Hey everyone! I know it's been a hot, hot, hot... hot minute, but I'm here with an update. Sorta. Since my last chapter, life has been crazy. I've almost finished my undergrad (thank god), I'm about to start my Masters (dear god), and numerous other events (oh my god). Admittedly the past 3 years have been rough. I was in what my friends can only call a mentally and emotionally draining relationship that I stayed in way too long and a job that treated me like, well, shit. I no longer work there to say the least. That means with the summer coming and all my friends having jobs and lives past graduation I am *bored*.

In my most recent move (I have moved roughly 4 times since my last update), I rediscovered my journal with my plans for Fame and Fortune along with a few other start ideas. No promises on the other ones, BUT, it is my goal to finish this by the end of the summer, and if that doesn't happen *definitely* by the start of 2020. Starting my Masters in January will ruin me, so I want to give everyone who is still invested a proper ending. Not a 'promise' that 'one day' it will have an end; not finishing this has been a big stain and disappointment that I myself have struggled with, but never had the time nor motivation to finish. I want to change that. So that's that.

On another note, after I finish I will go back and rewrite parts. Going from a 17 year old (16 to 18 maybe) to a 23 year old, rereading parts is... painful. I've also matured, seen and experienced healthy relationships and seen and experienced not so healthy relationships which I'm hoping can give some more depth and layer to not only the story itself and the writing aspect, but the characters and their motivations which is my main concern. With that said, this will not have the ending I originally anticipated. So look forward to that.

With all my love, respect, and admiration for everyone that has supported me, I will see you soon on the next chapter 3 -Tarable Author