A/N: First of all, I want to apologize for not updating in a while. I just started back to school after being absent for two months, and the only thing I've been writing are essays. So, it's easy to say that I've kind of got off track with this story, but I'm trying to get back. Anyway, I figured it was time for something big and exciting to happen, so this is where this chapter came from. Enjoy, and review, review, review!

A knock at the door made Damon and Bonnie both flinch. Damon was sitting in the living room, and Bonnie was standing the kitchen, and their eyes found each other immediately. No one ever knocked on their door unless it was the police. There was once, last year that the police came and tried to take Damon away. He had killed those people, and him and Bonnie hastily drove to another country. Bonnie did not was a repeat of that day, and apparently neither did Damon because neither one of them moved to get the door.

But the knocking kept coming. It was getting louder and louder, beginning to sound more and more impatient. Bonnie looked toward the door, and then back to Damon. Her muscles were ridged. Her mind was racing. They could go out the backdoor, and sneak into the woods. Of course, she didn't know how long those went on, and they could be walking for hours. Then once they were out they would have to steal a car. Plus there was the problem that the police could chase them down. That wouldn't be good in the least bit.

"Open the door Salvatore; I know you're in there!" A voice called from outside of the house.

Bonnie knew that voice. Bonnie didn't like that voice. She met Damon's eyes again, and she could see that he remembered that voice too. And neither of them liked the idea of the owner of that voice was standing on their doorstep. That person brought nothing but trouble. That person was a coward because they ran away before the final battle. See, Bonnie and Damon weren't the only ones that survived that night. There were two others.

The owner of the voice ran before the battle started. They didn't want to die. The other one fought it out. That person stayed with the town until there was nothing left to stay with. Bonnie respected that one. If she had been angry with that one, she might as well be angry with herself and Damon because they did the same thing. It wasn't as if they could all just stay in that town that leaked of bad energy and misery.

"I have all day, you know, so I can wait you out. It's not as if you two can stay in that dump forever." Rebekah hissed.

"Go away, Rebekah, you're not welcome here." Damon called, not rising from where he was seated. Bonnie could see his jaw twitch, and his eyes narrow in anger.

Bonnie could hear Rebekah's sigh from where she was standing. "Wouldn't you like to know about the darkness, Damon? I know I would. I also know that without us, you'll never know how to stop it."

Bonnie flinched, and her eyes met Damon's once again. She was lying. She had to be lying. Could Rebekah and Elijah know how to get rid of the thing that was newly tormenting Bonnie, and had been torturing Damon for years? It was impossible. Damon had been dealing with this forever, and he didn't know how to get rid of it, so there was no way that Rebekah could know. She could see the doubt on Damon's face, but she could also see the glimmer of hope cross through his icy blue eyes.

Did Damon even think that she could be telling the truth? Why would he do that? And more importantly, why would Rebekah even want to help them? She hated them as much as they hated her. Then there was Elijah who hadn't run. He fought alongside Klaus like the valiant warrior he was. It wasn't until everything was said and done that he left with his head held high because he deserved to. He was nothing like his sister. He, Damon, and Bonnie shared a mutual respect for each other. Bonnie, Damon, and Rebekah on the other hand hated each other.

Damon sighed, and he was by her side in a second. He stood behind her, and leaned in to whisper in her ear, obviously trying to keep Rebekah from hearing. "We'll never know unless we try," He told her.

"Is that a chance you want to take?" She whispered back fiercely. "No one knows what she's really up to."

"What if she's telling the truth?"

She spun around, and gave him a disbelieving look. "Since when did you trust Rebekah?"

"I don't!" He said louder than he had meant to, because his eyes looked toward the door before he looked back at Bonnie again. "But I do trust Elijah, and what if they know how to get rid of this? Bonnie, you haven't been dealing with this as long as I have. It only gets worse. This is a chance that I'm willing to take. For my sake and for yours."

She shrunk back, not believing what was coming out of Damon's mouth. Was he telling the truth? Did he actually think that they could help them? Bonnie had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Damon was willing to take this chance, but was she? Maybe this was her chance to escape from this life. Damon could run off and try to free himself with Rebekah and Elijah, and she could leave. Start her life.

Maybe her job was over. He wouldn't be alone. She remembered the way Rebekah used to look at Damon with lustful eyes. She could take him. Bonnie would be free from this problem. She looked over at Damon who was lost in thought. They could both be free from one another. No more fighting. No more having to live in sucky places with sucky jobs. Bonnie could start collage. She could do everything that she wasn't able to do all of these years because of Damon. She could actually start living.

But she knew that it would never happen. She would have to follow Damon around and protect him because she promised. She could still remember that night so well. It haunted her every night in her dreams. The promise she made to not one, but two people. The promise that she was still keeping. The promise that kept her by Damon's side; caring for him, protecting him. He didn't know about it, but that didn't make it any less real.

Bonnie held Elena's head in her lap, crying. The tears were running freely down her face. Elena's blood coated her hands. She tried chanting. She tried a spell. Anything that would keep her best friend alive, she would try it. But nothing worked. She didn't have enough magic to save Elena's life, and she really didn't have enough to bring her back from the dead. She hadn't had that much power since the dead witches disowned her. "Please stay with me." She cried, holding Elena's hand tightly. It was cold. She was cold.

"Bonnie…" Elena chocked out, blood dribbling out of her mouth. "I love you… you know that right?" Her words didn't come out clearly because her mouth was filled with blood, but Bonnie understood what she was saying, and she nodding, holding back a sob. "Will you keep… keep them safe, Bonnie?" She asked.

She didn't need to be told who 'them' were. Caroline was dead. Matt was missing. Jeremy was dead. Alaric was probably dead. That left two. Stefan and Damon. Elena wanted her to keep Stefan and Damon safe. She wanted Bonnie to make sure that they got out of here alive. Together. Bonnie knew that made sense. Stefan would need Damon, and Damon would need Stefan. She could do it. She would run to them. She would make sure that they got out of here alive. She nodded to Elena. "I will, Elena. I promise." More tears. "I love you."

Bonnie stayed with her until every bit of life left her body.

Bonnie winced at the memory. She looked up at Damon, seeing him watching her. She nodded lightly. Whatever he thought. She'd follow him. It would be as if she'd have much of a choice. If Damon wanted to go to the moon, she'd have to follow him because she promised. She failed to save Stefan, she couldn't lose Damon, too. Not after Elena and so many others gave their lives to save him. To save both of them. It would be unfair. It wouldn't be right.

She followed behind Damon to the door. He opened it without looking back at her. Rebekah stood on the other side with Elijah. Once the door opened, Rebekah smiled that smile that was all fox. Elijah just looked miserable. Yeah, well, she knew how he felt. She was sure that they all felt miserable, and anyone who said that didn't was just lying. Bonnie offered him a sad smile, which he nodded to.

"Well, aren't you going to invite us in? It's incredibly rude to make us stand on the door step." Rebekah said.