Title : Need

Fandom: The Losers

Characters: team but Jensen centric (end can be read as C/J or friendship)

Rating: PG

Written for the prompt : The Losers, Jensen, Need

Disclaimer : All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.


The team have come to realize that Jensen needs certain things in his life and he isn't quite able to figure it out on his own, that's kind of what they're there for.

He needs structure and someone to tell him when he's out of line or going too far. Clay and Roque are pretty good at making sure he has goals and timescales and if all else fails something to do to keep him out of trouble. They'll rein him in when they need to and praise him when he's done well. It's kind of sweet to see the way he almost puffs up with pride when he gets that little bit of praise.

He needs someone to make sure he eats food – you know the real stuff, not just cookies and candies and TV dinners or MREs. The guys all do what they can, but it's good to be able to supplement it with a visit to Jolene or Jensen's sister because, well that way they all get the benefit, while still looking out for Jensen.

He needs someone to be a friend, to listen and talk and challenge his weird but amazing way of thinking, to egg him on when they need something new and beyond what they have any right to expect creating or fixing while they're out in the field. Pooch knows what that's like, so he's got Jensen's back. Jensen's the man with the tech, Pooch carries the same weight with the transport in whatever form they need.

As for Cougar . . . he's the peace, the calm in the storm. He's the one who lets Jensen be . . . just Jensen. No matter how he's going to fall, Cougar will wait and be ready to catch him when he does.