A/N: This is my first time creating a story by meshing two StarXXXX shows together. The first few chapters will be mostly background stuff before the actual crossover.

Disclaimer: If you know it, I don't own it. If you don't know it, I still don't own it. The only thing I own is my own warped mind that created this.

In the gap between two galaxies, sat a space-station. On one side was the Milky Way and on the other was the Pegasus Irregular Galaxy. The Midway Station was still under construction, but Colonel Sheppard had just finished testing the macro that would allow travel between Atlantis, Midway and the SGC, without the use of a ZPM (ZedPM for McKay).

Now, according to McKay, there was an unknown ship approaching the Midway Station and Daedalus at 99.9 PSL.

"So what do we do?" Caldwell asked.

"Ah well, we try to make contact." McKay replied. 'Obviously' he thought.

"How do you propose we do that?"

"Pull up, honk the horn, try and get them to roll down the window." Sheppard replied smiling.

"Nice try, but no."

"What about the hyper-drive? Can't we over take them with that?" Cadwell asked.

"Yes... but they would blow right past us once we dropped back into normal space because our 'Sub-light' engines aren't capable of getting anywhere near the speed of light." McKay explained.

"Then max them out and get as close as we can." Sheppard suggested.

"Hmm... Yeah. That might work. We should be range long enough for some good sensor readings."

"Do it. I'll let Atlantis know your gonna be late." Colonel Caldwell got up to signify that the meeting was over.

As everyone got up to get back to their normal duties, McKay went over to Sheppard. "Did you remember to get any Tim Hortons coffee while you were on Earth? The supply on Atlantis is getting low and I absolutely hate that Starbucks crap."

"I knew I forgot something." Sheppard face-palmed his head. Looking at his friends face, he couldn't keep a straight face. "I'm kidding," A look of relief went through McKay's face. "Its in the jumper. Over 50 cans of the stuff."

The Daedalus cruised forward along an vector that the unknown was currently headed on. Her sub-light engines were pushed to the maximum.

"Sir, we are getting the most out of the sub-light engines."

"Their gonna fly by us in 3... 2... 1... NOW." McKay said dropping his hand just as an elongated rust colored blur passed the ship.

"Interesting." McKay muttered to himself.

"What?" Cadwell looked at him.

"This can't be."


"It's not possible."

"Doctor!" Caldwell exclaimed. "What is it?"

"If these readings are correct... and they might not be..."

"Rodney." Sheppard glanced over at him.

"It's an Ancient warship... Possible Aurora class."

"Who's flying it?"

"I would assume Ancients."

"There hasn't been any Ancients around for over 10,000 years."

McKay just sighed. "Relativity... remember for them only a few years have passed."

"If they left Atlantis 10,000 years ago, how did they get here? A million light-years in the middle of no-where."

"Maybe their hyper-drive conked out and they were force to continue at as close to light-speed as possible. They might even have a ZedPM or two to give them the power that they need for sustaining this speed for so long." He hesitated. "We need to send them a message before they get out of range. Something like 'We are humans from Earth, currently living in Atlantis...' Yadda yadda yadda..." He flicked his hand every time he said 'yadda'.

"Why don't we just ask them to slow down..." Sheppard suggested.

A sensor beeped. "Colonel Caldwell. The unidentified vessel is slowing down."

Everyone save for McKay looked at Sheppard. "Maybe they heard me." He said.

"No. They saw us. They're not just slowing down. They're slamming on the breaks at something like 27 G's. It'll take some time before we are able to match velocities..."

A flickering appeared just ahead of the bridge crew. A woman in her late 30's stood in front of them. "Unknown vessel. I'm Captain Helia of the Lantian warship Tria." McKay and Sheppard both approached the hologram. "Our ship has suffered damage. We have scanned your vessel and determined that it is capable of hyperspace travel. We've begun deceleration maneuvers. Will you render assistance in the form of hyperspace transport?"

McKay started to speak but was cut off by Colonel Caldwell.

"This is Colonel Steven Caldwell of the Earth vessel Daedalus." Helia looked surprised at the word 'Earth'. "It would be an honor to render assistance in any way we possibly can." Helia nodded and the hologram flickered out.

A few hours later

Two warships, one Ancient and one Tau'ri, rested side by side in the vast emptiness that lies between galaxies.

"Colonel Sheppard, you may launch the Jumper anytime that you wish."

It was Rodney's idea to travel to the Tria in a Jumper. He thought it best if the Alterans on board see one of their vessels. He turned to Sheppard and said, "We gonna meet Ancients, I mean flesh and blood Ancients, who know what everything is and how everything works..."

"Rodney, sit down." He sat. "Daedalus, this is Jumper 1. See you in a few hours." "What do you mean by hours Colonel?" "I have McKay with me. That should tell you everything." Rodney just glared at Sheppard as the Jumper exited the hanger bay on the side of the Daedalus.

Swinging the Jumper around, they flew toward the beast that was an Alteran warship. Slowly, more details came into to focus. "Look at that." McKay pointed to a long gash in the side of the vessel. "They were defiantly in a major battle with the Wraith. I mean only Wraith plasma weapons could do that much damage. Other then ours of course." The Daedalus was equipped with 4 plasma beam cannons that were reverse engineered from the ones that the Asgard equipped the Prometheus with. The plasma cannons had already proved themselves extremely effective against the Wraith during the siege of Atlantis.

"Tria, this is Jumper 1. Permission to land in your hanger bay."

"Granted. 'Portanavis 1' proceed to the hanger."

McKay and Sheppard looked at each other. Portanavis. McKay was puzzled.

"Maybe 'Portanavis' is what Puddle Jumpers are actually called. But I'm staying with Jumper."

A/N: That's chapter 1. Guesses for 'Portanavis' welcome. Please review. Flames will be used to heat the house.