In the early 1900s, while the First World War was going on in Europe, America indulged in experimentations on humans. When America finally entered the war they sent in their 'prototypes' in, which were shunned from history so no one would know the terrible things people did. Out of the hundreds they sent, only three survived. They seemed impossible to kill. Their wounds healed quickly, and they never aged past sixteen.

World War I ended, and the experimentations on these three continued. World War II rolled around, and again new 'prototypes' along with the three who survived were sent in. Like before, only the original three survived.

World War II ended, and then the Vietnam War came. Even though many Americans didn't believe in the cause, the government saw it as a way to test out new 'prototypes', and compare them to the original three. Again, only the original three survived.

The scientist became desperate. There tests on the three became more intense and more dangerous by the day. They couldn't understand how those before them made such creatures, and they couldn't. After a year with no results, the government decided that it was time to split the three up, and send them to different labs. It made no sense to keep all three of them in the same place.

That decision had cost the government greatly. Usually the three had obeyed orders and never argued, but when they were separated they broke into a fit of rage. Somehow, all three escaped from their separate labs and went missing.

Once and a while, they would be seen in a city, but would be gone before an investigation was launched. The modern president, ashamed at what those before him did, put the head of the FBI on the case of finding and destroying all three of them.


How the hell did I get stuck in this situation again? I stood there with my hands up, and surrounded by FBI agents with their guns pointed at me and Daniel. There was a tiny possibility that we were going to get out of this unscratched. The closer they closed in on us, the smaller the possibility was that we were going to live though. Nice…

Now I remember how this had happened. I saw Danny being arrested by the FBI and ran when Red was gone. Getting caught by the FBI meant torture and maybe death and it always meant the end of life as we knew it. I had found Danny, and freed him from his charmed shackles. I thought everything was going good, too good actually, until Red showed up and stared pointing his gun at Danny.

Danny, being the handsome idiot he sometimes was, tried to suffocate Red with his air powers. I had stopped him by grabbing him by the shirt and shaking him, but then we ran away because the FBI gained reinforcement and they started shooting at us. Somehow we ended up on this building surrounded. This always happened when I followed Danny, or maybe it was me never thinking. Either way, I promised to myself I would think next time I was being chased. If I lived that long…

I slowly turned my head and looked at Danny. This was my fault. I knew better than to come back to this city, let alone staying for this long. I couldn't resist though. Danny knew better too, but he was one of those people who didn't listen to their instincts or common sense. He looked at me, smiling one of his dumb grins, his silver eyes smiling along.

"Danny, run. Find Jay. Don't come back," I said my voice almost a whisper. I know he could hear it; he's always been able to read the wind. I felt tears coming to my eyes. It had been years since I've seen him, and now I had to make him go away and leave me alone, maybe to my death. His smile faded, and his eyes became serious.

It didn't fit his young looking face or twig thin black body. His silver eyes stared at me. That was one of the things I loved about Danny, he knew when I was serious. Another thing I loved about him was him acting serious when I was serious.

"I won't leave you. I don't where he even is, but you know he'll go crazy if you die. Even if I did, I couldn't leave you here to face this on your own," He said. I closed my eyes, and in one motion, I pushed him off the building. I didn't have to look to know that he had called the wind to stop his fall. He's never been able to lift himself back up though, just to save himself from a fall.

I heard gunshots ring and waited for the bullets to pierce my skin. Funny thing is they never did.

Four weeks earlier


"Why is it we always have to ride around in a garbage truck?" I asked to particularly no one. Abe didn't even bother answering since he knew I was kidding. I asked this question every time we went out. Why couldn't we have something nicer? Like a limo or something. I sighed and prepared myself for what lay ahead of us.

Apparently, an alarm went off at city hall. All that we have been told is that the floor broke open, and out came some kind of creature. It was a type three and tiny, not very dangerous to me, but still dangerous to humans. Already it had killed the nine guards that were on duty that night.

The truck backed up, and the door magically opened. Abe and I stepped out of the garbage truck, and into an ally behind the building. The other side of the ally had been blocked off to everyone except the FBI. Abe did his thing to see what was in there.

"A dark entity in this building, it's ancient, small, fast, and hungry." Abe said. "There is something else to. Someone else is in there, alive and fighting." He added. He looked like he was thinking it over, almost confused about it. I loaded my gun and sighed.

"Well I guess I should go say hi." I said and kicked the door down. Why were these things always hungry?


I cocked my head to the side. Who was this red giant now? I came in here hoping to get a peaceful sleep, and then I get attacked by this this slimy, spider thing that looked like an ugly reject toy from McDonalds. It was that girl. That damn lady came in here, and recited that spell that made some jar break open. That thing looked like a tiny little spider with a scorpion tail, but it quickly grew in size with the humans it sucked dry with its tail. From what I could see, it got its power from sucking every drop of blood from the guards. If I wasn't careful it was going to get me too. I had to either kill this thing, or escape without letting it go too.

I was currently hanging on top of one of the many electric chandlers hanging from the ceiling. Being on the ground would have been a disadvantage for me. Maybe because lighting was my forte and lightning came from the sky, but even though that thing was as big as me, it was still faster. I saw a shadow flicker from across the room, behind the red guy. It was going to get him like it got the guards if I didn't do anything.

I swung the chandler to the side, and jumped down onto a wooden desk. I landed with a loud thud which attracted the thing that had been looking for me since I "accidently" threw a lightning bolt at its dinner, and turned it to ash on the spot. I broke into a run on the spot. Now was one of those few times where I wished I had the same powers as Danny. That would be very helpful in this specific situation.

Danny could control the air. He could fly and make other things fly too. His was a dangerous power, but not very good when fighting with close combat. He could create a space around someone head and take all the oxygen away from there, but it took a lot of concentration for him, even after all these years.

Now, I didn't like that I could hear that thing scurrying after me. The only thing I disliked more was that I could hear the big red guy thudding toward me from the opposite direction. Thinking fast I jumped onto a display case and then jumped onto a railing to the second floor. The Red guy was on his own. I wasn't going to take on both of them right now.

I heard gun shots once my hands grabbed the rail. Oh great. This guy had a gun that he could shot me with, just what I needed right now. I climbed over the rail, and glanced behind me just in time to see that spider thing flying right at me. Before it hit me and sucked me dry like the poor humans, its insides did. From what I could gather the guy had shot it while it was flying toward me. Great, I have a red giant with a gun after me, I was covered in spider goo, and my sleep was interrupted. This night was going absolutely perfect.

I smelled smoke. I looked down and saw that the creatures' insides were burning the carpet. Just as I noticed it the fire alarm went off. I jumped off the balcony and down to the ground floor. I wasn't going to get blamed for this.

"Stop right there." Someone said and I heard the cock of a gun. Shot, I forgot about the red guy with the gun. I slowly turned around. This was just what I needed. To get shot with a gun by a red giant who was obviously not friendly. Maybe I could get him on my side since it's obvious he wasn't human. He must have been an experiment like us.


The first thing I noticed about her was how small she was. She had to be like 4' 4'' or something. The second thing I noticed was she was black. Why was there a black girl running around City Hall this late? Actually, it isn't that surprising in this city.

"Turn around." I said and saw her slowly turn around, her face showing annoyance. I felt her electric blue eyes examine me. She wasn't scared or showed any kind of surprise. "I got someone here." I said to the others through my collar walkie-talkie." I heard the door open and everyone came in, even though the sprinklers were going off.

"Why is someone like you working with humans? You're like us, but you help them." I heard her say in disgust. The others filed around her, blocking her escapes. I saw her eyes dart form side to side, looking for an escape.

"Listen, this gun uses really big bullets so why don't we try and talk through this cal-" I started. She darted up and ran. Even as bullets from the others pierced her body she didn't stop. She grabbed a gun from the floor, where a dead guard laid, and ran through the door we came through. "Aw crap." I muttered and stared running after her along with the others. By the time we got outside she was gone.

"Where's Blue?" Someone asked. Now that someone had said something, I didn't notice him come in, and I didn't see him inside. Now this was one of the reasons I liked working solo.


I pushed the gun closer to the fish guy's head. "Move faster." I said pushing him through the back streets and alleyways. Surprisingly the guy wasn't scared, and then I saw why. The guy had a tracker on his belt. I pulled off the tracker and crushed it on the ground. I kept pushing him until we made it to the place I was hiding for now.

I forced him up the fire escape and through the broken window the abandoned apartment building. I pushed him on the ground and sat across the room from him. The wounds in my back hurt like hell and I could feel the hot blood soaking my shirt and dripping onto the floor. Right now my anger was blocking out the pain.

"Why did you take me here?" The fish guy asked. He looked a little confused, was there something I was missing.

"Why are you and that red guy helping those humans?" I asked angerily. I needed to understand why. Why would he or the red guy help those humans? I know they were FBI, the same agency that is hunting us down. Those humans trusted them. They weren't like caged animals let lose for a job, they were freely helping these people. Originally I had thought they were like caged animals, but that is a lie I now know.

"They saved me and him. Why were you in that building?" He asked. I didn't feel like playing question-and-answer-swap with him but maybe I could get him on our side.

"I was trying to sleep. Then that spider thing came at me and ruined it. I still don't see why you help them. Humans are bad news for people like you and me." I said, letting the gun droop to my lap. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on breathing. I was becoming dizzy fast. It hadn't been long and already I had lost a ton of blood. My anger was fading and the pain was poking through.

I heard the fish man scuffle to where I was. My eyes shot open and the gun became trained on him again. "Stay where you are." I said my breathing coming in gasps.

"Let me help you." He said and grabbed my outstretched arm. A shot rang out from the gun but he avoided it. I felt his mind look into mine. I kept much hidden but I couldn't hide everything with my mind, which was becoming so unfocused from the blood loss.

He saw the torture, the war zones, and even glimpses of the lab, all the things that didn't matter to me. He did see something that I wish he hadn't. He saw the reason I was here. I tore away and pushed his mind away from mine. I was breathing heavily and couldn't think. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the fish man back away from me a little.

I heard sirens. At first my mind didn't register it. It did when lights shined through the broken windows and the sirens were closer. I clumsily got up and moved, dropping my gun in the process. The fish man moved but I was still quicker. I was out the window and running before he could get close to me. I didn't understand, but I wasn't going to get caught through a failed hostage situation. My mind wasn't focused enough right now.