AN: So, this is technically abandoned now, as I've spent what probably amounts to two years off and on poking at this. I wrote myself into a corner politically (something I never wanted to deal with), and power creep was going to get me shortly as well. So, in that vein, here's what I have left, PLUS the majority of the last battle.

Many people were gathered around a single console, staring at the screen. To any number of wizards they might recognize the landmass of Italy on the screen, but the heavy colors swirling around its boot would be utterly confusing.

These men were not of a magical heritage, but had all the signs of confusion and bewilderment as well. "Hey boss, come here. Mother nature just went and got drunk. Italy just got a complete atmospheric shift and a cold front just... appeared. From the looks of it, they need a deep freeze and major blizzard warning. In June."

Then the satellite imaged cloud line expanded, rendering the boot of Italy almost invisible.

-o0o- -o0o-

There was an office for the holder of the title Supreme Mugwump of the ICW, but Dumbledore found it not to his liking, as he always felt his first calling was that of being Headmaster of Hogwarts. Thus, even as he worked on duties that did not pertain to Hogwarts, he could still be found there.

The low banked fire flared for a moment, shifting as a face came through in a firecall. "Supreme Mugwump?"

Albus looked up from the report he was reading. "Come though, Jacob."

The flames flared higher and turned green as a young man stepped into the office. He was tall with darker skin, but had bright blue eyes that looked troubled. "You wanted to be immediately advised of any possible major Statute of Secrecy breaks."

Albus sighed, nodding. "Dementors on the continent?" He'd been fearing that the initial probes would eventually move beyond the easier response times of himself and the DMLE.

"No sir." Jacob shuddered for a moment. "France, Belgium, and the Netherlands have their men on watch for that, though you won't explain exactly why. But no, there's apparently someone in Italy playing with weather magics. The Italian Mugwump has let us know that they've sent in investigators but haven't heard anything back yet."

"The usual excuse to their Muggle counterparts then when they catch the wayward wizard? Freak storms?"

"It wouldn't be major if that were the case, Supreme Mugwump. They're expecting to find the wizard dead because of the size and strength of the storm would kill them of magical exhaustion. According to the Italian Mugwump, a large portion of the boot of Italy is going to get at least a foot of snow."

Albus' face went white as his stomach dropped. There was only one being he knew of that could cause a storm such as that, and if she was doing that... "Return to the ICW, I'll be there in less than an hour. Under my authority, recall Bernardo's investigators. Send no less than thirty Hitwizards to Lecce to begin containing the Muggle reaction. That should be were the worst of the storm is. They are not to attack anyone or anything unless it attacks them first, understood."

"Yes sir?" Jacob's answer was both affirmative and questioning.


Jacob nodded and took a handful of powder from a pocket. "ICW Central Office!"

Albus looked to the empty perch where Fawkes usually stayed, except since Nicholas had been here Fawkes had been more with the alchemist. He hadn't begrudged the phoenix that, since they were companions even more than he was. "Why didn't Isis return if Shiva is causing such a storm?"

Albus fairly well ran out of the office to find Nicholas and Perenelle.

-o0o- -o0o-

Harry's wings folded up against his back and he felt the magic holding him aloft slowly end, dropping him to his feet on the hard packed snow, now drifting at least four feet high in places.

He ignored that as he watched the Ultima magic overtake whatever Voldemort had left behind, destroying a couple of buildings, the light of the destruction overcoming the blackness. After a moment it was gone, and then so was the Ultima.

And then arms wrapped around him from behind as a body thumped against him, forcing Harry to shift and almost fall before becoming stable again as Shiva's voice rang in his ears.

"You're alive!" In her apparent elation, Shiva's voice had lost the calm and even cadence it normally held. She seemed to slide around him until she was facing him, arms still around him. And then she kissed him and Harry wasn't sure how to react to that, but it didn't matter as it was over before he could get it through his head anyways.

"Well, you're looking more like a dragon now, Harry. What happened?" Shiva asked, looking over him.

Harry looked at himself again, his mind trying to parse through everything that had just happened. Thick talons on the end of deep blue, almost black skin that appeared to actually be tiny scales. His feet were actually changed into dragon claws, and the tiny dark scales ran up his shins to merge into human skin.

His hands were similar, though he'd managed to retain a full set of fingers with black clawtips a quarter inch long. That... might make it harder to wield his wand. Patches of scales showed through on skin where Voldemort's Firaga had burned him as well. Though he couldn't see it, his face had been left unchanged, save for his eyes permanently shifting and a touch of scales threading around his neck and into his hair.

"When Voldemort dropped me... I saw my mother, protecting me from the attack. She had Ifrit's bloodline, that where the fire protection came from. She said I denied it though, so I couldn't use it. So I used the power of Bahamut." Harry looked at his clawed hands again. "I realized. It's not just the throne of Bahamut I claimed. It's my throne. I don't need to keep it separate. So I quit thinking of it that way."

"Whatever keeps you balanced, Harry." Shiva replied, before looking around. "I think I went a little over the top, however."

A crack and a partially destroyed ceiling fell, the snow still falling having finally overloaded the weakened structure.

Several more cracks were heard and people starting appearing, the noise dropping more snow from overhangs. Wizards and witches with wands out, looked at the devastation before sighting in on Harry and Shiva.

Shiva moved but Harry snagged her top with a hand, trying not to rip it with the tip of his new claws. "You guys speak the Queen's English?"

None of them spoke for a long moment before one nodded and spoke in a heavy German accent. "We're with the ICW." It was obvious that they were all on edge. "You cause this or the two of ya get caught in the backlash?"

Harry sighed. "Voldemort started it."

"Perhaps you come with us? We need to get control of the area." The man spoke again and Harry shrugged.

He was willing to play along. He doubted his Portkey would be available anytime soon now, and maybe they could help.

They'd ended up sitting in front of several mediwizards who were trying to figure out what was wrong with Harry and Shiva that they needed to fix, while several of the other ICW wizards were watching over them.

"I am naturally this way. I will freeze the wand of the next person to try to warm me up." Shiva scowled at them, though Harry shook his head.

"So you claim you fought this Dark Wizard Voldemort? And he caused the massive snow storm?" One man was asking, a quill taking dictation. "If he was powerful enough to conjure up something like that, why waste the energy?"

"No." Harry shook his head. "He didn't cause the snowstorm."

"I did. I was building up power to completely destroy him." Shiva answered. "He was very resistant to my normal level of attacks."

Everyone had a somewhat dumbfounded look. "You're actually admitting to causing that? Lady, do you know how much trouble you're in for breaking the Statute of Secrecy?"

"As I am not bound by your accords, I would hazard to guess none."

"The Statute is enforced by the ICW. It's international. I don't care where you're from, all witches and wizards are under our jurisdiction. Now, since you've admitted guilt and you're refusing medical treatment I think I can find you a nice cell to sit in until we can get you in court." The man pulled his wand, pointing it at Shiva.

A growl startled the man as Harry stood, wings flaring out a bit. "You're not taking Shiva anywhere."

The wand swung towards Harry. "Look kid, just let the nice mediwizards fix you and let us deal with her. She admitted to breaking the law. Ah screw it. Stupif-AIEEE!"

The man's spell ended before it could begin, as every wand in the room was suddenly encased in a block of ice, Shiva scowling openly now.

"So, do you think you can drop us back of in Lecce, or maybe even our actual destination? Shiva's not a witch. And we're not going to hurt you." Harry's smile had dropped, and his claws ticked together.

"Ah, ah, ah." The man stumbled backwards, trying to ward the two of them off with his ice covered hand. He then ran out of the room.

"I am not bound to your accords. I am not bound to your laws. I was protecting Harry. Or in this case, getting my revenge for what I thought was his death. Now leave until you bring someone to take us where we wish to go." Shiva paused. "Or we can just leave on our own."

The remaining few wizards in the room backed away slowly, watching Shiva carefully.

"Look, isn't the Hogwarts Headmaster part of you guys? Let me talk to him." Harry sighed. "He's probably looking for us now anyways, since Iris isn't with us."

"You cause what's likely to be the biggest break in the Statue of Secrecy since its inception, attack a Hitwizard, and now you're demanding to see the Supreme Mugwump? Who the hell do you think you are, Merlin?" One of the few remaining wizards said.

By this point, it was just the few wizards who'd been asking questions left in the room, as the mediwizards had left as well.

"Harry Potter, actually." Harry said, before ignoring the men to look at Shiva. "Hey, weren't you able to talk to Phoenix before? Think we could pass a message to Fawkes or Iris that way?"

"Harry Potter? Aww, hell." The wizard quietly cursed to himself, ignored along with the others.

Shiva closed her eyes for a moment, before opening them. "Not with my current limitations, no."

"Well, there goes that idea."

"Thought I recognized that Dark Wizard's name." Another one of the hitwizards commented. "Hey, Potter. I thought he died when you were a kid?"

Harry looked back at the men. "Yeah, it's a really long story. The headmaster knows it too. You could always go get it from him and let him know I'm here."

"At this point, I'm going to have to at least bump this up to my superiors." The first man said. "Will you two please not cause any trouble for a while? Even if you do eventually get to talk with the Supreme Mugwump, it's not going to be soon. They're trying to figure out what to do to cover this up."

"Sure. It'll all work out." Harry grinned.

"In other news, there have been some changes in the weather around Italy after the sudden blizzard a few days ago. Mother Nature seems to be correcting herself and meteorologists are claiming temperatures should be back near averages within the week. As for the cause of it..." Here, the dark haired woman in front of the camera paused.

"Multiple sources, both anonymous and public, have come forward on this. From what sources and contacts are saying this was the result of an explosive overload of an experimental bio-dome research device built to alter weather in controlled conditions." The woman continued, reading slowly from her teleprompter. "Apparently it was stolen a few weeks ago. A new eco-terrorist group calling itself Avalanche has stepped forward claiming responsibility for causing the blizzard. While we have not heard any demands or reasons behind this, the UN and other governments are apparently taking this very seriously."

"However, they have not released any comments to the press over any actions they are taking in turn. For now, we will just have to hope this group cannot duplicate the stolen device before they are caught. I'm Judy Reeve, and we'll return after this break."

"And we're off!"

Judy stood, adjusting her business suit as she did, scowling the whole time.

"You know, I'm never playing poker with you." The man standing at weather laughed. "Your poker face is too damned good. What's up?"

"This story, Tony. This eco-terrorist thing and the blizzard. It's a bunch of bull." She threw her hands up.

"You've got political and military sources, some of which are actually not asking to be anonymous for once, all agreeing on this."

"And that's the problem." Judy growled. "They're all agreeing. Any of our sources that are talking this Avalanche group aren't using it to snipe their political enemies. So they've got to be covering something up!"

Tony shook his head. "So they invented a terrorist group to cover something up. Something big, if no one's breaking the cover story. What then, aliens?"

"No clue. I wish I did know."

"We're back on in twenty!"

Harry sat at a little desk paging through a small book on the Himalayas. Both desk and book had been brought into the hospital room the day before, when the hitwizards had finally given up on moving him somewhere else, and the mediwizards were still trying to fix him.

Honestly, Harry didn't think he needed to be fixed and that was probably a large portion of what was causing them to fail to even begin shifting him back into a fully human form.

A clawed finger delicately flipped the page and Harry grinned to himself, the results of hours of practice finally enough to not rip the page.

Looking up once more, Harry watched Shiva for several long moments as her gaze held steady on the door into the room. "You bored?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

Shiva turned to face Harry, a half exasperated expression on her face. Harry still thought it was neat she was being more expressive than she was when he first found her Materia. "You chose the worst time to actually take your Headmaster's advice."

AN: It's at this point I more or less lost direction.

But to not completely disillusion my readers, here is the outline of the final battle of Hogwarts.

The grounds outside Hogwarts looked like a icy wasteland. Here and there, death eater corpses lay frozen, victims of Shiva's regained might. Whatever empowerment Voldemort had given them by partially converting his minions to Dementors had not protected them nearly well enough.

But the surprise attack had done its damage. The cloud of damning magics had stolen the lives of almost all the students of the castle, with only the recent wardings done by the Flamels and Albus keeping their souls from being converted to the foul creatures as well.

Voldemort stood on the far side of the frozen lake, a macabre grin upon his now nearly skeletal face as he calmly watched the two standing on the lake itself.

For Shiva, the ice was home and would not let her stumble. For Harry, his claws easily pierced the layers of ice to grant him his own stability. "I'm not letting you escape, this time." Harry hissed, instincts of both human and dragon portions of his soul igniting in rage. "You attack my home, the seat of my power. Do not think you will not DIE!" The air around Voldemort flickered and melted as Harry's magic created a Flare.

Only for Voldemort to laugh through the attack. "Child, you have no idea of the powers we possess. You may be Dragon, I am Death itself, and all the pieces of my mortal soul I have finally bound them to my new existence. I am, quite literally, immune to anything you can use against me."

The power that the Throne of Bahamut represented pulsed in time to Harry's pull upon it. The young King of Dragon's form flickered for a moment before fading away completely. And then with a roar that ascended beyond audible and shook magic itself, a fully formed dragon took the place of Harry Potter. Built lean and whip-like, it still packed more muscle than any other creature seen before that day. Standing on its hind legs, it likely could have put its paw on the top of the Astronomy tower.

Shiva took a long look at the dragon and nodded. "I will protect your home while you deal with the interloper." She then vanished into crystals of ice, before solid walls of ice rose around the Hogwarts castle.

A single paw whipped forward, the air screaming as it was torn before slamming into the Dark Lord, launching him backwards and through several nearby trees.

"Hmm, this may be more annoying than I expected." Voldemort mused, struggling to pull himself from the trough he'd created. "I didn't realize we could do that. The benefits of having one of these creatures to take the knowledge from, instead of needing to discover it all yourself."

With a dragon rampaging right towards him, Voldemort concentrated not on moving, but on focusing inwards, to the gem he'd anchored his soul fragments into.

A breath of pure plasma washed over him, igniting and electrifying everything. Looking up, the mage let himself feel fear for a moment as he stared down the gullet of the King of Dragons. Immortality and indestructibility inside the gut of a dragon did not sound all that pleasant. And then something triggered inside the gem, causing Voldemort to flicker and vanish with a mad laugh.

What appeared next looked similar to a Dementor, but stood nearly as tall as the Dragon form of Harry. Any form of flesh was now stripped from his body, and instead cold light burned in the eye sockets and all visible joints.

"Before I destroy you, I will thank you for teaching me this most useful form, Potter. Go to your death knowing you only helped me."

With that, the two behemoths joined in combat.


The imp form of Snape laid dead behind them, the few people standing before a black obelisk. "Your soul provides the invulnerability Voldemort is relying on in his fight against Harry. Death cannot be killed, after all, because it is not truly alive." Perenelle flipped her hair back. "Your body is neither dead nor alive, because the soul that belongs to it is neither, seeing as how you were thrown out of your body but you did not die."

"So you brought the two of us here to destroy my son's soul? I expected to be thrown aside once the Dark Lord was destroyed, but we had a deal to save my son's life." Lucius growled, his wand now pointed at the woman.

The spirit of Draco floated further away from both the conflict and the obelisk uneasily.

"No. If I'd wanted to do that, I could have had Iris destroy his soul back at Hogwarts. And it wouldn't have required Harry manipulating Riddle into casting off what remained of your son's body to fight him. Destroying your son's soul would have saved your heir. Granted, it would have been a living puppet but your line could continue. This way, your son claims the Aspect of Hades and the throne removes the invulnerability from both of them, for there cannot be two Hades."

Perenelle flicked the beak of Iris, the blue phoenix smacking her back with her own wing. "There is no way to save the entire person, so Phoenix decided to allow you to chose which portion to keep. I will never fully understand the Esper's mind, even after all this time."

Lucius lowered his wand slowly. "I hate you." Perenelle nodded. "And I will likely never forgive you for putting my son through this."

"I'd rather this than be destroyed and only have a body to be remembered by." Draco added.

Perenelle motioned the ghost back towards the Obelisk. "You know the words."

Draco nodded, gulping even in his spectral state.

I am Draco Malfoy

Soul of no body

Spirit of no earth.

No body exists to claim me

No earth claims my body.

Thus I enter the Aspect of Death

Having never died, for I never lived.

I claim the Throne of Hades, as the Aspect of Death

An utter blackness pulsed from the Obelisk, only to be absorbed by the spirit.

With invulnerability removed, Harry quickly tears apart Voldemort. Dumbledore ends up summoning Phoenix to restore all the dead students of Hogwarts, spending too much mortal magic and energy. The last scene of him is a newly hatched baby phoenix of white and grey, with little yellow spots, sitting next to his body.