"I can see things."

The boy with the black hair and glasses shifts from his prone position on the floor; turns his head towards that voice, eyes searching.

"I can see ayakashi."

The other boy, a brunette, lowers his gaze as if ashamed.

"They speak to me and only me."

A breeze blows through the open window, carrying with it the scent of midnight. The scent of turmoil.

"I know."

This time it is he who shifts his attention to the bespectacled boy.

"I can see things."

A rush of color to pale cheeks; a slight hitch in that velvet voice.

"I can see ayakashi."

Brown eyes meet blue. A feeling of mutual understanding is passed between the two adolescents.

"They speak to me and only me."

The one in the black uniform sits upright. Turns his body towards the other.

"I know."

Natsume offers a bittersweet smile.

"I can see things, as well."

Watanuki's tongue darts out to wet suddenly dry lips.

"I can see ayakashi, too."

They speak in unison now; a sad, melodic lilt in their voices.

"They speak to us and only us."