Panting. She never thought sitting could be a tiring thing to do. Her body's covered with sweat. Cold sweat to be exact, and now she feels so smelly and sticky. Just imagining it makes her groan. Her palm's covering her eyes now because it's still blurry like yesterday and she doesn't like it a single bit due to her need to bathe. Mikan Sakura hardly ever get sick. She never care if people said 'Stupid person can't be caught a cold,' because, in fact, almost everyone knows how smart she is.

God damn it! She curses inwardly. If thing's still going like this in the next few days, she might turn to be the second Natsume Hyuuga.

Talk about Natsume, she realizes that he's not in her room anymore. She groans again. Natsume might be worried about her that's why he took care of her all night. Don't ask why she knows about Natsume taking care of her. If it is him, she can just feel what things happen to him.

From her unclear memory, he was feeding her while she's half awake. Five times if she's not mistaken. It's all because of her critical condition. Yeah, really critical if you count how many times the brunette thrown the shake of human being, she repeats again that she hardly ever gets sick. She's only ever caught by cold when she's on the second grade of elementary. Then high fever on the fifth grade of elementary too. And after that, her whole life seems un-disturb-able.

But two days ago, just because of rains, she's dying for 3 days and making her best friend worried because of her own stupidity.

She looks at the clock. 12 PM. So I've already been asleep for more than 24 hours, huh? She wipes the sweat on her forehead when suddenly she realizes the fever plaster. It's still dry.

Could it be?

Her face suddenly becomes so red. She remembers her last mumble before she completely fell asleep last night. She told him that she loves him. From all of words, how can she say 'love' instead of 'care' or 'like' or something more usual for best friend? She throws her back down to the bed again then shakes her head lightly while sighing. No way. There's no way the great Natsume Hyuuga can last a day without women. She knows perfectly that he's still having a girlfriend right now and there's more possibility for him to go to school instead of trapping to take care of his best friend.


Her bell suddenly rings, signalling someone is waiting in front of her door. She tries to go out from her bed and steps like a baby. The world seems spinning and she can't even balancing her own body. But there's no other choice since she's alone and—

"Oh, I thought it's Mikan's house,"

"Yes it is. Mine is next to hers," she knows exactly who's speaking and opening the front door for the guests.

"So what are you doing?"

"Visiting her,"

She, can no longer stand, decides to walk back to her bed while still eavesdropping her friends and her neighbor. "I'm so glad. We thought she lives alone so there's no one taking care of her,"

Suddenly she can hear a squeak comes from one of the guest "Natsume, where have you been? I miss you the whole day. I was coming to your house but there's no one there, so I follow her friends here while wondering if you're here. I'm so lucky," without another thought, she's sure the voice comes out from Natsume's current girlfriend.

"Don't be so noisy. She hasn't fully recovered yet," he replies with his usual cold attitude "You guys can meet her in her room. She was still sleeping," a couple seconds of silence, he continues "And you, I need to tell you something,"

"Hi, guys,"

"Mikan, I never thought you'll be able to get sick," her friend says "Here's some fruits. There's a lot of your favorite oranges for your recovery,"

"Thanks a lot!" she smiles happily to her. But second after, many boys come near her.

"Why are you sick, Mikan?"

"Two days without you, I feel so empty, Mikan,"

"Here, I brought a bottle of C vitamin just for you" another fanboy says in a rush while she's sweat dropping.

"Thanks a lot you guys. I really appreciate it," as soon as her smile appears, they become more hyper than before.

In the other place, Natsume stands in front of a loud blond woman. His hands are in the pocket, revealing his annoyed expression.

"Will you shut up just a couple minutes?"

"I'm just so happy to see you, Natsume," she hugs him then nearing her face to his. But he quickly jerks her off "Hey, what is that for?"

"You know I hate loud mouthed woman,"

"But we've shared a kiss! Something you've never done to your old girlfriends,"

"Ask my girlfriends of this week, I've shared useless kisses to them too," he answers calmly

"You're just so lucky to have a face like that when you have zero attitude, Bastard! I'm done with you!" then she stomps her feet to the outside of Mikan's house.

"Nah, that's better," he removes his hands from the pocket and walks inside while wondering about his girlfriends to break up with him in this whole week. But still, he doesn't give a damn about them. There's just one person he truly cares and he just realizes his true own feeling last night.

The raven haired boy enters her room which filled with loud voice. Mostly from her fanboys. He forgot to ban them on the front door a while ago. But, looking at his best friend laughing lightly because of them, he doesn't regret what he's doing.

"Mikan, get well soon. I love you!"

Or maybe not.

"I love you too, Mikan,"

"Me too! Forget about them!" the other says

"Just me, Mikan. Look at me,"

He can't help how his fists are getting tighter every second. His teeth meet each other so close. His eyebrows knot.

"Dear, dear. I love you all, so please speak softer, okay?"

And that's the time when his nerve of patience broke.

"You all, get out of her room," he glares at them. Deadly glare, that is. "No more visiting. She still needs to rest," without another warn, all of them retreats at once. Really, no one would be brave enough to go against Natsume's wrath.

Once they steps out of her house's territory, he locks the gate and the front door. He also closes all the windows because the rain seems to pour soon. After all, he has a very important business with someone which might cause him to forget locking the door and windows.

"Eat," he handed her a spoonful of porridge with annoyed face.

"I can eat it myself, Natsume. You seems troubled," she's going to take the bowl from him but he quickly moves it further "Why~?" she whines

"The trouble is you!" he yells, finally couldn't be able to hold his anger any longer. That only makes the girl more confused. But, before she could say a word, her mouth seems locked by his gaze. Those alluring blood shot eyes meets her hazelnuts deeply. It's like her breath's been stopped by it. "W-why me?" she stutters and unconciously moves her eyeballs from him.

He also moves his gaze away "Are you saying love to anyone that easily?" and with that question, she stuns. Is he referring to my words last night? She thought, But, there's no way that he has the same feeling with me, right?

"I-a—I do love anyone, Natsume," she curses inwardly for the way she talks now "Aren't you saying love to your girlfriend?"

"I do what I've done to you," he gazes at her again "I thought you really mean it," she can feel a slight disappointment in his voice. Can I expect more?

She fake a laugh then pats his shoulder "I thought you refers me as your little sister. Isn't it usual for siblings to love each other?" she says that lightly but it still hurts deep inside.

"But I've realized," he suddenly takes her hand from his shoulder, making the brunette's eyes bulge "The way I used to love to you isn't the same anymore," she can't help the blush creeping in to her cheeks all of the sudden. Once again, she moves her gaze away from him. That behaviour of hers. He finds it cute to see her like that, so his hands cup her cheeks to make her gaze back at him.

"N-Natsume, I-is it your newest way to seduce a woman?" her eyeballs try to move away from him, but all she can see is his features. His longer and messier raven hair, his sharp face, his wide chest, and the last but not least—

His beautiful crimson eyes that turn more and more beautiful each day.

She never thought that it could be this perfect now. "You blush," she realizes that he's already smirked at her. "Oh, shut up, Natsume! You're just impossible!" she tries to let go from him, but she never thought that he could be much stronger than before which makes her realize how mature he is now.

"Can't you believe me for this?" once again she stuns, and next thing happens, he pulls her to his embrace "I did see you as my little sister before. But, ever since that day, when you started to use make up, I realized that you've already changed in me," then he hugs her tighter. Suddenly he feels his shoulder's wet. He turns his head then his eyes bulge to see her. Her to cry in his shoulder "W-why? Anything hurt?"

"Are you being serious here? Can I believe your words just now?" she hiccups. He smiles then hugs her "Of course you can, Mikan. I love you. I really do," with that words, she smiles widely and hugs him back "Don't copy my words, you dummy,"

"Since when did you start loving me?"

"I don't know. When I realized, I just love you like that," her brunette flies beautifully, as he moves nearer so he can recognize her fragrance better "How about you, Natsume?"

"I didn't realize my jealousy on our first grade of senior high when I saw you with make up and the boys started to ask about you,"

"Hey! Your fangirls also give their letter to me first. Can't you understand my feeling either?"

"Relax, I've never done anything that I haven't done to you," he moves nearer again until it's no more space to get nearer anymore "But now I'll do it just for you," and so their lips meet each other sweetly.


Finally~ That's what you thought, huh? Hahahaha Yes, I'm not kidding you. This is the last chapter of 'just a childhood friend or..?' fic.

Sorry if I have so many mistakes in the progress of finishing it. Sorry again if the not-so-fantastic last chapter is updated late due to my fever =/= yeah, sometimes the weather doesn't work on you. Once again, I shall thank you so very much. Especially for those who reviewed (and wait for every chapter faithfully). But, even though you've just realized my story from this latest chapter, I'll still thank you for reading and appreciate the reviews :))

For those who reviewed last chapter:

princessmikan852, thank you for your support all this time. Hope you enjoy the last chapter.

FloorCita, *kiss back* thank you for reviewing and reading my fic even though you doesn't use english as your mother language. I appreciate it a lot! :*

Loveless-Romance-Addict7, thank you for your support all this time too. Hope you guys enjoy the last chapter :)

chibininja, as you wish, he really ditch a bitch there hahahaha how's that?

Vampire Princess Mika, thanks for reviewing :) I'll read your fic next time ;DD I believe it's good because we're GA's writer! *yeah like a boss*

carien 193, I granted your wish to write your name here :DD Thank you for reviewing and hope you enjoy the latest chapter.

asdfghjklnatsu97 (and his 2 reviews at once), thank you for your reviews :DD What do you expect more from Natsume except his obsession with Mikan? =)) 'Is it one sided love? Unrequited love? or requited love?' now you can decide yourself which one of it :DD About the meaning of Mikan's words, she accidentally slipped her tongue and confess to him. When she realized it, she pretended that it's just some love for best friend. For more information, just read this latest chapter :))

Kuroichibineko, I decided to end it here. It's not disappointing, right? (I hope so ,;; ) Thank you for all your support~

Fiuh, I never thought the reviews will be this many. You've made up my day, guys!