I know you're going to murder me for not updating in almost a year. And because the chapter's so short. But i have the chapters outlined and all that jazz so it's just a matter of actually writing them out...
*hangs head in shame*
I know, I know my excuses suck. More at the bottom.
On with chapter 6!

Mikoto grinned as she and a two maids burst into one of many guestrooms. She paused as the sleeping figure buried beneath the covers stirred a little. Frowning at darkness of the room, Mikoto hurried over to the balcony and threw open the curtains allowing for light to suddenly flood the room. The lump under the blanket stirred again and was still.

Not one to be denied, Mikoto advanced towards the bed, "Rise and shine, sweetheart! It's a brand new day filled with countless possibilities!" With a firm grip on the covers the woman pulled the covers off with a flourish. Hinata was found curled up into a ball; her long hair sprawled across the pillows.

The Hyuga sat up tiredly rubbing her eyes, to which the Uchiha squealed and put a hand to her cheek, "My, darling you are too cute! You don't mind me calling you that do you? Every time I try to tell my boys that they get all fussy."

Hinata blushed but shook her head. Mikoto smiled again, "Good! You know what lamb? I know we're going to get along swimmingly! Now get out of bed and we'll get you all prettied up!" Mikoto gestured to one of the maids who in turn put a set of towels at the foot of the bed. She then stepped aside from the second maid who had just set up a screen for changing. Hanging on the screen were three different dresses, "You're bath is all ready darling, just bring the towels with you and come out when you're done."

Hinata smiled and nodded her thanks before venturing into the room behind Mikoto and finding the bath tub filled with an abundance of scented bubbles.

Allowing the younger woman some privacy, Mikoto stood back and surveyed the dresses. One had a light blue skirt with a dark blue top and translucent blue sleeves. Another was a short sleeved white sundress with lavender patterned flowers flowing across the bottom and up the side of the skirt. The last was light sea foam green with a ruffled skirt that came down to about mid-calf. All three were very beautiful and not too heavily adorned, which greatly pleased Mikoto in that she was sure the simply beauty of the dresses would fit their guest just fine.

Hinata shyly stepped out with a towel securely wrapped around her body and another in her hair. Taking a glance at the three dresses, Hinata picked the last one. It reminds me of Hanabi. Mikoto simply nodded to the maids and allowed for them to help their guest into the dress. Stepping out from behind the screen, Hinata looked at Mikoto expectantly, How do I look? Quite fluent in mind reading (She was the mother of two genius sons. They had to inherit the intelligence from somebody. That and her mother's intuition was scary good.) Mikoto gushed out praises, "You look absolutely marvelous sweetheart! Oh I simply love this dress on you! I never do get to play dress up with my sons anymore. They insist that they're too old need help from 'Kaa-san. Well, why doesn't anybody remember that I was the one that put them in diapers? I should be able to help my little boys with their clothing! Especially when they look so dashing in the suits I pick out." Hinata grinned at the Uchiha Mother's rambles. She was a very motherly woman; Hinata couldn't help but get comfortable around her.

She sat down at the vanity and picked up a brush. Mikoto quickly came over, "Oh here, darling, let me help you with that!" Hinata smiled and handed Mikoto the brush, relaxing as the older woman softly pulled the brush through long dark tresses. "You have the prettiest hair, lamb. I've always been a fan of dark hair. Of course I always thought it was Uchiha hair that was always the most beautiful, but your hair is just so very soft and full of shine. Do you do anything with it? It's a very attractive blue-black, almost like an indigo in color." Hinata shrugged and smiled, another light blush adorning her features.

Mikoto finished brushing the girl's hair and pulled a flower accessory from the drawer of the vanity. Clipping it above Hinata's ear, she stepped back and gazed at the girl through the mirror. The two made eye contact through the mirror and Mikoto smiled a very calming, motherly smile. "Don't you worry sweetheart, I'm on your side. I may not know much about your past, but I can tell you have a good heart. It'll be a good thing for my eldest if he starts spending more time with you, I'll do whatever I can to help you two along." Hinata stared through the mirror, surprised that Mikoto would be so trusting. In response to the look, the Uchiha simply laughed, "Besides I've always wanted a daughter! We could do this more often, it's fun!" Hinata simply blushed and nodded.

"Alright, so here's the cover story," Hanabi looked at her cousin, "When Hiashi asks, Temari and I decided that onee-chan needed some girl time; a sort of rehabilitation if you will. So we'll be crashing at the Sand Siblings' house if he needs us." The two Hyugas were swimming through the crowded market place. Street vendors did their best trying to attract customers with their boasts fresh produce and greener seaweed. The two barely noticed as people naturally parted to make space for them out of unspoken respect and habit.

Neji nodded, "Okay, but what happens when he decides he needs to speak to Hinata-sama?"

Hanabi snorted, "Hey, I came up with the cover story. Stalling Otousan is your job." She absently waved to one of the vendors that kept her up to date on all things diabolical.

The grey-tailed merman sighed, "I suppose I'll have to deal with him alone if you're staying with Temari." He bowed his head respectfully to an elderly merman passing by.

The younger Hyuga grinned, "Continuity, bro. Gotta stick with the story." Neji rolled his eyes as the two made their way out of the courtyard. Traffic around them began to thin down and eventually they were the only two on the pebbled road.

"I just hope everything will turn out okay," Hanabi nodded in agreement. The two, however, slowed to a stop as a group of three mermen came into view up ahead. They were of varying heights and builds, the tallest of the three being noticeably muscular. The torso above a dark blackish grey tail was shirtless with two strips of material crisscrossing over his chest. Bandages covered the lower portion of his face and a large sword was strapped securely to his back. The second tallest was also lugging a large sword behind him as he swam. With piercing violet eyes and a matching sleeveless shirt, this merman was leaner and had a blue tail with white hair dyed the same color at the tips. The last of the three could only be described as androgynous with long hair, deep brown eyes, and a dark blue green tail. Even with no visible weapons, the last was not to be taken lightly.

"Momochi Zabuza, Hozuki Suigetsu, and *Yuki Haku," Neji whispered their respective names to Hanabi as he mentally analyzed the three characters.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Looks like a couple of Aristocrats got lost," Zabuza leered at the two Hyugas, "You do know your immaculate little palace is far away from this lowly place," his voice was heavy with mockery.

"We are simply looking to pass through peacefully. It is our right as much as yours," Neji answered evenly. His voice was carefully neutral.

Suigetsu gave Zabuza a look, "Don't let this guy bother you, feel free to pass. It's not like we own the place."

"Though they are rich enough too," Haku whispered heavily, his eyes narrowing with hatred. Suigetsu spared another look for the smallest of the three.

Treading softly, the two Hyuga quickly made their way across the road. However, while Neji kept his gaze steadily ahead, Hanabi made it her job to glare at the three as she followed her cousin.

"I don't like him," Neji said as soon as they were out of earshot.

"Him? Don't you mean them?" Hanabi's eyebrow rose.

Her cousin shook his head, "No, Suigetsu. The other two pose a regular threat. I can trust them to hate us no matter what. It's that Hozuki that I can't get a read on." Neji continued in response to Hanabi's question look, "I've seen him speaking with Hinata-sama on occasion; not very often, but one too many times if you ask me. He had better not be getting any ideas."

Hanabi rolled her eyes, "So you think the big bad wolf has got a thing for our little hime?"

Neji's lips tightened, "You can never be too sure Hanabi."

*Haku doesn't have a last name. But the internet says he was part of the Yuki clan and so I just stuck that there.


Please don't hurt me.

I kinda sorta forgot this existed for about a year and a half… I lost my inspiration on it back in early 2012 and never really picked it up again. But never fear! I've recently become obsessed with all things aquatic and will hopefully return to this story faithfully. I've got everything outlined and a few ideas sketched into greater detail. Still a few things I need to iron out but mostly little things.

However, I haven't read a single chapter of the manga since it turned out Tobi wasn't Madara after all which was, again, sometime last year. I've been updated on a few things by little memes I happen across on facebook but I haven't the effort to go back and read through all the chapters. Sooo this isn't going to be even remotely cannon in case you haven't guessed.

I hope you enjoyed the little Mikoto/Hinata interaction in the beginning, and don't worry, Itachi and Sasuke will make their appearances again next chapter. As will the rest of team Kakashi and Sai.

Next time on DiAoN! Team seven puts the "Fun" in "Dysfunctional!"