AN: this is an alternate reality of the Ocarina of Time. Bsically, it is my verrsion of what would happen if Zelda and Link had been switched. However, there are little changes in the world, and in people.


The young soldier bowed nervously to the King of Hyrule. He clutched the bundle awkwardly. He had never held a baby before. He had just joined the Guards a few days ago, just before the Queen had died birthing the hier to the Kingdom of Hyrule. It was unknown if her baby would live. They had called Impa, the last of the surviving Shiekans, to be his nurse.

"You found the boy?" The soldier nodded.

"Yes, my Liege. Outside the Kokiri forest."

"His parents?"

"He was under his mother's body. There was no man about."

"Give me the child." The soldier handed over the baby. The King smiled down at the little one. The baby had been very lucky. it was surprising that he had been found alive.

The King motioned to the servant on his left. The servant handed the soldier a basket.

"Take this basket, and dispose of it in the Zora River," ordered the King.

"Yes, my Liege," replied the soldier, taking the basket.

"Return to the castle when you are done to await new instructions. you have my leave." The soldier crisply saluted, and hurried out.

The youth had reached the river bank when a soft whimpering sound caught his attention. He looked around, and saw nothing close to him that could have produced the sound. Cautiously, fearing the worst, he opened up the basket.

Two baby blue eyes greeted him. A baby girl wrapped in swaddling clothes stared up at him, cooing. In that instant, the youth's heart broke. He knew who this child was. There was no proff, only his thoughts, but he knew. It was the King's biological child. With his wife dead, he could produce no other offspring. It was well known that the king did not believe that women could handle the task of ruling. He had forsaken his own flesh and blood for a boy.

The young soldier bent over the water, placing the basket in the swiftly moving river. He pulled out the princess in one swift movement, and the basket was sucked into the cold, clear water. He took off in a run toward the Kokiri forest. Fate had saved one child through him. Maybe he would be able to save another.

The young soldier stood one a crudely built rope bridge. Her heard a tinkling sound, and a glowing bubble in the air appraoched him. It was a fairy.

"Please," called out the young soldier. "Take care of this little one. She has been forsaken by her father, her mother dead and buried." The fairy flashed a pink colour, and the soldier got the impression it was angry. "I am not her father.I would take care of her, but I know nothing of babies."

The fairy circled him. The little girl floated out of his arms, and into the woods through a hallow tree. The young soldier nearly fainted with relief. He headed out of the forest, and made his way toward death mountain.