A/N: Okay here's the next chapter! I've got a few questions to answer.

Ptl4ever419: When she refers to Edward forbidding her from being friends with Jacob and trying to keep her away from La Push, I'm getting that from Eclipse. Obviously, Bella didn't listen but before she knew about Victoria, her and Edward had a few fights regarding Jacob and how Edward didn't want her around him. I know I don't bring out the fact that she refused him, in my story but what I was focusing on is soley the fact that Edward tried to control her by forbidding her so many things; whether she listened to him or not, wasn't the point I was trying to make, I just wanted to show how sensitive she is when people try to tell her what to do-it goes back to how controlling Edward was. I hope that helps!



"Okay, you don't sound so hot, Swan."

"I need your help! And don't tease me because this is humiliating enough!"

Leah laughed to herself as she threw her long legs over the edge of the couch and stood. "Okay, what's the crisis?"

Bella scanned the mess that was currently her room and worried her bottom lip. "You gotta see this; I can't really explain it."

"Okay, I'm there in twenty."

Before long, Bella heard Leah pull up and she ran to the door, grabbed the older woman's hand and practically dragged her through the house and up the stairs.

"Okay, okay, Swan? What on earth is going on?! You're...acting like a mad woman!"

Bella tugged forcefully on her hand. "Just...com'on!"

They reached Bella's room and both women stopped dead in their tracks.

"Good Lord in heaven!"

"These are all my clothes...and none of them fit me anymore! I mean they fit but they're not flattering at all!"

"Well it's no wonder, look at all this! You've got long sleeve boxy shirts that I've seen my own brother wear!"

Bella grimaced and ran a hand through her hair.

"I know, I know...ugh! This is bad, isn't it."

Leah walked aimlessly around the room before turning around with hands on her hips and a determined glimmer in her eyes. "Okay, you know what? This? all this craziness? Is going to the trash and you and I are hitting the shops."

# # # #

Bella never thought she could enjoy shopping so much as she did that day! She had to admit, it had a lot to do with the company; Leah was a riot but not in a suffocating, overbearing sort of way. She made suggestions and would ocassionally push Bella to try something on that she wasn't sure of but she didn't shove her in a fitting room with a mound of clothes that weren't even close to her style; Alice had always been pushy when it came to retail therapy.

They'd gone through several outfits-mainly different styles of skinny jeans, paired with fitted long sleeved shirts with scoop or V-necks-and even a few high waisted shorts and waders.

All in all it was a total of 4 hours before the girls left the strip mall of shops and boutiques-both with their arms and hands laden down with shopping bags and boxes.

Once back at Bella's, Charlie nearly fell out of his chair when he saw the mounds of merchandise heaped in his daughter's arms. Had she actually been shopping? Of her own free will?


But then he caught sight of Leah Clearwater bringing up the rear-her own arms laden down with numerous packages-and it started to make sense.

Bella had been spending a lot of time with the young Quilette woman and to say Charlie was pleased and relieved, was an understatement. She'd become a lot less reclusive in the last couple of weeks and she was even going out more and trying things that she previously had no interest in-like shopping. Gods, his daughter had always hated it and when the pixie Cullen Brunette had been around, she'd forcefully dragged Bella on numerous retail escapades, all the while ignoring Bella's protests that she had no use for such a ridiculous waste of time and money.

But looking at her now, he could see that she was starting to see the value and benefits of such an activity-to the point she was even enjoying it.

The girls waved to Charlie and then clamoured noisily up the stairs, disappearing in Bella's room with their contraband in toe.

It took about 2 hours of modeling their merchandise before Bella was laughing hysterically at something Leah had said and her phone went off.

She stretched across her bed and grabbed it from the nightstand.

"Someone important?" Leah asked from where she was parading in front of the full-length mirror.

Bella snorted humorously and looked at her phone.

Hey...aren't you supposed to be somehwere?

Bella smirked and shook her head.

I didn't know there was a set time.

Com'on Bell, you're killin' me on purpose!

Bella showed the text to Leah. Leah rolled her eyes and Bella let out a giggle.

Oh don't be so dramatic; I'm here with Leah, we just got back.

Seriously? You're with fucking Leah?!

Paul...com'on; she just took me shopping; my closet was atrocious, trust me, I needed it.

There was a significant pause and Leah started tossing random articles of clothing on the bed, putting together an outfit for Bella.

Bella's cell pinged and she reached for it.

Okay fine, but I'll only forgive you if you wear something sexy for me today.


Seriously, Paul?! You DO know that we just met-officially-like yesterday?

Hey, I've known you forever! We grew up together remember?

Bella shook her head. Technically. But it was more 'I know who he is' and 'I know who she is'; it wasn't like we played in the sandbox every weekend and made forts together!

"Swan. Try this." Leah tossed Bella a pair of light-wash skinny jeans along with a long sleeved black knit top with a low scooped back.

Bella eyed the articles uncertainly but decided to trust Leah's sense of style.

When she reappeared, Leah took one look at her and squealed. "Oh my god, you look so hot, Bella! Ah! I am so good."

Bella glanced down at herself. The jeans fit her curves really well...the curves she didn't realize she had and the few horizontal rips in the left pant leg, gave a subtle yet sexy peak at her milky white thigh.

The shirt was equally flattering in the way it hugged her arms, torso and generous swell of her breast. The low-scoop at the back, accentuated her shoulders and drew the eye to the subtle toned muscle of her back.

The neckline barely showed off her collar bone but it balanced well with the plunging reverse neckline and Bella had to admit, she really liked the contrast.

"Okay. Now put these one." Leah handed her a pair of dark brown cowgirl boots and as she pulled them on one by one, Leah's grin grew wolfish.

"Oh. My. god. He is so gonna flip his shit when he sees you-in a good way, I mean."

Bella let out a shaky breath and straightened. "I'm just not sure if I should really be wearing these...the heels are small for sure but I-I don't know I had heels on just the other day and I don't wanna push my luck."

But Leah waved her off, grapped her keys and pushed Bella toward the door. "Com'on, you're fine; besides if you do happen to trip, it just gives him an excuse to catch you!"

They reached the kitchen and Charlie choked on his beer. "Whoa! Now where the hell did my daughter go?"

Bella rolled her eyes as she hugged him.

"You look really great, Bells; well Jake's certainly gonna be shocked."

At the mention of Jake's name, Bella blanched and Leah cleared her throat awkwardly.

He didn't know about Paul yet and Bella was still trying to figure out exactly how to tell him-minus mentioning the whole werewolf imprinting thing, of course.

"Well we're off; Um they are planning a bonfire tonight I think-for Sam's birthday-but it will probably run pretty late...so..."

Charlie waved her off dismissively. "Yeah, yeah that's fine; don't worry you can do whatever you need to. Just please go and have fun."

Bella laughed softly. "Sure, Dad. Okay love you." She pecked him on the cheek then turned and followed Leah out the door.

"Yep, alright Bells-go have fun."

When they piled into Leah's car, she gave Bella a careful sideways glance. "Wow; he sure is verbal about wanting you to have fun."

"Yeah...he's always been a worrier. But I'll admit I wasn't so hot over the last seven months so...he has reason to be."

Leah nodded and they pulled out onto the road. "Well I guess I speak for everyone then when I say you've really improved over this last month and I think you'll be fine."

Bella smiled at Leah; she wasn't much for sentiment but the Quilette woman had her own way of showing that she really cared and Bella knew she cared a lot, even if she wouldn't admit it and that meant a lot to her.

"So! You ready to do this?" She eyed Bella with a mischevious grin as they turned onto the long dirt road.

Bella shivered as she exhaled deeply. As soon as the sign Welcome To La Push came into view, she nodded her head firmly and set her lips in a determined line.

"Yeah, definitely ready to do this." And she was; inspite of the sliver of fear that sliced through her, she was determined to ignore it and instead, she focused on the sense of excitement that hummed through her body and the closer they came to the rez, the less painfully her body ached and she knew...it was because she would see him soon.

# # # #

Paul sat on the porch steps of Sam's house, knife in hand and chisled away at a crudely-shaped piece of oak wood in his hand. He'd always had a knack for making things and wood carving had become a hobby of his after he'd taken a semester of woodshop in highschool.

Presently, The screen door opened and Sam joined him. "So, you think she'll come?"

Paul's dark green eyes left the carving and scanned the horizon again.

"She'll be here. Even if she isn't, she knows there's no getting around seeing me; I'd go to her place and kick down the door if I had to."

Sam shook his head but he couldn't help but smile. "You really have a flare for the dramatic, Paul; you need to be mindful. I know Bella's your mate and from what you told me, she seems more than receptive to the idea but...she's still dealing with a lot of aftermath. Cullen really did a number on her and I don't think it's gonna be fixed over a few days or even a few weeks."

"I know that. But at the same time, I'm not gonna let her keep running; she needs to let someone else be there for her, whether she likes it or not; it's what's good for her. And besides...she's my mate." His eyes left the horizon and fixated on Sam who stood leaning against the railing. "She's everything to me; I can't take being away from her anymore, I need her."

Sam nodded in understanding, clapping a hand on Paul's shoulder before both men heard the sound of a car engine pulling up.

They both recognized the sound of Leah's engine and Paul sheathed his knife and bolted to his feet.

The scent of Vanilla and hot chocolate reached his nose and he nearly ran across the yard and down to the parking lot, anxiety and excitement pumping through his veins.

Leah's car came into view but Paul skidded to a sudden stop and his eyes grew wide when the passanger door opened.

Bella stepped out of the car, stretching her arms over her head and brushing invisible lint from her jean-clad bottom and thighs.

Her eyes were intense and focused as she looked about; he was there. She could feel him but she couldn't see him.

"You good, Swan?"

"Huh? Yeah! Why?"

Leah shook her head. "You just looked really skittish there for a minute."

The two women fell into step, walking in the direction of Sam's-Leah chatting away and Bella checking her cellphone incessantly.

"Ugh, that's like the umpteenth time you've looked at your phone, Bella; you're making me nervous!" She hissed and slapped the other girl's hand away from retrieving the treacherous thing yet again.

"I'm just making sure I'm not-missing anything." She deffended.

"Missing? Missing what?!" Leah groaned in exassperation but then her eyes caught sight of Paul coming down the slope, towards them and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Um speaking of 'missing' something?" She hip-checked Bella, unable to hide her grin at the slightly-terror-filled expression on the other girl's face.

When Bella caught sight of Paul...clad in light-wash fitted designer jeans and a plain white T, she gasped and covered her eyes.

"Oh my god!" She hissed, turning on her heel like she planned on making a run for it.

But Leah caught her by the arm. "Whoa, whoa, easy Swan, where the hell is the fire?!"

Bella still had her back to where Paul was coming towards them and suddenly, she felt completely foolish and couldn't force herself to turn around; afterall, they were out in the open in painfully-plain sight of him so there was no way her feeble attempt to run had gone unnoticed.

God, she must look like a complete idiot!

"Okay. That was stupid."

"Really, you think?!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't know what to do! I just saw him and...reflex." Her arms flailed around a bit as she tried to explain but there was no getting around how completely ridiculous she looked.

"Okay um just...breathe? You just saw him yesterday!"

"Yeah? well you weren't there! Which you were supposed to be, by the way! It was...extremely awkward and...reeeeaaally intense."

Leah's eyes lit up with mischief and she leaned in closer. "Ohooo! Really, do tell! I want every dirty detail."

"Leah!" Bella hissed, back-handing the girl's arm and Leah barely stifled a snort.

She straightened a little and rested one hand on her hip while the other combed through her hair. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea..."

"Oh really? What would've been worse; You coming here? Or Paul coming to your place with your dad home, and kicking down the door."

Bella's head snapped around and she stared at Leah. "He...wouldn't have."

"Oh he sooooo would have, Bella. Don't be so naive!"

"Leah." Paul was well within earshot now and he slowed into a light jog as he reached the two women just at the base of the slope.

Leah whispered something hurriedly to Bella before turning her attention to Paul. "Hey. Are we late?"

Paul smirked slightly. "A little but it's fine; Sam just got back from morning patrol and Quil and Embry aren't here yet."

"Whew! Thank god; the last thing I need is another chewing out." She walked passed him and he snorted knowingly.

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"Meet you guys up there, then!" Leah waved to, noting a very panicked-looking Bella with amusement as she crested the slope and headed straight for Sam's.

God, she could practically taste breakfast already-blueberry waffles freshly baked bread and apple butter!

Paul watched Leah for a moment over his shoulder and when he heard her audible moan of hunger, he chuckled deeply.

"Yep; she's salivating right about now." He shook his head and turned back to Bella.

She hadn't moved much since she first saw him and right now, she had her back slightly turned to him and her lower lip was caught between her teeth as she chewed on it nervously.

God, she was so sexy when she was anxious!

"Are you gonna even look at me? Or do I have to make you."

Bella composed herself and turned a sweet smile on him.

It came out a little forced but it was a start.

"Hey, sorry I was just a little surprised to see you."

He arched a brow at her. "Surprised to see me? Wasn't that you're reason for coming out?"

Damn it, she'd just made an idiot of herself again and she had no way to recover.

"Never mind." She bit down on her lip and started to walk passed him but Paul caught her by the wrist and sharply whirled her around.

"Hey. You're not getting off that easy, Bell." His voice was deep and throaty...and a little threatening but she couldn't fathom why that excited her as opposed to scaring her.

"I..." She laughed softly, tucking the hair behind her ear before braving a look at him.

Paul's body hummed to life when her dark eyes connected with his and his wolf went wild at the way she caught her lower lip between her teeth, tugging on it self-consciously.

"You know there's no way you could ever escape me and yet, you keep running." He shook his head but there was a soft smile on his mouth that reached his eyes.

"I have to say, I admire you're determination, Bell."

"I'm not 'trying' to run Paul I just...I don't know, it's just a refex sometimes."

He tugged her closer to him so he could comb his fingers through her hair. "Yeah I know...we're gonna have to work on that..." He cupped chin and turned her face up to his. "...make it so you run to me instead of away..." His mouth spread into a wolfish grin as he drew Bella's face towards his and he couldn't help the low chuckled that rumbled in his chest when she shivered and her lips parted in anticipation.

"Paul...don't...we...people might see..."

His lips hovered just over hers. "So let them see." He caught just the edge of her bottom lip with his mouth, before she suddenly turned her face away and pulled out of his grasp.

"No, I'm serious!" She pressed a trembling hand to her stomach and touched her other hand to her lips. "I've told you before, you've...you've got to give me a little space, Paul or else I can't think straight!"

Paul groaned in protest but he gave he grinned at her pleadingly. "Oh com'on Bell...not this again; you don't need to think, remember? I told you I'd tell you everything and help you through it."

"Yeah? Well...this!..." She gestured between them. "This, is not helping; you're...you're being too...intense..."

"I don't recal you minding my...intensity last time." His eyes warmed and his grin was beguiling as he took a step towards her.

"Well t-that was-d-different."

"Really? how so?"

"You...you were entraping me!" She jabbed her finger at him but Paul was laughing now.

"Oh Bell com'on; if you're gonna be in denial, you've gotta come up with better deffensive strategy than that!" She was within arm's reach now and he moved quickly and smoothly; catching her hand in his and pulling her back flush against him.

Bella squeaked when she felt his warm fingers wrap around her wrist, pulling her backwards towards him and she yelped when he had her pressed flush up against his body.

Her back was to him but she could still feel the hot hardness of his muscled body through his thin cotton tee and she gulped when his arms tightened around her waist.

He rested his chin on her shoulder and purred into her hair. "Mmmm, now that's more like it."

One of his hands strayed to rest against her belly and the touch felt so intimate, she lost her breath.

"Okay...that's enough."

He pulled her tighter against him. "Nope. It's not even close, Babe." His lips brushed against her temple, eliciting a breathy moan and a shiver.

"Oh Bell...do you have any idea how bad I want you?" His voice was husky as he continued to caress her cheek and the side of her neck with his lips.


He chuckled and it was a warm throaty sound that had Bella's knees going weak.

"Oh you don't even know the half of it."

Just then, there was a noise coming from the direction of Sam's and before long, Embry and Brady were clamoring down the slope towards Paul and Bella; Embry had Brady in a headlock and the two boys were hollering and laughing like rambunctious children.

When Bella caught sight of them, she started pushing against Paul. "Em and Brady are coming-Paul!"

Paul mumbled something incogerently into her neck, ignoring her hissing and protests as he continued nibbling on her tender flesh.

Bella shoved harder against him, trying to ignore how sinful his mouth felt on her neck.

"Paul...I'm...I-I'm serious! They're coming this way, com'on stop!...Paul!" She hissed vehemently before finally getting him to loosen his hold, just as Embry and Brady caught sight of them and waved.

She took a few steps away from him, self-consciously grazing the side of her neck with her fingers-right where his mouth had been-and smoothing her hair.

"Hey there, lovebirds!" Embry howled boisterously and Brady tried to cover his amusement with a snort against the back of his hand.

Bella's face went beet red and Paul pressed his lips together, attempting to hide a smirk.

"Look Paul we all know you and Bells are tryin' to get Cozy but Sam's chomping at the bit; it's your patrol shift!"

Paul groaned irritably but he nodded. "Yeah, okay I'll be there in a bit. Hey, send Leah down here will you?"

He turned back to Bella who was still sporting a hint of rosy red in her cheeks-and his chest clenched at the thought of having to leave her.

"Alright I have to go on patrol." He stepped up to her, running a hand through his hair.

"Okay well I-"

"You're staying for the party, right?"

She couldn't hold back a small smile at the hopefullness in his voice and she looked up at him. "Yeah, I'm staying; I uh..." She glanced shyly at the ground, scuffing the dirt with the toe of her boot. "Actually might be staying over at Leah's-my dad was pretty adament about wanting me to stay out as long as I wanted and to have fun; he practically kicked me outta the house this morning." She laughed a little nervously and then her breath froze in her throat when Paul leaned down and pressed a warm kiss to her cheek.

It was such a simple touch...but it was the sweetest gesture and she couldn't supress a radiant smile breaking out across her beautiful features.

Paul caught her smile and he gave her a wolfish grin as he pulled back. "See you tonight, Princess."

# # # #

Later that night, the Quilette inhabitants gathered on First Beach and a large bonfire was erected.

Emily and some of the other wives had spent all that day cooking and baking and once the fire was lit, long tables were set up and the immense feast brought and laid out.

In the midst of all this, Bella and Leah were doing what they could; fetching the plastic wear, mixing the drinks and fetching blankets to lay out on the sand for seating.

Leah was regailing Bella with a story of when her younger brother, Seth had first shifted and after the first terrifying part, Bella was bent over, laughing her heart out at how ecstatic Seth had been and how long it had taken them to round him up and get him to shift back.

Both girls stumbled down the front steps, arms layden down with blankets-giggling hysterically all the while-when a noise was heard from the tree line and two bare-chested, copper-skinned men appeared, eyes bright with energy and smiles wide and brilliant.

"Well, well looks like Paul and Collin are back from patrol-just in time too!"

Bella tried an inconspicuous glance in their direction and she almost lost it at the sight of Paul's tall, broad form packed with lean muscle.

God, did the man ever keep a shirt on hand?

The men came up and delivered their report to Sam. Afterwards, he dismissed them and they scrambled for the food like mad men, nearly trampling each other in the process.

Bella couldn't help but burst out laughing at their crazy antics and when Paul's eyes suddenly snapped in their direction, they landed on her and she smiled bashfully, looking away.

Noticing her flushing cheeks, Leah rolled her eyes, groaning. "Geesh, Swan you've got it so bad, you're nauseating me."

The set down the pile of blankets and each took an end and spread them out on the sand. "What-what do you mean?"

"Seriously? You're gonna play the 'I'm-too-dumb-to-know-what-you're-talking-about' card?"

Bella bit her tongue and grabbed another blanket. "I'm not playing at anything, Leah."

"Uh-hu, sure you're not." She rolled her eyes, smirking all the while at her friend.

Bella just rolled her eyes but she couldn't hold back a tiny smile.

Once all the blankets were rolled out, they went back to see if Emily needed anything else.

"Oh no, you ladies have been lifesavers but everything's pretty much done and been taken out so shoo and enjoy yourselves!"

"So? What do you think?" Leah asked as the ambled down the front steps.

"About what?"

She snickered, linking her arm through Bella's and nodding in the direction of the pack.

"About all this! About him?" She jerked her head in Paul's direction and Bella's eyes followed, landing on his broad muscled back as he pulled a white T over his head.

"I-I don't know, Leah-I mean I-I really like him..."

"But? I know there's a 'but'."

Bella laughed. "Well it's just...he's another supernatural creature that's not-so-very-mythical with super-human strength and I'm just...I don't know if I can handle 'supernatural' again..."

Leah gently pushed her towards the food table and they each grabbed a plate. "I get that it's overwhelming...but you've got to remember that there's more to Paul than being a wolf; I mean that's only half of him, it's not his whole life, it doesn't consume him or trap him in a miserable existence that requires him to keep moving and graduate from highschool fifteen million times."

Bella had to snort at Leah's purposeful jab at the Cullens.

"Plus, you can actually have a full life with him! I mean-okay I know this is wayyyy in the future but you don't have to give up things with him that you would've had to give up with leech boy; Bella, you can actually have children with Paul-and when he stops shifting, you two can grow old together!"

Bella couldn't help the intense emotion coiling in her throat, at Leah's words; she was right. With Edward, she had to give up so much! She never felt completely free to hand with whoever she wanted because he was always so paranoid...and when it came to spending a life with him, she would've had to give up her life as a human, her family, friends, having children of her own...everything! Thinking of it now, made her sick because she couldn't fathom how she'd ever been willing to sacrifice so much...just for one guy! Wasn't a relationship supposed to be centered on equal compromise, communication and trust?

She's not sure if her and Edward ever really had any of those...he was always so secretive, even after they started dating and he questioned a lot of her decisions and most times downright argued against them!

She shook her head...she must have been so delusional in thinking she was actually happy and fulfilled in that relationship...

...But Paul...

He was so completely different.

He had no secrets because he trusted her with all of them and he never doubted her independence; he actually wanted to hear her opinions and he was fascinated by her determination!

...It actually seemed to be a turn on for him...which made Bella blush profusely just at the thought.

And he always seemed to be thinking of her before himself; even if he came across pushy and a bit obssessive, it was because he obssessed over her happiness.

Her eyes strayed to him again, only to find him staring straight at her, intently.

She had the impulse to look away but then his mouth curved upwards into that ridiculous wolfish grin and she was done for; she couldn't tear her eyes away even if she tried!

"And he can't keep his eyes off of you, Bella; see? He's craaaaazy about you but it's not like they were; they looked at you like a pet but Paul sees you as a treasure! You're his everything, Bella-his entire world revolves around you and because of that, he'll always put you and your happiness first-and he'd never hurt you."

"That's what Edward used to say..."


She looked into Leah's eyes and Leah's expression was deadly serious. "He. Could. Never ever hurt you...it would literally kill him."

Bella gasped and her eyes widened. "What...what do you mean, Leah?"

"I'm not trying to scare you but you need to know this; Paul's whole life...his whole reason for existing...is to please you, make you happy, provide for you and love you. It's instinct for him but beyond that, it's his greatest desire! If he ever hurt you, it would cripple him to the point where he would whither away...he'd lose the will to live. And same goes if someone else hurt you...now in that case, it wouldn't necessarily kill him but it would physically and emotionally devistate him."

Bella shook her head in disbelief, pondering everything Leah had shared with her.

"That's what I mean when I say 'you're his everything'...because you literally are and you'll always come first."

"Wow, I-I mean I-I don't even-" She looked at Leah again and the other woman smiled in understanding and wrapped her arms around Bella's shoulders, embracing her in a rare moment of affection. "Oh Honey, honey...how much you have to learn. Just don't think about it too much, okay? Just enjoy the individual moments with him-let everything else come on it's own."

"But what if I-what if I hurt him, Leah? I-I don't know if I could live with myself." Her eyes grew sad as the connected with Paul's intense stare and for a marginal moment, his eyes darkened in questioning concern and he mouthed "What's wrong?"

"You won't hurt him, Bella-the only way you could possibly do that is if you rejected him-and something tells me you wouldn't even dream of it..." Her knowing smile touched Bella and she smiled back, shaking her head.

"Nope...I really don't think I ever could...something inside of me tells me that...that would kill me, you know?"

"I believe it; the imprint is a strong force of nature and destiny; there isn't anything on this earth-supernatural or otherwise-that can superceed it."

"You really believe that?" Bella asked softly.

"Uhh, have you seen Sam and Emily?!"

At this, both women burst into a fit side-splitting laughter and a few of the party guests gave questioning stares in their direction.

Just then, Paul walked up to the girl's and Leah managed to stifle her giggling enough to whisper something in Bella's ear, nudging her with her hip.

"Speaking of destiny, here comes yours at 12:00; dazzle him, sexy lady!" She whispered hastily in Bella's ear before snorting out a giggle and sashaying passed Paul.

She tossed a suggestive wink to Bella over her shoulder and then disappeared into the crowd of partiers.

Paul caught the wink toss and his brows furrowed in suspicion. "Okay-what the hell was the 'wink' about?" He punctuated his question with a comical immitation of Leah's 'suggestive' wink and Bella nearly choked on her rootbear, snorting in amusement.

"Wow. You should do that more often, you pull it off-rrreaaaally well."

"You're mocking me."

Bella's shoulders shook as she supressed a giggle. "Oh. Completely!" Her face pulled into a mock-serious expression that her laughing eyes gave away.

Paul shook his head but her radiance was so contagious that he couldn't help but grin down at her.

"So. You having fun?" He asked softly, reaching behind her pour himself a drink from the makeshift bar.

"Yeah I-actually no, I'm having a blast!" Her face broke out into another bright smile as she watched Embry and Brady who had cleared a space on the beach and began dancing-or more accurately-horsing around to the music that started blaring from the large boombox.

"Really?" He took a swig of pepsi, then set down his cup and continued staring at her as she watched a few other couples and groups who joined Embry and Brady, all swaying to the beat of the music.

Her smile was soft yet bright as she watched the couples wrapping themselves in each other's arms and for a moment, a sliver of saddness flashed in the depths of her eyes.

She glanced up at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing."

She looked away, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear and her eyes grew somewhat wistful.

"Bell..." He hooked a finger under her chin and gently tilted her face upwards.

She looked into his eyes, trying to smile. "Really, Paul I'm fine."

He frowned, stroking her cheek with his fingers. "Bell, you forget that I can literally feel everything that you feel-and right now, I'm feeling sadness...and a bit of fear."

Bella sighed heavily. "I just-I'm sorry I'm-I guess it's still hard sometimes."

"What? Talk to me."

Bella tried to protest but Paul ignored her, took her hand and pulled her out onto the dancefloor. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her close, tucked her head under his chin and held her hand against his chest.

"Just talk to me; tell me exactly what you're feeling and don't worry about trying to find the 'right words' just say it how you feel it."

Bella rested her head against his chest and let out a deep breath.

Slowly, she opened up to Paul about everything she'd been going through since the Cullen's had left. She told him about how she'd spent months on end, cooped up in her room like a zombie, and then how she'd started acting reckless-and even borderline, dangerous-because it was the only way she could ease the terrible pain and nightmares...even for a little bit.

Paul listened intently to every word she spoke and each moment of pain, he experienced with her; each time her voice cracked or tembled a little, he heard it and when her chest began to ache from the painful memories, he felt it keenly and had to swallow back the tears and whimpering; his wolf was in misery just listening to all the pain she had been through.

When she'd finally finished, the last thing she said was possibly the hardest and most painful for him to hear. "And the thing that scares me now the most? Is that suddenly, I have you. You're here, showing me how-much you w-want me, how badly you need me and that you want to make me happy, but I-I just can't help but be terrified that something's gonna change and one day, you're gonna wake up and realize-what a huge mistake you've made and then you're just gonna-" The tears had more than seeped into her voice by now and a few were escaping down her pale cheeks.

Paul's wolf whimpered and howled in anguish at the sight of her tears and he pulled her closer. "Hey, no. Bell don't even think it 'cuz it's never gonna happen, I swear to you! There's no way in this life or the next, that I could ever survive without you; even if I wanted to, my wolf couldn't take it-I couldn't take it!"

"How-how can you really know that, huh? Have you imprinted before?! You can't know for sure, Paul because you've never been in this situation before-you can only make-an educated guess at best!" The tears flowed freely down her cheeks and Paul hushed her softly, pulling her away from the group so they could have some privacy.

He cradled her face in his hands, wiping away her tears with his thumbs as he spoke comfortingly to her. "I know you're scared-and you're right, I've never felt this way before but that only means I could never be more certain of how I feel and there is nothing more that I want in this world-than this, right here."

She looked up into his eyes, searching for any hint of insincerity-but all she found was honesty, passion and something else she was almost too terrified to identify.

"How-how can you be so certain?" She whispered.

Paul looked deeply into her eyes and, detecting hope and deep affection swirling in the chocolate depths.

He hadn't planned on this being the way he'd tell her...but then, destiny always worked in the most unexpected ways; afterall, the spirits had seen it fit to put Bella in his life-something that he would always feel undeserving and be in awe of.

So no, this may not have been how he'd 'planned' it-but it was so much better because it was what she needed that mattered more-and that's what made 'now' so perfect.

So, taking a deep breath, he locked his eyes with hers, cradling her face lovingly in his hands. "Because-I love you, Bell-and I know you probably think I'm crazy for saying it but it's true. I love you with all my heart-body-and soul. There is nothing in this world or the next that could ever change that-and no one will ever take you away from me or me away from you-I swear to you, just please give me a chance to prove that I-"

She was crushing her lips against his and the rest of his words were swallowed up by her hungry kiss.

Cradling the back of her head, he brought her mouth even closer, deepening the kiss as he gently sucked on her lower lip.

Bella shivered and gasped into his mouth, pressing her body closer to his and wrapping her arms around his neck. She couldn't believe she'd had the audacity to kiss him-but then, she refused to second-guess herself and kissed him even harder.

Paul was going crazy from the feverish urgency of her kisses-and as for his wolf, he was going out of his mind with want; he wanted to taste more of her, the feel of her body in his arms wasn't enough-he had to-needed to-get her closer-closer!

Paul fought against the instinct to pull Bella into the woods and rip her clothes off-but it wasn't an easy battle-especially when she kept nibbling and sucking on his lips like that!

Damn, the woman had skills!

He needed to find some way to reign in his wolf but at the same time, he didn't know how to do that, without physically pulling away from her and that was not an option!

Oh, he was in trouble; this was getting out of hand and his rational mind was being quickly over-taken by his primal desires; pretty soon, he wouldn't be able to dictate his own actions and it would all be pure, raw instinct.

"Bell-B-Bell-!" He breathed between kisses.

"Hmmm." Bella sighed against his lips, hoisting herself higher up into his arms and hugging her body tightly against his-which made matters for him even worse-now, he could feel every single dip, curve and swell as she pressed herself into him-oh god, her breasts were full and soft, he could tell-if only that black knit shirt wasn't in the way; then he could really feel her.

His hands scraped up her sides, his fingertips brushed against the exposed flesh of her bare back and his wolf growled; Oh that's perfect! Her shirt only half-way covers her back so you can just grab the top edge and just pull! It'll rip right off, easy!

He hissed between his teeth at the tempting and very inconvenient suggestion from his wolf; now wasn't the time to be trying to get Bella naked for fuck's sake! He needed to Calm. The fuck. Down!

"Bella." He took hold of her arms and managed to pry them from around his neck as he gently but firmly set her back on the ground.

He pressed his forehead against hers, desperately trying to catch his breath and calm his wolf who was about ready to tear free from just below the surface.

"I-I'm sorry was I-?"

"NO. No don't apologize, you're-you're more than fine, it's just-I had to stop or else-I may not have been able to."
She eyed him curiously. "I-I don't understand, you're-"
"My wolf really wants you. All of you."

Her cheeks looked as if they'd burst into flames and she looked down. "O-oh."

Paul snickered, slipping his hands around her waist, gently massaging the slight dip in her hip.

"Not only that, I really want you. Soooo...that coupled with my crazed werewolf side, it only heightens everything and makes it-a hell of a lot more difficult to control. And the last thing I want to do is scare you..."

"It's okay-you don't have to-well honestly, I wasn't scared. At all."

His eyes snapped open in surprise. "...You weren't?"

She leveled him with a brave stare, her eyes sparkling and a small smile playing on her lips. "No. I wasn't. But I appreciate you being considerate of that."

Paul had to gulp; her dark eyes which were now a hint of seductive, were doing insane things to him. "Of course-I-"

She pressed two fingers to his lips and whispered close to his ear. "Besides-there's always-next time." And with that, she turned and walked away from him with a confident smile and a sway in her hips.

Paul's mouth fell open and he watched her sashay away from him in complete astonishment.

For the first time in his life, Paul Lahote was at loss for words.