Disclaimer: All character's belong to JK Rowling.


Set 20 years after the war. Everyone is living peacefully. Teddy and Victorie are babysitting all of the kids when the 5 new Marauder's get their hands on a time turner. What could go wrong?


Date: August 9th 2018

Teddy's POV

"Teddy can you do me a favour?" my godfather Harry asks

"What is it?" I ask

"Draco and Astoria, Neville and Hannah, Luna and Rolf, Bill and Fleur, Charlie and Madeline, Percy and Audrey, George and Angelina, Ron and Hermonie, Ginny and I, Grandma Weasley and Grandpa Weasley all have to go to a conference about security for Hogwarts and such. Can you watch everyone? Of course you will have Victorie, Molly, Abigail, and Dominique to help you. I know it is a lot to ask because of how many you'll be watching but I wouldn't ask if we all weren't desperate", Harry asks

I sigh looking after everyone is a big chore. Everyone after the war wanted a big family.

"I'll pay you all 20 Galleons each to look after everyone. And 5 each if you keep the 5 new Marauder's out of trouble", he bargains

"Ok. I'll do it. As long as the other's help me", I say

"Deal. Everyone will be here soon. You might want to come down", Harry says walking out of my room

After the war Harry built Potter manor. With enough bedrooms to house the whole family and that is saying something about how big this place is. I quickly make my way down the stairs to find mum in the living room putting Susan, Sally and Tail in their playpen. After the war in which I lost my parents. I had taken to calling Harry and Ginny Ma and Pa. They are the only parents I have ever known. Pa shows me pictures of my real parents all the time. So I do know what they look like. Ma says I manly take after my real mum. The fact I can change my appearance and as clumsy as her might have something to do with it. The only thing I got from my dad was highten senses and the fact i'm very crabby around the time of the full moon.

"You're a life saver Teddy", Ma says coming and kissing me on the cheek

"That is what I'm here for", I say smiling

"Now Collin, Evan and Reg are in the play room playing, Min, George and Jack are in the games room, Rem, Lily, Sum, Albus are in the library and James is outside flying his broom", Ma says telling me where everyone is

What can I say Ma and Pa have a lot of kids. And it has been 20 years.

"I can handle everything", I tell her

"I heard your father is paying you extra for keeping those 5 in order", Ma says smiling

I grin, "I know I'm not going to get it. Those five are too much"

Ma laughs, "Just keep them from getting into too much trouble"

"Will do", I say when I hear the front door open

"Ginny!" Luna calls out

"Coming", Ma calls back as she and I join Uncle Rolf, Aunt Luna and their kids in the foyer

"Aunt Ginny", they all exclaim running and hugging her

"Why don't you all go and play? Teddy is going to look after you because Mummy and daddy have a meeting to go too", Uncle Rolf suggests

All five of them quickly run in the direction of the play room. Just as the door opens again and Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur walk through the door.

"Hey sweetheart", I say kissing Victoire's cheek

"Hey yourself", she replies

"Where's Louis?", Ma asks

"He saw James flying and decided to join", Uncle Bill replies

"I hope them don't cause too much trouble", Dominique says coming up to us

"That will be the day", Isabelle says walking upstairs towards the library with Albert following right behind her

"Anyone home?" Uncle Neville asks as he comes through the door with his mob of children and his wife

"Hey Neville", Pa says coming into the room

"Hey. Are you sure this is alright?" Neville asks

"Of course it is. We have things covered", I put in

"Frank is out flying with James and Louis", Aunt Hannah says

"Of course he is. Peter, Rodger why don't you go into the play room?" Ma suggests

Both of them quickly take off. The older Longbottom siblings go off to the library and the games room. Uncle Charlie and Aunt Madeline are the next to arrive with their 4 kids. Abigail their eldest quickly joins Victorie and myself while the others go off in their own directions.

"Morning Ginny", Aunt Astoria says coming through the door with her and Uncle Draco's children.

"Where is Draco?" Pa asks after greeting her and sending the children off to play.

"Trying to get Sapphire away from James and the other boys", Aunt Astoria says rolling her eyes

"He might as well give up. You know what they are like", Uncle Bill says rolling his eyes

Minutes later Uncle Draco joins us looking angry. Aunt Astoria immediately tries to calm him down as Uncle Percy and Aunt Audrey and their 5 kids walk through the door.

"I feel like it is Christmas time", Molly II grumbles as she joins us

She is the eldest out of Uncle Percy's children.

"It does feel like that", Abby says

Soon Uncle George and Aunt Angelina arrives with their six kids. Fred II is noticeably absent he must have spotted the others flying.

"Fred flying?" I ask Roxanne his twin

"Of course", she replies rolling her eyes, "What else would he be doing?"

Finally Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermonie arrive with their 9 children. After getting everyone settled the Adults quickly leave. Leaving Victorie and I in charge. Victorie, Abby, Molly, Dom, Roxanne and I spend the next 2 hours going from room to room looking after the herd of children that were left in our care. At lunch we gather everyone in the dining room to have lunch. Having so many people to feed is a big chore. Especially when the younger ones can't feed themselves. I was feeding Susan her bottle when I notice that James, Fred II, Frank, Louis and Sapphire are missing.

"Have you seen James or the others?" I ask Vic

"No. Not for a while", she replies as she is feeding William

"Has anyone seen James and the others?" I ask everyone

They all shake their heads and continue to eat. Minutes later I have decided to go look for them when the certain 5 walk into the dining room.

"Where have you 5 been?" Molly II asks hands on hips like Grandma

"Nowhere", they say innocently

I glare at them but don't bother to say anything because Susan has decided to get a bit fussy on me. Just as I have her settle I glance up at James and the others to see them holding a broken time turner. And I know for a fact the only one is in dad's office. Just before I could yell at them the room begins to spin and all the younger kids are screaming. Vic looks at me scared but she is holding on to Will tightly as is Molly to Tali and Collin. Abby is to Sally and Nick. Dom is holding onto Rodger, Evan and Lat. Rox has Althea and Robert in her death grip.

In seconds we all hit the ground hard and Susan and Will begin to scream as the others begin to cry. The older kids groan. I look around to find as in the old Grimmauld Place. Old being that my Pa redid this place many years ago. He ended using it as a second home. Where the adults could go and meet without kids. Gimmauld place was my home for the first 4 years of my life. I know this place like the back of my hand. I didn't like the fact we were definatly adleast 16 years in the past. That places us in about 2002. Adleast that puts us out of the war.

"Is everyone ok", I ask looking concerned at the younger children. Hoping none were injured. Vic hasn't the equipment to help major injuries.

Suddenly there is a crash and we have wands pointing at us. I recognise one as my real mother. Oh crap. I'm going to kill them. I know for a fact my mother died in 1998. That means we are in the middle of a war. That is not good. Pa and Ma are going to kill me. They have told Vic, Dom, Molly, Abby and Me what happened in the wars. I swear if we get out of this alive i'm going to murder my brother and cousins. I stand up with one hand out the other holding the baby trying to smooth her crying.

"We mean you no harm. Would you mind telling us what date it is?" I ask them politely

The one I recognise as Albus Dumbledore who died in 1997 looks at us for a minute before saying, "August 9th 1995"

Victorie goes red and spins around drawing her wand so fast I couldn't stop her turning on those five, "I am going to kill you five"

Tonk's POV

Everyone is sitting having lunch and I do mean eyeone Kingsley, Madeye, Remus, Sirius, Albus, Minerva, Snape, Bill, Charlie, Arther, Molly and all the kids. I was eating one of Molly's famous rolls when we all hear a loud crash coming from the hallway followed by the sound of babies screaming, children crying and the sound of groaning. We all look at each other. What the hell?

That's when a soft voice asks, "Is everyone ok?"

Arthur, Kingsley, Madeye, Albus, Minerva, and I have are wands drawn fast and we run and enter the hallway with a bang. To find a group of children in a heap on the floor. Some of the children looked no older the 11 others were older. There was two adults in the group. The adult female was trying to comfort an infant no older then two. The adult male looks at us and freezes on me for a second and I feel like I know him from somewhere. He slowly stands up and we can all see the baby cradled to his chest. He was trying to stop the babies crying but he couldn't.

"We mean you no harm. Would you mind telling us what date it is?" the man asks politely

What does that mean? Who are they? What is going on? What do they want?

Albus looks at them for a minute before saying, "August 9th 1995"

The blonded haired adult stops her atempt to comfort the infant and spins around drawing her wand so fast we didn't see it coming. She was pointing her wand a 4 males and 1 female who were at the back of the pack.

"I'm going to kill you five", she snarls going red-faced and her eyes darken

This is going to be a problem...

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review and I'll update as soon as possible:)

Trust me the next chapter you will find out who all the kids are. I wanted to put my style into this story so I added more kids and more mayhem.