You were walking down the hallways of the Vongola base when you heard some explosion up ahead.

The said explosion belonged to a certain blonde mechanic, whom you really love.

You opened the door and caught him sitting with his back faced yours, probably working on his laptop. By your right stood a malfunctioning Mosca.

"Spanner! What happened?"
"Mosca just needs to be repaired," he said with a lollipop in his mouth, and without looking at you.
"Are you busy?"
"Seems like it. Then I won't disturb you anymore. Ja."

You closed the door and stood for about half an hour. You were really confused. He's been like this for the past few days. Why is he treating like you like that? What have you done wrong? Sometimes you wonder if you are really his girlfriend. All he does is tinker his beloved Moscas. There was never really a time when the two of you would bond together.

"Idiot Spanner. He never really liked me, huh? I wonder if we're on this relationship because I wanted to. Maybe because I forced him? I don't know! Fuck this."

With your irritation, you marched for the kitchen and ate some instant curry.

The door suddenly opened, and your head shot up only to see Spanner, surprisingly, without sucking his dear lollipop. You quickly resumed your match with the curry and ignored the mech.

He prepared his food and sat down next to you. Both of you were busy chowing down your own food, so neither of you was speaking, thus, making the atmosphere awkward. As soon as you finished yours, you stood up, only to be grasped by a strong hand.

"Don't go yet."
"I'm finished Spanner. Plus, I have something to do," you said as sternly as possible.
His grip on your arm tightened, "I finished my work early to be with you. Shouldn't you be doing the same, too?"
You turned to face him and shot a glare, "I was, Spanner! I was! But all you do is to be with your Moscas! You never have time for me."
"Don't tell me you're jealous with a Mosca?" he managed to say in a monotone voice.
"So what if I am? You know Spanner, sometimes I think that you never really loved me. Sometimes I think that...I can never replace a Mosca in your heart."
"You know that you're being overly dramatic, right?" he said coolly.

And that does it. You somehow managed to break free from his grasp and went out the battlefield. Why oh why could he be this dense?

After some senseless walking, you found yourself in a hallway between the second floor and third floor. You decided to rest your body on the railings of the stairs and ponder about what happened earlier. Did you just break up with him? You don't know anymore. You tried to cry your heart out but your effort was fruitless. There wasn't a single drop on your cheek. Was crying even this hard?

Suddenly, arms snaked around your waist. The owner of the arms rested its chin on your left shoulder. You held its arms with compassion, for you need not to recognize the person close to your heart. It was him. The one who kept you awake at night. The one whom you shared your dreams with. The one you loved deeply.

"(name), I'm sorry...for everything. Please stay..."

You can't resist that sexy voice of his. You can't resist his charm. You can't resist anything about him. You're just too damn charmed and crazy all over him. No doubt you were under his bewitching spell.\

Spanner then planted kisses on your neck, trailing down to your collarbone, and then to your shoulder.

He held both of your shoulders and turned you around to face him.

Blue orbs met (eyecolor) ones. The next thing you knew is that your lips are crashing against his. It was your first kiss. Who knew first kisses were this sweet? Literally sweet. As your tongues travelled inside each other's mouths, both of you were indulged in the taste of strawberry flavour, thanks to Spanner's lollipop.

You decided to hang your arms around his neck, and his left held your waist, while his right caressed your (haircolor) hair. Both of you were savouring this moment, neither stopping.

After several sloppy kisses, you decided to end it. Both of you were panting heavily and you, blushing madly. It was then you realized the things he had done for you. It was also then you realized that you were the denser one all along.