Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

AN: Just a little idea that came into my head that I thought might make a good story! As of right now, it's a two-shot. There's not any KarinSaku in this chapter, but there will be in the next. Possible spoilers? The rating right now will stay T, unless you all want a lemon?

Couples: Sasuke/Naruto, Karin/Sakura

One-sided/Unrequited: Karin/Naruto, Sakura/Naruto, and Suigetsu/Naruto

Past one-sided/unrequited: Karin/Sasuke and Sakura/Sasuke

Warnings: Yuri, yaoi, a little sad at some points. The girls hating on Suigetsu and hating on Sasuke a little too.

The boy they loved fell in love with the boy they used to love. It was ironic, really. The only logical explanation was for them to fall for one another. To think, it was all thanks to Suigetsu. Maybe now they can all have their happily ever after KarinSaku, SasuNaru

It took Sakura almost four years to realized that she was never in love with Sasuke. She realized that Sasuke had never given her the time of day. Never gave her the attention that she wanted, the attention she felt she deserved. She was so devoted to getting to know him, to wanting him to like her, and he still didn't care. He ignored her for the most part, and even called her annoying a few times.

It hurt her.

Yet she took all the cruelty and still 'loved' him.

It wasn't until after Naruto returned to the village after training with Jiraiya, that Sakura realized the one she loved was in front of her all along. He was the one that always showered her with attention. He was the one that always tried to make her happy. He was the one that tried his best to get her attention. He was the one that almost died countless times just to bring back Sasuke for her.

Ironically, in the end, Sasuke brought himself back.

Sakura didn't care, though. She didn't really care that Sasuke was back. She only cared about the fact that Naruto was happy about it, and that she might finally get her chance to truly admit her feelings towards him.

She figured it'd be easy. She knew Naruto already liked her, had for years. All she had to do was tell him that she felt the same and they'd live happily ever after.

Oh how wrong she was.


Karin had fallen in love the moment that she saw Sasuke, way back at the Chuunin exams. She fell in love with his smile and was determined to learn more about him.

She was beyond ecstatic when Sasuke requested her help, and began traveling together. Of course, to her dismay, there were two other boys with them. Juugo and Suigetsu. Karin hated Suigetsu the most. She was disgusted by his chakra and always picked fights with him.

Nonetheless she was happy to be spending her time with Sasuke.

The more she spent with him, the more she fell in love. She loved his strength and determination. She loved he he insisted to get what he wanted.

Everything fell through when he stabbed her as she was being held captive by Danzo. She was mortified that he didn't even care about her enough to spare her life. Or to at least be more cautious about how he stabbed Danzo. After that, the feelings she had towards him dissolved.

She had spent months in Konoha, handing information over about Akatsuki, Sasuke, Orochimaru, and Kabuto. Eventually, the Allied Shinobi forces won the war and everything was almost back to normal. Everyone had returned to Konoha and they were rebuilding the village.

Karin had stayed in Konoha, having no where else to go. She eventually wanted to go back to being a ninja, but had to wait months until she would be able to obtain residency in Konoha. It was a long, drawn out process that was affected by the war and her loyalty to Orochimaru.

Karin was a little surprised that Naruto had come to visit her while she was being kept close to the main jail in Konoha.

"I figured you'd want some company! No one here knows you, so you must get lonely." He told her one day after she asked him why he kept coming to visit. She couldn't help but blush slightly at it.

Naruto had also brought her news that Sasuke was back in Konoha, with Juugo and Suigetsu, and was being held in a cell awaiting his trial. Naruto had finally brought Sasuke back. He would be put on trial and the Hokage would decide his fate.

Karin had watched the trial, fully believing that Sasuke would be put to death for everything he had done. Karin felt her heart clench at the thought.

To her surprise, he wasn't. He was going to be imprisoned for three months. Upon his release, his chakra was to be sealed for one year, and he'd be confined to the village for two years. When the two years were up, he'd be able to go on missions, but he would have to be accompanied by a Jounin or higher, until it was deemed that he was trustworthy.

Karin fully believed that it was Naruto's doing. The blond risked everything he had to get Sasuke back into the village, and he wouldn't let all his attempts to end in vain with Sasuke's death.

Karin couldn't help but feel something for Naruto. He truly cared about everyone around him, no matter what their past had been like, and no matter how many people they had hurt.

It was then, that Karin realized she had slowly fallen in love with the blond with the beautiful blue eyes that had kept her company when she was lonely. That had told her despite everything bad she had done in the past, what mattered was who she was now.

Not to mention his chakra calmed and dazzled her and made her feel warm inside.

She had to plan out exactly how to tell him. It had to be perfect, because Naruto deserved perfect.

She would tell him how she felt and they would have their happily ever after.

Oh how wrong she was.


"Hey blondie, how are you today?" Suigetsu asked as he jumped down from his perch outside of Naruto's apartment. The blond sighed in slight annoyance and looked over at the purple-eyed teenager as he continued to walk.

"Is there a reason you have to come to my apartment every single morning Suigetsu? Don't you have anything better to do?" Naruto asked as he sped up a little, determined to get to where he was going on time.

"Is there a reason you have to visit Sasuke every single day? Don't you have anything better to do?" Suigetsu smirked, copying Naruto's question almost word for word.

"He's my best friend! Of course I'm going visit him. He's officially getting released today." Naruto stated proudly, smile upon his face, lighting up his features.

"Come on, come on!" Suigetsu said, standing in front of the blond, halting his movement.

"What is it? I want to see Sasuke before he gets released!" Naruto groaned, stepping to the side in attempt to get away from Suigetsu, but the teen blocked him again.

"I've asked you before and I'll ask you again. Let me take you out sometime! Come on, just once. You don't have to go again if you don't enjoy it."

"For the last time, no! I'm a guy, you're a guy, it doesn't work that way!" Naruto exclaimed, shoving Suigetsu out of the way.

"Now move! I've got to go see Sasuke."

Suigetsu's eyes narrowed in amusement.



"Here again, Naruto?" Ibiki asked, shaking his head at the blond. The first week that Sasuke had been imprisoned, Ibiki was shocked to see the blond there everyday. Soon enough, he had gotten used to seeing Naruto visit Sasuke everyday, and just accepted that it would be the norm until the Uchiha was released.

"Of course!" Naruto gave a thumbs up and smiled at the older man.

"I've come to escort Sasuke home today!" Naruto stated proudly.

"You're aware he can go on his own, correct?" Ibiki asked as he began walking towards Sasuke's holding area, Naruto followed.

"Of course! But as his best friend it's my duty to do so!" Naruto explained as Ibiki stopped at a door. He rustled his pocket for a few seconds and pulled out a key, and quickly unlocked the door.

"Uchiha Sasuke, today you are off of arrest and able to walk around Konoha. Your chakra is still sealed and you are still unable to leave the village. If you fail to comply, it will result in further confinement and possibly even death. Do you understand?" The room was silent and dark, but Naruto and Ibiki were able to make out a figure sitting upon the bed. When said figure didn't speak up, Ibiki asked again.

"I said, do you understand?" He said, more demanding this time.

"Yes," A cold yet calm voice spoke out as Sasuke slowly stepped into the light. His dark eyes and dark hair contrasting with the bright sun.

"I understand." Sasuke said as he stepped completely out of his cage, taking a quick glance at Naruto. By now, he was used to seeing Naruto. The blond had visited him every day while he was confined. At first it had bothered Sasuke, having to listen to Naruto's constant rambling when he visited. For the most part, Sasuke would sit there and listen. Soon though, he gave in and spoke back, making conversation. Eventually, he came to expect Naruto every morning. It was always the same time. 9:00 on the dot.

Except one time.

One time, it was already passed 9:15 and Naruto didn't show up. Sasuke refused to admit that he was worried, or that he was saddened or even disappointed by the fact that it was possible that Naruto wasn't going to show up. He'd simply go about his day in his cell, acting like nothing was wrong.

"Sasuke!" Naruto called out at 9:30, carrying a bag in his hand. In it, held some tomatoes and onigiri. Sasuke's favorite. Naruto had explained that he was late because he was at the market getting ten different onigiri, because he didn't know which one Sasuke liked best.

Sasuke pretended like he wasn't hiding a small smile as he ate an onigiri with pickled plums.

"Come on Sasuke! Let's go home." Naruto smiled, snapping Sasuke out of his thoughts as he held out his hand, which Sasuke presumed, was for him to take. He refused, though, and swatted Naruto's hand away.

"I don't need you to hold my hand on the way there, moron." He said coldly as he brushed passed Naruto, bumping shoulders on the way.


"Oh, well, good morning fearless leader." Suigetsu's surprised voice greeted Sasuke as the Uchiha walked out of the apartment next to Sasuke's. He refused to stay in the old Uchiha district, and with much help from Naruto, was able to rent out the apartment next to his.

"What are you doing here?" Sasuke asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"To see Naruto, of course." Suigetsu explained, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why?" Sasuke asked, his voice void of any emotion.

"Same reason I'm here every morning. To try to get him to go out with me!" Suigetsu laughed gently as there was a small gasp of surprise from Sasuke.

"Why would he want to go out with you? He like's Sakura." The last part came out a little more quickly than the first sentence he spoke, almost as if Sasuke was disgusted by it.

"Tch, I don't think so. Not anymore, at least. She's come around a few times, and asked him to 'hang out'. He's refused every time. He's more wrapped up in you than anything else." Suigetsu said.

"What?" Sasuke replied, the question sound more like a statement.

"Are you...following him around or something? Are you stalking him?" Sasuke asked, not liking the idea of his...friend...being stalked by this freak.

"I'd like to call it admiring." Suigetsu grinned as the door to Naruto's apartment opened. Out walked Naruto, who, once seeing Suigetsu and Sasuke, blinked in confusion.

"Uhh...hi?" He said, unsure what was going on between the two before he walked out. Sasuke seemed pretty mad (more so than normal) and Suigetsu seemed almost pleased with himself.

"Naruto, let's-" Suigetsu began, but Sasuke didn't let him get another word out.

"Come on, Naruto. Let's you and I go get some ramen. I'll treat you." Sasuke offered, unable to describe what he was feeling as Naruto's face lit up in excitement and eagerness at his offering.

"Ramen? Of course Sasuke, let's go!" Naruto said as he linked his arm with Sasuke's, and began dragging the Uchiha towards Ichiraku.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on!" Suigetsu yelled as he got down from his perch, following after the two.

"How come you say yes to him, and no to me? I've asked you if you wanted ramen countless times. You always say no!" If Suigetsu was a child, he surely would have stomped his foot in annoyance and unfairness of the situation.

"Course not! I needed to go and see Sasuke every time you asked me! Now I will have ramen with Sasuke. Nothings better than that!" Naruto laughed and Suigetsu stopped walking, letting the odd pair go on ahead.

"What...is going on?"


Sakura sighed as he looked up at her ceiling in a daze. She had tried for the past three months to get Naruto to go somewhere with her. He always refused. All because he was always going to see Sasuke. When she went to visit him in the morning, he couldn't go anywhere because he was on his way to visit Sasuke. When she returned at night, he was always busy setting up Sasuke's new apartment.

When she did get to spend time with him, there was always someone else there, and Naruto would always talk about how happy he was to have Sasuke back. How excited he was that Sasuke would be released soon. How quick the two years would go by and before anyone knew it, Sasuke would be a ninja again.

"He's just excited that Sasuke is back. Can't blame him. He tried so hard to get him back." Sakura told herself, sighing in frustration.

"Sasuke is out of imprisonment now. Naruto's excitement will die down soon and I'll be able to tell him. It'll all be okay. We'll get out happy ending." Sakura fell asleep with a smile on her face.

"Oi, oi! Sasuke, Sasuke! Let's spar!" Naruto announced one sunny afternoon as he was sitting in Sasuke's living room. They were watching some sort of movie about a man who had a particular set of skills and was searching for his kidnapped daughter(1).

"Is that some sort of joke, moron?" Sasuke asked, offended by Naruto's offer. The blond knew he wasn't able to use chakra.

"Eh? Of course not! We can spar without chakra. Come on, it'll be fun." Naruto replied, tugging on Sasuke's sleeve in hopes it would pursue him.

"No. I'd rather not." Sasuke replied, turning his attention back to the TV.

"Fine! Spoil sport. What should we do then?" Naruto asked.

"What are you rambling on about?" Sasuke questioned.

"Huh? I was asking what we should do if you don't want to spar." Naruto explained, wondering why Sasuke didn't understand in the first place.

"We're doing something right now. We're watching a movie. Why do you insist on coming over here everyday, anyway. Don't you have things to do? Training or rebuilding the village?" Sasuke asked.

"Well yeah, I do that when I'm not here. I come here in the morning to have breakfast with you, leave, train and do whatever is required of me for the village, and come back here for dinner and to spend time with you!" Naruto shrugged.

'Well, that would explain the gaps of time when he isn't here.' Sasuke thought to himself, suddenly wondering why he cared where Naruto was when he wasn't with him. What Naruto said was true though. He was always at Sasuke's first thing in the morning, and then came back at night, and stayed until he got tired and went home to go to sleep. Only to repeat the process the next day.

"Why? Do you miss me when I'm not around?" Naruto asked, and Sasuke couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"No!" Sasuke answered, a little too quickly, causing Naruto's eyes to widen slightly.

"No...I don't miss you. You're more annoying than anything else. I could care less if you come here everyday or not." Sasuke replied, his voice steady and calm.

"Heh, you don't mean that, bastard! I know you don't." Naruto said reassuringly. More so to himself than to Sasuke.

"Whatever." Sasuke replied, turning his attention to the TV again, mostly to ignore Naruto so the blond wouldn't continue on with the conversation.

Sasuke shifted slightly as he opened his eyes. He realized immediately that he had fallen asleep on the couch. The TV was still on, but the screen was blank because the movie had long since ended. The next thing Sasuke noticed, was the weight on his right side. He glance over and Saw Naruto curled up against him, sleeping.

Sasuke watched Naruto for a few seconds, as if unsure what to do. He could easily shove him off, and wake him up, but something inside of him was telling him not to. Something inside of him enjoyed having the blond this close. Naruto's mouth was open slightly, and he was breathing gently. His bangs were flowing slightly over his closed eyes. He looked peaceful and content, and most of all; happy.

His heart was pumping a little faster than normal. He slowly reached over and shook Naruto gently. The blond responded by grabbing his hand and pulling it against him, cuddling against it and mumbling something underneath his breath that Sasuke could have sworn sounded like 'Sasuke'.

"O...oi! Wake up moron!" Sasuke said as he shook the blond more harshly this time. Naruto's eyes snapped open in surprise. He blinked a few times before realizing where he was, and sat up, moving away from Sasuke.

"What happened?" He asked, rubbing his tired eyes.

"We feel asleep last night watching the movie." Sasuke explained, stretching.

"Oh. Well, uh, at least I'm here already! Let's have breakfast."

Sasuke couldn't shake the feeling of enjoying having Naruto curled up against him.


"Hey, do you know where Naruto has been lately?" Karin asked Iruka one afternoon. She figured, because he was once Naruto's sensei, he may know more than she did.

"He's probably with Sasuke." Iruka answered, taking note that Naruto and Sasuke were spending a lot of time together since Sasuke had returned to the village.

"Oh. Well he hasn't been by very much lately, and I was just wondering why." Karin answered. Naruto still visited her, but not nearly as much as he used to. He used to stop by every day. Now she was lucky if it was more than once a week.

"I can tell you where he lives if you want, and then you can go visit him. I'm sure he won't mind." Iruka smiled. Naruto was so easy to get along with, and so easy to like. It didn't surprise Iruka that this girl had an interest in him.

"Yes, that would be perfect."

Karin's glasses shone in the sun as she waited outside of Naruto's apartment. She rang the bell a few times, but the blond hadn't answered.

"Guess he isn't home." She said to herself as she turned around, screaming when someone stood in front of her.

"Suigetsu! What the hell are you doing?" She asked, punching his shoulder, hard, causing him to fly backwards slightly, but land gracefully on his feet.

"He isn't home. He's never home. He only sleeps in his apartment, and sometimes, doesn't even do that."

"What are you talking about? You better tell me!" She threatened as she fixed her glasses.

"Exactly what I said you stupid bitch! He's almost never home." He answered.

"Well, where is he then? Come on, tell me!" She demanded.

"Wow, you're bossy! Just for that, I won't you where the pretty little blond runs off to!" He said as he hopped off the ledge, and landed on the man floor, laughing at Karin's misery.

"Suigetsu! Come back here!"


"Jeez blondie. You fell asleep there again? Why don't you just move in!" Suigetsu joked. He noticed that Naruto was spending more and more time sleeping at Sasuke's. It seemed the only time he really went home, was to get some clothes, and occasionally sleep there.

"Hmm, maybe you're right! Actually, that's a great idea. Thanks!" Naruto smiled. It made sense. He did spend more time at Sasuke's than he did his own apartment. If he moved in with Sasuke, he could split the rent as opposed to paying rent in a place he rarely used. That, and he pretty much lived with Sasuke now, anyway. He'd fall asleep on the couch and wake up with a blanket draped over him. Sometimes, he'd even wake up next to Sasuke, who had fallen asleep as well. Other times, Naruto would just tell Sasuke he was spending the night, and walk into the guest bedroom without waiting for Sasuke's reaction.

"Wait, I was only joking. Naruto-" The door slammed in his face and Suigetsu was left alone.


"Naruto, you have to eat more than ramen for dinner. If you're going to live here, I'm going to make sure you eat right." Sasuke told the blond.

"But Sasuke," Naruto whined; "You know how much I love ramen!"

"Yeah, and I won't have this apartment filled with cups of ramen. Tomorrow, we're going to the market to get some real food."

"That's so boring though!" Naruto replied.

"I don't care, we're going. Oh, and you're going to learn how to cook too. I won't be the only one cooking around here."

Suigetsu almost laughed at the situation in front of him. He was over for dinner. With much persuasion, he convinced Naruto to let him have dinner with the two.

"I swear, you two fight like a married couple sometimes." Suigetsu laughed at his own joke, but stopped once he saw the weird look Sasuke and Naruto were giving each other.


'The tension between them is unbearable. I'm sure anyone within a five yard radius can cut it with a knife.' Suigetsu thought to himself as he followed Sasuke and Naruto to the lake. The three of them were going swimming. More like Sasuke and Naruto were going swimming and Suigetsu was only joining because it was a public lake.

"Oi, Sasuke? Let's get mochi (2) for dessert tonight!" Naruto seemed so excited at the possibility of having such a delicious treat.

"I don't like sweets, but by all means, you can have some." Sasuke replied nonchalantly as the pair walked ahead of Suigetsu, ignoring him, but not on purpose. The two seemed too wrapped up with one another to really notice he was there.

"Don't you like anything sweet? You've got to have something for dessert! When I get some dango, I'll get you something too! What do you want?" Naruto asked, thinking about the question for a moment, and answered before Sasuke could.

"Wait, wait, I know! I know exactly what I can get you." Naruto smiled, poking Sasuke with his elbow.

"Okay? What is it?" Sasuke asked, curious as to what Naruto would get him.

"Tch, I can't tell you! It's a surprise."


"Well? How is it?" Naruto asked as Sasuke popped some udon into his mouth. Naruto had practiced cooking some dishes, and this was the first time anyone else had actually tried it. For tonight, he made udon with some rice and gyoza (Japanese dumplings).

"It's good. I'm impressed. See? Even a moron like you can cook." Sasuke said as he ate some rice.

"Here Sasuke, I brought you a molten lava cake. It's devil's food cake with dark chocolate syrup. It's not really sweet, and it's closer to dark chocolate, so I think you'll like it." Naruto smiled as he pushed the white box towards his friend, who took it and opened it.

"What about you? Didn't you get your mochi?" Sasuke asked as he began to eat the cake Naruto had brought him.

"They didn't have any. But that's okay, I'll get some next time!"

"Oh? You can have some of this if you'd like." Sasuke said, suddenly feeling a little guilty that he was eating dessert while Naruto didn't have anything.

"Nah, it's okay! I don't like it anyway. You can enjoy it by yourself."


"Is there...something going on between you two?" Suigetsu asked one night, as Sasuke made his way back from the market.

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke replied. Lately, Suigetsu seemed to be prying into Sasuke and Naruto's lives more than normal. As if he was trying to figure something out.

"Exactly what I said. You two seem...content around each other. You two also click very well, and you already act like you're married. He goes out during the day, comes home and cooks dinner. You two are always together when Naruto isn't training or helping the village. And when you're not, you two leave each other notes as to where you'll be. I can see it, Sasuke. I can see it in the way you look at him, and in the way you used to talk about him when we used to be a team."

Sasuke was shocked. Shocked at what Suigetsu was saying, because it was true, but mostly shocked that Suigetsu was able to pick it all up by simply watching them.

"Hey, listen. I like him, but who am I kidding? I'll never have a chance with him. Especially when he's so hung up on you. Do you know he's spent less time with everyone else because he spends all of his time with you? And he's happy to do so, Sasuke."

"That's enough, Suigetsu." Sasuke warned as the pair made it to Sasuke's (and Naruto's) apartment. He was sick of hearing Suigetsu speak. Sick of hearing what might be the truth. Sick of hearing what he'd felt deep down inside for months now.

"I'm just saying. It's already been six months since you've been released, meaning a total of nine months since you've been back in Konoha. Don't you think it's time to face reality?" The door was slammed in Suigetsu's face.

"I guess he doesn't want to hear anymore." Suigetsu smirked, happy with how everything went.


"Sasuke?" Naruto's calm, yet curious voice called out as he cleared the table off.

"What?" Sasuke answered quickly, his eyes following Naruto as the blond loaded the dishwasher.

"You've been quiet tonight. Everything okay?" Naruto asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Yes, why would something be wrong?" Sasuke asked as he stood up and walked over to the counter. He grabbed the bag he brought with him from the market and shoved it in Naruto's arms. The blond raised his eyebrows in response and opened the bag.

"You...you got me mochi!" Naruto exclaimed, smiling as he opened one up and began to eat it.

"Yeah, well I was passing the market today and saw them. So I figured I'd get some, since it was convienently there and all!"

"Thanks, Sasuke." Naruto smiled, and Sasuke felt his heart pound.

'Could what Suigetsu said, possibly be right? Could I really have feelings for this...loser? Could he really have feelings for me?' Sasuke asked himself as he watched the blond devour the treat.

"What? What is it? Why are you staring? Is something on my face?" Naruto asked when he realized Sasuke was starring at him, a gleam of something in his eyes.

Sasuke advanced on him, causing Naruto to gasp slightly, unsure of the Uchiha's intentions. Surely he didn't want to fight, right?

"What are you...?" Naruto asked slowly as Sasuke pushed him up against the wall near the stove, trapping Naruto's head between his hands.

"What is this?" Sasuke asked.

"Huh? What is what?" Naruto asked, thoroughly confused.

"What is this thing between us? Us living together, eating meals together, spending time together. What is it?" Sasuke asked, looking straight into Naruto's blue eyes.

"It's...friendship." Naruto replied. Sasuke could tell by the tone in his voice that he was almost unsure with himself.

"Are you positive? Is that all you ever want this to be? Friendship?"

"Why are you suddenly acting like this? What else could there be?" Naruto asked.

"Something beyond friendship, Naruto. That's what else this could be. What this can turn into." Sasuke leaned forward, and Naruto shivered as he felt his best friends warm breath against his lips.

"N...no. We can't! It's..." Naruto trailed off, unsure what to say. He'd be lying if he said he didn't think about being with Sasuke in an intimate, romantic way. Especially after the conversation he had with Suigetsu.

"You two just need to screw and get it over with! Cut the tension already."

"WHAT?" Naruto screamed, causing some passerby's to stop and glare at him.

"Don't act like you haven't thought about it, blondie. I know you have. You two are basically a couple already, anyway."

"I have not! And we are not! We're roommates, and best friends!"

"You bicker like a married couple, fall asleep together, eat your meals together, spend almost all of your free time together. Oh, and I've seen the way you look at each other. The way Sasuke smiles at you. I've never seem him do that before. Not until he came here and saw you." Suigetsu grinned. He enjoyed seeing the blond blushing and flabbergasted. It was cute.

"You...Mind your own business!"

"Well? Nothing to say? So the loud mouth is finally speechless? What is it? Cat got your tongue?" Sasuke was smirked, as he leaned closer.

Naruto clenched his fists on his side, angry at his friend. Angry that he was teasing him, angry at the whole situation that could have been handled in a much better way.

Naruto couldn't deny that he wanted this. He wanted Sasuke's body pressed up against him. He wanted Sasuke's lips upon his own. He never really thought about how much he wanted it until Suigetsu brought it up.

'Damn you Suigetsu.' Naruto thought as his eyes met Sasuke's. The black orbs were so calm, so at ease, as if what was happening was natural.

"Ah, screw it!" Naruto yelled out, pushing forward and placing his lips on Sasuke's. Like hell he'd let Sasuke make the first move!

(1) Can anyone guess what movie this is?

(2) Mochi is a Japanese rice cake pounded into a paste and molded into shape. It's typically filled with red been paste. It's really yummy!

So there you go. Chapter one of two! Next chapter Karin and Sakura find out about Sasuke and Naruto. Haha, it should be slightly funny at least! Pleasw review and tell me what you think!