So this little challenge was thrown out over in the Drabble War Forum on week to write it...the prompt was chocolate...and this is what I came up with.

51 chapters and an epi...

100 word chapters...


"You know what I want? For just one second…one tiny, little second, I want to experience mind blowing sex. You know the kind you read about in those stupid, trashy romance novels they sell in the grocery store? I want my toes to curl, my knees to go weak, blinding me as the orgasm races through my body, leaving me panting and breathless in my lover's arms," I sighed, flipping through the latest issue of Cosmo.

"Mom, this is really starting to be TMI," my seventeen year-old daughter Claire said, sitting down next to me.

Yeah…I guess it would be.

Did I mention this will post in its entirety tomorrow?