October 2, 2012

Yukio Okumura

Research Log: 4

I have -

The young man walked through a heavy golden door and kneeled before his superiors. The doctor traveled to Rome, logically, using a magic key, to report the Sanguis incident. Above him, in an extravagant balcony sat the Grigory, the heart of True Cross, the Vatican, all exorcists alike.

From behind stood Auguste Angel. Yukio could feel the paladin's smirk burning in the back of his head. The man's threat was thick in the air – find a cure, or lose your brother – it was as simple as that. And Yukio knew that the paladin felt he couldn't succeed, that the genius exorcist was cracking under pressure.

Rin will be his…soon enough.

I'd kill him first –

A cloud of rage filled Yukio's mind and chest.

I'd kill him first –

I'd kill him first –


No… wait, these thoughts weren't practical. They were alien…they invaded him.

(Like a parasite)

(Like a disease)

I'd sooner kill my brother than let him fall into his hands.

No – no wait! He needed to be calm and sensible. He needed to address the court.

(He needed to forget the beakers in his study.)

"I am Yukio Okumura, intermediate first class."

"Come closer, Mr. Okumura," ordered a female elder.

The young man did as he was told and strode up a long staircase, which ended in midair. He could now see the Grigory more closely. Each of the three superiors were draped in colorful veils, concealing their face, as to show he was not worthy to lay eyes on their naked skin. A judge, sitting at a desk, lower than the elders, began the questioning.

"It has been a full week and four days since the appearance of this so-called madman, tell us, who is he? Is he considered a serious threat?"

Yukio answered in a monotone voice.

"He calls himself Sanguis, and yes, he is an extremely serious threat."

The paladin's smile remained. Obviously, he felt that Yukio was too weak and inexperienced to know the meaning of 'serious threat.'

"What makes him so powerful?" asked a male elder.

The young man took a deep breath, steadying himself, "He…the man gains a sturdier body and form by – injecting. …himself with demon blood."

Auguste Angel's smirk dropped. There was a complete uproar in the court, concerned and outraged chatter overlapped one another, forming a bleeding chaos.

The Judge slammed the gavel down, "Order – ORDER! Mr. Okumura, please elaborate on this."

"My hypothesis is that the man uses multiple blood transfusions to obtain the body of a demon."

"An artificial demon?" the female superior asked, disturbed, "How could a human survive such harsh scientific treatment?"

"I am not sure," Yukio confessed, "I asked the same question to the man himself, and he did not give me a sensible response."

Chatter, lighter than before, continued to echo throughout the room.

"If this Sanguis is as powerful as you say…," the judge started, "then how did you possibly escape with your life?"

"I didn't…. The man left when he grew bored of my presence."


"Sanguis is not a sensible human being. Although he claims to have a master, it seems as though all his motives are for sheer pleasure, amusement… watching others squirm."

"A master you say?...!," Exclaimed a male Grigory member.

"Yes, he called her 'mother', I believe he's referring to either something called the Dollmaker or something called the Goddess – "

Yukio saw the color drain from the Grigory's faces. The terms he just used, the superiors recognized them. He knew it. He was right all along; the Goddess and the Dollmaker did strike in the past…. When Father Fujimoto was in cram school. The young man expected further questioning, but instead, he was dismissed.

"That will be all, Mr. Okumura… Auguste Angel! Would you please escort him out."

The paladin approached Yukio, "As you wish. This way, Mr. Okumura."

The young man followed Angel out of the courtroom and into Vatican headquarters. After the door slammed shut, the paladin's voice emerged from the silence.

"What exactly are you trying to pull, Mr. Okumura?"

Yukio gave a spry response, too spry, considering his low position in ranking.

"It seems like I know more than you've thought sir."

"Is that so? Are you truly that concerned for your brother's well being that you feel the need to make up stories about a so-called 'Dollmaker' and 'Goddess'?"

Rage filled Yukio.

(The beakers were black)

"I – " he clenched his fist, "I have legitimate information to prove it– codes, I just have to solve them. But in order to do so, I need permission to travel to the United States."

Angel lifted an eyebrow.

"So the rumors are true. You truly have gone insane."

"No!" the young man shouted, "There's someone there! Someone who's dealt with this same dilemma in the past."

Since when was the cold genius, Yukio Okumura, this frazzled?

"Oh really? And who is this someone and where does he live?" Angel scoffed.

"Arata Hajime, 259 Shell Street, Brickwood, North Carolina."

"…And where did you get this information?"

"Shura Kirigakure."

The Paladin's eyes widened with shock. Yukio knew Shura would probably be angry at him for exposing her helpful deed…. and to the paladin of all people. But what choice did he have?


Yukio's heart stopped.


"No, Mr. Okumura, my answer is no. It is obvious to me, and to all of True Cross that you have lost your mind. I refuse to allow travel across the earth for some impractical theory. Not to mention, it could threaten the spread of disease. Only Senior ranked exorcists are permitted to leave the barriers of the Vatican and True Cross."

The young man lost his temper, "Y-you can't do this! You tell me to find a cure by December and yet you wont let me do the proper research?...!"

"I allow only what is right. And besides, I believe you know who's truly behind the epidemic."

Yukio gritted his teeth, it was getting harder for him to breathe, harder to stay in control.

"You just want my brother to be responsible for the sickness. You're acting under a personal vendetta, not logic. You can't stand the sight of Rin, the son of Satan, being trained as an exorcist – "

In less than a millisecond, the Paladin held his large blade at Yukio's throat. The man's voice was no longer condescending. It was low…angry.

"Watch your tongue," he spat, "If that was the case, I would've had your brother trialed and hanged long ago."

The young man reached for his guns…. It didn't matter if his lost his collectivity. It didn't matter if he shot at the paladin, a major superior. It didn't matter if he lost his certification as an exorcist. He just wanted to fire, to have all hell break loose. Logic was disconnected from Yukio's mind. He didn't care….he just didn't give a DAMN anymore…

(The beakers were black as night)

Before the young man could make the worst decision of his career, another exorcist ran into the headquarters. Angel immediately lowered his weapon.

"P-paladin! Mr. paladin, sir!"

"Yes, what is it?"

"I – I – its…"

"Calm down and tell me."

"T-True Cross Academy sir…. The b-barriers are broken. It's under attack."

Somewhere, the blackened bits of Yukio's blood ran cold.

And somewhere, in Yukio's study, the beakers tested him positive for 'Noire Du Sang'.