Chapter 2

All three having exerted themselves during a few games – and Kate having kicked Castle's butt back to Wednesday in more than half of them, with Martha cheering her on, all the while ignoring the tingle of his eyes roaming her body (he was not as inconspicuous as he thought he was) – they now sat slouched into the comfy couch, enjoying the fruit of their labor. Castle ate his cookies notably more cautiously than before, which had Kate grinning in amusement. She could not remember ever having so much fun spending a lazy afternoon and not feeling the urge to do something productive.

Like work.

Letting her head fall back against the back of the couch, she closed her eyes in bliss, only to have them flutter back open when the felt the tickle of a gentle touch on her forehead. She watched as Castle's hand retreated back to his side, before meeting his eyes.

"You okay?" He asked, barely managing to mask the concern for her in his eyes. Her smile grew, because how could she not smile at this adorable man-child?

"Yeah. In fact, I've never been better. Thank you for having me over, Rick."

She could see the flicker of surprise in his eyes at her use of his first name, but then the surprise was pushed away to be replaced with pleasure.

"You're always welcome here, Kate. You know that."

Beckett just stared at him for a moment, letting the happy and warm feeling wash over her. "I know," she whispered back, trying hard not to get lost in his eyes. Again. She really had to stop doing that, if she didn't want to get caught.

He was staring right back, though, so it didn't really matter, did it?

They broke eye contact when they caught Martha and Alexis trying to sneak away, trying not to giggle at their lovestruck behavior.

"Hey, where are you guys off to?"

"Oh, you know, dad. Just trying not to keep you guys from anything...important."

Kate could feel her face heating up and struggled into a sitting position, bumping against Castle's shoulder in the process, who had not yet moved away from his cozy spot next to her. Or nearly over her.

"We...we weren't..." sighing in frustration at her inability to form a coherent sentence, Kate took a deep breath, inhaling his scent in the process. "You don't have to leave!"

"Nonsense, darling. You two looked cozy enough without our doing."

Martha's words just caused Kate's blush to deepen. What was going on? Kate didn't usually blush this easily. It was all Castle's fault. Castle and his blue eyes and muscular arms and fantastic smell.

Before any words of protest could form in her throat, the two redheads were already halfway up the stairs. Hiding her face in her hands in embarrassment, she groaned to herself. The quiet chuckle answering her was not what she was expecting. Letting her hands fall limply back into her lap, she dared to glance at him. "Really? You find this funny? Why aren't you in the least bit embarrassed that they might think...who knows what? Oh, wait, I forgot. You're a man-child." Her small rant was met by even more laughter from him and she had trouble suppressing the quirk of her lips at his merriment. In a desperate attempt stop herself from laughing along with him – because, really, did have to retain at least some of her old style – she punched his upper arm, effectively stopping his laughter, which was replaced with a pout and a not-so-quiet ow.

"What was that for? It's not my fault you can't keep your eyes off of me!"

She snorted. "Yeah, right. I recall you staring pretty heavily at me, writer-boy."

Rick just shrugged nonchalantly. "It's your own fault that you're so damn pretty."

Dumbfounded, she stared at him.

"See?" He exclaimed. "You're doing it again. You're staring!"

Her stare turned into a glower. "Really, Rick? What are you. Twelve?"

"Didn't we already establish that I'm a man-child, detective?"

Kate just sighed and slumped back against the couch cushions. "If you don't want me to leave you man-child alone to go stare into your vanity mirror, you better get me a drink, Castle."

His face broke out into an even bigger grin. "Be careful what you wish for, detective. I wouldn't want you to accuse me of taking advantage of you later on."

Quirking her eyebrow at his words, she leaned closer and watched with a twinge of victory as his breathing faltered slightly at her proximity. "Maybe I want you too," she breathed, her voice dropping an octave.

Castle swallowed heavily. "Uh, yeah. I'll...I'll better get you that drink then."

Her laughter followed him into the kitchen as he literally bolted from the couch.

Beckett 1, Castle 0.

Oh, sweet, sweet victory, she thought.

They had continually gravitated closer to each other, and now, three drinks later, Castle's arm had sneaked its way around her waist and her head had found a very comfortable place against his chest.

Kate was too drowsy to mind. At all. It was really nice, actually.

"This is nice." His voice murmured into her hair and she smiled slightly at being able to feel his words rumble through his chest. She tried to ignore how it was slightly creepy that he always seemed to be able to read her mind. "Why have we never done this before?"

"Hmm." She mumbled, snuggling closer into his warmth. "Dunno," too tired to come up with a real reply, her mind pleasantly buzzed.

"Damn, this is some good stuff you have there," she murmured, absently patting his stomach.


She giggled when she realized how he must have taken her words. "The whiskey, Castle. I'm talkin' about the whiskey."

He chuckled again. "'Course you are."

"Although, this is pretty good, too."

This time, she made sure he got her real meaning, slowly transforming her pat into a gentle caress. His stomach muscles twitched under her fingers, and she found herself strangely fascinated by it. Repeating her hand's movement, she jumped slightly, when his larger hand suddenly grasped hers.

"Kate." His voice was husky, a mixture of whiskey and something more primal. Something in her stomach coiled in response and she had to fight the urge to gasp for air. Instead she concentrated on the feeling of his thumb drawing random patterns against the skin of her wrist. Okay, that wasn't really helping. At all.

Summoning the energy to lift her head off his chest, she found herself staring into dark blue eyes, which seemed to nearly swallow her whole.

"Hmm?" Was all she managed in return, the question implied in her tone.

"Never thought I'd say this, but really should stop touching me."

A smirk sneaked onto her lips. "You're one to talk."


In answer, she pointedly looked at his fingers around her wrist.

"Oh. Yeah." His body seemed to take a minute to catch up with his brain, and he made to drop her hand. The smirk on her face turned into a soft smile – and did he imagine it, or was that shyness he saw in her eyes? - before she moved to the edge of the cough, hoisting herself up onto slightly unsteady legs.

"You're leaving?" He asked, and she tried hard to ignore how desolate he sounded.

"Yeah, it's time. I've been hogging your couch and your kitchen long enough for one day."

"There's still the office, guestroom and bathroom left for you to hog, if you feel like it. The master bedroom as well, of course. I don't want it to feel left out."

"That's too kind of you, Castle. I'm sure your bedroom will appreciate the sentiment."

She could literally see the train of thought going through his head in that moment – which he was trying hard not to let spill over his lips. I'm sure it would appreciate you even more.

"Well, I should leave anyways. I'll hog the rest of your home another time, Castle."

"Pity. Have you ever tried the steam function in the shower? Heavenly, let me tell you."

Kate bit her lip in an effort not to smile at his obvious attempt to charm her into taking the shower with him. "I'll leave that to your fantasies for tonight. Can't make your entertainment too easy for you."

He glared at her. "Again, not as much fun when I have your permission. Because this? Is just evil, detective."

She laughed and glided passed him, patting his arm as she went. "You love it, just admit it."

He grumbled at her back as he followed her to the door, snagging her coat off the couch, where she had discarded it hours before. Helping her into the coat, as had become a new ritual for them, he let his hands linger on her shoulders for a moment, finally parting from her with a squeeze.

When she turned around to face him, another one of those tight-lipped smiles he loved so much could be found on her mouth. "Thanks for today, Rick. It was fun."

"You're welcome, Kate. I had fun, too. So did mother and Alexis."

She saw him hesitate for a moment, before he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek.

Heat burned through her, and she wondered again, how such a simple act could make her feel so much. She really had to get her act together, if she wanted more where that came from.

Soon, she promised herself.

And as she stepped out into the hallway, leaving the warmth of his loft in her back, but taking some precious memories with her, she knew that she was almost ready.


A/N: I was swamped with favorite story/story alerts, with an amount of which I did not expect in the least! You guys rock! Thank you so much for reading and enjoying the story and a special thanks to those of you who dropped me a line. :) It's all very much appreciated! Take care guys, and hopefully I'll see you around!