"Hack! Cough! Hack!"

Nick heard the sounds of Ellis' coughing from across the house. Sighing, he closed the door to the garage behind him, having returned from a day at work. He put the keys to his Volkswagen in the key box, smoothed out the lapels of his black suit jacket, and started the trek to his and Ellis' room. He walked across the dinning room, pausing momentarily in front of the mirror this room had to smooth back his slicked black hair and straightened out his pants. Just because Ellis was probably a wreck didn't mean Nick had to look awful too. Going up the stairs towards the second floor, Nick wondered how long Ellis had his cold. Officially he hadn't been to the shop for three days, though he had been complaining about a sore throat for almost a week now. Sighing again, Nick realized that he was also probably going to catch this nasty cold.

Arriving at the door to their room, the ex-gambler knocked, asking permission to enter the sick man's premises. A scratchy "Come in" came from the other side. Opening the door, Nick took a look at his sick lover lying in their bed.

Ellis looked absolutely horrible. His brown hair was incredibly messy, there were bags under his blue eyes and his nose was so red, he wondered if he was a sick clown. The waste basket near his bed was full to the brim with used tissues. Walking over to the bed in which Ellis was fighting his cold, Nick asked him in a soft and comforting voice:

"How are you doing, overalls?"

The first thing that came out of Ellis' mouth was a series of wet coughs, sounding as if he was going to hack up a whale. Clearing his throat, the sick mechanic replied:

"Ah feel 'orrible. This is the worst cold ah've ever 'ad."

Nick sat down on the bed and took Ellis in his arms. Ellis snuggled in his grip, being as comfortable as he could, considering his sickness.

"You know, this cold will go away eventually." Said the man in the black suit.

"Ah know," replied the mechanic, "it just feels like it's taking forever."

They stayed like that for a while, not wanting to break the hug. Suddenly, Nick got an idea that he shared with Ellis.

"Did you know that the best thing to fight a cold with is vitamin C? Well, how's about I go get you a nice, tall glass of orange juice?"

"Hmm, tha' sounds nice." Said the mechanic.

"One glass of orange juice, comin' right up!" Said the ex-gambler while getting out of their bed.

Going back down the stairs, Nick then went to their large kitchen, opened up the fridge door, and took out a two litre carton of orange juice. He then took out a glass, poured some juice in it and took it back upstairs to where Ellis lay. Giving him the glass, Ellis then took a sip from it and sighed.

"Ahh, ah already feel better!" he said.

Ellis quickly finished his glass of orange juice, afterwards putting it on the bed side table. Nick then returned to the bed, wrapping his arms around his pyjama-clad lover.

"Yah know, Nick, you're probably going to catch my cold now." said Ellis.

"I know, Overalls. But I'd rather be with you." replied Nick, kissing Ellis' temple.

The two slowly fell asleep, comfortably in each others arms.

AN: Story of my life right now. I'm practicly chugging the orange juice carton, and I really do sound like I'm trying to cough up a whale. T-T

Anywho, thank you for reading, I'm sorry if it's not that well written, it's just a little something that popped up in my head.

Thank you for reading and please review,
