Title: Sleeper
Written by: Psikitty

Status: 1/?

Warnings for this chapter: None
Pairing: Jack/Ianto (eventually)
Summary: UNIT has a prisoner they have been trying to interrogate for months. Now he's finally willing to talk. Takes place after COE.
Disclaimer: This is the work of a fan. No money is being made from this.

UNified Intelligence Taskforce


Interrogation Report

Subject: Prisoner #84635673

Session Number: 12

Observations: Prisoner appears to be in good health (see Medical Report). Hair is growing back, must remind his handlers to have him sedated and shaved.

Prisoner is wearing standard issue black UNIT prison uniform and white socks.

Prisoner seems more amused than angry. Considering that this is his twelfth session,(see Interrogation Reports 1-11) this is either a sign that he's becoming more relaxed in my presence, or he planning something new.

UNIT Medical Officer, Dr. Charles Green, put down his pen on the table and looked at the man sitting across from him in the sterile, white room. Over the six months since he'd been assigned to the case, Charles had seen the prisoner have a myriad of emotions. Confusion, disbelief, rage, despair, Dr. Green had seen it all. He'd been there when the prisoner had tried to attack a guard with a carelessly misplaced pen. That had been during their second session. Since then, the prisoner had been restrained to his chair for the duration of the following sessions. He'd tried to sort out the incoherent babbling and rapid fire questions of the first day as the confused man screamed at him to explain what was happening.

Yes, Dr. Green had seen the prisoner do many things. But he'd never seen the sly smile that curled his lips now. That smile didn't reach the deep, blue eyes that stared unblinking at Charles, waiting for him to speak first, to make the initial move to open dialog.

Charles cleared his throat, the sound falling flat in the soundproof room. The two men were alone, but both knew there were at least four cameras on them, one in each corner, to capture every detail.

"How are you today?" Charles asked. He picked up his pen, the tip poised and waiting for his answer.

His restraints clicked softly as the man shrugged. "I've been better. I've been worse." He tilted his head to the side, watching Charles scratch his answer down. His scalp and face were showing a weeks worth of stubble, a dark shadow where the thick black hair on his head usually would be.

Charles opened one of the files in front of him and scanned the first page. "Your last medical examination shows nothing new. It's even noted here that you cooperated for part of it." He tapped the report and glanced up when the prisoner snorted.

"You mean I allowed them to restrain me this time without being sedated. Is that UNIT's version of cooperating?" The prisoner raised an eyebrow and leaned forward as far as his restraints would allow, the leather around his waist, and attaching him to his chair, creaked "I don't want to be drugged anymore, Doctor. It's as simple as that."

"It maybe as simple as that for you, but for us, it means you might finally want to talk, answer questions."

The prisoner leaned back in his chair. "Answer questions? When you give me nothing in return? Why should I answer UNIT's questions?" he hissed, his lips peeling back from his teeth.

Charles sighed. "Because you're a sleeper agent, Mr. Jones, and we want to know, as the last of Torchwood, who you are, and what you're planning to do."