Hey, I know the whole they go to Blackthorne thing is typical but i didn't see anyone who changed the entire idea of the second book. If there is someone I'm really sorry and I didn't mean to steal your idea.

Disclaimer: This isn't mine, this is Ally Carter's. If I were her I wouldn't be here now would I?

So everything follows exactly the same until chapter 10 of the second book. The only changes I imagine are that there is nothing wrong with the east wing, everything is as per usual. The reason they were suspicious was only because of the conversation between head mistress Morgan and Mr. Solomon. So after the mission the girls feel as if that can't possibly be it so they sneak into Cammie's mom's office to find something that explains exactly what's going on. Once they finally found the file entitled Blackthorne Institute for Boys they heard the door open…

We turned around and saw my mom in the doorway a smile playing at her lips.

"Girls" She said. "As you probably have already figured out, You are going to Blackthorne Institute for boys."

It seemed a lot more unreal when it was said aloud so we all just gaped at each other until Bex broke the silence.

"Yeah," Bex smiled. "And we'll get a rematch."

Chapter One

Before this year we had no idea that any other spy school existed. Now, we were about to be sent to one of them but the problem wasn't that it was a spy school; the problem was that it was a spy school for BOYS. After my mom caught us sneaking and gave us that little piece of good news she sent us on our way. When I was about to follow Liz, Bex and Macey my mom tapped my shoulder. I turned and she just looked at me. Oh no, I thought, She's going to yell at me for sneaking into her office, why didn't I think of this. The excuses rushed to my head we were afraid something big was going on/ I was sure I forgot my phone in here/I thought it was Sunday and we were supposed to have our weekly dinners…

"Mom…. I was–"but I stopped because she was standing there smiling.


"Sweetie, I didn't expect anything less. Off you go now. Goodnight, see you in the morning."

I stared at her, that's it? I was expecting at least the 'I'm disappointed in you' speech. I decided it was better not to press my luck and mumbled a goodnight before going out and down the corridor to meet my best friends.

The next morning at breakfast my mother went up to the podium and started saying her standard speech "The Gallagher Academy has a proud history…"

I looked at Bex and could tell she was thinking the same thing when is she going to tell everyone about Blackthorne? I was about to ask my friends when they thought we'd be heading out when I heard my mother stop and sigh as if she was scared of what the reaction to what she was about to say would be.

"Ladies, this year will be different. This year ten girls will spend the year at a different school. They will be going to the Blackthorne Institute for boys."

It was as if everyone was holding their breath as they processed this information. Blackthorne… it's real? The school for boys? Only ten girls get to go? It was obvious when everyone realized that only ten girls would get to go because all the girls were looking expectedly at their head mistress, my mother.

She smiled, "the lucky ladies who get to attend Blackthorne this year are Cameron Morgan, Macey McHenry, Rebecca Baxter, Elizabeth Sutton…."

The rest of the names were cut off as Bex started complaining about the fact that my mother called her Rebecca. I vaguely heard my mother call Ashley, Sophie, Emma, Zoe, Sarah and Hannah who were six other girls in our year. My friends just went on with their conversation or what was more like three different conversations.

"Oh gosh, I hate it when I'm called Rebecca why can't she just call me Bex like everyone else…"

"I can't wait to start packing your clothes for you guys…"

"I wonder how many books I can take…"

I started thinking about the names my mother had called and asked the people around our table why they thought only students from out year were going.

"It has to be a covert operations assignment, or at least there will be one at the end of the year." Bex said.

"So that means to pass we'll have to pull a mission with the boys…" Liz mumbled finally catching on.

"Or against them." I added helpfully only I suppose it wasn't too helpful because the other girls looked nervous.

Except Macey, "Oh please this'll be a piece of cake."

After breakfast we were dismissed to class except those of us going to Blackthorne, we were told to go to our rooms and pack. This was where we were now watching as Macey scrambled around packing things for us and yelling at us if we even thought of helping.

"Macey are you sure we can't help you with something?" I asked.

"Oh shut up, you'll just try to stick your baggy t-shirts and jeans everywhere and then where would we be…?"

I knew it was no use even though I liked my baggy shirts and jeans, they were comfortable. Bex was too busy to pay attention she was distracted thinking of tactics that we could use to get back at the boys.

"Cleavage, Mace, make sure there are a lot of shirts with cleavage… OH! And short shorts, for sure, the shortest we have…"

If Bex didn't shut up soon I was pretty sure Macey would roundhouse kick her. If she didn't I knew I would.

I was finally past my uneasiness and thinking that this might actually be fun. I could get back at Zach. Zach, the jerk with the smirk I thought. I was distracted from my thoughts when a blaring noise filled the room.


Bex smiled, "It's almost show time!"

Macey just glared at us, especially me, as she made her way down checking out our outfits, I looked at Liz who had been engrossed in her laptop the entire time and mumbled "oh boy…"

"OH BOY! Is that what you're going with! Have you guys seen what you're wearing? Go change and then come back so I can do your makeup NOW!"

We weren't going to argue with Macey so we rushed to the suitcases she packed for each of us and grabbed some clothes. I took out the first shirt I saw and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans. I looked towards Macey and she nodded her approval. I went off to change and Liz and Bex followed. Once Macey had me in her grasp she was relentless. She made a fuss over every detail and thing that was wrong with me including the shape of my face.

"It's too pretty see, if it was maybe a bit more sharp it'd make you look more mature…"

It was awful. Finally she put some make up on me that wasn't too obvious; it was a subtle kind of pretty. Then she straightened my hair and the torture was over. After me it was Liz's turn and she was followed by Bex. When we were ready Macey quickly did her own make up and once it was 4:50 we got our suit cases together and went downstairs.

I looked at the other girls who were already there. I had a few classes with each of them but we had never discussed anything more than our homework. They all seemed nice enough.

"Gosh, could you all just get out of my personal space. Like seriously, you'll make me all sweaty. Ugh!"

Or not. It was Ashley who had said that and I think it was Zoe who had 'invaded' her personal space.

"Oh wonderful" Bex muttered.

Hannah was on the other side of Zoe now and she was looking her up and down.

"Oh please honey, we all know you're a lesbian no need to make sure all the boys know too."

Zoe was turning red all over she was wearing a baggy t-shirt and jeans. Zoe was pretty but in a subtle way she had brown hair and brown eyes but the way she was put together was what made her pretty.

I tried to think of what I had heard about each of these girls from Tina who basically ran the rumor mill. Ashley was the daughter of some model, I think; she was really pretty with sparkling blue eyes and long straight black hair. Her skin was pale but it all worked or maybe it was just her makeup. Hannah was the opposite. She had dull hazel eyes, blonde hair and olive skin but she wasn't any less beautiful. I scanned the other girls. Sophie and Sarah were identical twins with pale blonde hair and simple blue eyes. It would've been impossible to tell the difference between them except that the one I thought was Sophie was known as the quiet one and the one I thought was Sarah was the spontaneous one. My thoughts were confirmed when Sarah looked at Hannah and Ashley and said

"Oh please, at least she isn't making it obvious how desperate she is" she looked at Hannah's chest and laughed "Honey, those plastic things aren't fooling anyone." She said mimicking Hannah's earlier used tone.

The other girls laughed while Hannah and Ashley looked dumbstruck. I suppressed a smile.

I looked at Emma who had just walked in. She had bright red hair. She was obviously a natural blonde but it suited her. She had green eyes and dark eyeliner. She was wearing a Rise Against shirt which was a band I remembered hearing about.

"Hey girlies, how's it going?" Emma asked in response to all the girls' eyes on her.

She had a confidence Zoe lacked which was probably why Hannah and Ashley didn't think to make fun of her. Or maybe it was because right then Joe Solomon walked in and smiled.

"Ready to go ladies?"

We were directed into a helicopter and each given a blindfold which we tied around our eyes knowing the routine. I was comforted seeing Mr. Solomon with him I knew it was safe. Which is why you can imagine my surprise when he said, "Have fun ladies, follow the rules and do me a favor and call me if you need help, will you?"

He shut the door and was gone.

I could feel Liz beside me fidgeting. "Uhm, is it just me or is the fact that Mr. Solomon isn't coming with us making you guys nervous too?"

What'd you think? Should i write the next chapter? Review, please!