She paced the few steps her bedroom would allow furiously. Ty Lee sat on the edge of her bed, and even if she had not, Mai would have said the same things.

"He left," she said, throwing knives as merciless and graceful as she was.

Ty Lee nodded her head with a sympathetic look upon her face.

"He left a note. He only left a note. He didn't offer to take me with him."

"Shhhh," Ty Lee answered. "Even saying that could be treason."

"He went to be with the Avatar," Mai screamed back. "He went to fight on the losing side of the war."

Ty Lee sat there, torn between the woman she loved and the friend she was loyally devoted to. Eventually, she whispered, "Mai, you will win either way. You love him, and as far as Azula knows, you're loyal to her."

"I will change that," Mai said. "I will always choose Zuko over Azula. She has greatly underestimated me. She'll see."