This is my new FF! It's hopefully good but I guess we'll see.


Chapter 1: Welcomed

The white corridors glistened in the little rays of sunlight. Sora had his suitcase in his hand, gripping it in anger. His father was checking him in with the secretary. On the wall was a giant sign that identified the facility. 'Kingdom Hearts Pyschiatric Hospital.' Sora glared at the sign in pure hatred 'This is stupid.' The brown haired boy only rolled his eyes at the father's attempts of changing him. 'Let me be me...'

"Alright buddy your all set to go!" the dad said with enthusiasm. Sora scoffed at his remark.

"Why are you so happy Leon? It's like you want me to leave..."

Leon was appalled by this accusation. "Son I'm doing this to help you... listen... I care about you and your health... so please do this for me and your mother..." he begged. He looked down on his son, hoping to have made a breakthrough. "Your drinking has to stop, you could've di-"
"I know, I know, I could've died... I don't think I can go one day without you reminding me."

Leon looked down in shame. His son wasn't going to break easily. He was just as stubborn as Leon was when he was a kid. "Please Sora..." He gripped both sides of the young boy's shoulders. "I want the best for you... and if this is the only way, then so be it.. it's kinda our last resort here..."

Sora couldn't meet with his father's serious eyes. It only made him get more upset. "Dad... if it was the best for me then you'd let me stay-"

"Not a chance! I'm going to get through to you... someday you'll understand."

"Whatever..." he snarled heading towards the receptionist. She held out his key, showing him to his room.

"SON! Don't forget to call me and your mother whenever you get the chance!" he yelled trying to make sure his son would remember. Sora, once again, rolled his eyes at his father's attempts. 'It's not gonna work...'

Hall through hall, it was hard to not get lost in the building. Looking around the place was like trying to solve a puzzle without the right pieces. 'Now I'm lost... fantastic...' he thought sarcastically in his mind.

"You need help finding your way around here?" Sora turned around to see a boy about his age by the looks of it. The blonde spikey hair swooped over to one side of his head, almost covering his cobalt blue eyes. His smile was very calm and collected. 'He seems happy to be here...' He wore a black t-shirt along with his jeans. If you could look up closely, you could see horizontal scars up and down his arms. Sora started to analyze the possibilities in his head. One idea then popped up in his mind. 'He's a cutter!'

"Uh that would be helpful.." Sora laughed, still trying to find his way to his room. The boy took a look at the number of his room. "Its in D102..."

"Oh thats right across from mine. Yeah you shouldn't have a problem finding your way there. Follow me." the other teenager turned around leading Sora to his soon to be room. Once they arrived Roxas held out a hand.

"Oh yeah I'm Sora!" he grasped his new friends hand shaking it.

"Uh yeah I was actually going to ask you for your keys..."

"Oh sorry" reaching in his pockets, he gave him the keys, still feeling awkward of his mistake. 'STUPID!'

"My name is Roxas by the way." he opened the door to reveal a plain white room. They bed was white, the furniture was white. White, white, WHITE! 'God could this place get anymore boring?'

Sora looked around and placed his stuff on the bed. He looked over to see Roxas standing in the doorway. "Well Roxas, Thanks for the help and I guess I'll be goi-"

"Woah woah woah! Hold it. We have a group session in about 30 minutes so you gotta be there... " he put his hand behind his neck "Even if it is hell..."

Sora groaned with distaste. "Ugh! Can this place get ANY worse?" he started to slam his fists into the wall. Roxas only shrugged.

"Do you think you can find your way or do you need me to guide you again?"

"No I need help! This place is like a maze!"

Roxas laughed. He headed towards the hallway. "Fine but I will have to charge you from now on!"

Sora chuckled. 'I like this kid.' He gathered his things from his suitcase and placed them in the room to his liking. The posters, the trinkets, the clothes. Sora even hung his picture of his old home above his bed. "I miss the islands already."

Sora was from Destiny Islands. He had been an islander his whole life. Never once did he set foot on land that wasn't near water. Being in Traverse Town was different. There were so many different things, places, and people. It was very foriegn to what he was used to. He wasn't accustomed to the 'city' area.

"Hey! Are you ready to head out?" Roxas yelled from the hallway, awaiting the brunette. Sora rushed his keys into his pockets, and exited the room. After locking the door, he nodded to the other teen. The both made their way to the group session.

"Alright everyone! Circle around!" said the wise doctor, Ansem. The teens began to sit around in a circle, annoyed with their meeting. Sora looked around to see nine kids in the room. All were very unique and very weird. Next to him was a girl with platinum blonde hair. She was very shy, but happy. She smiled at the group, giving off a positive vibe in her appearance. Her lovely shade of blue eyes sparkled with content.

"Namine! Why don't you start?" Ansem asked in a polite manner. She followed his request, standing up for the room to see her. Her small body seemed very unproportional. Her skin had a sickly pale color to it.

"Hi, I'm Namine, and I'm an anorexic." she tilted her small face in shame from her last statement. Her frail body was obviously too small to be natural. Her ribs could be seen through her small white dress. She wasn't completely void of body weight, but she certainly was lacking the right amount.

"Hi Namine!" The group simultaneously in monotone voice. She sat down on her seat, finally relaxing. Sora noticed Roxas watching her. He kept his gaze at her, not making any movement. Just watching. Sora poked him, making the blonde boy jump.

"Well looks like someone has a crush..." Sora winked at him, recieving a nervous smile.

"What? That's absurd!" Roxas didn't want it to seem obvious. Sora kept laughing and teasing until there was a sudden silence in the room. All eyes had been focused on the newcomer.

"Well Mr..." Ansem took a look at his clipboard to find his name. "Hayashi.. if your done..."

"Yes sir. It won't happen again."

"Right well next is Kairi."

A girl with rose colored hair stood up. She had a pink v-neck on, along with skinny jeans and black Toms. Beautiful shades of light blue filled her eyes. Sora couldn't stop staring at her. She was gorgeous.

"Hi, I'm Kairi and I'm an achluophobic..."

"Hi Kairi!" the group said again. Sora was confused... he rose his hand in the air hoping to have someone to enlighten him on what exactly Kairi meant.

"Yes Mr. Hayashi?" Ansem asked. Sora then began to ponder how to ask his question.

"Exactly what is an achlu- achla- a- uh..." He couldn't find a way to pronounce the girl's condition. He motioned his hands, only hoping someone would correct him. No one did. The room remained silent, with the exception of a few giggles from the other patients.

"Achluophobia is a condition where someone is afraid of the dark." Ansem answered. Kairi felt ashamed of his description. She held her arms together, trying to keep her emotions in check. It was her only defense against the class. Two boys started to burst into laughter. One of them had light blonde hair with a few dark roots. His hazel eyes were squinting in amusement. His friend next to him had dark spikey hair, and had a few pounds on him.

"Who's scared of the dark?" They teased, making fun of the girl's disorder. Sora glared down toward the boys, taking an early disliking to their mocking.

"Boys! Behave yourselves! Since you both seem so eager to talk, why don't you both go next?" Ansem was beginning to lose his patience with the two. Roxas only coughed in annoyance.

"Assholes..." he said into a cough, making sure Ansem didn't hear them, but everyone else could. The circle began to laugh, leaving the doctor confused.

"Ok we are gonna make this quick so I'm Hayner, I'm a drug addict, and my buddy here, Pence, has an eating disorder if you haven't noticed." he started to pat down on the chubby boy's stomach laughing. Pence started to chuckle along with him. They both sat down, trying to quickly get this whole meeting done and over with.

"Hi Pence, Hi Hayner." the group exclaimed.

Roxas stood up for his turn. Hayner took notice of this and decided to get revenge for the last phrase Roxas had made.

"Let's go EMO!" he yelled. The whole room just sat silently, making it awkward quiet. Roxas ignored the last statement, and continued on.

"Hey, I'm Roxas, and I'm suicidally depressed."

"Hi Roxas." the class replied in sadness. Everyone loved Roxas. He was a very kind, very sweet individual. With a great personality, no one could understand why he was so depressed. He seemed strong on the outside, but it was a mystery to what made him want his life to be over.

"Don't go cutting yourself already!" the two boys chuckled, pointing at Roxas. The whole circle glared at them in disbelief. Namine had covered her mouth in shock, looking over at the blonde to see his reaction. 'Oh shit.' Sora slowly moved away from Roxas, afraid of what he was going to do next. Roxas was clearly unamused. His hands curled into big, hard fists. He had had enough. Suddenly Roxas pounced on Hayner, hitting his face over and over. Namine screamed as they boys started to wrestle their way towards her. Continuously smashing Hayner's chest, Roxas kept going. Releasing all his anger on the terrible guy.

"BOYS! CEASE THIS AT ONCE!" but it was no use. Ansem's shouts weren't enough to get Roxas from punching Hayner. Hayner, however, wasn't weak. He found his way to the boy's left arm and twisted it around, making the other boy shreik in pain. Hayner kept twisting and twisting, hoping to make the arm break. Roxas finally broke free of the boy's grasp, and picked himself up. He kicked Hayner's shin making the boy fall from his hurt leg. Ansem pulled Roxas away from him, making a big distance between them. Hayner got up trying to go after the blonde, but Ansem stopped him.

"ENOUGH! Now we are going to continue our practice, and BEHAVE UNDERSTAND?"

"Yes sir..." Both boys replied. Ansem walked up to the rest of the class, trying to continue their session. The rest of the session was very boring compared to previous events.

Sora learned about a pyromaniac guy named Axel, a bipolar girl named Larxene, an agoraphobic male named Zexion, a heavy female gambler named Olette, and even Riku, a boy with a possessive disorder. Finally, it was Sora's turn.

"Hey guys! I'm Sora and I am an alcoholic.."

"Hi Sora..."

Sora sat back down in his seat, feeling more bored than before. He rubbed the temples of his head feeling an upcoming headache begin to form. This was only the beginning of what would appear to be forever.

'This is going to be a long day...'


Hopefully it is better then I think it is. I really hope yall like it. REVIEW!