I know many people don't like sister or additional brother fic's but I wrote this awhile back and figured I might as well post it. Sean is a quite a handful, several years younger than Sam he has Dean's attitude and brazenness and Sam's questioning and argumentative nature. Add to that he has psychic abilities (nothing too over the top) it adds up to one big headache for everybody. If you like lots of John and some discipline then you may want to read on. This story takes place over one calendar year beginning and ending in July.

Dirt on the Grave


The wind ruffled Sean's hair as he squatted on the forest floor. The almost twelve year old was well aware he was heading for big trouble but was counting on the possibility of the fact that if he played his cards right he could flush out the Griffon and get back to the car in time to act as if he had been there the whole time.

His order was to wait in the car as his father and two brothers tracked and killed the beast but Sean was never all that good at taking orders. He did wait for awhile or for as long as he could stand. Patience was just not this boy's strength. And since most things evil tended to shy away from him and his psychic abilities the abilities that helped him locate such things Sean knew he could hand deliver this monster right into the hands of his family.

John, Sam and Dean had fanned out weapons at the ready waiting for the Griffon to come back to its home area that had been filled with bones from previous victims some animals some not and that was why the Winchesters were on the prowl. Finally they heard a snort, closed their ranks and John held his gun up indicating to his sons he had the shot. The monster hesitated and stepped back and was quickly enveloped by the nearby foliage. The elder hunted quietly lowered his gun in frustration. Apparently despite their cover the beast sensed them and they would have to wait until he made another pass to get back to his lair. But as John prepared to wait the Griffon stepped back their way and John got his shot.

The beast fell and John could see what had flushed it back out of its safety; there standing next to the tree where the bullet embedded after going through the intended target was Sean. There was no doubt the pounding hearts could be heard throughout the forest.

The preteen turned to flee when John yelled, "FREEZE!"

Sean took a couple more steps and realized he was toast, John had seen him and there was no going back. If only the damn thing had kept going but no it turned and headed back to Sean so he had to make a run at it and exposed himself right along with it. Now the shit had hit the fan and the biggest trouble he had been in a long time was staring him in the face.

John had quickly handed his gun to Dean and stormed over to his youngest son grabbing him by the shirt and hauled him back to where the group. "What in the hell are you doing here?"

Sean gulped and even though he had no right to he looked to his brothers for help. "Dad he flushed it out for us," Dean said trying to argue on the boys behalf.

"Dean, Sam take care of this thing and then meet us back at the car," John barked tightening his grip on Sean.

He wrapped one of his large arms around his slight son and began the fairly short trek back to the car. Sean's toes occasionally bumped along the ground but for the most part John bore his entire weight. The man was deathly silent and Sean did all he could not to wet his pants. Finally the Impala came into view and John set the boy down.

"You want to tell me what the hell that was about?"

"I just wanted to help; you know those things can't figure me out so they run from me. It worked he ran back to you," Sean said brightly hoping to sway his father over to his side a bit.

But John would have none of it his eyes were hard and focused on his youngest son. "Since when do you think disobeying a direct order is ever okay?" Sean just looked at the ground. "Answer me boy, is it ever okay?"

Sean looked up and knowing the right answer still chose the wrong one for reasons even beyond his comprehension. "I guess now since because of me you killed it."

John's hand came crashing down leaving quite the imprint on the lads' cheek. Sean knew this would happen, it took a lot for the occasion but he had seen it with his brothers and once before on himself but yet he chose the road. "That is ONE," John said biting off the words.

He grabbed Sean by the neck and pushed him towards the car. He maneuvered him so his forehead was against one of the back windows and warned him not to move.

"I'm going to check on your brothers and so help me God you better be in that position when I get back."

Sean rolled his head as best he could still keeping it against the window. He knew from experience this was far from over and for all he knew John was standing right behind him waiting for him to move in fact he probably was. The minutes felt like hours to Sean just as John knew they would. This had often been an issue with Sean waiting just didn't suit the boy and it caused quite a few riffs between father and son. John demanded it and Sean just couldn't seem to master it.

The eleven year old reached into his back pocket and pulled his phone out and put it under his trapped head to see that watching the clock wasn't doing him any good. He played a few tunes and seeing only two minutes had passed he stuffed it back into his pocket. Finally after what seemed like an eternity he took a chance and turned around. It was all quiet and he knew he would hear his family coming so he leaned back against the car and stretched his neck. He was thinking he was okay when his heart dropped.

"Who told you, you could move?" John barked.

"Now where did he come from?" Sean whispered to himself not having heard the slightest sound come from that area.

"That's two," he said his hands once again on Sean. "What did you not understand?"

"I just…it's just that…well my neck…and well…"

"And well you thought you would hear me so it wouldn't matter."

"It was forever Dad, I tried. I did but it was too long and it just isn't fair and yeah I thought I'd hear you. I mean come on wait here wait there wait in a fixed position it's too many rules."

"That's three," John said calmly just as Sam and Dean appeared from the woods.

John opened up the back door and slung Sean into the backseat and headed up to the drivers seat. Dean took shotgun and Sam slid in next to Sean. The ride back was silent with Dean sneaking glances at John and Sam glancing sideways at his younger brother. The mood was steeped in tension and they all knew where this was heading. They pulled up next to the house they had rented and all four doors swung open.

"Dean, you and Sam go find us something for dinner and take your time about it," John instructed pulling bills from his pocket.

"Dad maybe we should take Sean with us, you know give you time to cool down," Sam offered.

"No need I'm calm. Just do as I ask," he said handing the money over to Dean.

The two gave Sean a look of support as they climbed back in the car and pulled away from the curb.

"Do you think Dad is calm enough?" Sam asked.

"I guess, he had the drive to cool down. Anyway Sean does need to learn to obey orders there will be a day when things won't turn out his way."

Sean debated about running. He had always been fast and could probably outrun John for a few blocks anyway. But that would only add to his misery and he definitely didn't want to hit four. He knew Dean had tread in that territory once before with very bad results. So with all that in mind he followed John dutifully into the house.

"Over there on your knees hands behind your head," John directed putting Sean in the position he often used with him. It was used by the police and very uncomfortable.

Sean complied and was happy to being staring at the wall as opposed to his very pissed off father. He knew he was about to hear all about his indiscretions.

"So what the hell did you think you were doing back there? You disobeyed a direct order and could have been killed. Do you know how close that bullet was to you? Do you know I could have killed you? I give you instructions but you don't think they apply to you…no you are too good for that, but you're not too good to be KILLED! What were you thinking!"

Sean waited and when the pause was long enough he began to talk telling himself to be respectful. "I'm sorry but I knew I could help. You know that I seem to repel most of the things you hunt and I knew I would drive him your way, but you said no."

"That's right I said no and that's all you need to hear, because one day they won't care who you are and will turn and kill you. We don't know why your psychic abilities deter certain things so we don't know when they won't and we're not going to take that chance. So next time I give you an order you follow it!" John bellowed right next to Sean's ear. "Do you know how close that bullet was?"

"No sir," Sean admitted.

"Too damn close and you put me in that position and I really hated being in that position. So now," John said hauling his son to his feet, "I'm going to put you in a hated position."

Sean was up and swung around to the back of the couch in no time. John reached around and began to tug at Sean's jeans. "No Dad, not bare no please," he begged remembering the last time how much more sting there was and that was years ago when John merely used his hand.

"Sorry kid you more than deserve this," he said continuing his actions. He tugged as Sean held tightly to his pants. "Let go," John said through clenched teeth. Sean let go and was already fighting the tears. Before he knew it his pants hit the floor and his boxers followed.

Sean being not quite tall enough to be bent over the couch with his feet still on the floor was lifted up and over the back of the couch. His feet were off the floor and his rear in the air as he heard the dreaded sound of the belt being freed from its loops. John took a deep breath. He hated this every bit of it, but had no alternative. At least he could see what he was doing; he wanted to drive the point home but didn't want to bruise the boy. "You got ten coming." He folded the belt in half and took aim planting the first strike at the top of the boy's rump. He both kicked and cried out. John moved over immobilizing his son's legs. He then got back to what he was doing putting stripes up and down the boy's backside. He went all the way down and returned to the top but missed high as Sean twisted. John placed his hand on his lower back and leaned down to his ear and whispered, "stop moving or I will be adding to your count."

Sean placed his head into the cushions and tried to stay still. He had lost count but felt he had to be at least halfway through. The belt came crashing down again and Sean nearly came unglued. "I'm sorry Dad, I'm sorry," he sobbed his hands locked behind his head as he squeezed his arms to his head.

"You should never be putting your life in danger, putting all our lives in danger," SMACK. "It's not all about you, we are in this together and just because you are bored you have no right to do what you please. SMACK. "Do you understand?"

"Yes sir," Sean sobbed.

John handed out the rest of what was promised and with only sobs coming from his son now he stopped. He tossed the belt onto the couch and rubbed his sons back in an effort to get him to settle down a little. After a minute he pulled him back to his feet and allowed him to redress noticing the grimace as he slid his pants back on.

"Look at me," John said. But Sean still couldn't seem to find his fathers face. "Look at me," John said again cupping his sons chin forcing him to make eye contact. "This should never happen again, right?"

"Right, sorry sir," Sean said trying to pull away.

"Let's just not be here again at least not for awhile. Now go get washed up and lie down, I'll let you know when the boys are back with the food."

"Yes sir," Sean said making a move to leave.

John took a step and stopped him pulling him into an embrace. "Please let's not do this again soon."

"Yes sir," Sean said again looking up at his father, "I'll really try."

"See that you do son, see that you do."

The boy's soon returned with dinner Dean immediately looking around for his young brother. "He's alive, he's lying down in his room," John said.

"Barely alive," Sean called out.

"Watch it smart ass. Come on out and get some dinner," John ordered opening the containers from the Chinese restaurant.

"No thanks," Sean replied.

"I'm not asking you, let's go," John barked back.

Sean hauled himself up and made his way to the table. It was the typical drill Sean would be disciplined and would be good as gold for a few months until the memory of his stinging behind became distant and the cycle would begin anew.

"You can stand if you want," John offered.

Sean stood shuffling from foot to foot picking at his dinner. He would steal a glance at John trying to read his face. "Other than a 3,000 word report on Griffons we're even," John said.

"Three thousand words," Sean balked.

"Don't push me boy."

"Bet your wishing you stayed in the car now huh?" Dean asked smiling.

***Two days later

"Tell me what this part right here says?" John asked pointing to the middle of Sean's report.

"You just read it what do you need me to tell you for?"

John's look said it all but he spoke anyway, "I think you ought to watch your tone and rephrase your answer."

"Sorry, it says the Griffon is capable of killing its prey by ripping it apart with its beak and talons," Sean read.

"So I'd say you got off easy," John said popping his son on his still slightly tender backside.

"Ow, that wasn't fair."

"Oh so perhaps the next time you will leave your smart ass comment rolling around in your brain unsaid."

Sean nodded but John's expression demanded more. "Yes sir," he mumbled.

This kid was something else. Dean had been a wild one and Sam was never as easy arguments were often within reach but Sean, Sean had all of his brothers traits on top of his own. He was a smart ass extraordinaire and definitely an act first think later type of kid despite the consequences he knew that would be waiting. Despite occasional drama he often got through punishments without much fan faire and John didn't know what to do. He would ground him but Sean would sneak out, he would add on exercises and extra training and Sean would complain but comply, the only thing the man had found was a good swift kick in the ass would at least slow him down a tick.

"How about you fold the laundry and put it away," John suggested.

"What for," the boy dared ask.

"Because I told you to," John scowled.

Sean shot quite the look of contempt but headed towards the laundry room only to be pulled back. "Listen to me young man this will be your last warning. I am not putting up with your attitude, now knock it off or you will be knocked off. Now I have a hunt this weekend and I'm taking Dean with me but you had better behave for Sam or there will be some serious repercussions. Am I clear?"

"Crystal," Sean said turning once again to leave.

He didn't know what was wrong with him lately. Dean told him it must be hormones but he thought that was only for his emotions towards girls not for pissing his father off. He was always daring but now he was just stupid, but he couldn't seem to stop himself. Maybe having a break from the old man would be a good thing. Sam was pretty cool he would keep his mouth shut about most things as long as Sean wasn't arrested or AWOL.