So, Raindrop here! Isn't this awesome, the first chapter of our first co written story already up? So, here's the disclaimer! Ok, well, this isn't really a chapter. It's just introducing the three main characters. I will be writing from Santana's POV and Hart will do Michaela's and we'll take turns writing Erin's.

Hart: She owns the idea

Me: I don't own PJO though….

Hart: Well, neither do I.

Me: *pouts* That means we don't own Nico

Hart: *pouts* Or Connor!

Both: Waaaaahhhhh!

Santana Castillo

She has mid back length, brown wavy hair light brown eyes, contacts and In Case of Emergency glasses. She's five feet tall, her favorite color is green, and she's a major PJO/HOO fan. She wears t shirts ratty jeans, Vans, and a white baseball cap that's so dirty it's almost brown. The jewelry she wears is a James Avery cross necklace, a silver purity ring on her left hand ring finger, a gold blue heart shaped sapphire ring on her right ring finger, a James Avery charm bracelet on her left wrist, and a green rubber bracelet that has arrows pointing up and down, a cross, and a cave on it.

Michaela Hall

She has shoulder length wavy light brownish hair, blue eyes, and contacts. She is five foot four and her favorite color is purple. She's a semi-large fan of PJO. She wears t shirts of blouses, good jeans, DC's, and a black beanie. The jewelry she wears is and ankh necklace, and lots of rubber bracelets and bangles, no rings.

Erin Goldstein

She has waist length dirty blonde, bone straight hair, sky blue eyes, contacts and In Case of Emergency glasses. She's five foot seven, and her favorite color is orange. She knows nearly nothing about PJO; she wears blouses, designer jeans, Sperry's and no hats whatsoever, sometimes headbands though. The jewelry she wears is a James Avery cross necklace and a charm bracelet on her right wrist. She also has a ring on her left thumb.

So, there's the characters! The first chapter is coming next! I hope you enjoyed! Well, that's all for now.
