Author's note: Yes, goodbye homework, social life, facebook, work, and hello fanfiction! Do I have regrets? None! This is a little crack!fic based of one of the lovely Shellystark's prompts! This is definitely not intended to be a realistic continuation of where Terra Nova left off, but a little treat for Valentines Day coming up :)! The updates will definitely not be as fast as Betrayal, which will hopefully still continue every day, but I hope to keep posting every 3 or so days, and will most definitely be finished by Valentine's Day! Hope you enjoy :)!

Disclaimer: Blah blah blah, not mine. Rub it in Fox, rub it in.

Skye flopped down onto her bed with a sigh, grabbing her pillow and placing it over her face, screaming as loudly as she could into it. She was being driven insane. There was no other word for it. It wasn't fair, it wasn't right, it wasn't her fault, she should tell Taylor, there surely had to be some kind of law against this.

It had all started when the Sixers had joined forces to rid Terra Nova of the Phoenix Group. Immediately after she had shot Lucas, Mira had appeared, claiming a truce, begging them to help her destroy the Phoenix Group who were intent on regaining contact with 2149 and would eventually destroy them all. Mira's daughter had arrived on the 11th Pilgrimage, along with a few other Sixer family members. Having nothing left to connect them with the future, and knowing what the Phoenix Group were planning on doing, they had decided that they could not allow another portal to be built.

To her complete and utter shock, Taylor had agreed. At that, Sixers melted out of the bushes, two grabbing Lucas and began giving him medical attention, at which point she had taken out her gun, only to be restrained by Commander Taylor with a shake of his head. Skye had never thought that the Sixers and Terra Novians would ever be allies, but once again, she was proven wrong. The Phoenix Group was quickly defeated, and as the last Phoenix member had been killed, refusing to surrender, Mira and Taylor had signed a truce. Some of the Sixers still occupied their old camps, but most had moved back to Terra Nova, including Lucas, after a long and lengthy conversation and punching match with Commander Taylor.

She had heard rumours of what had happened all over the colony, and while most of them were simply that - she didn't believe for a second that Lucas had hidden a bee in his hand and punched the Commander with it, which he was highly allergic too - something had happened between them. It wasn't a Father-Son relationship that anyone would expect, but they could both walk past each other without hands on their knives and using their peripheral vision until the other was out of sight. It was awkward, it was uncomfortable, but at least the murderous rage that had consumed them both was gone.

Skye didn't know what had happened to Lucas, but whatever had happened with his Father had obviously done something, and he was no longer intent on Terra Nova's downfall, and was instead working to better the colony, much to her dismay. Why to her dismay? Because he was everywhere. He was like the plague. He was like a cockroach, that as much as you squashed it with your foot, tried to drown it, shoot it, smack a shovel on it, nuke it, he just wouldn't go away.

After he had come back to Terra Nova, he worked in the science lab along with Malcomius, working around the technology shortage. Since she worked in the lab as well, that meant that she saw him every day. The first few months had been extremely hostile, with him rubbing his hand on his chest every time they passed, and her casually holding a knife out in front of her, glaring nastily at each other.

Then, one day, Malcolm had accidentally fused together the wrong wires, while Skye and Lucas were standing right next to it, blowing it up. Skye had woken up in the infirmary with a large bump on her head, and after asking what had happened, been informed by Dr. Shannon with extremely raised eyebrows that Lucas had carried her in. As much as Skye hated the bastard, she had to be nice to keep relations between the Sixers and Terra Novians civil, and when they had next passed, she had muttered a quick "Thank you."

He stopped, and turned around. "What did you say?" He looked at her curiously.

She flushed beet red and resisted the urge to stomp her foot up and down. "I said, thank you," she said through gritted teeth.

He chuckled, and chucked her under the chin. "Don't mention it." He winked at her, and then strode away, leaving her entirely confused. She had shot the man, didn't he care about that? Obviously not.

It had continued on for the next couple of months, only getting worse as he kept on trying to talk to her. Why, she didn't know. It was infuriating. He was there every time she turned around, asking her questions occasionally, but most often talking to Dr. Shannon, smirk on his face as he saw her glaring at him.

Then things had hit rock bottom when she went round to the Shannons after being invited for dinner. She had entered their house, only to see that bastard sitting at the table, smirking at her. She had almost walked straight back out. It was only the hand on her back from Dr. Shannon that had kept her there. She gritted her teeth, walking over to the table, and had spent the whole evening resisting to kick him under the table, especially when he kept smirking at her. Skye didn't know what on earth had possessed Dr. Shannon to invite him over, and she was even more astonished at the fact that Josh wasn't leaping across the table and beating him into a pulp. Apparently he was on the same strict behavior guidelines as her, speaking through gritted teeth, obviously told that he needed to be respectful otherwise relations between the Sixers and Terra Novians would disintegrate.

After a polite amount of time had passed after dinner, she had risen quickly, thanking them for the lovely meal, and had walked out the front door, progressing to stomping her feet like a petulant child only to hear soft chuckles behind her. She had spun around to see Lucas smirking at her.

"What?" She growled, crossing her arms furiously across her chest.

"Not going to say goodnight to me?" He said mockingly.

She saw red. She stomped up to him, poking him in the chest with her finger. "I don't know what is going on through that head of yours, but if you can remember, I shot you, and would happily do it again! You might have everyone else confused, but I still remember when you tried to kill your own Father!"

He gazed down at her somberly. "Strangely enough, Bucket, so do I. I also remember that after that, the Sixers, including myself, joined with said person to kill the Phoenix Group. Have you ever made a mistake?" He said softly.

"Yes, I have. Not killing you when I had the chance!"

He chuckled lightly, eyes somber. "Well, I'm glad you can at least admit that you're not perfect. I'm not either as you've obviously determined. But just remember that you wouldn't be standing here right now if I hadn't persuaded the Sixers to come here and wipe out the rest of those bastards. My Father has forgiven me, why can't you?" He gazed at her sadly, and taken her by the elbow, tugging her along with him.

She had walked with him for a few seconds before she regained her senses and dug her heels in. "Where are we going?" She demanded.

He sighed and pointed in the direction of her house. "You're going home." He stated.

"How do you know where my house is?" She said suspiciously.

"Genius." He tapped the side of his head thoughtfully.

"You're not walking me home." She warned him.

He exhaled heavily. "No, I'm just walking in the same direction as you," he said sarcastically. "You know as well as I do that when it's nightfall, things start flying over, and if you don't show up in the lab tomorrow after being taken off and eaten by a Pterosaur, my ass is on the line. Let's go." He started walking, leaving her to stare dumbfounded after him, and after he had turned around a couple of meters away, staring at her, she had reluctantly caught up to him, and they walked in silence until they reached her house.

She entered the pin code quickly, turning around to give a muttered thanks, when she saw him already striding away. She had entered the house, mind spinning, wondering what the hell had just happened. She'd tossed and turned all night, trying to think of a cause for his behavior. For everyone else's behavior. Why had everyone just forgiven him? More importantly, what had happened that he had stopped hating everyone else?

It hadn't stopped there. He was suddenly at many of the same events as her, attending the same lab socials as her, walking her home every night. Had the colony suddenly gone insane?

She had just walked in after another one of those nights after he had walked her home. The lab staff had stayed late for a meeting with Malcomius discussing how to properly maintain inventory so that before they ran out, everyone was aware so that it wouldn't cause a panic, or something similar. She hadn't been paying close attention. She had been too busy glaring at Lucas as he sat beside her, keeping bumping his shoulder into hers, smirking when Malcolm suddenly went on a tangent, or started ranting. She had fought the urge to grin at the same moments, instead shooting Lucas angry glares each time he nudged her, accidentally smacking him in the chest with her notepad at one point after she had become really annoyed, pretending she had a sudden arm spasm. Only to find her temper exponentially higher when she noticed him laughing at her, knowing exactly what she'd done.

She'd run quickly out of the meeting, only to be cornered by Malcolm, asking her if his projection was ok, and if she could hear everything he'd been saying perfectly, and something to do with his pitch. She knew with him that reassurances as quickly as possible were the best bet, and after a couple of quick platitudes she made her escape, only to find Lucas holding her coat up, sleeves ready for her to slip her arms into. She had stomped over to him, slipping her arms through the sleeves with a muttered thanks, and walked out, discovered he'd fallen into step beside her. He didn't say anything like usual, and disappeared by the time she'd entered her code in the door. It was driving her up the wall, feet-stomping, screaming, chucking things kind of crazy.

Shelly, you've created a monster plot bunny with this! I hope you all enjoyed, and as always, I love to hear your thoughts :)!