Disclaimer: I do not own Thor or Iron Man or The Avengers, they all belong to Marvel [or to themselves if we're talking about Loki]
Title: Adventures in Food
Pairing for the chapter: Loki/Tony Stark
Warnings: none

The first time they meet outside the battlefield is as unexpected as it is tense. And, for all of Tony Stark's stealth, it is nothing when compared to a Norse God born for battle. Or a half-jotun as the case might be.

"Hello, Mr. Stark." The half-aesir half-jotun whispers as soon as Tony is behind him.

"Loki." Tony says back, eyes narrowed, red suitcase in hand and ready for battle.

Loki, who's sitting calmly at the table, reading the newspaper - which conveniently has a photo of Loki and the Avengers fighting right on top of one of the Super Bowl Stadiums, and Tony can't help but wonder why the citizens aren't crying for help and panicking - doesn't even bother glancing up. "Do sit down, Stark. Before you cause an unwanted scene."

"What are you doing here?"

"Getting my morning beverage. I believe you might be doing the same thing." And then he glances up, his eyes showing just a bit of amusement and a whole lot of apathetic disinterest.

It's at that moment that one of the waitresses steps up to them with two mugs and a slice of cake. "Here we go, a Chai Frappuccino for you, Mr. Odinson, with a piece of our red velvet cake. And for you, Mr. Stark, the Salted Caramel Mocha. Will that be all?"

"Yes, thanks Marie." Loki smiles at her while Tony can just stare at their orders.

"Chai Frappuccino? You do know that it's around the forties outside, right? And you were nice to her, a human."

"She's the one making my beverage every single morning, it's no effort to be nice to the servants who feed you. And you seem to have forgotten I'm half frost giant. Among other things I have a higher tolerance for cold weather than you humans do."

Tony snorts, signalling the waitress - Marie, he would have to remember her name! - and silently asks for another fork.

"What are you doing?" Loki asks, voice still nonchalant but green eyes piercing and pinning Tony to his seat. Or trying to at least. The billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and occasional super hero just grins at the Norse God.

"I'm not gonna let you eat it all by yourself!"

With a put upon sigh, Loki folds the newspaper and reaches for his own cutlery. "If you're going to eat my cake, you'll be paying for it as well."

"Well," Tony grins, even as he feels like he's an episode of the Twilight Zone. "If that's the caseā€¦"

And then he signs to the waitress again asking for another cake for them.

They're sitting by the window, both dressed up warmly since it's incredibly cold outside the little Starbucks shop, as Marie shows up with another piece of cake - Orange, Pineapple, nuts and chocolate this time - the two enemies begin a tentative talk which soon enough has Loki laughing at the going ons both at Stark Industries and at [the Avengers] Tony's house. And Tony is fairly cracking up as Loki tells him the Tales of Asgard. Complete with the capital letters.

Twilight Zone indeed.