I own none of these characters from Hey Arnold. I am not sure I eve want to own this plot ~lol~

Okay, This whole idea came about when I was messing around and drew Helga punked out. So this will not be as sugary as Helga's Astronomical Expectation.

A humid May heat wave crushed down on North Broke High School. The students didn't seem to mind in the air-conditioned classrooms, but then groaned as they poured out into the sweaty hallway. It was almost too much to bear. Arnold and Gerald leaned against their hall lockers. Senior Year.

"Man Arnold, I wish I were you and got to be on the basketball team. All nice and cozy in that damn A/C gym, while I work my ass off in the blazing outfield of baseball practice. " Gerald said and pounded his locker shut. He was not to thrilled about having to deal with the heat. (Why do all my fics start with Gerald and Arnold talking?)

"Oh calm down. It'll be fine, we'll go back to my place and chill in A/C. I got the new fighting game "Dead or Alive 3"." Arnold said and closed his locker. Gerald smiled, he loved those games.

"And we can talk about getting you a girlfriend or at least a date for prom." Gerald said. Arnold rolled his eyes.

"Come on Gerald, no and no!" Arnold said as they went down the hall. He stopped at the drinking fountain and took a sip. Nasty. Warm water. Nothing worse then drinking warm water when you are already hot.

"So you are telling me you are going to prom alone?" Gerald said. Arnold Leaned back up from the fountain.

"I am not going at all." Arnold said. Gerald rolled his eyes.

"Why not Arnold? You are like the most popular kid in school. You know who matter you go with it's an automatic Prom King!" Gerald argued, but Arnold would have none of it.

"I am not going, I don't want to deal with girls. I mean, every time I go out with a girl, she is just trying to boost her status. I mean, I haven't had an intelligent date for weeks." Arnold said, he sighed. "It's like all they want to talk about is basketball and how cool I am."

"I know what you saying man, but just hold out. I mean you are going to that art college to become an Architectural Designer. Do you know how many girls are smart and easy at those art colleges?" Gerald said and Arnold burst out laughing. "I am serious, chicks there will pose nude for a stick figure."

"You are right about that, but I am still not going to get a steady girlfriend. I have more fun just dating." Arnold said and they continued to walk.

"Is this because of the whole Nadine thing? Because come on, we all knew that wouldn't last forever." Gerald said and Arnold chuckled.

"That was freshman year!" Arnold stated. "The reason I don't want a steady girlfriend is there is none out there right for me."

"What about Lila?" Gerald asked. Arnold cringed.

"What are you talking about? She hasn't matured a day since 4th grade. She basically just holds hands with her new boyfriend." Arnold said. Gerald looked at him questioningly.

"She got a boyfriend?" Gerald asked. Arnold sighed and nodded.

"Her and Lorenzo." Arnold said. "I figure it's because her dad is still dirt poor and Lorenzo is full of cash."

"Damn gold diggers." Gerald muttered. He had been dating Rhonda since Phoebe was skipped ahead 2 grades during middle school and was already at college. But Rhonda and him made a good match, the both liked the color red and they both were concerned about their image.

"Face it there is not a single interesting and smart girl in this school." Arnold said. Gerald got an evil grin across his face.

"Unless you count our lovely highest GPA and top honors student." Gerald said and Arnold looked up at him scared.

"You can't mean Helga! Unless you been in a cave for the last 12 years she hates me. And besides that she isn't my type." Arnold said, thinking of Helga's change in high school.

"You mean you aren't into freak shows?" Gerald joked. Arnold glared at him. He didn't think Helga was that bad. "Oh talking about freak show, here she comes."

Arnold looked up to see Helga walking down the hall. She was nothing like she was in middle school or PS118. She was still a bully, that would never change. But it was mostly her appearance. Now she was a perfectly lovely girl and it would really show if she dressed like the other girls. But Helga had stepped out on her own when it came to fashion.

"She doesn't look that bad Gerald." Arnold said. He thought the look was kind of sexy, all guys did, but never admit it aloud. She wore her hair in two braided buns on the top of her head, kind like Chun Li from Street Fighter. But instead of ribbons to accent, it was leather straps with spikes, similar to dog collars. She also had pink strikes running through her hair, hot neon pink. Her face was at least said decorated. First her eyes were done in heavy make up. Dark black outline and eye shadow that matched her hair. On her right eyebrow (yes there was two now), she had it pierced and there was a silver hoop. Her nose had a small little pink stone on the left nostril. Helga was known as the piercing princess, a name given to her by Rhonda. She had three in each ear and one in her belly button.

"Well tell you this, she wouldn't make it through a metal detector very easily." Gerald laughed. " Not to mention the clothes, ekk!"

Helga still liked the color pink it seemed. But she used it in different ways now. She wore a thin white ribbed tank top with the words "Bad Grrrrl" written on it. With a black bra with showed through and the straps hung out and had little pink rhinestones on them.The tank showed off her belly of course. Her pants were done in Army camouflage pattern, but instead of different shades of green, it was pink on black. She had a belt buckle that had a "H" on it and had a wallet chain hanging from her pocket. And her shoes were too ratty to even tell the brand, but they were sometime of skate shoe, even though Helga didn't even own a skateboard.

"Oh it's not that awful." Arnold said feeling bad for picking on someone's clothes.

"Arnold, the girl is wearing fishnet fingerless gloves!" Gerald said. Helga appeared to hear them and walked over.

"Well if it isn't Jock #1 and Jock #2!" Helga said. Making fun of them because they were both wearing the jerseys for the school. Both in khaki shorts. "Isn't that cute you two match all the time."

"Hey Helga." Arnold said. He tried to be on good terms with her since she was the only girl in the whole school who could beat him up. No boy wanted to beat by Helga, since she was the only person who would never let you live down the fat you got your ass kicked by a girl. That would ruin any boy's sports reputation.

"You are looking lovely today Helga." Gerald said in a kidding tone. Helga smiled at him with a phony kind of sarcasm. She looked back at Arnold up and down.

"What's wrong Arnold, had to join basketball since the football team tried using your head as the ball?" Helga said in her smug voice. Arnold sighed. The same thing everyday.

"Man Helga, back off." Gerald said. "You have no right to talk since all that crap in your head you can pick up radio stations."

"Well it's better then listening to you two asses!" Helga said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to be getting to practice now."

Helga sauntered down the hallway with a gym bag over her shoulder.

"What kind of practice does she do again?" Gerald asked.

"I don't know, nothing through the school I know." Arnold said and checked his watch. "Looks like we should be getting to practice ourselves."

"Okay hook up with you later man!" Gerald said and they left with the handshake.

Helga sat in the shower room of her practice hall. She was removing every single one of her piercing. Her instructor wouldn't allow them. She removed her clothes and wrapped a towel around herself. She walked over to the sink and removed her make up. She was looking more normal by the minute. She then walked across the room to the showers and washed her hair of the temporary pink strikes. The water turned pink and slowly back to clear. After all this Helga went back to her locker and pulled her hair back tightly and placed it in a single bun. Then she put on her practice attire and laced up her shoes.

As she walked by a mirror on the way out to practice, taking a look.

"Oh gawd, if anyone from school knew about this, it would be my reputation down the drain." Helga said and sighed. "But what can I say, I love doing this."

Arnold and Gerald sat at a red light on the way home from practice. It was hot and Arnold's beat up old Ford truck didn't have any form of cooling except rolling the windows down.

"Hey Arnold, how much would you say it would cost you to fix the A/C on this thing. I mean summer is coming up." Gerald asked. Arnold thought a minute and groaned.

"About four hundred dollars to get everything removed, replaced, and fixed." Arnold groaned again. Gerald smiled.

"And you don't have that money do you because you have to pay the insurance and you just bought that new video game system and all those games. Am I right?" Gerald asked. Arnold answered with yet another groan. "What if I told you I would pay for it?"

"No Gerald that's too much man you already chip in for gas." Arnold said with a smile.

"You think I am just going to give it to you for free?" Gerald laughed. Arnold looked at him questioningly. "I am willing to give it to you if you do something first."

"What? And it better be nothing to do with setting up your turn tables, you got the wires messed up on your own." Arnold said. Gerald just kept grinning.

"I want to see how good you really are when it comes to the ladies. I want you to get Helga to go to the prom with you." Gerald said. Arnold's head spun around.

"What the hell?" Arnold asked. "You have to be kidding. I would have more luck getting Harold to put on a dress and go with me."

"Well I will tell you this Arnold, I have been planning this for awhile actually. I just got funding from Rhonda. Not only are we offering to fix your busted A/C, we will pay all expenses for you and Helga. " Gerald said. Arnold was somewhat interested.

"Why are you doing this?" Arnold asked cautiously.

"Well because I want you to go and Rhonda is dying to see what Helga will wear to the prom, but she isn't going. And Rhonda will go to any lengths it takes for the name of fashion and out doing Helga." Gerald said. Arnold knew that Helga, even though weird as hell, was seen as a fashion trend setter by most of the freshman and sophomores. Everyday you could see frosh trying to wear something just slightly Helga-ish. This had been a thorn in Rhonda's side since she was suppose to rule the fashion world in an iron grip.

"Okay, what if I do accept. Helga won't go with me, she rather die." Arnold said as the red light ended and he pulled forward into traffic.

"Come on, where is your sense of a challenge. You said you want a smart and interesting girl. Helga is the smartest and I am damn sure they don't come any more interesting then her." Gerald said. Arnold thought about it. Helga was one of the only girls he hadn't dated or even thought about dating.

"Okay, I will try, I same sure she will love the opportunity to up stage Rhonda at her expense." Arnold said. Gerald shook his head no.

"You can't tell her we are putting you up to it. You have to get her to go just thinking you want to take her. It's kind of like a dare." Gerald said. Arnold didn't like the idea, but he said yes. He really needed a damn A/C in the car.

Helga got home from practice redressed in her normal clothes, she didn't redo her make up since she was only going home on the subway. But all her studs and hoops were back in their holes. She walked in pass Bob who was sleeping on the couch. She didn't really talk to him since he opened the Beeper Emporium into a wide chain stores. He only came home to sleep. Miriam was asleep in the kitchen with bottle of vodka in her hand. She had stop hiding it in the smoothies since Helga was now old enough to know what was going on.

"Man, can't even order a damn pizza so I can get some grub before work." Helga muttered and dropped her bag off upstairs in her room and went to her closet. It only helg clothes and old journals, she had long done away with the shrine when her candles burned her entire set of pink dresses in 6th grade. She grabbed an all black dress from the closet. It was silk. Low cut in the front and took a plunge in the back. When she changed into it, it showed off her slim figure perfectly, though she didn't believe so. It went down to about mid calf.

"Damn Olga for getting all the curve genes in her DNA!" Helga muttered looking at her lack of hips or bust. She was only about a B cup. After this she put on her collection of silver jewelry and put on her dark red leather trench coat. She looked at the clock. 5:45.

She had 15 minutes to get to work.

To be continued……

Okay, I know what you are saying, this plot seems like all those crappy teen movies. And it is! But what do you expect from me? Something original? HAH HAH HAH! Okay now Review!