Hey everyone so I am going back and redoing this story because I really love it and I want to fix it up a bit and add some stuff I cut from the first one. I am sorry all the previous chapters have been deleted because I just want to start fresh. I promise I will also finish Cameron's story over the summer break, but my Avengers story will also be going under a major rewrite as well. So please bare with me through this process!

-Thank you

I don't remember much about that day; besides the calm call of birds, and the soft rush of spring wind through the newly grown leaves. Life was peaceful then or at least that's what I believed. I was sixteen, living in a small village just outside of Munich. Germany at this time was still recovering from the first war luckily my family and I made it by with relative ease. My father was a simple farmer selling his goods in the bustling streets of the city. We had it easy till politics clamored into our lives, Adolf Hitler I read one day on the newspaper clutched in my father's hand, I looked to my father eye brow raised in silent questioning. He just shrugged and set the paper aside to pat my shoulder.

"It is nothing…" He speaks softly with a small smile, "Politics." After that I didn't question it after all maybe this change in government was a good thing.

I remember waking up early for my first chore of the day, feeding the animals. I slipped on my simple brown dress, and hard-soled shoes a bit too big for my feet but they did their job. I finished dressing and quickly braided my hair to keep it from falling over my eyes while I worked, walking silently through the house stopping to check on Renee. My younger sister slept soundly in her small bed on foot hanging off the bed blanket falling off, with a smile I slip in place her foot back on the bed and relay the blanket over her. She mumbles but does not awaken. With a soft kiss upon her messy curled hair I depart.

"Klara?" The voice is familiar I smile turning in the direction the call came from seeing my long time friend Erica. With a wave I keep walking to the barn to feed our two cows. Once finished I take their empty water buckets to the stream to refill them. Erica had waited outside for me following along after taking one bucket from me. I winced at the clang the buckets made.

"Erica." I scolded she giggled winking at me.

"What took you so long anyways my dear friend?" I rolled my eyes doing a short twirl as we walked.

"Isn't it obvious? I wished to look presentable for my cows." She laughed loudly then I giggled attempting to shush her.

"So…did you hear?" I glanced over tilting my head confused.

"Hear what?"

"The Nazi party has gained power." I nodded, taking a moment before I answered.

"Well it must not be all bad I heard Hitler on one of those new radios…this man may bring back Germany to its former glory."

"Maybe…" We smiled reaching the stream filling the buckets, once full we set them aside sitting beside the creek. Birds have begun to chirp in the morning haze the sun cresting over the treetops. Creating strange light patterns on the ground through the leaves.

"But there are rumors." I look up from my wonderings as Erica whispers.

"About?" She doesn't answer me at first so I ask again.

"About Hitler?"

"Yes…" She stands taking her bucket so I mimic standing and picking up my own. We begin walking back the water sloshing from the buckets every now and again.

"Yes." She finally answers me after some time.

"He wishes to find items with mythical properties." I hadn't realized it but we had both frozen, our village was hiding one. Though it was rumored to be a myth, everyone knew of its existence. I laughed lightly trying to lighten the mood.

"We are fin—"

"But what if they do come!?" She asked a little hysterically, I reached out a soothing hand placing it upon her shoulder she sighed shaking her head lightly.

"The Siren must not be found…"

"Everyone would protect the Siren with their lives." She sighed.

"I know it's just…I worry that someone will tell what village to look in—" I pulled her close hugging her she laughed lightly.

"It shall be safe Erica." But Erica didn't realize one thing the Siren was not an item rather a person. Me, the family story that had been passed down through the generations was that one girl in the family would receive the God given gift. Like the hypnotic song of a Siren our voices can control anyone we please, make them do our bidding. From the time I was born my parents knew so with great care my parents taught me to hide my powers. I grew used to not being able to learn school songs or sing amongst my friends at festivals. It was better that way.

"So that horrid topic of conversation out of the way what shall we do after morning chores?" Erica ever resilient quickly took back her confidence and cheerful demeanor. I smiled glancing up to see a few birds gliding overhead.

"Fly?" I asked absent mindedly, she giggled nudging me.

"As if Klara. Besides if you could fly; where would you go?" I shook my head smiling.

"America." I had seen film strips of the great continent to the west and I longed to go there. Find my way in the world.

"I prefer Germany it's quiet and everyone is nice." She looked at her bucket before glancing over to me.

"What do you think America is like?" She asked I smiled.

"I hear its amazing houses line the streets jobs are in abundance."

"Maybe someday we'll both go." I laughed nodding looping my arm through hers.

"Now that sounds wondrous." I stopped hearing something that was not right; it wasn't the call of a bird, or the sound of an awakening village.

"Did you hear something?" I almost didn't hear myself it felt like everything was stopped the wind no longer rustled the leaves the birds no longer called, I even stopped breathing everything felt…wrong. I dropped my pail the water splashing to the ground muddying my shoes and hem of my dress. I took off into a run stumbling up the hill back to home, back to where my brain was telling me was not where I should be running to. I heard Erica drop her pail and her footsteps followed mine right behind. As we reached the top of the hill what greeted us was a new kind of fear, a group of SS soldiers ran through out the town kicking in doors and pulling out the bleary eyed villagers. Men, women, children all confused asking why this was happening what they had done as the soldiers forced them to stand outside of their homes. With a jolt of fear I saw a soldier pulling out my parents and sister, with speed I did not know I possessed I raced over to our home skidding to a halt. Renee had large tears streaming down her face holding her ragged doll close.

"Klara!" She cried running into my arms tears staining my skirt I hushed her smoothing down her curls.

"Mutti?" I looked up eyes wide with fear her own were filled with fear as well, I shivered then.

"Get inside Klara…" She leaned down pulling Renee from my embrace. I shook my head whimpering out a small, "No."

"Klara…" I turned to my father his eyes remained on the soldiers running about the village.

"Get inside." His voice is only a whisper but it is harsh. I listen shifting behind my family and into the house. Renee looked back to me I smiled softly mouthing.

'Be brave kleine.' She nods with a little sniffle she huddles against my parent's legs. Everyone became silent as the echo of shots rang out. I couldn't see but I heard the rumble of a car engine. It cut and the sound of boots crunching on the gravel sounded before the sound of a car door opening and closing. I shifted more into our house finding our front window and carefully I peered over the sill. Watching as a man with a captain's cap and long trench coat spoke in hushed tones to one soldier. Everything about this man made me freeze in fear his skin was pale, a neat crop of brown hair atop his head. Still too far away for me to make out any distinguishing features. His car was expensive an automobile that could carry three with a sleek black finish. Multiple headlights, and silver accents along its sides and front a car of beauty yet it seemed to belong to a creature of evil. He was a man of power, that much could be seen. The soldier he had been speaking to stepped away from him and turned to the huddled inhabitants of the streets.

"You shall now be addressed by Herr Schmidt!" He stepped forward looking over each and every family, on his arm the red band of Hitler's Nazi party, the red standing out brightly against the black of his coat.

"I have come looking for a very important artifact your people have hidden for many years now…" I froze eyes wide my hold body ridged.

"I believe it is called…the Siren?" No one spoke everyone's eyes lowering to the ground. Loyal…All of them. His eyes looked over each and every family I ducked down when his eyes landed upon my family and our small worn house.

"Well if no one will tell me..." His thought ended with the sound of a gunshot and the horrid sound of a woman's scream. I knew it was our neighbors' Mr. and Mrs. Herald. He had shot their son Ian, a small circle in the middle of his forehead blood trickled out.

"Now will you tell me?" But still even with the loud sobs and begging's of the woman no one spoke.

"No?" His gaze locked onto my family, raising his gun aiming right for my father's head. Even thought all rational thought screamed at me to stay put my legs pushed me up and sprinted through the door, pushing through my family to stand before them arms outstretched shouting.

"Wait!" To say Herr Schmidt was surprised was not true. It was as if he knew I had been hiding inside the house known that I hid inside…like a coward.

"No…" I glanced back seeing my mother's wide eyes my fathers face turned ashen his eyes filling with tears.

'Oh God what have I done?' Was all that ran through my mind.

"Ah, what have we here?" I stiffened I hadn't heard Schmidt approach his voice sounded beside me. I turned and jolted back, holding down a whimper of fear. His eyes were a light blue and they were staring at me like a hungry dog waiting to feast upon a piece of juicy meat. I watched with wide eyes as he holstered his gun and took my arm in his hard grip. I looked to the ground wishing his hand would let me go and leave us, but I had been foolish…but my father was still standing if I gave him what he wanted. He would go.

"Tell me my dear; do you have something you wish to tell me?" I wanted to wince as his hand brushed over my cheek and his breath ghosted over the shell of my hair, playing with the wisps of hair there.

"I—I know where the item is…" His gloved fingers pinched my chin between thumb and index finger forcing me to meet his gaze.

"And where would that be?"

"Klara…" I wanted so badly to rip myself out of his hands and to my family's warm embrace. Claim that the Siren was not here that it had been taken years ago and hidden away in another village. But he would not believe me, I was a foolish young girl what could I possible know. I stared him down…At least tried to and with a soft voice I whispered.

"It is I…" This statement surprised him, his eyes once again roved over me taking me in. But a sure smile reached his lips once again and he released me.

"We shall see about that." He then turned to the group of soldiers and shouted out a few commands. Within a few seconds the group stood before us all eyes upon me with interest.

"Now, Klara? It is? What I want you to do is sing…make any one of these soldiers obey you." I glanced back and forth between him and the group of men.

"Now Klara!" I jumped in fear as Schmidt tensing I inhaled slowly before singing a little lullaby I sang to Renee whenever she had nightmares. I just focused on one man his green eyes never leaving mine as I sang the notes with ease, his gaze glazed over and his body went almost limp till I thought of a silly dance one of the village boys liked to do. His arms flapped about slapping the men beside him and his legs kicked out in a crazed manner till he fell into a heap on the ground. I stopped the song as soon as he did. Schmidt's arm lopped around my shoulders and he spoke with…glee?

"Well…done!" He pulled me along as the soldiers moved to help up their comrade. He was taking me to his car and I began to struggle.

"We have found what we came for." I pulled out of his grasp and rushed to my family, Renee met me half way I scooped her up and rushed into me parent's arms.

"I don't want to go…" I sobbed into my father's chest my mother had her nose buried in my hair, I was cocooned in all of them and I didn't want to leave it. The sound of a gun going off made us all separate. I set Renee down kissing her forehead.

"Be good." She nodded eyes wide with tears, I smiled softly wiping one tear trail away with my thumb. But hearing the cocking of a gun I stood. Turning to face a grim faced Schmidt. Walking away every step was like dragging large rocks behind me and they got bigger as I got closer and closer to Schmidt. He took my arm in a firm grip one that said 'running away is not an option this time'. I followed silent all the eyes of the villagers and soldiers alike burning into me as he opened the car door. I stepped inside sitting on the upholstered seats, my arms stiff at my sides. He slammed the door shut and walked around to his side with the steering. I glanced up finally taking a look at my home…I was doing this for them, for everyone there I was doing it to save them. My mother cried into my father's shoulder her hand firmly upon Renee's chest keeping her with them. She still cried I grimaced tears slipping from my eyes. Schmidt started the engine and it revved dangerously like some beast. One soldier approached and leaned in close.

"What shall be done about the town, Herr Schmidt?" I turned eyes red and pleading him to just leave them. He had me and that should be good enough. His eyes became dark, and his voice was emotionless as he spoke.

"Kill them."

"NO!" I attempted to leap from the car but Schmidt was faster grabbing me and pulling me down, even as I struggled to pull myself from his grip, a sudden pain in my arm made we cry out like a wounded animal as everything went limp. My vision began to blur darkness crept into the edges as I listened to the sounds of gunshots and screams. Unable to help as all the people I loved and cared for died.