(A/N) So this is it. We've reached our journey's end. Thanks for all who've stuck with this story and dealt with my long absences :)

Disclaimer: No rights here!



He was outside of June's waiting for the elusive conman to show but to no avail. With a frustrated sigh he put his coffee mug down and grabbed his phone, dialing the all too familiar number.

There were a couple of rings and then a bleary, "hello?"

"Neal! Where are you? I've been waiting for you."

There was a rustle on the other end and then some muffled cursing before, "Sorry, Peter, I must have slept in. Go ahead without me I'll get a cab."

Peter sighed, "That's what you get Neal for staying up all hours."

Immediately there was an indignant response, "Well I'm sorry Dad but unlike some people I like to enjoy my birthday."

Peter could practically see the smirk that was no doubt gracing Neal's face, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I want you at work no later than 8:45, you hear?"

"Whatever you say boss."

Peter hung up the phone and reached for his coffee mug with a smile on his face. He had missed it, the casual bickering. More than he liked to admit.

He sat there for a moment, sipping at his bitter coffee, lost in thought. Then, shaking his head to clear his brain started the engine.

The criminal underworld didn't sleep after all. It wasn't waiting for him or his partner.

They had work to do.

(A/N) Yes, I know it was short. I could have made it longer but I felt like I should just end it here rather than drag it on and on. I felt like this little scene showed how well Peter and Neal fit back together in the end. So, it's short!

And now, I extend to all of you an offer. If any of you have any story ideas or prompts that you'd like me to give a shot at then I will try my very best! I promise!

And last but not least a giant THANK YOU to my loyal readers!