The Cullen's and Bella reading Twilight

This is my first time writing a fan fiction, so please go easy on me. This fan fiction is about the Cullen's and Bella reading Twilight (as said in the title). It is set two weeks before bella starts school in Forks. Hope you like it and please comment!


I am sitting in my room looking out the window thinking to myself again, why am I here? I came here to live with my dad, Charlie, the chef of police in this small town of Forks, Washington. Which is under a near constant cloud of rain. I moved here so my mum could spend more time with her new husband, Phil. I used to live in Arizona the valley of the sun. I miss the sun. It rarely shows its self here.

I have only been here a day and I am already miserable, I have no clue how I'm going to survive here. I let a single tear fall from my eye.

Before I really start crying I here the door bell rings. I go down the stairs and answer the door, but no ones there. I look down and there is a brown shoe sized box, with no address on it, all it says is that it's to Bella and The Cullen's. Who are the Cullen's?

I pick up the box and it is heaver than I first expected, I take it up to my room and open it.

When I open the box the first thing I see is a letter addressed to Bella, so I read it;

Dear Bella

Sorry I know this must be wired but it is vital that you and the Cullen's read these four books.

I look at the four books; Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. What strange names to call some books. I look back at the letter.

Reading these four books can save so many arguments and upsets.

I can only tell you a few things now the rest will have to wait until you read the books.

First off the Cullen's are vampires.

As I read that line my heart stops. There is no such thing as vampires, are there?

I know its overwhelming and unsettling but don't worry!

The Cullen's are good vampires who only drink animal blood and try to protect human life from others of there kind.

Second there are seven of them living in a BIG house off the motor way. After you finish reading this letter you must get in your truck and go to their house and read the books.

How did this person know I had a truck? And what about Charlie?

Charlie will be staying at a friends house for two weeks, so you would have the house to yourself anyway.

Well that at least answered one of my questions.

Finally if you succeed and read these books a lot of the problems that were going to happen, will not.

Good luck you should leave in about five minutes so get ready and pack a bag.


P.s there is a letter for the Cullen's to in the box. When you arrive at the house give it to them to read. And watch out for the small one she LOVES to shop.

Many thing where flying trough my head as I finished reading the last question. Should I go? Are the Cullen's real? What dose this person mean by problems? I HATE shopping!

After about a minute debating with myself I decided that there is no reason not to go and see if the Cullen's are real, so I go up stairs and pack a bag, just like the letter said, I then got in my truck to go see if the Cullen's were real.

This is my first fan fiction ever so please comment! I will be posting soon, maybe even later today or tomorrow. Hope you liked it and please comment.

p.s I do NOT own Twilight this is just a story I came up with and I thought it would be fun.