A/N: Hewwo! I know, I know, it's not Valentine's Day yet~and for some, they could really care less! Tragic, tragic people. Don't get me wrong, I usually loathe love stories, but February always turns me into a big ball of mush. Maybe it's because my b-day's so close to V-day, who knows? Point is, it's a fun holiday that should be shared...with all my lovely fanfictionistas, of course! :3 Two reasons for beginning V-day posts so early: 1) prolonged enjoyment 2) perhaps some support can help me pull through the amount of chapters I wanted to post in such a short period of time.

As always...I do not owe Kuroshitsuji in any way, shape or form. But boy, if I did...

Oh, one last thing~No smex in this chapter. Sowwies! Don't worry, it'll come soon enough.

In the morning: His Butler, Dancing


Sebastian waited to get out of bed until the sun broke above the line of trees surrounding the Phantomhive Manor. With a cut-off groan, he strode over to his wardrobe to prepare for another day in service at Ciel Phantomhive's side. It wasn't a bad place to be, per se, but Sebastian felt as though he were waiting for more; more adventure, more recognition, more everything. More than that, he knew he thirsted for something he could not obtain until Ciel would relinquish his most precious gift at the end of their road.

For now though, all Sebastian could do to quiet his growing desires was to continue providing a most diligent service. And today would be no exception. Sebastian brushed his silken dark hair out of his face, assembling it with speed and accuracy. Adding the crisply pressed uniform, Sebastian found himself more awake and willing to start the day's full schedule. Pulling on his white gloves as the finishing touch, Sebastian treaded swiftly down to the kitchen to prepare for the Valentine's Day charity ball set for that very evening. He noticed there was a peaceful silence still covering the mansion, as all the other inhabitants slept on, and would for quite some time.

Now finding himself in the kitchen, Sebastian set off to work right away. He easily placed all kitchenware and ingredients he would need onto the marble countertops. Sebastian had easily convinced his young master that an elegant confectionary display should be the central focus of a Valentine's ball. Bocchan had scoffed originally at the idea, his apprehension of the lover's holiday making him uncomfortable; he had easily changed his mind, though, when his love of his Funtom Company (as well as his love of candies) won out. Sebastian lightly chuckled at the memory. These were the stubborn moods that fascinated him with the young master—a cold adult in part, but still somewhat like a child.

The smell of sticky sweets began to encircle Sebastian as stirred a large bowl full of chocolate icing. Sebastian purposely started with the frostings because they needed time to chill before being used on the various cakes that would be prepared for tonight as well. By the time the morning sun was streaming into the kitchen, Sebastian had finished frostings in chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, mint chocolate, and chocolate hazelnut. Wiping his hands onto a dishcloth, he checked the time. Seeing that he had less than an hour before his young master's wake up call, Sebastian began preparing the special breakfast he wanted to give his master.

Sebastian filled a tea kettle with water and left it on the stove to boil. While Sebastian expertly moved around the kitchen, he thought again of his bocchan. As a demon, it was curious the bond he felt with the young boy. Even he was unsure about his initial fascination with Ciel Phantomhive, although it could be said that the young master's uncharacteristic determination and highly elevated reasoning for an adolescent was a part of the attraction. But even Sebastian knew that there was something more that he's been trying to piece together all this time. There was uniqueness to bocchan that none of his previous masters had possessed; something much more delicious and refined. The young boy continuously captures and rejects Sebastian on a daily basis; the harmless toying is most intriguing.

A new contrast of smells surrounded Sebastian as he finished making his young master's morning meal. The tea kettle began to whistle, so he took it off the burner and added the water to the delicate teapot (a part of today's pink-and-white fair isle tea set, imported from Scandinavia). Sebastian lined the silver tray with the various breakfast selections, consisting of heart-shaped strawberry walnut scones topped with chocolate syrup and cut strawberries, cornbread muffins with cherry marmalade, and a small bowl of honey pecan porridge with sweet cream. Sebastian gently added a few well-placed chocolates between eat of the dishes on the silver serving tray.

Sebastian balanced the tray delicately on his left palm, the weight of it placing no true burden on the strong demon. Softly padding his way up the front hall stairs, he swiftly made his way down to the young master's sleeping quarters. He lifted one gloved hand to lightly knock on the large wooden door in front of him before quietly letting himself into the room. With all the fluidity of practiced motions, Sebastian crossed the room gracefully to the large windows to pull back the curtains.

"Young master, it is morning now. Please let me prepare you for your day," Sebastian spoke in a low, splendid tone. He mused to himself as to what bocchan's reaction would be—probably total annoyance with his determination on this very special Valentine's Day.

The young master recognized the voice and he recognized the tone. Sebastian had a tendency to act queerly some days, with pressed smiles and lyrical jumps to his voice; what was with that demon? Ciel Phantomhive rolled over to face his butler. He looked steadily up at Sebastian through wisps of unruly cerulean hair. With the bright morning sun shining in behind Sebastian, it was hard for Ciel to keep eye contact for too long. Shielding his eyes with one small arm, Ciel sat up in his over-sized bed.

"Tch, do you have to let all that light in here?" There was already a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

"I'm afraid I do, young master, or else you would never get out of bed." Sebastian moved towards Ciel to help him perch on the edge of the bed.

Ciel grumbled under his breath; he had a feeling what Sebastian said had some truth to it, but he wasn't really in the mood to let Sebastian know that. Ciel felt the smooth material of his butler's gloves on his skin as the butler helped him out of his nightshirt. The steady pace of Sebastian's expert removal and addition of clothing to Ciel's body made him feel agitated for some reason. It was true Ciel was usually a tad grumpy in the mornings, but the way the warmth from Sebastian's hands seemed to seep into Ciel and take residence even after the brief touches ended…well, that did not help improve his mood. In fact, it confused Ciel why he felt so aware of his demon butler suddenly.

Well, perhaps not suddenly, Ciel pondered to himself. For the past few weeks, Ciel had noticed a subtle shift in the interactions between himself and his butler. Their routine, almost monotonous, dance was starting to feel a bit off kilter. Ciel struggled to keep the analogy present in his groggy mind—a dance was exactly what this was feeling like! And he hated to dance. It wasn't so much the speed or direction of his and Sebastian's motions, but it felt as though the demon had snuck in extra, almost undetectable, steps while leading the bluenette* around. Ciel wasn't sure why the analogy or the feelings had crept up on him. But now self-aware of the possibility of being lead around by a damn demon, Ciel was on edge for the next camouflaged step.

Blinking back to his current situation, Ciel tempered a gaze on Sebastian. Giving a small quirk of an eyebrow, Ciel motioned impatiently at the tray holding his morning meal. Ciel was nothing but irritable until he had his morning tea, and Sebastian's lack of voluntary motion was quite irksome to the young earl.

Sebastian let out a small chuckle under his breath, and turned elegantly towards his young master's breakfast table. Unable to let the occasion pass him by, Sebastian sent a small teasing question over his shoulder towards the young boy sitting callously on the bed.

"My lord, would you like me to serve you breakfast in bed today? Surely you would have wanted to dine at the table to avoid any misunderstandings between us?"

Ciel just hardened his focus on his butler before speaking with clear exasperation. "What foolishness. What possible misunderstandings could happen between us today?"

Reaching the table, Sebastian made a show of busily pouring his young master's tea. The steam gently unfurled from the dainty pink-and-white teacup, giving off a delectable sweet scent. Sebastian kept his master waiting longer than was truly necessary before quirking a quick smile towards the young lord, speaking in a voice low and light.

"My, has bocchan forgotten already? How dreadful." Sebastian pouted his lips and knitted his eyebrows in clear mock frustration.

"Stop you're strange antics, you moron," Ciel spat, lightly stepping away from the bed so he could arrange himself at his bedroom table. At least this way he could very well get his tea, instead of playing this fool's game.

Sebastian pulled a chair away from the table to allow his young master to settle in for his breakfast. Gently pushing in the chair holding the young lord, Sebastian moved towards the meal tray to uncover his beautiful culinary creation. He unveiled each small dish, all while carefully watching the calculated changes occurring on his young master's porcelain face. One large cerulean eye rolled up to meet Sebastian's glittering red ones. The young master looked anything but pleased.

"Sebastian, what is this nonsense?" Ciel scoffed at the food, "and why is it laden with chocolate? Not that I mind, I suppose..."

Sebastian watched as a new mix of emotions rose from his young master. Facial contortions mimicked an array of anger and barely suppressed embarrassment. Perhaps bocchan had figured out his first delectable clue for today's festivities.

"What the hell, SEBASTIAN!" Ciel's face flushed as he looked mad-eyed at his butler.

Ah, here it comes.

"V-v-valentine's day? I forgot Valentine's Day and this is a big deal to you? For goodness sake, Sebastian, is your only goal here to slowly drive me insane with your profuse meandering?"

Sebastian said not one word, but leaned down to eye-level with his young earl. Giving the small boy a quick tap on the nose with his long finger, Sebastian smiled coyly. His eyes like fine wine sparkled in the morning light, with the unconscious desire to persuade the young boy to think the gesture over. He turned to leave Ciel to his sugar-filled breakfast and his quickly surfacing thoughts, shutting the door quietly as Sebastian left the bedroom.

Ciel stared at the door after Sebastian's sudden disappearance. Glancing down at his plate of over-decorated (yet undoubtedly delicious food), Ciel had the perplexing feeling that the once dedicated outside spin of their morning routine had turned into a double reverse spin without his permission. Becoming rapidly uncomfortable with the unanticipated quickening of his heart and the blush on his face, Ciel busied his mouth with his routine cup of tea.

Here ends our first segment of His Butler, Waiting. I'll give you a hint: I'd really like this story to be 4-5 chapters long (to fit the morning, noon, etc. format of the manga). Please leave some love if it so pleases you to do so! Because I could really use some love ^W^

Thank you for reading, lovers.
