Heeeey my fellow readers. I'm back with a new story! This idea just came to me when I was at home watching a bunch of romance movies or "chick flicks". Then I thought, "these movies are so overrated." then I realized, "wow. Scourge & Fiona are a sick couple. I should write a story about them!" ahaha, so I hope you enjoy this fic. Remember, I only accept constructive criticism, if I get any flames, then they'll just be removed. If you don't like, then don't read. Simple right? Anyways, let's get the show on the road!

Fiona looked in the mirror. Since it was still late summer, she just decided to wear a fitted magenta button down shirt that came to her elbows. She wore black skinny jeans & red Converse to match. She kept her usual red hair it's natural way but just brushed it out. She nodded in approval as she left her house. It was her first and last year at Mobius High. She was a senior and it was her first day.

When she made it to the school, it was crowded. There were students everywhere. Freshmen were running to their classes, sophomores were studying, juniors were relaxing and the seniors were just talking. Fiona brought out her schedule and headed off to her class.

Her first class was Calculus. She sat in the second row as class was about to begin. Her teacher Mr. Wright began to take attendance.

"Fiona?" he asked. She politely raised her hand.

"Present." she replied. He looked over to her.

"Are you new here Fiona?" he asked. She nodded her head.

"Can you get to your classes?" he asked.

"I'll be able to find my way." Fiona said. He shook his head.

"You'll need an escort. Now who shall it be?" he asked. Just then, a certain blue hedgehog ran into class.

"Whew. That was close. Hey Mr. W what's up? Did you do something different with your hair?" Sonic asked. Mr. Wright rolled his eyes but then smiled.

"Thank you for volunteering Sonic." he replied, completely ignoring his greeting.

"Huh?" he asked.

"You just offered to show Fiona around for the next two weeks." he said. Again, he was confused.

"Who?" he asked. Mr. Wright pointed at the kitsune.

"Oh. Okay." Sonic said with a grin. He walked over to Fiona.

"Hey Fiona. You've probably heard of me. I'm Sonic, the fastest thing alive." he bragged. Fiona let out a small smile.

"I haven't heard of you but it's nice to meet you." she said. He smirked.

"If you want to survive here, you must know this one rule." he said.

"Which is?" Fiona asked.

"Don't fall in love with me." he said. She rolled her eyes.

"I'll take note of that." she said as she went back to her work.

Class was soon over and by the time Fiona got out of class, Sonic was already waiting for her.

"You got out fast." she said. Sonic let out a goofy grin.

"Well that's why I'm the fastest thing alive." he said. He looked at her schedule.

"Your next class is English. Come on." he said as they both walked down the hallway.

"What's it like here at Mobius High?" Fiona asked.

"It's awesome here. The food in the cafeteria is great. They have unlimited chilidogs! I eat those all the time. They taste really good. Although it doesn't taste good with cheese. Seriously who adds cheese to a hot dog? It's completely-" he was cut off.

"I mean the people here." she giggled.

"Oh. They're okay I guess. Not much fights happen around here, well for the girls atleast." he said.

"Oh." Fiona replied. They finally reached the English class.

"I don't have this class with you. Next period is lunch. When you come out of this class, just go straight and turn to your right then you'll see the cafeteria.

"Okay. Thanks Sonic." she said as she walked into class. She wasn't worried about her classes, but about who was going to sit with at lunch.


It was soon lunch time. Fiona waiting in line to buy her lunch. When she paid for it, she looked around the cafeteria. The school had many groups. Goths, rockers, nerds, jocks and cheerleaders etc. She went to an empty table with her lunch. She barely ate it because she was on her phone texting.

Sonic noticed her sitting alone and walked up to her. His friends watched.

"Hey Fiona." he said. She looked up.

"Hey Sonic." she said. He crossed his arms.

"Why are you sitting alone?" he asked. She shrugged.

"I don't know many people I guess." she replied.

"You're sitting with us." he declared. Before she could protest, he already grabbed her lunch and brought it to his table with his friends. She sighed and walked over.

When she got there, she saw that they were all staring at her like she was a three-headed alien.

'Is there something on my face?' she thought. She sat down in the seat Sonic gave her. It was next to a black hedgehog with red stripes.

"Hi! I'm Amy. What's your name?" a pink hedgehog asked her.

"Fiona." she replied. She nodded.

"Well Fiona, this is the gang. Meet Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Scourge, Knuckles, Tails, Rouge, Blaze, Cream, Sally, and Mina." she said as she pointed to each person.

"Hey Fiona, do you want that?" Sonic asked, drooling at her plate. It has an apple, a plate of spaghetti, and a bowl of grapes, but what caught his eye was the chilidog.

"You can have it. I don't like chilidogs." she said as she gave it to him. He happily began to munch on it. Amy rolled her eyes.

"So Fiona, what school did you used to go to?" Shadow asked.

"I used to go to a private school on the other side of Mobius." she replied. Sally's eyes burned with envy.

"Well, a friend of Sonic is a friend of mine." Cream said happily. Fiona smiled.

"Who was the first person you met here?" Blaze asked her.

"Sonic." she replied. Sonic nodded his head like an idiot.

"Yeah. I got full out bragging rights! I'm the first person she met. Remember that people. That technically makes me your best friend." he cried. Fiona just stared at him in shock.

"That doesn't make you her best friend smartass." Silver said. Sonic rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry. He's always like this." Rouge said with a smile, showing off her sparkling white teeth. Fiona smiled back.

"So what class do you have next?" Amy asked her.

"I'm not sure. This schedule is in code form and I only decoded a few of them." Fiona said.

"Here. I'll figure it out." Scourge said. Fiona handed him her schedule.

"You have Science then Chemistry. I have both of those classes with you." he said as he gave her back her schedule. Sally rolled her eyes. She hated Fiona already.

"Thanks." she said. When lunch ended, she grabbed her things and started to leave the cafeteria.

"Where do you think you're going Missy?" Sonic asked. "You're not leaving without your escort." she rolled her eyes.

"What class do you have next?" he asked.

"Science." she answered.

"I'll take her to class Sonic." Scourge said as he walked up to them.

"Wow Scourge. Looking for some extra attention eh?" he teased.

"Shut up before I kick your sorry ass into next week." he said.

"We all know you can't even beat up a girl, so how can you beat me up? Besides, I'm faster than you too." he said as he took off.

"You better run!" he yelled as he took off after him at the speed of sound. Fiona face palmed and walked to her next class.

She sat in the front this time. When class started, Scourge ran in.

"Hedgehog! What's your excuse this time?" Ms. Palmer asked. He smirked.

"I was just racing Sonic Ms. Palmer." he said. She just rolled her eyes.

"Sit in the front Scourge. Apparently since you came late, all the seats are taken." she said.

"No problem." he said. He sat in the empty seat next to Fiona.

While Ms. Palmer was talking, Scourge was completely lost.

"Fiona, do you get any of this?" he whispered. She looked up from her notes and at him.

"Yeah. You basically have to go over what she's saying in the textbook, rewrite them into your own notes and study them." she whispered back. He smiled at her.

"Thanks." he said. Fiona smiled and went back to work.

When class was over, Sonic was waiting outside for Fiona. Unfortunately, Scourge came out before her.

"What's up my green counterpart? By the way, I totally owned you in that race." Sonic said with a smug grin.

"We'll settle this later my facially-challenged counterpart. Right now, I'm gonna take Fiona to class." Scourge say with a smirk. Sonic went wide eyed.

"No I'm taking her. I'm her escort." he cried.

"Well I already have that class with her so I'm basically doing you a favor." Scourge replied.

"Fiona! Who do you want to take you?" Sonic asked with a pout.

Fiona looked up from her textbook and saw Scourge and Sonic staring at her. She sweatdropped.

"Doesn't your class start soon Sonic? You're gonna be late if you take me." she replied. "And stop pouting. It's supposed to be cute, you're just making it scary." Scourge started laughing.

"Okay Scourge but I'm taking you tomorrow." he said as he raced off.

"Well that was.." Fiona said.

"Awkward?" Scourge finished with a smirk.

"Yeah that." she said with a laugh. She and Scourge started to walk to their class. Fiona decided to break the silence.

"So how did you meet Sonic?" she asked. He chuckled.

"He, Shadow and I are practically like brothers. We met in elementary school and we couldn't be broken ever since." he said.

"Wow. You've known each other for that long?"

"Yup. Sometimes I want to kill him but at certain times, he's okay." he said with a slight smile.

When they reached their class, they sat in separate tables.

"Alright class, I've chosen your lab partners for the year." Mr. Hawk said. He started to call out names and students started moving to their new spots.

"Scourge and Fiona." he called out. She looked over to Scourge and he smirked. She walked over to his table.

"I guess we're lab partners." she said with a slight smirk.

"Yes we are." he replied back. They went through class just listening to the do's and don't's of this course.

When school was finished, Fiona walked home and started to think about her first day.

'I love this school. It's so much fun. Sonic is hilarious and his friends are really nice. Although, I don't think Sally likes me. Oh well, at least Scourge and I have our afternoon classes together and we sit next to each other too.' she thought as she walked into her house.

'What a day.' she said as she smiled to herself.

Well, here's my new story. I hope you all like it.

R & R :)