Chapter One

I was filled with mixed feelings when he approached my hospital bed. "You're the one I want." Those were his words as his tears stained my gown. I knew he belonged to another, and couldn't help but fear that out was only because a hunter shot me, but none the less I was overwhelmed with joy. Through the rest of our teenage years Stiles held my hand. And after college, he vowed to only hold my hand for the rest of our lives.

He made life work; never looked back on his decision to love me. Stiles was the perfect husband, and soon he would make the perfect father.

I spent the day busy in the kitchen, told him I was taking "a rest day" from work. He told me to have fun and kissed my cheek before leaving for his office.

Shopping for the perfect "you're gonna be a daddy" meal was a bit harder than I thought it would be. I spent at least three hours grabbing things and putting them back. He would love anything really, it was Stiles after all.

That night, two minutes before he should have walked in the door, I started lighting candles. Then a knock came.

"Come on in, baby." I heard the door open and continued on in the kitchen. "I don't know why you're knocking anyway. You live here, goofball."


That wasn't Stiles. A voice that deep refused to belong to him. I headed into our living room and smiled at downcast Jackson.

"Jackson. What's wrong?"

His eyes never left the floor as he whispered, "I can't quit."

"That's because you're doing it for the wrong reason. Giving up smoking isn't something you should do for Stiles, you should be doing it for yourself."
"I'm not talking about smoking...what's with the candles? Am I interrupting? Should I leave?"

"No, it's okay, for a few minutes. I was just, well, I'm telling Stiles that I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant?" The weird barely made it out of his mouth. "You mean with a mini Stiles?"

"I hope it's a mini Stiles." I smiled.

"Umm, congrats. Really. Um, I'll see you later."

As he turned in haste, he ran right into my husband, Stiles, who caught the wolfs shoulders to prevent him from falling.

"Hey Jacks. What's up?"

If this had happened eight years ago, well, it wouldn't be happening, but Stiles would have known exactly what was bothering Jackson. I never lost that sense of guilt for causing their disconnection. I was something I had to accept as apart of my relationship with Stiles. Those two would never be the same.


And with that he left, darting around Stiles and out of the house.

"So I guess you know?"

I gave my husband a quizzical look, "I know what?"

"Jackson didn't tell you? About my promotion?"

"Stiles! Oh my God! I'm so proud of you!" My arms couldn't get around his neck soon enough. We embraced for a minute before I whispered, "You're," I paused for effect, "gonna be a daddy."

"Yeah, your daddy." He smirked.

I smacked his shoulder, "No silly; I'm pregnant."

"What?" Then, he simply fainted.