A/N: No beta, all mistakes are my own. Some warnings: mentions of non-con, slash, mpreg, character death, language, and Dark!Harry. This will be a Voldemort/Harry pairing.

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Harper spluttered, "B-but pregnant by an inferi? Is that even possible?"

Voldemort looked incredulously at his godson, then at Fenrir, knowing that Harper's stupidity must be his fault somehow. The werewolf just smirked smugly. Choosing to ignore the question entirely he asked Severus, "Does Potter have a glamour on? This says he's close to six months pregnant, he should be showing by now."

Severus cast a revealing charm, "Other than one on his hand, there are no other glamours on Potter."

Voldemort pulled out his wand and shot finite incantatem at Potter's hand, everyone close enough watched as the word's I Will Not Tell Lies appeared.

Lucius spoke up for the first time, still not entirely sure what was happening. "Draco had mentioned that during his fifth year there were rumors of Umbridge using a blood quill during detentions, but for Potter to have the words carved into his skin like that, then he must have had spent hours writing that repeatedly."

"Potter had detention for two hours every day that year, including weekends." Severus said in disgust. "Umbridge had even been so kind to take any detentions he got from others as well."

Narcissa finally looked up, shocked. "Are you saying that this child, younger than my Draco, had been losing that much blood every day, for an entire year? Why didn't he tell someone what was going on?"

Severus scowled. "Who's to say he didn't? He certainly didn't tell me, and I was probably the only teacher in that school that was willing to challenge that woman."

"We can talk further about Umbridge later, right now the more pressing concern is that Potter is almost six months pregnant and he looks like a skeleton." Voldemort said bringing them back onto topic.

"My Lord, I believe we should wake the boy. We have no way to know the circumstances since the conception, or if the boy even knows he is pregnant." Severus suggested.

"Very well, but it might be best to cover him with a sheet first, allow him some dignity." Voldemort said, making everyone else realize that Potter had been naked the entire time.

Narcissa conjured a sheet over Potter and then cast enervate.

Harry woke slowly. He was in pain, everywhere. What had happened? Last he could remember Aunt Petunia had woke him up, he had made breakfast for the Dursleys, and then was sent to work in the garden. What had happened after that?


And then Aunt Petunia had called him back in saying one of those people was there. He had gone inside to find Remus with… and that's when Harry remembered. Sirius. Sirius, who was alive somehow. Harry squeezed his eyes shut, hoping it would make him forget. But it didn't.

He remembered freezing at seeing his godfather, and then Sirius had come to hug him, like he always did and whispered, "Ja-Harry, I'm alive, that's good huh?" He had pulled back and looked Harry in the eye, the same crazed hungry look in his eyes as always.

Harry had shuddered, Sirius had felt it, and his eyes hardened.

Remus had come over then, explaining how they would be taking him to Diagon Alley to get his school things. Harry had been told to get his things and meet them back down here. He had hurried to get away from Sirius, hoping he wouldn't follow, thankfully he hadn't and Harry had returned to the living room, allowing Remus to shrink his trunk.

The first couple of hours had been fine after they had left.

But then Sirius had become jittery, and Harry had known it was just a matter of time before something happened. Usually it was both of them, but this time, apparently Sirius wanted Harry alone. He had suggested that Remus went and get Harry's books while he took Harry to get Hedwig some treats.

Remus had agreed and had left, but instead of going to where he had said, Sirius had grabbed Harry's arm and led him down Knockturn Alley. Harry had only been down there once, in second year, so he had no idea where Sirius was taking them.

He had found out soon enough though when they entered a building that had no name on the outside. Inside there were woman and men scantily dressed, some even naked, hanging all over witches and wizards, it was clearly some type of brothel. Harry wanted to ask Sirius why they were there, but he already knew the answer.

Except this time it was different. While Sirius had been undressing him, he had touched his stomach, and Harry had felt a pulse, almost like his magic was reaching out to Sirius'.

Harry had no idea what it meant, but Sirius clearly did, because the next moment Sirius had backhanded Harry, knocking him down. He continued to hit and kick Harry, muttering and growling about how it was Harry's fault, James' fault, how he wouldn't let this one ruin everything this time, how he would kill it before it could kill James.

Harry had no idea what he was talking about, but he hardly ever did when Sirius became like this. Minutes later he was blissfully unconscious.

Now as he woke up and became more coherent, he realized he was naked, lying down on a bed, only covered by a sheet. He didn't recognize these sheets though, the ones at Grimmauld place always felt damp and had a certain smell that lingered, and Harry doubted the brothel that Sirius had taken him to would have such soft sheets. Where was he? Slowly opening his eyes, blinking at the bright lights, Harry looked to where he could feel the familiar magic of three wizards and a witch.

Harry froze eyes wide. No.

Voldemort watched as Potter woke, the boy tensed almost immediately, no doubt remembering what happened to him. As he slowly opened his eyes, the boy had turned straight towards himself, Lucius, Severus, and Bellatrix, almost as if he had sensed them. Then he just stared, wide eyed, as he realized who he was looking at. Normally Voldemort would have found it amusing, not now though, no now he was concerned.

If the boy was damaged beyond repair, it would affect the child, and there was nothing more important in the wizarding world than children.

Severus spoke up; breaking the staring contest that Potter seemed to be having with the four of them. "Potter, can you hear me?"

Harry nodded.

"Mr. Potter," Narcissa said, bringing his attention to her. "Are you in pain anywhere?" Harry nodded again, not sure why she seemed concerned. "Can you tell me where and could you describe what it feels like?"

Harry cleared his throat. "M-my stomach, my ribs. There's a sharp stinging pain." Harry thought his ribs might be broken.

"Hmm," Narcissa said while casting dozens of spells, they were diagnostic charms like she used earlier, but more targeted. "Your ribs are fine; I had already used some Skelegrow earlier to fix your broken bones, so it's just residual pain. There something I need to ask Mr. Potter and I need you to stay calm, do you understand?"

Harry nodded again, worried about what could be wrong. Had Sirius done permanent damage?

Narcissa softened her expression. "Mr. Potter, I know you won't want to tell me, but it is important for me to know, what happened?"

Harry tensed; he didn't want to tell anyone that, least of all his enemies. But what if something was wrong with him? They seemed willing to help him for some strange reason. Harry looked over to the group on the other side of bed he was on, and realized there were two other men he hadn't noticed before. Looking back at Mrs. Malfoy, Harry whispered, "A… friend wasn't happy with me about something, he had gotten angry, and—" and what? What was Harry supposed to say, and instead of raping me they decided to beat me to death? No, they didn't need to know that, and if they asked for details he would just say that he had hit him a few times.

Narcissa held her tears that wanted to escape. This boy, who wasn't even seventeen yet, had been so resigned when he had spoken about someone beating him, like he was used to such treatment. Which considering everything else she knew about him, she supposed he was. He hadn't even said much, but his face had told her everything she needed to know. "Mr. Potter, you were raised by muggles, correct?" Harry nodded. "Did anyone explain the difference between the wizarding world and the muggle world when it concerns sex?" She asked bluntly, and was amused by the boy's blush.

Shaking his head, Harry whispered a mortified, "No."

The others were amused that a sixteen year old boy was still so innocent, especially since they knew what he had gone through.

Narcissa smiled reassuringly, "Mr. Potter, I am going to tell you something that you no doubt will find very shocking." Narcissa smirked at the alarmed expression the boy had, he no doubt expected her to give him some kind of sex talk. "Mr. Potter in the wizarding world, there are certain males that can become pregnant naturally, when this happens, it is very important that the wizard be very careful, wizarding pregnancies are much riskier than if a witch was to get pregnant." Seeing the dawning realization in the bright green eyes, Narcissa asked, "Do you understand what I am saying?"

Harry's hands unknowingly traveled to his stomach, his extremely flat stomach, and he laughed hollowly. He was pregnant. Pregnant by his godfather. Needing her to confirm it, he asked quietly, "I'm pregnant?" As Mrs. Malfoy nodded, her eyes full of sympathy, Harry fainted, everything becoming too much for his already weak body.

Question: Who do you want Draco paired with?

Tell me in a review!

A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed!