Hello and welcome. This little bit of fanfiction is a cowrite between me and a very good friend of mine (katarama). Just as a forewarning, Kat's never actually played Kingdom Hearts and only know things from what I've told her and from her researching the topic. So, yeah. You can probably totally tell which of us is writing which parts or at least where the parts split. Our styles differ quite a bit. I'm not sorry for that; I think it adds character to the story and to the characters themselves.

This is probably going to be cliche and unoriginal and stuff, but we're keeping it simple. I've never written this fandom and as I stated before Kat's not even really a part of it. Sorry in advanced for that.

And lastly, the official name of this is actually Of Food, Friendship, Fluff, and Fucking, but FF net doesn't allow fucking to be in the title, so we chopped it off. It's a really blunt title, and it tells you what to expect in the probably far future!

Anyway, I've held you up long enough. Read and enjoy.

Roxas felt ridiculous sitting in the back of the long, black limousine. It wasn't that he felt out of place, exactly. He had been raised in the world of limousines and tuxedos, of fancy parties with dignitaries and business owners. He could eat, sleep, and breathe social grace, when he needed to. However, as used to as it as he was, he still felt it was excessive.

His 18th birthday was something that should be celebrated with awful decisions he would later regret, not a high-end dinner full of stuffy people twice his age. He should be having fun with his friends, like usual. Sora would probably manage to get his hair caught on fire, and Riku would be rolling his eyes and disowning the both of them, a small smile hiding at the corners of his lips. Roxas would be taking pictures of everyone else to avoid having any taken of him, though Sora would steal the camera at one point to take self-pictures. Riku would smuggle in alcohol, and they'd get drunk and goof off until they were ready to sleep.

That wasn't happening this birthday. This birthday, his parents had planned a huge dinner ball thing that he would be expected to attend. There would be lots of important people there, all for the purpose of networking with the newly adult heir to the Strife empire.

In other words, Roxas would have to deal with hours of rich people sucking up so that they would have influence when he took over his dad's company.

If Roxas had his way, he would skip the party and stay home. However, he pretty much had to go. After all, if he survived this stupid party, he would finally get some freedom for his final year of high school.

He had to remind himself of this repeatedly. If he could get through the next few hours, his parents would let him attend public school. They had made that agreement: if Roxas behaved and schmoozed and acted the model of a young, rich gentleman for his eighteenth birthday, he would be allowed to spend his final year of high school doing the exact opposite.

Roxas had presented it differently, of course, but that was what it boiled down to. He had gotten kicked out of the private school they had hand-picked for him, and Roxas had convinced them that he could boost his GPA in the easier public-school courses. As long as he got into a good college, they didn't care. As long as he got out of the private school, he didn't care. It was a win-win situation.

At least, it would be if he could survive this party his parents were dragging him to.

Roxas watched out the tinted windows of the limo as they got closer to the ritzy hotel where the party would be. He turned off his thoughts—he wouldn't really need them, for where he was headed. All he needed was a plastered-on smile and a few well-placed compliments, and he was golden. That didn't really take much, in the way of brains. It was what he had been bred to do since birth.

The limo pulled up and the driver opened the door for Roxas. It was time to meet the crowd.

He doubted there would be a single interesting person there.

Axel wasn't sure what the hell he'd been thinking when he agreed to this. Actually, scratch that. He knew exactly what the reason had been. But damn if he didn't regret ever saying yes now. Stupid Demyx and his stupid high-paying job offers. While he was at it, Axel decided to call college stupid, too. If it didn't cost a fortune, he could get by on just using scholarships, and he would not be stuck in his current situation.

Unfortunately, he was stuck in his current situation, and Axel hated every minute of it. If it weren't for stupid, expensive college and equally stupid Demyx, then Axel would not be stuck at this stupid, ritzy party serving these stupid, rich assholes who didn't have to worry about affording a higher education. Besides, couldn't they get their own food? What did they need Axel for? This was probably the stupidest thing he'd ever had to do in order to earn money. It honestly made his blood boil a little, because these people had it so easy. Here he was busting his butt to get a better future, and they couldn't even get their own stupid food.

He was just thankful that he wasn't doing the job alone, or without people he knew. No matter how stupid Demyx was for asking him if he wanted to help out, having Demyx there by his side was reassuring. It also reminded Axel that he couldn't shout or curse at the partygoers. That would be hard, even with Demyx there.

Scowling and looking rather put off, Axel looked at the building where this particular party was being held. It had to be the fanciest place he'd ever served at. A nudge at his side reminded him that there was a job to be done. He couldn't waste time gawking at the place.

Sending an eyeroll to Dem, Axel started walking toward the building. He knew the drill well enough that he didn't have to be told what to do. He'd been helping Demyx's family's catering business out since he was fifteen, after all. It was practically second nature some three years later. He didn't need instruction to know where he had to be and when he had to be there.

Walking through the doors, he really hoped this wasn't going to go as badly as he felt it would. Hopefully, it would just be a boring party filled boring people.

Axel could handle that.