AN: Oyoy guys, lol! :) Here I am with another story. Truth be told the idea had me for a while now, but since there are plenty of stories of Geek!Elena falling for hot-badass Damon I thought a change could be refreshing. LOL. Actually we won't see a lot of that - but still the flashbakcs point to that. Think about Damon in the flashbacks as Human!Damon. A little, at least. I always thought that when he was human Damon tended to be incredibly naive and too dumb, haha, poor thing. In present day he's obviously like our typical snarky Damon. ;)

I hope you'll give it a try and let me know what you think. Reviews are always very appreciated and they inspire me to continue. :)

If you're reading my other story "Luckily You Exist" don't worry, I will still continue it and update it as much as I can!

Thank you for reading (if you do, that is XD) and please let me know your thoughts! xoxo

Mystic Falls, 2006:

Elena Gilbert is flawless, Damon thought as he watched the girl of his dreams walking through the hallway in her pretty cheerleader uniform.

Her long chestnut hair was always perfectly straight, cascading down her back gloriously. Her body was one of a goddess and her smile would make any guy turn around. Her addicting laugh infected him, as he started smiling unconsciously.

He'd been in love with her since forever. She filled his dreams and his thoughts about the future. She was one year younger than him, this year he would graduate, but it didn't matter. Damon believed that she was the one for him.

Elena and her friends Caroline and Bonnie were the most popular girls at school. Everyone would talk about them and everyone wanted to be their friends. She was even the captain of the Cheerleaders team. She was smart, beautiful, and popular. She had it all.

At the age of almost 18, he was head over heels for this girl, and he wanted to ask her out. He wanted her to be his prom date.

Little did he know how naive he was being. While Elena was the most beautiful and popular girl at school, Damon was nothing but a shy geek.

He was short and thin, his glasses too showy and his dental braces unattractive.

Elena looked at his direction and started waving, a wide smile on her face. He felt tingles in his body and smiled back, waving a little.

When he saw her friend Caroline looking at him in disgust he turned around and saw that she was waving at her boyfriend, Matt Donovan.

His smile dropped and he felt defeated when she saw him running into Matt's arms and giggling at what he was saying.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around, seeing his brother Stefan giving him a pointed look. Stefan was also younger of one year.

"Damon, how many times I told you that you don't have a shot with that girl? It's Elena Gilbert, dude." He said as he ate his sandwich.

"And how many times I told you that one sandwich is enough? You're too chubby Stef." He said.

His brother suddenly started laughing and he looked at him questioningly.


"No…nothing. It's just that you talk in a funny way with that braces on." Stefan said shaking his head.

He had installed his dental braces just two days ago and he was still getting used to it.

"Shut up." He said elbowing him.

"I have to go. My class starts in five minutes. See you later to go home, bro." Stefan said as he ran past the hallway.

As he watched his brother, Damon shook his head, thinking that Stefan definitely needed to lose weight. He was in overweight and their mother could also be blamed for that.

Maria loved to feed them plently and while he had never been a glutter, Stefan definitely was.

He then saw Elena standing near the lockers alone, and in that moment he found the courage to go talking to her.

He took a deep breath and started walking towards her, feeling always more nervous. She was humming quietly and he found himself losing in the soft sound. He took another deep breath and tapped her lightly on the shoulder.

"El-Elena?" He said shyly.

She took her earphones for music off and looked at him strangely.

"Yeah?" She asked as she checked him out in an almost appalled way.

"I…uhm…I wanted to ask you something." He said looking down, fixing his glasses.

She crossed her arms and looked at him with an amused expression.

"Would you, ehm, want to be my-my date for the…the p-prom?" He finally managed to ask, smiling at her naively.

She bit her lip and he could see that she was keeping herself from laughing. His hopes immediatly dashed until she said something.

"Mmm...why don't we talk about it outside? Meet me behind the school in five minutes, where the football field is." She said as she winked mischeviously.

His heart started beating like a drum and he felt something that he couldn't quite explain in his underwear.

He saw her walking fiercely through the hallways until she reached Caroline and Bonnie, who were now laughing furiously at something that she said.

He quickly went to the restroom, wetting his face and calming down. He had just spoken with Elena Gilbert, and she had talked to him back. She winked at him and told him to meet her outside. Was this real life? Maybe she felt the same way. Maybe she liked him too, but she wasn't ready to admit it until now. In four years that he knew her and that he'd been in love with her, they had barely spoken. He could count on the tips of his fingers those rare times when they had ever interacted.

He stepped out of the bathroom and almost ran outside, smiling a wide smile when he saw her sitting on one of the benches. She smiled when she saw him and waved at him to join her.

"Hi Elena." He said, his voice trembling slightly.

"Hi Devon." She said with a smile.

"It's-it's Damon." He said nodding.

He sat next to her and saw her taking a little bit of distance. He decided not to care, since she was already so close to him. She was breathtaking.

"So…" She said with a sigh.

"S-so." He said rubbing his head lightly. "Do-do you want to come with m-me at the p-p-prom?" He managed to say.

"Let's see..." She said, pretending to think about it.

She then started laughing furiously as she looked past him. He didn't make it to turn around when he felt something cold and liquid falling on his head, filling his whole clothes.

Elena was still sitting on the bench twisting into laughter with tears in her eyes. In that moment he understood that she'd played him all along.

Suddenly in front of him there were Caroline and Bonnie, laughing smugly too.

"Hello there, Salvatroll." Caroline said in a mocking tone.

"Wh-wh-why did you d-do this?" He asked as he wiped his blurry eyes.

"Because you're lame." Elena suddenly said, a pleased and mean smile on her face. "Seriously, do you think I'm that dumb? I see the way you look at me Salvatore. It's annoying the hell out of me. Get a life."

She stood up, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"I-I thought th-that…you liked me, t-too." He said looking down, his voice almost a whisper.

She snorted as her friends started laughing like hyenas.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Me, liking someone like you? Have you ever looked into the mirror? Your body is almost as short as mine, your glasses are pathetic, and your braces is horrendous. Not to mention your annoying stuttering." She said rolling her eyes.

She got near him, lowering a little so she could look right into his eyes.

"I would never like someone as pathetic as you." She said spelling every world firmly.

She then smirked devishly and took his glasses making them fall on the ground.

"Oops." She gasped, walking on them on purpose.

She then took the gum that she was chewing from her mouth and sticked it right against his forehead.

"That's all you'll ever get from me, Salvatroll. So stop stalking me, you creep nerd." She said pointing her finger at him and walking away.

Bonnie and Caroline were still laughing furiously as they turned around to mock him.

When he was completely alone, he allowed himself to let the tears that were threateting to escape ever since he found out how big time Elena played him, streaming down his face. He couldn't see a thing as his eyes were blurried with tears and he didn't even have his glasses on anymore.

He'd never, in his whole useless life, felt so humiliated. It was like someone had stabbed him repeatedly in the heart, which now felt like it had been broken into million little pieces.

He started sobbing as he took his face in his hands, suddenly feeling hatred and anger for Elena. The girl who he had stupidly been devoted to all these years. He had finally seen her true colors; she was nothing but an evil spoiled mean girl.

He cursed himself for having been so stupid all these years, for having been so naive. He should have known better.

He smelled like lemon and he realized that they had throwed lemon ice-drink on him. He was freezing as he suddenly felt someone wiping the juice from his face.

"Damon! What happened?" His friend Rose asked him in a concerned tone.

She kneeled down to take his glasses from the ground, quickly putting them back on his face. One len was broken but at least he could see something.

"El-Elena and her f-friends…" He said looking down.

She sighed heavily, shaking her head as she helped him up.

"How many times I told you not to trust that girl, and especially not to fall for her? But no, not a time when you would listen to me!" She said throwing her arms up.

"I d-do now." He said quietly.

He saw it all clear now. Elena was nothing but a bitch. He would feel nothing but indifference and disgust for her from now on.

"Come on, Alaric is waiting for us. Let's get you home." Rose said as she took his hand and dragged him quickly to the parking lot of the school.

He saw Rose glaring furiously at someone and when he held up his gaze he saw Elena near her car. He stiffened as he looked at her, but he could swear that he saw a glimmer of regret in her eyes. She smiled a little and awkwardly at him, but he didn't care. What was done was done.

From now on he would despise Elena Gilbert with all he had. And when he finally graduated, he would get the hell out of this damn town and make something out of his himself. A drastical change in the better.

He had to.

Mystic Falls, 2012:

"Come on Elena pretty please. You gotta come with us tonight, everyone's gonna be there! Even that hottie of Mason!" Caroline pratically begged.

She was sitting on one of the stools at the Mystic Grill, her shopping bags high on her arms.

Her fluffly blonde hair was just made and her make-up flawless as always. Caroline was definitely the barbie of the town.

"I already told you, I can't. I'm working tonight and Jeremy is also coming back." Elena said sighing deeply.

"Well can't he go at Jenna's place or something? Besides I can ask Matt if he can change your shift!" Caroline huffed.

"No." Elena said giving her a pointed look. "Also I don't want you to ask Matt favors just because you're dating. I'm very grateful that he gave me this job and I don't want to screw it up."

"Fine, be that way." Caroline said rolling her eyes. "But you're so going to regret it." She said before heading out high on her heels.

Elena huffed and took the drink that Caroline had just finished back in the kitchen. Her shifts had increased this week because Matt was sick and no one else could replace him. Thank god his sister Vicky and Rebekah were there.

"You can go if you want. We can manage for one night you know." Rebekah said.

"Thanks, but no. I honestly can't wait to just get back home and relax. And you know I don't like those crazy parties where Caroline always drags me to." She said.

"Not anymore you mean." Rebekah said, raising her eyebrows.

"Rebekah." Elena warned but she just shrugged. "I'm not that girl anymore…I didn't like being that girl." She whispered.

Her eyes were filled with sadness for a moment as she thought about how awful and shallow that girl was. How one of those damn parties she used to love caused her to lose the two most important people in her life.

"Okay. I get it." Rebekah said as she got closer.

She gently caressed her arm and smiled.

"But really, we've got tonight covered. Just go home and wait for Jeremy. I'm sure you two have a lot to catch up with." She encouraged.

"Okay. Thank you." She said smiling weakly.

Finally Jeremy was coming back home after spending six months in Europe. He had searched for some great universities but had ended up wanting to get back in Mystic Falls. And the fact that the girl he had met in France and spent all his time there with, Anna, dumped him had convinced him even more. He seemed to really like her but it didn't end well.

Elena couldn't be happier though. She missed her little brother.

Stefan was also out of town for two weeks with his mother after someone close to his family died and they needed to be there.

Back in highschool she and Stefan attended the same classes, and even though she used to didn't even know his name at first, they became friends a while after the accident with her parents happened during their last year. She'd helped him to get through his weight problems and he'd somehow brought her back to reality, where not everything revolved around being popular and please other people. At first he wanted more than friendship, but she always made clear that she wanted nothing more than that. She, Stefan, Bonnie, and Caroline all bonded along the way and they were now inseparable. They all grew up together.

As she put some dishes into the sink her phone started ringing and she immediatly picked up the call.

"Hello?" She said as she dryed her hands.

"Hey El." Stefan said.

"Stefan! How are you? When are you and your mother coming back? I miss you." She said fondly.

"Things are…messy right now. My mother wants to stay for at least two other weeks. My aunt is really devastated and she's all alone, you know." He said sighing sadly.

"Oh. I'm so sorry about that, Stef. If you need anything at all while you're away just tell me."

"Well there is something, actually." He said hesitantly.

"Perfect." She said casually.

If she could help in any way, she would gladly do it. Maria had been amazing to her after her parents died and she owed her a lot.

"My brother Damon is coming back." He said nervously.

She froze at those words. Stefan didn't talk about his brother often. He was one year older than them and after he graduated he left town and never came back. She didn't know what happened to him, and neither did Stefan or his mother. At least until now.

She vaguely remembered him. He was awkward and nerdy but he was a great guy. She still cursed herself for bulling him so much back then.

"What? When did you hear him?" She asked confused.

"He called my mother a few days ago. She actually fainted after hearing his voice after all these years. That bastard." He muttered angrily, and Elena could picture him shaking his head.

"Why is he coming back now?" She asked.

"I don't know. I honestly don't know what he's up to and I just…I don't want my mother to suffer again. If you see him, please talk to him. Tell him to wait for us to come back." He said sounding desperate.

"Stefan, I want to help you. I really do. But it's been six years, I don't even remember his face! And you know we didn't really get along..he would probably spit on my face if he saw me." she said quietly.

"Oh trust me, he remembers you for sure." Stefan said sounding a little too sure of himself. "And as you said it's been more than six years. We've all grown up. Also just look for an awkward weirdo and you'll know it's him." He said.

"Okay then, I'll do it." She said chuckling a little. "Do you know when he's coming back exactly or his phone number? I could set up a meeting." She said shrugging.

"No I don't actually. But he said it was a matter of days so he might as well be there already."

"I think that I would have recognized him if I saw him sticking around, don't you think?"

"Probably." Stefan said. "Either way, let me know if you get in contact with him. Please Elena. You're the only person I trust with this." He said serious.

"You know you can count on me." She said firmly. "I'll let you know. Give a hug to Maria from me. Bye Stef."

"Bye El." He said as he hang up.

She sighed quietly as she grew thoughtful. She slipped the phone back in her pocket and then felt someone tapping her shoulder.

"There's a costumer. And he's a hot one." Vicky whispered.

Elena rolled her eyes and shaked her head amused. She fixed her ponytail and then headed back to the bar.

Most of the hot males just tried to hit on her most of the times. She was used to it, and she now knew how to handle them. It had become a habit. If they eyed her first they would try to make a move, she would refuse them, and they would then pass to Rebekah or especially Vicky, who was always willing to be their one-time thing.

But as she saw this one…damn. Her knees almost buckled and she felt butterflies in her stomach and her face blushing hot. Often she was attracted to some customers, but this one was a whole other level. He was breathtaking.

You would want to ran your hands all over his reaven black silky hair, his face was one of a God and his body flawless. She had never seen such a beautiful and handsome man. Not even in a movie where they all seemed to be fallen from heaven. He was probably god himself. A fucking greek god.

She noticed that he was wearing all black and his leather jacket only added more points to his hotness. She blushed again as she realized that she was staring at him with her mouth open.

He leaned against the counter and smirked almost arrogantly.

"Are you going to stare at me forever or can I give you the order?" He said as he sat down on one of the stools.

And his eyes…god, his eyes! They were so blue and deep that you could look into them forever. Ocean blue eyes. The most beautiful eyes she had ever seen.

She made a strangled noise and realized how pathetic she was being when she saw him flashing a wide smile. And his smile, his teeh were also perfect and so white….okay, stop it right now Elena, she thought.

"I am..oh my god, I'm so sorry. I'm just tired and I've came off awfully. I know." She said laughing awkwardly.

Because yes, she was indeed being too awkward for her own good.

"No problem." He said as he checked her out.

His glance was cold as ice though and she immediatly felt uncomfortable. She had turned him off for sure.

"What can I bring you?" She asked.

"I would say bourbon, but I think that today I'm more in for a lemon ice-drink." He said giving her a tight smile.

Did she mention how attractive his cologne was? How intoxicating?

"Coming in a minute." She nodded as she stepped back into the kitchen, feeling the urge to take a deep breath to calm herself down. And maybe a change of panties.

It was her. It was truly her, goddamn it. He had to do everything in his power not to make her understand that her presence affected him. That something was wrong with him. He put on his poker face as best as he could as she, Elena Gilbert, took an order for him. At the Mystic Grill. What was happening?

She had changed. She was a woman now. But she was still beautiful as he remembered. She still had that long chestnut hair that he used to love so much, that smooth and flawless body. Her eyes though seemed different. They held sadness, not that sparkle and life that she used to have in them.

Shit, shit, shit. You're not supposed to be affected by her after all these years. After what she's done to you. She was nothing but a shallow and bitchy rich girl who gave him nothing but crap in highschool. He hated her.

She was one of the many reasons of why he had left town. If not the most important one. That time when she made fun of him and told him all those awful thing still managed to be the the most humiliating thing that had ever happened to him in almost seven years.

He had changed though. He was not the pathetic, naive, scared, awkward nerdy guy anymore. He moved to Chicago and studied law, becoming one of the most respected and tough lawyers ever. He was a shark. Experiences and people made him become one.

Not only he changed his life, but he also changed himself and his being. You wouldn't say that this handsome stud was that lame four eyes that he was back then.

When he noticed the first changes and how the women were looking differently at him, he was still blind. He still couldn't believe that they were actually looking at him like that. Then he started going to the gym. He grew taller, his glasses were replaced by lens and his braces was gone right after he graduated.

Now all the women would throw themselves at him. Every woman wanted and craved for him.

How he became so cynical and cold, though, he still didn't know. Or maybe now he did.

It was still because of her. Elena.

His heart still did crazy things when he saw her and he couldn't for the love of him figure out why, after all she'd put him through. After all these years.

Maybe she was changed, maybe he should just look forward, move on and stop feeling hatred for her. He had never believed that she would be stuck in this town.

He thought that she was going to move in some cool city and settle there. She was Elena Gilbert, for god's sake!

Or maybe he would just give her a payoff. He could play with her and see how things would turn out now that he seemed to have quite an effect on her.

He smirked devishly as he thougth about how much he wanted to do it. Hell if he wanted to.

She came back with his drink five minutes later and he melted just a little when he saw the genuine smile on her face. She was…cute.

"Here it is." She said.

"Wait." He said as she turned to leave. "The bar is empty…we might as well talk a little." He said smirking that smirk that would make all the panties drop.

He saw the lust in her eyes and it hit him. It hit him how she was looking at him. She was looking at him in the way he wanted to be looked by her six years ago. The way he thought was never possible to be looked at by Elena.

She then smiled a shy smile and placed her hair behind her ear.

"I'm Elena." She said holding her hand out.

"Devon." He said taking her hand in his and shaking it lightly.

He found himself staring at her and holding her hand for a little too long. When he left it he immediatly felt the loss of her warm touch.

"I've never seen you before. Is this the first time you come to Mystic Falls?" She asked as she filled herself a glass of cold water.

"In a way, yes." He said looking at her straight in the eyes.

She was literally staring at him lips shamelessy as he pronounced the words smoothly and huskily and he wanted to laugh at the irony of the situation. The old him would have probably passed out.

No...he wouldn't fall for it again. 'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.' He thought.

She seemed so different though. He had learned to recognize fake and nasty people by now. But Elena…she now seemed everything but that. Her eyes were defeated and sad, and her laugh was now almost a soft giggle, not that smug one she used to have. If you gave her a lusty look she would blush a pink cute blush and look down shyly, she wouldn't be cocky about it.

She seemed to be eveything he hoped she could be. He hated how he was feeling more than he thought he could hate her. Coming back to town had probably been a bad idea. But now could he stay away?

They chatted for a while about nothing and everything at all but for almost the whole time he found himself just nodding and staring at her numbly.

"Well, I have to go. My shift is over and I really have to hurry. I hope to see you again tomorrow though." She said smiling. "Again...your name?" She asked as she giggled a little.

He cursed and kicked himself mentally as the words left his mouth without even thinking.
