She kept drawing, sweat gathering on her brow. Her fingers were bloody, and her face was very pale. All around the room were sloppy, unfinished pentagrams drawn in red. Finally, she finished drawing the last line on the current pentagram.

Maya inhaled and held her breath for a moment, then two. Nothing happened. Frowning in disappointment, she was about to set to work on another pentagram when a gust of strong wind blew from below.

Eyes fluttering open, Maya took a deep breath and shot up in bed, hand over her heart. Inhale exhale, inhale exhale, she thought to herself with each breath. Managing to calm herself down, she gathered her thoughts and got up. "That's it; I've got to find Zach."

A lazy incubus laid casually on a red velvet blanket on a king sized bed; full from just having eaten the soul of his old lord. Sighing, he thought to himself of how bland life was.

He had changed his human form to a female's upon his master's wishes, the old pervert. He was relieved to be a male again, and he looked down at the elderly man's body with slight disgust.

Suddenly, he felt himself being called. "Another human wants to summon me?" He asked himself, eyebrow raised and hand on his hip as he stood. "What's up with humans summoning demons these days...?"

He allowed the summoning to draw him in, and a red light surrounded him. He was in a different place now, a basement maybe? Looking around the dark room he whistled.

'Sure are a lot of messy pentagrams in here,' he thought to himself, and gazed down at a small Indian girl. Her hair was down, long dark and curly, ending at the small of her back. She looked around ten or eleven, and he allowed his eyes to open slightly in surprise. Only slightly.

He was about to begin the formalities until the girl spoke up, English accent clear in her voice. "Um, hello?" He looked at her for a second, then two. Unable to hold back, the incubus started laughing. It was a smooth, jovial laugh most women would die for.

"Was it something I said?" She asked confusedly. As the laughter died down, he managed to say "You summon a demon and act like it's a telephone call, girl." She looked incredibly embarrassed, which wanted to make him laugh more, but he held it in.

Clearing his throat, he said "You have summoned me."

"At least it worked…" the girl mumbled, and trailed off, her soft voice bouncing off the walls. The demon chuckled, she sounded relieved. Why you'd be relieved at summoning a demon, he had no clue. "Why have you called me here?"

She looked up in the general direction of his voice, blinking her owlish gray eyes. A soft smile adorned her face. 'Ooh, seems she's blind' the demon thought to himself. "I propose a contract." She said "Oh? And what would you like little lady?" He asked, fingers ghosting over her face seductively. "Sight? Power? Wealth? Maybe all of the above?"

"Quite the opposite really," She replied, unfazed by his touch. He was a little disappointed at her lack of reaction, but let her continue. "I want you to be my friend." He stopped for a moment, surprised. Regaining his composure, the demon waited for more of an answer.

Maya took a breath and continued. "And I'd like you to befriend me of your own will." The incubus chuckled, this was an interesting one. She would most likely provide him lots of amusement.

"Is that it?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side in a boyish manner. The girl nodded and said with finality "That's it." "To complete the contract, you will need to give me a name." He continued in a business like manner. He hated formalities. "A name? Hmm…How about Zachery Moreau?" It was quiet, until a voice broke the silence between them. "It is done."

Pain showed itself on the girl's face, and a contract mark appeared on her forehead. It was a bright green pentagram, simple, but elegant.

She passed out, and the demon, now Zachery, adjusted his form into that of a boy around her age. Picking her up bridal style, he found the exit and walked out, sunlight shining down on him.

Opening her eyes sleepily, she said "Um, Zachery?" He gazed down at her, and replied "Yes?" She relaxed more in his arms at the confirmation, and sighed almost contentedly. Then she smiled.

"What made you summon me?" Zach said, deciding to change topic. It was probably a topic she was uncomfortable with, but he asked anyway. Frankly, he was curious, and he wasn't serving under her, meaning he could do more of what he wanted.

She frowned and said a little hesitantly "I was starting to lose faith. I was being teased and bullied a lot, but it god bad, really bad. It turned physical, and I prayed hard every night, but nothing ever changed." She paused and took a breath, then kept going.

"Pretty soon, an incident occurred where I almost died. I survived, not by a miracle, but because of myself. I figured an angel would have come for me by then, but I was wrong. So I decided to take matters in my own hands." Her voice was empty and void of emotion, obviously trying to hide her pain.

Maybe befriending this girl wouldn't be so bad. She was clever and honest, characteristics lost in most humans those days. Zachery thought. Then a thought came to him. He had almost forgotten. "What's your name?" He asked her. "My name?" She then smiled. "My name is Maya."

Zach opened his eyes slowly from his slumber, hands resting on his stomach peacefully. He usually never slept; he always wanted to see if Maya was all right. But now he was in the Trancy manor, he decided he would indulge himself in a little sleep, if to avoid the Trancy boy at least a little bit.

He thought about the dream he had about his past, and how he met Maya. He never imagined he would start caring for her this much. He hated to admit it to himself, but he liked her. Was she all right? Sometimes she would act a little recklessly if she felt strongly about something.

There was a knock at the door then, and Zach sighed, expecting a certain blonde haired boy. "Come in." He swung his legs over the side of the bed, and the door opened, revealing not only the Trancy boy, but someone else as well. "Maya?"