They began to congratulate their daughter as I turned back to Dallas.

"Mitch, mitch!" Maddie yelled. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my legs and I looked down to find my little sister. I bent down to pick her up.

"Maddie, Maddie" I teased.

"Congratulations." She stuttered, she'd still been struggling to say that word. So cute.

"Thanks baby." I said as I hugged her tightly.

"I love you Michie." She said with a huge grin.

"Aw, baby, I love you too." I laughed. Just then my parents walked up to me and brought me into a hug.

"We're so proud of you Michelle." my dad said as his eyes began to water.

"Dad, stop you're going to make me cry." I said as I fought my body from the tears.

I looked over at Dallas whose eyes were puffier than ever, clearly she'd been crying the whole ceremony. I hugged each of them individually before we walked over to Alex's family. My parents and hers began to interact while I grabbed Alex and lifted her off the ground.

"I want to enjoy you before you have to leave." I said.

"I think you enjoyed enough of me last night." She whispered in my ear so no one would hear. We had spent last night together because she had her flight to LA after graduation.

Dallas gave me a smirk and I knew she'd heard what Alex said. "I don't want you to go." I said with a pout.

"I don't want to go… but the faster I finish the album, the sooner I can be in your arms again." She smiled.

I felt someone pulling at my gown and I looked down to see my little sister smiling up at me again. "What's wrong baby?" I asked her.

"I have a present." She said as she held up a small box. My parents and Dallas gathered behind her as they watched me open it. I knelt down so I could be at face level with Maddie.

"No way, no way!" I said as I pulled out a set of keys. "A car?" I asked with excitement.

"We figured you'd need one since you're going to be in a new city." My mom smiled.

"This is so awesome!" I shrieked. "And it's a BMW too?" I asked noticing the logo on the key.

"Congratulations honey." My dad said as I got up and hugged him tightly.

"Okay, pictures!" Dallas said as everyone gathered around.

After a while of pictures and tears, my family and hers decided to go out to lunch. We needed to all spend time together before Alex had to leave to LA and I had to drive to Austin.

"You all set Alex?" Dallas asked as we got into her car.

"Yup!" Alex said as she closed the trunk of Dallas' car. She walked over and got into the back seat.

"Hey Dal, I hate to make you look like a chauffer but can I go in the back with her?" I asked with a puppy dog face.

"Yeah, why not." She smiled.

I got into the back seat and wrapped my arms around Alex. "I want to stay like this forever." I sighed.

"Just two weeks, Mitch. Just two weeks and you'll be in LA with me for a while." She smiled.

"Two weeks seems like forever baby and one weekend isn't enough." I complained.

"Stop worrying. We'll skype everyday and if you're lucky… maybe I'll…" she winked.

"Hm, is that a promise?" I smiled.

Dallas got into the driver's seat and drove us to the airport.

"I'll wait here." She said as Alex and I got out. "Don't be long Mitch."

I helped Alex take out her suitcase from the trunk and then grabbed her hand. "I'll take it." I said as I grabbed the suitcase from her.

"I'll miss your chivalry." She smiled.

"You better take me to some nice restaurants and stuff when I come visit." I joked trying to not think about her leaving.

"I'll have Brett give me the deets." She said. We walked into the airport and she turned to me. "I love you." She said with her beautiful smile.

"I love you more." I said. "You better call me the minute you get there!"

"I will, I promise. Have a safe drive to Austin." She said as she brought her arms around my neck. She looked into my eyes and I felt my tears begin to form. I leaned in and brought my lips against hers.

"Have a safe flight." I said as I pulled back. "Make me proud, Lex." I smiled.

She grabbed the suitcase from my hand and began to walk away. I watched as she got a few yards from me and then stopped. She turned to me and gave me a wave before disappearing into the crowd.

"You okay?" Dallas asked as I got back into her car.

"Yeah, I'm just not ready to be apart from her." I sighed.

"You'll be fine." She smiled.

I smiled back and then looked out the window. Just as Dallas pulled out of the airport I turned on the radio to get my mind off of things.

"Up next we got new music from Taylor Swift's new label mate." The radio announcer said. "Here is Off the Chain by Alex Russo. This girl is going to be huge, mark my words Dallas, Texas. And did I mention she's from here?" he laughed.

Alex's first single began to play on the radio as I looked over a Dallas. She had her jaw dropped and her eyes were almost about to pop out of her head.

"My baby!" I shrieked as I began to sing along to the lyrics. I felt so proud, everything she worked so hard to accomplish was finally coming together.

Sorry if this was a crappy ending but there will be moreee! The sequel (Start of Something New) will hopefully be up tomorrow... Thank you for all the support on this story.