Chapter Thirteen

"NEVER MIND! I LIED! I DON'T WANNA DO THIS!" Iceland yelled through the pain.

It had only been about three days later when one afternoon Iceland had gone into labor. Denmark and Norway helped him to the car and Denmark drove as fast as he could to the hospital.

"You'll be fine, Ic- OH GOD!" Norway suddenly yelled in pain, clutching his stomach.

"You have GOT to be kidding me!" Denmark said loudly. He sighed and hit his head on the steering wheel when they came to a stop. "At the same time? Really?" he mumbled to himself.

"Shut up about you and drive you idiot!" Norway yelled, holding Iceland's hand tightly.

They got admitted into the hospital fairly quickly and were now laying in the hospital beds, both under the influence of strong pain killers. Denmark was on his phone, calling people to let them know what was going on.

Russia, America, Hong Kong, and China were all there before either of the boys were ready to push. They all sat there for a few hours, waiting until they were ready. Hong Kong stayed by Iceland and they talked in between his contractions.

Norway was ready first and the doctor came in and made everyone but Denmark and the two boys leave the room. Denmark stood in between the two beds, ready to be there for either of them when they needed him.

He grabbed hold of one of Norway's hands and was there, ready to comfort him through the pain when a second doctor came in and said Iceland was ready as well. Denmark braced himself as he had their hands in his. He yelped out in pain as they began to push, their grips nearly breaking his hands.

"You fucker! You are gonna pay for this!" Norway yelled, attempting to jump out of the bed, reaching out with his other hand, wishing for nothing more but to strangle the man that started this pain in the first place.

"Sir! Please! Calm down!" the doctor said while trying to keep him on the bed.

Iceland was relatively quiet, only whimpers of pain and tears streaming down his face."It hurts. It really hurts…" he whimpered.

Denmark tried to comfort him and avoid Norway's rage at the same time. The poor man had his hands full.

Norway's child was out first and Norway let go of Denmark's hand completely in favor of lying back to rest. The doctor took the child and came back with a clean baby, wrapped in a pink blanket.

"It's a healthy baby girl." the doctor said to him.

Norway gently took the small child and smiled down at her. Before turning his attention back to his brother.

Denmark took a moment to glance at his child before going back to help Iceland. It took longer for him but he finally had the child out.

"It's over. Finally." he was just about to pass out when the doctor piped in.

"There won't be much time to rest, another one is on the way."

Iceland's eyes widened and fresh tears started to flow out as he looked up to Denmark. "I can't do it. I can't have another one. It hurts!" Iceland cried and Denmark kissed his cheeks and forehead.

"You can do it, Icey. It's almost over." he whispered.

It look a lot longer it seemed the second time around, but the doctor said nothing as she continued to help the poor nation through this. The moment the second child was born, Iceland passed out. Not even seeing either of his children yet.

The doctor handed them to Denmark instead. One wrapped in a blue blanket and the other in a pink. He smiled down at them as he sat on the edge of Norway's bed.

The doctors checked on the two of them a little more and checked the babies before letting the others in to see them. Everyone filed into the room, followed by Sweden and Finland.

Everyone was immediately caught by the sight of Denmark holding two babies while Norway was even holding one. "Icey here had twins." he explained.

He passed one of them to Sweden and the other to Finland first.

"Aw! They're so small and cute!" Finland mentioned, looking down and the silver haired girl. He then looked up to his lover.

"Wh't? he asked. Finland made a face. "Y'u want 'ne?" he asked. Finland nodded. Sweden looked to Denmark who just shrugged. He looked back to Finland.

"He's doing it again! He brought out the secret weapon! The 'I can get away with murder' face!" Denmark commentated.

Sweden shot him a look. But Finland really did have a sweet expression on his face. He nodded and passed the child over to America's waiting arms.

"Where's yours America?" Norway asked.

"We left Dimitri with Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia to babysit. We wanted to be here for support." Russia answered.

America chuckled, "Poor Iceland. I couldn't feel my legs for nearly a week after having mine. Can't imagine what it'll be like for him." he commented as he passed the child to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong sat on the edge of Iceland's bed, wanting to be there when he woke.

They all conversed for a while and gently the babies were passed around the room. About half an hour later Iceland woke.

Denmark helped him into a sitting position and brought over his and Norway's child. "Her name is Abigael." he said.

Iceland smiled, beginning to feel a little more alert. "You got a girl." he smiled at the man. "Where are mine?" he asked softly.

Hong Kong brought his attention to him as he handed over the boy.

"What are you gonna name him?" he asked.

Iceland paused as he thought, looking down at his child. "Tomas." he finally decided.

Denmark came over with the little girl and handed her to him. "And her?" he asked.

Iceland looked over to Norway. "What do you think?" he asked.

Norway thought a moment, holding his own little girl. "Svana." he finally answered.

Iceland smiled. He loved it. He looked at him children and a complete sense of joy filled him. "It's perfect." he said.

They all stuck around and talked for a while longer. America and Russia left first, knowing they had their own child to get back to. Finland drug Sweden out next, saying they needed to get back to Hanatamago but in reality, they all knew Sweden was about to get laid.

China and Hong Kong were getting ready to leave, but Hong Kong wanted to have a word with Iceland first. So China waited.

Hong Kong held Svana and mentioned. "I can't wait to have one of my own now."

Iceland sighed. "I know how you feel. But don't rush it. Seriously."

Hong Kong leaned down and whispered in his ear, "I'm already pregnant." he leaned back and smiled.

Iceland's eyes widened. "Who?" he asked.

"South Korea… I was at his house one night and it just kinda happened. He's been trying to romance me for months now anyway." he informed.

They exchanged a few words after that before China lost his patience and he and Hong Kong left.

Norway decided it was now time he rested and handed Abigael back to her father.

Denmark put her in the bassinet and then went to grab Tomas from Iceland. "We really are our own little family now. Aren't we?" he asked.

"We are." Iceland yawned. "We really are." he let Denmark take the babies and put them in their bassinets so he could rest some more as well.

Norway was ready to go home late in the evening the next day. The doctors wanted to keep Iceland a day longer to make sure he was okay from the birth, turns out there actually had been a few problems. Luckily it hadn't been anything too major.

But at least it gave Denmark a little more time to get the few extra things they would need for the extra child.

And that is the end. But I will be writing a sort of epilogue chapter after I finish the one I am currently on. Which is the sequel to this one.

And for those of you who are interested. The sequel to this one is going to be Finland and Sweden's little story. I know how frustrating it can sometimes be when people add little snippets, like I did with the Sweden getting laid thing, and then not having anything to go with that. Some of you may be tired of this story and I still encourage you to read the epilogue when it comes out. But if you are interested in reading Sweden and Finland's please do. I will be including Denmark, Norway, and Iceland in it as well. So you'll also get to see more on Abigael, Tomas, and Svana's development.