"I was once told, by someone whose name was not worth remembering, that writing all comes down to trying to live forever. Trying to immortalize yourself in your words, in the hope that some part of you will live on into the distant future.

It truly struck me today, that I am insignificant. I have accomplished nothing, and may never do so. My life on this earth is so mind-numbingly short that it baffles me as to why there should be significance in anything I do. I will probably not be here tomorrow, so who cares what I do today?

Well I do. I want to do something that people will talk about. That will change the way we think, we interact, or simply day-dream.

So I guess I'll tell a story, in the hope that one day I will be someone whose name is worth remembering."



Okay, this is my first Hellsing fic ever, and only my second fanfiction. So be gentle.

Also, when writing in third person I have a tendency to slip into first person, I do apologise.

ALSO – Re uploaded, fixed some spelling, added some dialogue, etc.


She had no smile as she marched up the long gravel path to the Hellsing mansion. She stomped forward, as she'd made a habit of doing, trying not to appear as nervous as she was.

Unbeknownst to her, she did not appear nervous. She looked angry, vicious. Which would not help her with her current situation; a job interview with Integra Hellsing.

She'd heard of the woman's iron fist, her unstoppable army, her unwavering loyalty to the crown, and she wanted in.

She was about halfway now, as she noticed the simple gardens. The large hedges that must be ages old. The garden was only shrubbery, without colour. Simple, showing a sophisticated beauty, she liked it.

She was a strong woman, not to be trifled with. She'd spent years in London's army, telling herself it was only until she sought after higher education, only to realise that she really enjoyed it. She was usually a sniper, enjoying the calm before the kill, but still prospered tremendously in hand to hand combat. She relished the power of watching her enemy slowly slide to the ground, clutching at her as though she could save them. No, there wasn't a better career for her.

She reached the front doors, noticing that they were reinforced to protect the inhabitants from whatever threat may arise. She felt her heart rate rise, but rather than out of fear, it was excitement. She knocked without hesitation.

The door opened swiftly, as though someone was awaiting her arrival.

"Oh miss Whitehorn, Right on time." He had a monocle, she noticed with amusement. He was tall, too. She liked him, old people were rarely untrustworthy. He glanced behind her, looking for the retreating vehicle that she arrived in. He saw no such vehicle.

"Were you driven miss?" He asked politely.

"No." She answered frankly, though not intending any foul manner. She was simply stating a fact. The butler didn't wait for her to elaborate further. He smiled and motioned for her to enter.

"Very well, follow me miss, we can't keep Sir Integra waiting. My name is Walter, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask." She silently questioned the use of the term sir momentarily, before brushing it off.

The man led her down the large hallways of the mansion, showing the same taste as the garden. A large, red carpet, and a painting or two along the walls. But she wasn't sure she liked these.

They stopped at the doors to her office. It was time. Walter held no hesitation in opening the door, she guessed because she had an appointment.

"Sir Integra, Miss Whitehorn is here." The butler states.

"Very good, Walter, let her in." Her voice is deep and full of wisdom, and this does not go unnoticed by the girl.

She enters slowly, her angry demeanor slipping, showing the slightest hint of anxiousness. A small bead of sweat travels down her neck. She steps in front of the woman's desk, though she is not sitting there. She is standing at the window, staring outside, the light of the sunset making her shadow eerily tall along the floor.

"Thank you for coming, Miss Whitehorn, I understand this interview was quite a surprise."

"Yes ma'am." Integra was silent, ignoring the use of a common female title, waiting for the girl to elaborate. In most interviews, the subject of the occasion was eager to fill her ears with as much noise as possible. She supposed, this was a fresh perspective, or lack of.

"Do you wish for this occupation? I understand you were highly recommended, but I don't care about that." She turned to look the girl in the eye, and was met with quite a surprise.

The girl was tiny, to say the least. Integra knew that she herself was bias to such things, at an intimidating 5' 11", but this girl was truly astounding. She was probably 5'3", if she was lucky.

But that was not the only strange thing about her. She had some of the shortest hair she'd ever seen on a woman. It stuck up in oddly feminine flicks on the top of her head, and was an unnatural shade of copper. And then there were the things that were purposely unnatural, like the array of piercings on the girl. A nose ring, three lobe piercings( on each ear), and, some sort of odd spikes at the top of her ears. Integra could only imagine what other piercings the girl had that weren't visible.

Despite all of these extensive measures, this was not the most intimidating thing about the girl. It was her face, the natural scowl that contorted her features. Integra could tell that under all these features, there was a beautiful face, but years of hard labour in the army had hardened her features.

"I really want this job, ma'am." She stood up straighter, knowing she was under interrogation.

Integra could tell she wanted this job. The girl was wearing a pencil skirt and a blazer, complete with panty hose. The enemies of all self respecting women on earth, as Integra knew well. She couldn't help but notice that the girl couldn't resist a worn out, dirty pair of leather combat boots meant for the army, though. Integra decided she would like to keep this girl around for a while.

"What would you do to get this job?" She demanded fiercely.

"Kill, for it ma'am." This ma'am nonsense was starting to bother Integra.

"Kill who?"

"Whoever you tell me to." Integra was pleased. She may have to teach the girl the importance of saving the innocent, but she seemed very up to the job.

"Well I have a problem, private."

"What is it, ma'am?"

"Well, besides the fact that you mock my credentials by calling me ma'am," the girl pursed her lips in realising her fatal mistake. "You are far too qualified."

At this the girl looked up, with no attempt at hiding her confusion.

"But I'm only a private,ah, Sir." Integra smiled.

Yes, but I've your record here," The girl winced as Integra dropped the notably thick folder onto her desk.

"You're the perfect soldier for this organisation." The girl looked up, lacking the surprised grin Integra was sure she would receive.

"You are intelligent, ruthless, downright bloodthirsty, but still took care of the men in your squads, earning you a Military cross. I can imagine how hard that would be, though I can see from your records that you were sometimes the threat that the other privates needed rescuing from." Integra took another brief glance at the file, the girl was phenomenal.

"I can only imagine why you weren't promoted."

The girl gave a small smile at the memories. Integra was sure this girl would prove to be interesting.

"So what now, ma'am?" Integra gave her a hard glare, "Sir." She corrected quickly.

"well, I'll have no choice but to put you on my personal team." The girl scanned Integra's face, searching for any sign of a lie, there was none.

"You will be shown to your rooms by Walter, and will come to me in the morning, and I will brief you on The Hellsing organisations situation." She closed the file and looked the girl in the eye.

"Tonight?" The girl asked, confused.

"I'm not a woman to waste time, Miss Whitehorn. If you happen to be one, you will learn to curb that habit." She continued, "Yes. Tonight, miss Whitehorn.".

"Well, I need to get my things. I don't have much, but I would like my belongings."

"I'll have Walter send for your things in the morning." She sat at her desk, and steepled her fingers.

"I'm terribly sorry, Miss Whitehorn, but the only chambers available are with the other troops, as we have no accommodations for women." The girl shrugged.

"S'fine ma'am, sir." The girl sewed the titles together as though they were intended to be so, and Integra was predicting that she would have to become used to the old title, as it seemed the girl couldn't let go.

"Very well, I'll try to find some different accommodations, but for the time being, it is settled."

"Walter." The knight called out, addressing the butler on the other side of the door. He emerged, with an expectant look on his face.

"Yes, Sir Integra?"

"Take Miss Whitehorn to her room in the barracks, and show her around the estate, as well." Walter nodded, before motioning for the girl to exit the room ahead of him.

"After you, miss." He said kindly. She did not like the way he said miss, like she was an innocent girl. She understood Integra's frustration.

"Oh, and miss Whitehorn, I imagine you'll have a preferred title, as opposed to your last name. I would call you by your first name, but it hardly seems to fit." The girl turned to face the knight.

"They used to call me Tank." Said the girl, dryly. Integra stared blankly. The girl had to be kidding.

"Very well, Tank," she did not like this name one bit, though she did not doubt its origins. "I shall see you in the morning, for that briefing I mentioned. Good night." The girl did not answer, but nodded herself, before swiftly exiting with Walter.

Integra watched the door shut behind them. She was reluctant to admit a feeling of excitement washing over her. She had never found a woman worth hiring, save for positions as maids. She was anxious to see how the girl would prove herself.

My, my, my master, what have you done? Came a voice in her head.

"Alucard, if you're going to grace me with your conversation, at least be present so I can glare at you for the length of it, you coward."

She heard a dark chuckle, before the beast himself slid through the wall. He slowly made his way in front of her desk. It was amazing how, even though he was towering above her, his hat seemed to keep his eyes out of sight.

"The Hellsing organisation is no place for a woman," Said Alucard, trying to aggravate her.

Integra Hellsing did not hesitate in pulling out her revolver and shooting him between the eyes. As he slowly healed and rose to his full height once more, he gave a deep laugh.

"but if she is anywhere as strong as you master, she will do well." He gave her a crooked, toothy grin.

"I have a feeling she may be stronger, Alucard." She picked up the fat folder in her gloved hand. "Much stronger, actually."

Alucard began gliding back to the shadows when Integra called,

"And Alucard? Stay away from her." with her hardest glare aimed directly at him. He simply grinned maniacally and chuckled as he sank into the shadows.


I have to admit, I'm not a very consistent updater, in fact, I'm terrible.

But, I consider myself a decent writer, and I think about this story EVERY NIGHT before I fall asleep, so I think if you stick around, we can make some magic.

And, just so you know, reviews make me go faster, and give you saucy-er chapters as well.


Re-Uploading the chapters, making changes and improving my writing.