*I unfortunately own nothing. [insert sad face]. So I'm just having a little fun with other people's character. All non-profit scout's honor lol.*

A/N: Thanks for the reviews and condolences i'm taking it all one day at a time. Oh and Damon has a potty mouth this chapter:). Mistakes are all mine i'll correct later promise. Itaklics are dreams.


He watched them play from his perch at the door as he always did. The familiar scene of Elena and Bonnie playing with the mysterious little girl. The picturesque baby with the sable colored hair and creamy butterscotch skin. She sat between them picking at the ball of curls atop her head.

"Could she be anymore like her father." Elena chuckled shaking her head.

Bonnie nodded in agreement. "She couldn't be anymore stubborn."

The child succeeded in letting her Shirley Temple-esque curls loose to their dismay.

"Are you enjoying the view, Damon?" Emily whispered in the vampire's ear.

"Why can't I ever just watch them in peace." he gritted out, eyes still focused on the little girl.

"Because you're here for a reason Damon." she challenged.

"Why?" Damon asked eyes still trained ahead.

"Because it will make what you have to do easier." she replied coyly.

Damon sighed in exasperation. He was sick of her cryptic messages every time they appeared here it was the same script. He watches them joyfully, Emily comes, ruins his mood, and leaves with one half-hearted reason after another. He turned to face the dead witch irritation clear on his pale face. "And what is that Emily?"

"Leave." she said softly evaporating into thin air.

"Oh no you don't." Damon argued lurching forward only to grab a handful of air. "Emily! Emily! Damnit witch!" he yelled at the spot where she once stood...

Bonnie watched as Damon groaned and shifted uncomfortably in his sleep. She didn't really know whether or not vampires had dreams or were just wild sleepers, but the fact that his eyebrow was furrowed let her know they did. She had half a mind to go into his head, but thought better of it. Besides she had her own problems to worry about like why she kept finding herself in Damon Salvatore's bed.

The first night she could blame on her grief and pain for losing her Grams, but this time she'd have to own up to it, and she didn't want to. She'd tried numerous times to sneak out during the night, but Damon would wrap his arm around her drawing her back into his silk sheets of sin. She had gotten past the stage of being so disgusted with herself that it made her sick after their first round last night, now she was at the point of contempt, borderline acceptance. After much deliberation and rationalization Bonnie figured it was better than her cutting herself, or turning into some kind of wino to simmer her depression. She began to see that when she was with Damon she felt real and alive. Which in itself is crazy since he's a dead thing; but technically she's a dead thing too? Seeing as in the "real world" she was the one that died not Grams.

She continued to stare at the ceiling and once Damon's movements stilled she attempted her escape. By the time Damon would awake in the morning she'd be gone. Nothing would remain but her scent on his sheets. Inching off until both feet touched the Persian rug his big California King bed sat on she exhaled. To her surprise it was fairly easy to sneak out on him. She had expected him to catch her this time also; but figured once a vampire was truly sleep they slept like the dead they were. She took one last look at her dirty little secret before beating the sunrise.

Damon ran his hand through his hair frustratingly, one thing he hated was to be a pawn in someone else's plan. Especially a witch's plan, contrary to popular belief those women-and men- could hold a grudge. After shouting a few more choice words to the place where the Bennett witch stood he turned around to view the cheery threesome again; his eyes instantly growing big. His mouth cracking open while his mind tried to compute what he was seeing before his eyes. Something happened this time that never occurred in his previous dreams. Right at this moment his eyes were being greeted with the peculiar eyes of the little girl. Ice blue eyes were met with one emerald and one methane.

Damon shot out of his bed with a start. He stood pinned against his bedroom door taking deep unnecessary breaths, his skin coated in sweat. His eyes darted wildly around the room landing on the bed he just got out of. The dream instantly forgotten as he took in the empty four post California king bed. The little witch had ran out on him the first chance she got. Its not like he really cared though he wasn't the cuddling type; although there was a such thing as common courtesy but whatever. Flaring his nose he groaned. He could still smell her scent on his bed; that curious combination of vanilla and wild flowers. He felt the blood running into his other head and frowned immediately heading into the bathroom. He would need a long cold shower to release this tension.

Elena waltzed into the boardinghouse that morning channeling her inner "Little Miss Sunshine" ascending the stairs to Stefan's room.

"Where are you going?" Jeremy asked more out of habit than concern. He knew she was going to check on Stefan, but it seemed right to ask anyway.

"I want to go check on Stefan and apologize for not being here when he came home last night." she frowned not breaking her trek.

She was anxious to see how Stefan and Bonnie were doing since she was forced to leave the night before. Her plan was to be present when Stefan arrived last night from his excursion, but Jenna wasn't having another night with neither Jeremy or Elena there. So, despite her throwing out every excuse she knew her and Jeremy hightailed it home.

Jeremy merely nodded following his sister with a mission of his own. Find Bonnie.

"Where are you going?" The brunette asked noticing she wasn't the only walking down the long hallway.

"To find Bonnie." he retorted in almost a "duh" tone.

"I doubt she's still here." Elena scoffed stopping in front of Stefan's door. "If I know Bonnie she probably darted out before daybreak." she supplied before twisting the knob.

Seeing her point Jeremy headed back down the stairs choosing to call his ex-flame instead.

"Stefan I'm-" Elena began before her eyes bulged at the scene in front of her. "Oh my God!"

The brunette that was currently entangled with her boyfriend smiled viciously. "Can't say I was expecting you so early." Katherine sung wrapping the dark sheets around her nude body.

Stefan stirred finally able to pry open his heavy lids. He had a killer headache which was odd because vampires never had them and his vision was blurry. "Elena?"

"Yes!" Two voices responded one amused the other angry.

"What the fuck?" Stefan shrieked hopping out of the bed in nothing, but his birthday suit garnering both girl's attention.

If he was human he'd be beet red from head-to-toe this had to be a nightmare. He grabbed a pillow from the bed almost instantly his forehead bearing mmore creases than a pair of pants.

"What is going?" he asked more to himself.

"I was hoping you would tell me!" Elena shouted her eyes quickly brimming with tears. "Did you...did you sleep with her?" she pointed to the 500 hundred year old vampire like she was the plague.

"I-I did." Stefan voiced lamely walking closer to his girlfriend. "But I thought she was you."

"Don't come any closer." the teen voiced raising her hands.

"I can assure you honey that Stefan and I barely slept a wink." she smiled standing from the bed and getting dressed unabashedly.

Elena's mouth dropped open in shock and turned accusing eyes to Stefan. "How could you!"

"I promise this isn't what it looks like. I would never do anything with Katherine you know that." he pleaded circling his arms around her.

Elena fought to escape his grip to no avail. "I knew that Stefan, now I don't know anything. I hate you." she yelled beating his chest.

Katherine looked on in satisfaction as the couple argued. Her plan went off without a hitch she'd give Lucy her props she put her foot in that potion. She was sure Stefan's love for Elena would see through her mask, but everything worked out in her favor. Love was a hell of a drug.

"Elena, baby please this is all a big misunderstanding." he continued.

"What Stefan? Were you getting ready for bed and she fell on your dick? Did she rape you?" Elena spat.


Her hand connected with his face before he could react and she was out the door. Katherine couldn't hold back her snicker as she pulled back on her dark wash jeans.

"Sorry for the inconvenience." she voiced in the sweetest tone possible. "It was well worth it though. I see you still got it."

Before she could step one foot out of her previous love nest Katherine found herself pinned to the door. Stefan's blood rimmed eyes raging as a row of snarls escaped his lips. "Oh Steffy, you know I love it when you gag me." she purred.

Stefan closed his hand tighted around her neck. "What the hell did you do to me?"

Katherine smiled before flicking Stefan across the room like an annoying mosquito. "I gave you what you lost years ago Stefan. That spark."

"Stop playing games Katherine." he seethed getting back to his feet. "I would never sleep with you. Ever."

"Oh?" she replied circling her childe. "I seem to have a problem believing that especially after last night."

She closed the distance between them letting her breath dance on his ears. "I haven't seen your eyes sparkle that much since I've been back. You enjoyed every bit of last night and you know it. You don't have to lie Stefan its just us here now."

"When I say that I hate you I can promise you I've never felt anything as real." he smirked shoving her against the wall.

"The greatest love stories start with hate Stefan." she voiced to his retreating form.

"I love Elena!" he yelled getting into the shower. "And get out of my room!"

Bonnie sat on her couch catching up on some homework when a knock came at her door she snapped up alert and ready.

"Uh, come in." she cursed herself and closed her eyes after the words left her mouth. How dumb could she be it could be a vampire out there. The vampire she prayed to the high heavens she wouldn't have to see today.

She had been avoiding all things Damon today so she didn't need said vampire popping up at her house. The first few hours were easy, her dad was home from a lay over before flying to New York. He took her to breakfast and on a few shopping trips to brighten her mood, or ease his guilty conscious. Not really knowing that all she really wanted was more of his time. This second he left and she was left to her own devices at home was pure torture. She found her body yearning for his touch; more so she found herself longing for a release. The best part about sex with Damon was that she couldn't hurt him…that bad. He was her human punching bag and she was real life blow up doll. Was it healthy? No. Did they care? No. It was mutual self loathing on both parts.

A disheveled Elena stepped in. "You will never believe what I just walked in on this morning." Elena bawled making her way to the couch.

Bonnie immediately heard alarm bells. There was no way Elena could have seen her creeping out of Damon's bed at the wee hours of the morning. Was there?

"Oh my God. Elena I'm really sorry I promise it was a laspe of judgement. It won't happen again." she peeped out.

"What?" the brunette asked eyebrow raised. "Bonnie, I walked in on Stefan and Katherine!"

"What!" Bonnie shrieked eyes wide. This was definitely not what she was expecting to hear. "That can't be right Stefan wouldn't do something like that."

"Wow so you're taking his side." Elena huffed rising from the couch.

"No. No!" she said standing as well. "I'm saying that it doesn't make sense."

Seeing that her friend wasn't following she lead Elena into the kitchen grabbing them a couple soda's from the fridge. "Get out of your emotions for a minute." Bonnie continued grabbing a bar stool. "Why would Stefan engage in that action with Katherine when he knew you would be there in the morning. I don't know about you, but the stench I smell is fish."

Elena pondered over Bonnie's words for a minute then sighed. "He said he thought she was me."

"And Stefan can tell you from Katherine from a mile away so my vote is that some hocus pocus was done." Bonnie supplied.

"Hocus pocus? Okay Damon." Elena snickered.

Bonnie choked on her Sprite. "What? Why would you say that?"

Elena eyed her friend. "It just sounded like something he would say." she shrugged patting her back.


The girls were silent for a moment as Bonnie built up courage to confide in her friend. "Elena can I talk to you about something?"

The girl in question sat down her drink giving her friend ger undivided attention. "Sure Bon."

Just like clockwork Elena's phone began to ring. "One second." she promised stepping out into the hall.

Bonnie played with a curl of hair maybe this was a sign. Maybe she was just destined to suffer through her problems on her own because as it seems no one was ever there to comfort her. The void in her heart left by her Grams passing ached. Whoever made up that quote "time heals all wounds" should be shot because she was still bleeding in pain. She wondered if the guilt would ever let up or if this was one of the many consequences of the spell. Sometimes she felt like she was losing touch with reality, this just couldn't be her life.

"Bon?" Elena said once again tapping her friend's shoulder this time. "That was Jeremy they're having some meeting at the boardinghouse."

"When are they not having a meeting at the boardinghouse." she mumbled throwing her can in the recycling bin. "Let me guess my presence is needed?"

She nodded.

"Well tell them I have mountains of homework to catch up on so if the world is ending I want to go out with straight A's, or die trying."

Before Elena could disagree Bonnie's own phone began to ring. Her eyes narrowed at the unknown number.


"Hey Bonnie its Lucy."

Lucy. "Oh hey, how are you?" she tried to curve the surprise out of her voice in all the excitement she actually forgot about knocking Lucy and Katherine into oblivion.

"I'm fine, I was actually calling to see how you were? You know after everything."

She walked past a probing Elena and sat on the the couch. "Um, I'm okay and I'm sorry about what happened I don't know what came over me."

"Bonnie that night your eyes, they were illuminating."

Bonnie raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know how to say this, but Bonnie I felt darkness from you." Lucy said softly making sure Katherine was still in the shower.

Bonnie shook her head in disbelief. "I don't believe you."

"Bonnie, I can help you tame the darkness that's trying to seduce you."

Bonnie still sat shaking her head. She really didn't need another bomb dropped on her, not when she was still reeling from the previous ones. How much sorrow could they expect a 17 year old take before breaking. Getting up from the couch she began pacing.

"I have to go." she said staring out of her front window.

"Bonnie if you don't get a handle on it now it will consume you." she warned.

"Bye." Bonnie bit out harshly.

Lucy sighed hearing the click letting her know the call was ended. She really had more to say, but she would give Bonnie time to come to her of her own free will.

"What was that about?" Elena asked now standing by Bonnie as she read a text message.

When you're ready Bonnie you know where to find me.-Lucy

"Nothing." she returned stuffing her phone in her pocket.

She needed to be alone so she could search through Emily's grimiore for anything that would help her understand what was going on with her. What Lucy said could be true it could explain the weird feelings and her magic's growth over the time since Grams death. Could she have invited dark magic into her that time she tried the ritual to bring Grams back? Or has it always been within her? Only one person could answer that question…Grams.

Just as she was about to dismiss Elena and gather things for her summoning spell her phone vibrated again.

"Hello?" she rushed.

"Hey Bonnie I don't mean to bother you, but could you come to the boarding house its kind of important." Stefan sung into her ear.

She sighed running a hand through her hair. Had Lucy told everyone she was "evil" already? More importantly would they believe Lucy's words over hers?

"Bonnie you there?" Stefan asked eagerly.

"Yea, sorry I'm on my way." she said somberly.

"Thanks Bon."

"No problem." she grinded out ending the call.

"So...I guess we're leaving this Earth with matching F's?" Elena attempted to joke.

"Come on."

Caroline descended down the basement stairs en route to the cellar door with two raw steaks. She was a little annoyed that she'd been summoned to the boarding house so quickly. Plus, there was the little fact that she wanted to stay as far away from this place as possible especially with Katherine and Lucy around. Lucy broke telling Stefan about the spell and Caroline was sure that it affected the whole house. At least that would be her excuse if anyone asked about her and Matt. Anyone named Tyler. Though she doubted she had to worry about that Tyler was still in his werewolf form and they weren't an item. Yet. Matt hadn't spoke to her since their rendezvous last night and despite her best effort to be blase about it she was hurt. A part of her believed since he was supernatural too they could rekindle their romance, but he still couldn't get past her lies to him.

As she got to the metal door the blood of the steaks had her vampy senses tingling. One little bite she thought as she sunk her fangs into the juicy steak.

"Caroline is that you?" she heard Tyler's voice call out.

Her head popped up so quick she almost broke her neck. She unlocked the door and ran to him engulfing him into a tight hug. Tyler welcomed her into his arms before pushing her back the smell of the meat enticing him.

"You come baring one steak?" he mused.

If Caroline could blush she would be the deepest red. That one little bite turned into her sucking the poor meat dry, before ripping it to shreds.

"I could have sworn I dropped two unto the plate." she rolled out without a problem.

Tyler eyed her momentarily before shrugging. No, he didn't fully believe that especially since she had a dribble of blood on her chin. Nevertheless, he let out a chuckle before wiping it away; eyeing the beautiful blonde in front of him. He didn't know how long he was stuck in his werewolf form, but he wanted to make up for the lost time. And he wanted to do it with her. They weren't really official besides a few stolen moments and secret kisses, but he really hoped her and Matt hadn't reunited in his absence.

Mason sat on the cot watching the two teens basically eye-fuck each other. The pure innocence they evoked made him remember that despite them being two powerful beings they were still two teenagers, trying to make sense of a crush. It made him think of Katherine and his love for her. Sure she said she loved him, but did she really mean it? Had she compelled him to believe it, and was she worth potentially losing his life for? Her scent was basically suffocating him so he knew she was somewhere on the property, but not once had she came to see him. He guessed that was the answer to his previous questions. She had said it would always be Stefan, but somehow Mason thought he could sway her.

Mason cleared his throat, breaking the others staring contest. " Is anyone going to eat that steak?"

Caroline looked down at the lone steak that remained on the platter. She bit her lip in embarrassment before handing it Mason.

"You think your masters will allow us freedom now? I swear I won't bite." Mason mocked between chews.

Caroline rolled her ocean blue eyes. "Tyler? Yes. You... I have no idea. You were involved with the woman Casanova spent 145 years trying to obtain, so I'd reckon you get comfortable in these four walls." she mused.

Mason scoffed.

Bonnie wrapped her blazer around her body and locked her car doors. It had got really windy as evening hit and she probably should have grabbed that scarf she had spent 5 mins debating about. After checking her appearance in her car window she turned on her heels crashing straight into a hard chest.

"Dam-" he put his finger to her lips before pulling her onto the side of the house.

"What the hell are you doing?" she bit out as he perked his ears for disturbances.

"Attempting to get a quickie duh." he teased as she glared.

Rolling his eyes he got straight to the point. "There are 3 other vampires in the house and I doubt you want them to hear our conversation." he assured.

Bonnie pursed her lips tightening her forest green blazer around her. She was getting fed up with Damon cornering her. "What do you want?"

Damon smirked looking her over hungrily the green in her jacket bringing out the muddled green of her bright eyes. Bonnie gulped under his scrutiny feeling her throat closing up as she took a couple steps away from him.

"I never pegged you as the 'love him and leave him' type Buns." Damon drawled arms crossed over his chest.

Bonnie stared at him in bewilderment before catching on. He was staring at her with those intense crystal eyes awaiting her answer.

"Well it's a good thing I don't love you huh?" she smiled sadonically.

Damon gave her wild eyes. "You know what I meant Bennett don't act new."

"Are you upset because I didn't stay in bed with you?" she asked astonished. "Wow."

Damon scoffed. "Of course not! I just want you to admit that you left because you feel something every time you're with me and it scares you."

Now Bonnie scoffed. "You're ridiculously conceited you know that?"

"Come on Buns you're not like Barbie or even Elena. You don't just give up the goods to anyone. You're not the type." he quipped.

Bonnie looked appalled. Did he just refer to her friends as "hoes" in a roundabout way. She took a step closer and put her hand on Damon's shoulder. She looked him deep in the eyes…

"Damon, the only feelings I have towards you are of disdain. I slept with you because I was overwhelmed and you were there...and stop calling me Buns." she stated slowly.

Damon narrowed his icicle eyes before they danced with amusement. "That would have worked if this was the first time we found ourselves in this predicament, but its not. We've been here…" He paused counting off on his fingers. "These many times." he snickered wiggling all ten fingers.

Bonnie exhaled exasperatedly, boy was he embellishing. "Damon I'm not so much of a prude that I can't admit that you're attractive. But you're nothing but a good fuck to me." she shrugged nonchalantly.

Damon stared at her in disbelief. His mouth slightly agape. The witch just made him feel like a cheap prostitute, and this whole conversation was wrong in so many ways. She was making it seem like if he were anyone else they would have got to taste the same sweet nectar that he'd claimed as his own. No, he wouldn't let her get away with this backhanded insult he would test her.

"So then what was up with the hiatus from everyone today." he pushed.

"My dad was home this morning." she lamented walking towards the front of the boarding house.

"And later…" he inquired tailing her.

Bonnie stopped at the door to face him. "I'm on my period so excuse me for having reservations about walking into the real life 'lion's den.' I value my life."


"I'm serious!" she objected.

Damon smiled as he took two steps forward effectively boxing her in.

"Your heartbeat sped up." He whispered as he neared her lips.

Bonnie gripped the door knob tightly before turning the handle walking backwards into the foyer. "It was a hiccup."

"Mmhmm." Damon hummed. "Don't you know witch's blood is an aphrodisiac to vampires, hell probably to werewolves too."

He continued to stalk towards her playing the game of predator versus prey. "A little blood won't keep you away from me Bonnie. I'm in your system now."

He grabbed her wrists and pulled her flush against him. Her body heat immediately setting him on fire. Period blood, your period blood is nothing but the equivalent of putting hot sauce on a t-bone steak. Spicy and rich." he captured her lips proving his point further.

Bonnie let him kiss her. Every ounce of energy she emitted he took greedily. He could feel his blood boiling and skin warming. One thing she would admit is that she enjoyed the feeling of his cool lips against hers. Kissing Damon made her feel untouchable and it was so refreshing to her body to feel something besides the numbness it had become accustomed too. Alas, as his tepid lips became lukewarm reality set in. This was wrong and when his hands roamed up and down her thighs and hips, stopping to teeter with her sweet spot she had to put a stop to it.

Focusing on the familiar sight of popping blood vessels she unleashed an aneurysm on him. Damon's scream belted in her ears as he dropped down on his knees in pain. Instead of clutching his head like many times before; this time Damon found himself clutching his crotch for dear life.

"Bonnie…" he groaned curling into a fetal position rubbing his throbbing member. "Stop!"

"Bonnie!" Elena's voice called to her as almost everyone in the house ran to see what the commotion was. Deciding that he had enough she dropped the trick and pranced into the study.

"What the hell was that." Damon rasped unbuckling his pants. Not caring that several pairs of eyes were bouncing between him and the witch.

"Me popping your blood vessels as usual." she shrugged.

"But I felt it in Damon Jr. witch!" He yelled making sure everything was still in one piece.

Caroline turned away she had seen enough of Damon Jr. to last her many lifetimes. Elena cheeks went all kinds of red as she buried her head in Stefan's chest before remembering she was mad at him, and moving away. Stefan's broodyness was nowhere present as he bit his lip to keep from laughing.

"Damon Jr." Bonnie stated in quotations. "Has many blood vessels, I actually think I like his better than the ones in your dumber head." she teased.

Damon shot up angrily grabbing her shoulders firmly giving her a shake. "I'm going to kill you." Bonnie wiggled free and stepped away from him cautiously. Stefan stood between them holding Damon back.

"I hate you and you're beneath me. Never forget that." Bonnie pointed walking further into the room.

Damon stared at her furiously swearing to the powers above to make her eat her words. Caroline and Elena moved around the brothers making there way to the sofa Bonnie resided on, to no doubt pry what happened out of her.

"Do I even want to know what happened to you?" Stefan asked trying to control his laughter, as he handed his icy drink to Damon.

Damon growled snatching the glass from his amused brother, leaning into the wall for support he pressed the glass into his pants. He was going to give the witch hell that was for sure.

"I hate that fucking witch." he bit out to an entertained Stefan. He really wanted to tear her throat out then fuck her to oblivion. Maybe in the opposite order.

"I guess this is a bad day for both of us." Stefan said shaking his head. It was killing him that Elena was still upset with him even after Lucy confessed to her that it was her doing.

"Me? Yes. You dear brother are just dumb. Don't worry I've been making sure Elena has been alright."

Stefan slammed his hand into the glass causing Damon to once again keel over; stepping over him to join the crew.

When everyone cooled off Caroline told them about Tyler and Mason reverting back to their human forms.

"Good for them they're still not getting out of the cellar." Damon supplied waving a hand.

"Damon you can't do that they're human beings!" Caroline protested.

"They're dogs Blondie, and where do dogs belong? In a kennel voila we have one." He smirked downing a glass of bourbon.

Caroline was pissed and two seconds away from breaking Damon's neck when Bonnie spoke.

"You can't leave them in there Damon. They aren't in wolf form so they aren't a threat to you anymore." She voiced picking at the ruffles on her blouse.

Damon's eyes shot to Bonnie irritably. "Who asked you Ursula." he said snidely. "I'm not letting them out and that's final."

Bonnie's eyes narrowed. Who did he think he was.

"Damon they're our friends." Elena pleaded. "Tyler wont cause anymore trouble. Please Damon."

His eyes softened briefly as he stared into those big brown doe eyes. Then his eyes hardened as he looked at those identical doe eyes only this time instead of his sweet Elena, he only seen the manipulating gaze of Katherine.

"Forget it. We don't need the extra hassle from them. We should have just killed them to begin with."

"No!" Caroline screamed at his brashness.

Bonnie blanched at his crudeness. "Damon I've already warned you what will happen if you spilled-"

"One drop of innocent blood yada, yada, yada. I know we ALL know! You spout that shit every chance you get, and as I recall Tyler killed your cheating ghost buster ex-boyfriend if you've forgotten! So is he still considered innocent." Damon finished bitterly.

Everyone's mouth went agape. No one really ever brought up the Jeremy/Anna debacle out of respect for Bonnie. Damon knew he was wrong, but he was pissed and his balls still hurt from her cruel attack. Crimson crept up Bonnie's slender neck landing on her cheeks. She could feel the tears burning behind her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. So she did the only thing she could in terms of Damon; she fought fire with fire.

"You just don't want to let them out because Katherine replaced your sorry ass with Mason, and you're jealous. What's the matter Damon? Afraid of a little competition. Although as it seems there really isn't one seeing that you weren't even in the running to begin with. I mean she's been free all this time not giving a damn about you." she bit out.

Everyone gasped at Bonnie's bluntness; Damon's eyes bled and all he saw was red. "Seeing that I've pretty much fucked everyone in this room I can't find it in my heart to feel unworthy or hurt by your words. Whereas you little witch can't seem to get anyone to take a second or third look at you. Poor little Bonnie always the bridesmaid never the bride." he jabbed.

The flames roared in the fireplace almost begging Bonnie to give them a taste of Damon's ass. She was livid now. He was baiting her; he knew it and she knew it. Daring her to say those few words that would let everyone know they had slept together, but she wouldn't. She would keep her composure and keep her lips sealed.

She flicked her hand sending him flying into the wall behind him. Bourbon dripping down his expensive Armani shirt.

"You're such a jackass!" she hissed grabbing her belongings.

"And you're a bitch!" Damon spewed to her retreating form.

Bonnie slammed the front door so hard the whole house shook. Damon got up wringing his wet shirt before getting another glass. He looked up to several pairs of angry eyes and shrugged.

"I'm going to get Tyler and Mason." Caroline huffed heading to the basement.

Damon was hot on her tracks before Stefan stopped him. "Let them go Damon…for now." he spoke seriously.

The older Salvatore snatched out of Stefan's grip and sped up stairs to his bedroom slamming the door.

Stefan ran his hand through his caramel locks. This wasn't exactly how he pictured this session going and he really needed everyone here. They had a lot to discuss beginning with the fact the he'd swear Klaus was back.

"He was always such a baby." Katherine mused twirling a lock of her hair. Entering the room along with Lucy.

"You're late." Stefan exhaled annoyed.

"Did you miss me?" she purred into his ear. "I know I left a longing impression."

Elena slid her hands into Stefan's-to both their surprise- pulling him closer. She penned Katherine with an angry glare; the original doppelganger stepped back amused at her carbon copy.

"Um, I'm gonna go try to coerce Damon back down do you think you can find Bonnie and beg her to come back in?" Stefan asked Elena.

Elena nodded leaning up attacking Stefan's lips in a heated kiss he returned whole heartedly. She gave Katherine one more look of disdain before walking with Stefan out of the room. Before she had a chance to walk out of the door he grabbed her wrist.

"I know we have alot to talk about, but I promise from the bottom of my heart I did not mean it, and it meant nothing." He said bashfully.

He mentally beat himself all morning for being with Katherine despite the fact he truly believed it was Elena. Then after Lucy told him about the whole spell debacle he knew it wouldn't fix everything, but he thought that Elena would at least extend an olive branch.

Elena released herself from his grip and cupped his cheek. "Stefan I love you I really do, but I don't know if this is something I can just get over."

Stefan grabbed her hand. "I don't expect you to get over it Elena, but I expect you to know my heart just like I know yours."

She sighed rubbing her hands down her cardigan. "I better go get Bonnie."

Stefan nodded pulling her hand to his mouth for a kiss then released her. He sighed worriedly, although he knew Elena meant what she said there was a nagging feeling telling him that things would never be the same. She already felt a little self-conscious where his maker was concerned and now that this happened he knew she couldn't trust him as much as before. He rubbed the back of his neck as he walked up the stairs to Damon's room he couldn't lose Elena. She was the one thing that was keeping him from drifting off the wayside. Her love was everything to him. If only there was some way he could make her forget.

"Bonnie…" Elena rasped tapping at the teens car window.

Bonnie reluctantly rolled it down and side-eyed her best friend. She was a little pissed neither her or Caroline attempted to silence Damon.

"He didn't mean it Bon, you just hit him where it hurt and he reacted." she reasoned.

Bonnie narrowed her eyes at her friend. "I hit him where it hurts, were you not in there when he brought up Jeremy, He started it!" she shouted incredulously.

Elena sighed. She really didn't mean to take a side, but she had seen the hurt in Damon when Katherine wasn't in the tomb and it broke him. Yes Damon started it, but in a way she felt like Bonnie shouldn't have brought Katherine up. Yes, Jeremy is a sore spot for her, but Bonnie was stronger than Damon in her mind.

"I know and I'm not trying to pick side, but I just think that you're stronger than him." she shrugged.

"So what. I'm supposed to just sit there and let him talk to me any kind of way, because oh the 167 year old vampire needs to be babied." she threw her arms up.

"No! Bonnie that's not what I meant. I just… I don't know I feel bad for him." she said softly. "I know that you have no reason to care about his feelings especially after all he's done, but I really believe he didn't mean it."

Bonnie was annoyed. She really wished Caroline had came out and talked to her instead, because Elena was a millisecond away from getting cussed out.

"Stefan really has something important to say and its to do with both of us, will you please come back in." Elena pouted.

Bonnie looked at her friends pout and felt her resolve breaking. Stefan wasn't really into games so she knew if he needed her there it would be important. She opened her car door and leaned against it. "Fine."

Elena grinned and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you. See what I mean you're stronger and I promise to talk to Damon he was wrong." the brunette promised.

Bonnie only nodded following her back into the house of hell.

"Stefan you and your broody ass forehead can take a hike I'm not in the mood." Damon said as Stefan opened his bedroom door.

Stefan watched his brother turn the page of his "Call of the Wild" book before speaking. "What was that downstairs Damon?"

Damon slapped his book closed and looked at his brother like he was stupid. "Whatever do you mean father?"

"Why would you pick a fight with Bonnie at a time like this? You know she's in danger as well as Elena we really need to stick together." Stefan reasoned.

Damon rolled his eyes and opened his book back up. "The witch needs a muzzle and I happened to have one handy." he smirked.


"Look Stefan, why don't you do me a favor and go deep sea diving in Elena's vagina before I do. Because I'm done discussing anything to do with that judgy little witch." Damon barked.

Stefan rushed Damon against the wall fangs bared. "Don't you ever say anything like that regarding Elena again."

Damon kicked Stefan across the room before pinning him to the floor. "You're right Stef, actions do speak louder than words so I guess I'll…just do it."

Stefan growled as Damon leaned against him harder. "Never put your hands on me again brother your super bunny diet's no match for me."

Stefan looked into Damon's electric blue eyes. He didn't notice at first but Damon's eyes were practically glowing. Come to think of it they had been for the past couple of weeks. Just like that night a month ago when he'd found him after his altercation with Bonnie.

He quirked an eyebrow and was about to question Damon when Elena's scream pierced his ears.

"Damon get off of him!" she cried pushing the older Salvatore off her boyfriend.

Damon relented and watched as Elena helped Stefan to his feet. "You make it so hard to defend you Damon when you do things like this." Elena wailed her chestnut eyes narrowed.

Stefan's eyes remained on Damon's vigorously trying to solve the jigsaw puzzle in front of him. Damon cocked an eyebrow at his brother, before catching his reflection in the mirror behind Stefan. He was still high from Bonnie's blood and his eyes were practically neon blue. He blinked quickly and eyed Stefan.

"Don't stare too long brother, Elena might get even more jealous." he wiggled his brows.

Elena scoffed and began to lead Stefan out of the room. Stefan followed casting one last gander at Damon letting him know that this wasn't over.

"Bonnie's downstairs and ready to get this meeting over with." Elena said over her shoulder. "Come down when you're ready to be nice Damon."

Damon swaggered back into the study and relaxed against the bar. Both he and Bonnie refusing to look in the other's direction.

"Okay." Stefan administered closing the study doors. "Now that we have everyone back together we have a problem."

"Give it to us straight." Caroline piped up sitting between Tyler and Matt. "Some of us do have lives to get back to." she complained.

"Technically Barbie, you're dead." Damon taunted. Caroline cut her eyes at him.

He lifted his arms. "Don't get mad at me Katherine did it." he smirked pointing to the 500 year old beauty.

Katherine rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Seriously, though me and Luce aren't really team players, so what's the deal."

"Well." Stefan started sliding his hand against his neck. "I think Klaus is back."

If Katherine had a heart she was sure it'd be up her throat by now. Damon looked at Katherine in amusement he'd never seen those big doe eyes so mortified. Bonnie's mouth was pressed into a straight line. She thought that Katherine was their biggest threat, but at the vampire's horrified expression she knew whoever this Klaus guy is was bad business.

A gush of wind accompanied by a blur went through the room so fast Tyler swore he had whiplash. When all eyes adjusted they seen Bonnie pinned against the wall struggling to get free.

"Déjà vu all over again" Damon smirked taking his shot to the head.