Okay guys, this is the last chapter of this story.

I want to thank all of you for staying with me so long. Thanks for all the lovely reviews and the favorites and everything. Without you I don't think I could finish this story.

By the way: I am looking for a beta reader, someone who could take a second look at this story so I can fix all the grammar and spelling mistakes. Please feel free to tell me and I promise that I will be deeply grateful for that. :D

And now for one last time: Read and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I still don't own Supernatural.

Chapter 15- Doubts, confessions and love

„He still looks pretty exhausted."

„What do you expect? He just saved the god damned world and send one freaking demon boss back to hell."

„I don't have a single idea how they did it."

„Don't you trust your sons?"

„Of course I do but... it seemed like they wouldn't make it. It was really last minute."

„I don't think so."

„What? You saw it, it was nearly too late."

„I didn't mean that."

„Then what? Damn it Bobby, I'm not in the mood for something like that right now, okay?"

„Are you really sure that you trust your sons?"

„What are you talking about? They are my sons. Of course I do."

„Okay, wait- I say in a different way. Do you trust Dean?"

„Bobby this is stupid. I worked with Dean for his whole life. He has my back and I have his. And although he's sometimes with his head in the clouds or in a pub with some hot chicks but he knows what's important and he is good in this job."

„Yeah, I believe you. Do you trust Sam as much as Dean?"

Slowly the voices became familiar to Dean. He had no idea what had happened and he felt so tired like he had slept for far too many hours. He didn't want to open his eyes; he had the feeling that he could get to know some very interesting things while he pretended to be asleep. Dean slowly took in his surrounding, trusting his other senses. He was lying in a bed and the smell was definitely the typical disgusting hospital-smell. He could hear quiet voices from the hall.

„Bobby that's..."

„Don't. Just answer my question."

„He is my son."

„The son who didn't care about for all his life! Tell me why John Winchester. Tell me why you cannot love Sam as much as Dean?"

„That's not true, I love both my sons. And nevertheless my relationship to my sons is none of your business."

„It is. Because I have been a father for Sam more than you have ever been. This boy is so blessed. He is smart; he is good at hunting even though you don't want to see that. His deafness was never an issue for him; it didn't stop him doing anything he wanted. And you always told him that he was weak."

„Calm down, okay? He nearly killed us the few times I took him with us."

„Think John. Think for one minute. He wasn't born as a hunter. He had to learn that just Dean had to learn everything. Dean had his father who taught him everything he needed to know. But what about Sam? He just knew some things from Dean and the things he taught himself. But he never had a chance to become very experience with hunting. He was a boy. He was scared; every boy would have acted that way. You cannot expect from a boy to be perfect in this job. Those things that nearly happened, Sam's deafness has nothing to do with it."

„I know."

Dean listened carefully. He wanted to know what had happened and where his brother was but he had a feeling that this one was one of the rare moments where John would actually talk about his feelings.

„I know I wasn't fair with Sammy. It's not even because of his deafness, well it is, but that isn't his fault. Every time I looked at him or see him sign I just see my own weakness. I was too weak to protect my baby son. It's because of me that he lost his hearing and that this demon bled into his mouth. Bobby, he made my son some kind of a freak! I knew that he would suffer so much because of his deafness and the demon that I didn't want... I thought I would protect him by standing away from him. I was scared to disappoint him again. Damn his whole life I acted like I would hate him but... I think I love him too much. I didn't think that he would be okay with another disappointment from my side so I stayed away for him."

„That doesn't make sense John."

„I wanted to prepare him for the bad things in this world. You know this world Bobby. There are more bad things than good ones. What if I had treated Sam different because of his disability? The other people wouldn't have done that, so I didn't do it either so he can get to know how it feels like."

„John this isn't about this disability. You should have treated him like your son. It doesn't matter whether he can hear or not, you should have treated him equal to the way you treated Dean."

Bobby sighed.

„Damn it I hate those moments but I just have to say this. You have two beautiful, smart and talented sons. They are completely different persons but they stay together and they have their heart in the right place. Stop your stupid behavior. Talk to your sons. You need to talk to Sam, he deserves it. And you have to talk to Dean as well."

„Bobby I cannot do that. I'm not the kind of guy who talks a lot about this feelings. It's hard enough to tell you all of this."

„John those are your sons! If you want to safe your family then you have do to it."

„Yeah dad. Talk to Sammy."

Finally Dean opened his eyes and saw his father and Bobby standing on both sides of his hospital bed.

„Dean! You're awake!"

„It was about time boy. You were out for nearly 10 hours."

Dean looked at his father.

„Bobby is right. Sam will forgive you. He wants you to talk to him so badly."

John swallowed. He knew that they were right but right now he was just happy that he had at least one of his sons back.

„I'm gonna do it. I promise."

„What happened? Did we do it? Is Borolus gone?"

„Yes. It was really a last minute fight and I have no idea how the two of you did it but everything's fine."

John smiled but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

Dean looked around the room, he nearly expected Sam to lie in a bed next to him but the room was empty.

„Where is Sam?"

„Dean he..."

„He is what?"

Dean froze. He didn't like the look on their faces.

„He hadn't wake up yet."

„Well, that's not bad, isn't it? He always slept longer than me."

„You don't understand. He was in a pretty bad shape when we got here. He barely had a pulse and they lost him two times last night. They don't know when he's going to wake up."



„No. He will make it. I know him better than you and I know that he will make it, okay? I want to see him."

„Dean listen..."

„I want to see him now."

„Okay. Let's go."

Together they went to the intensive care unit. Dean was a little bit shocked when he saw Sam through that window. He looked like he was asleep, just like every single morning. The only thing that didn't fit in this picture was the heart monitor and the instant beep coming from it.

„Can we see him?" He asked the nurse in charge.

„Yes you can. He moved his eyelids a few minutes ago like he was trying to come back but didn't have the strength. Maybe it is good when he hears some familiar voices."

„What kind of a stupid damn hospital are you? Can you not even read? My brother is fucking deaf he won't hear our voices!"

John held Dean's arm.

„Calm down Dean. She didn't mean it that way. Right?"

He looked with his don't- mess-with-me-look. The nurse swallowed.

„No, no. I'm... I'm sorry I didn't mean... You can to him, I bet he... feels your presence."

Dean shot her one last angry gaze and then went into his brother's room. He sat down next to him and held his hand. John and Bobby stood on the other side.

„Hey Sammy. I'm here. Come back to me, okay? Just come back."

After a few minutes John sat down as well.

„I should have told him earlier."

Dean looked at him and once again his father looked like he had lost all his hope.

„Dad it is not too late. You cannot fall apart now; you cannot loose your hope now. We need you dad. We need to be a family again and it is your responsibility to make us become a real family again. Tell him. Tell him now."

„Dean you just said he wouldn't hear me."

„Then sign it. Try to learn your son's language. You know what? He tried to learn how to speak just for you so he can talk to you. Why can't you do the same?"

„Dean, I'm... I need to tell him now."

„Here. Let me show you something."

Dean stood up and went to John.

„Give me your hand."

„This is not the best way to sign but since he cannot look at you right now, he has to feel it. Just do what I'm doing now, okay?"

Slowly Dean signed into John's hand a few times.

„What does it mean?"

„It means I love you."

John swallowed.

„And he will feel it?"

„Sam and I practiced since he is twelve. That way we can talk when it's dark and we cannot see each other. We thought it would be good when we're hunting."

Dean sat down and watched John who slowly signs the letters into Sam's hand over and over again.

After what felt like hours but were only minutes Sam's eyes began to move again.

Dean took his hand in his while John was still signing in his other hand.

„Dean, I... I thin, he just signed back something."

Dean stood up and went to his dad to look what his brother was signing. When he saw it he laughed.

„Dad you son is talking to you. He says it's about time."

John had to laugh to and went with his other hand over his son's long gorilla style hair.

„Come on boy, open your eyes for me."

Although they all knew that Sam couldn't hear them, he slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a few times and looked around in the room.

Hey buddy. It was about time. You slept for like I don't know how long."

Dean could see that his brother was still pretty exhausted.

You're okay?"

I'm okay. Feel like I ran a marathon though. He signed weakly with one hand. What happened?

Well, the two of us are heroes but like always there are only a few people in the world who know that. We did it. Everything went like we planned it."

Sam nodded. He didn't want to hear all the details right now. He turned to his father and part of him was surprised to see him sitting at his hospital bed with what looked like real worry in his eyes.

John looked at his son and didn't know what to say. There were so many things he wanted to tell his son, things he needed to know. But he didn't know how. For the first time in a long time he actually hated himself for not being able to talk to his son. Sam could see that his father was struggling with something. The letters that he had signed in his hands made him confident.

He put this upper lip between his teeth and then he opened and closed his mouth a few times. John looked worried and turned to Dean.

„What... what's going on? Is he in pain?"

„Calm down dad. He just wants to say something."

John raised his eyebrows and turned back to his youngest son who was still looking at him.

Then very slowly Sam said something that neither Dean nor John could understand.

Sam saw the irritated look on their faces and knew that he had failed to express himself properly. He tried another time.


Dean touched his arm.

Slow down dude and try to concentrate. You can do this."

Sam looked to his dad who nodded, trying to encourage him.

He swallowed and concentrated on the movements he saw on Dean's lips.


Finally the others could understand him. Sam looked at his father and was surprised to see tears in his eyes.

„Sammy I need to tell you something."

He took a deep breath and looked to Dean.

„I want to talk to him and please just translate if he cannot read my lips, okay? I want to do this alone." Dean nodded.

„I guess I'm gonna go look what they have in the cafeteria." Bobby cleared his throat and went out of the room, leaving the small family alone.

„Sammy I want you to read my lips but if you don't understand what I am saying please tell us and Dean will translate, okay?"

John looked directly at Sam and spoke slowly so Sam could understand him better.

Sam was surprised; his dad never spoke slowly for him.

„Sammy I did make so make mistakes in the past. I won't explain every reason why I behave like I did because I don't have an explanation for most of them. I should have never treated you the way I did. You are a wonderful person, you are smart and you're damn good at hunting. You cannot lie very well but that's something I can live with." He smiled, his eyes still full of tears.

„I want you to know that your deafness was never the real reason why I was so mean to you. It wasn't your fault at all. I was worried about you. I knew how hard the world could be and I wanted you being prepared for what's coming. You remind me so much of Mary and every time I look at you I see her inside of you. That night when she died I failed both of you. She died and you became deaf and there was nothing I did against it. I tried but I wasn't strong enough. I felt so bad for what I did to both of you and your mother. I was stubborn Sam. I thought if I wouldn't be that close to you it would be easier for me. You and your brother you are everything to me. I couldn't live if something would happen to you and I knew that bad things would happen to you so I tried to avoid you to safe myself from to pain. I was so stubborn and it wasn't until a few days ago that I finally admitted to myself that I love you just as much as Dean."

Sam watched his father's lips carefully, he didn't want Dean to translate, this was the first real talk he had with his dad and he wanted this to work. He felt something in his throat and he felt that tears were coming from his eyes.

„You are perfect just the way you are and I am so proud of you, Sam. All those years I tried to ignore the pride I felt for you but it never worked that well. When you left for Stanford I was angry with you but I was also proud of you that you would risk so much for being happy and to live your own life. I am so sorry what happened to your girlfriend and I promise you that we will hunt that demon. Together we can kick his ass I bet. And we gotta figure out what up with those supernatural powers you have. I love you Sammy. You are my son and I am so proud of you. And I know that you don't feel comfortable using your voice when I am with you but I have to say that you have a beautiful voice. What you just said was the nicest thing I have ever heard. You can trust me Sammy. I can change and I can learn from my mistakes. We can be a family again."

When John finally ended Sam was crying and suddenly he sat himself up and hugged his father.

Dean watched his brother and his father hugging each other, both of them were crying. And for the first time Dean had the feeling that they can be a family again.

Sam was released in the late afternoon. The doctors said he was just pretty exhausted, they wanted to make some more test but nobody can hold a Winchester longer in a hospital than he needs to.

Bobby said goodbye in the afternoon, when Sam, Dean and John were messing around in Sam's room. He was happy for them but he knew John Winchester and how easily he could mess things up. On his way out he whispered to John:" If you're gonna disappoint the boys and mess this up I'm gonna hunt you and I will kill you. They deserve a real father."

Although John didn't say anything after that to Bobby he knew that he wasn't kidding. Bobby loved his children and he would do everything fort hem. Most of the time he had been a better father fort hem than him.

They drove back to the hotel to get their things. Sam was sitting in the backseat, and took a small nap. He was still pretty tired mostly because of the emotional chaos in the last few hours. John was driving and Dean was trying to find some good music in John's truck.

„This is crazy, I don't know how you can drive without good music all the time. That's terrible. Sam and I are listening to music the whole time."

„Sam listens to music?"

Dean looked at him, raising one eyebrow. „Do you really want to know or is this just some kind of show?"

John sighed. „Dean I try to change myself. There are so many things about Sam's life that I don't know about and I want to get to know my youngest son, okay? Just be patient for once in your life."

„I am serious dad. Please don't mess this up."

„Why does everyone thing that I am gonna mess this up?"

„Well, you wasn't exactly super daddy before and you like to mess things up."

„You're right. I know that I have to earn your trust and that it won't happen over night but I really mean it. I want to change myself Dean."

Dean nodded and looked back on the road. They drove a few minutes in silence listening to the annoying songs on the radio when Dean finally answered John's question.



„He feels the music, he helds his hands on the music box and then he feels the vibrations of the music."

„Really? And that works?"

„I think so. He likes it. I mean he haven't ever heard real music so he has nothing he can compare this so he's okay with it."

„That's good."

They didn't say anything for the rest of the ride.

When they came to the hotel they saw Trudy's car standing right in front of it. They had totally forgotten her. She probably thinks they were all dead or something like that because all their things were still in their rooms. And Dean didn't really want to know w the garden looks after last night. He turned around to wake Sam up.

Hey sleeping head. Time to get up."

They went out of the car and into the hotel were they found Trudy standing in the hall. When she saw them she let out a small scream.


Dean lifted his hands. „I know we said that you won't ever see us again but we just wanted to get our things and then we'll be gone, I promise."

„I thought you were dead! When we came here this morning nobody was there, the door wasn't locked and in the garden is a huge fireplace! Can somebody please explain what was going on here?"

„Believe me, you don't really want to know everything. It is over. There won't be any more mysterious suicides any more in this hotel and you can use your attic now as well.

This hotel is ghost free I promise."

Trudy raised her eyebrows.

„You are the strangest guests I ever had. So you're saying that this is over? No more strange noised and... everything?"

„Yes, we took care of it. And we are sorry for the small fireplace in the garden. We didn't do that I swear."

„Small? You are calling that small? It's nearly as big as the stupid mausoleum!"

The three men felt like they would be standing in front of an old woman whose flowers they ran over. They looked like small boys who knew that they have done something wrong.

Finally Trudy started to laugh.

„You should take a look at yourselves. It's all right. It doesn't matter. I am just happy that everything is over now and that we can go back to normal. I don't know what happened and you are right, I don't really want to know that but I want to thank you."

Dean smiled at her.

„Don't mind. That is our job. We just get our things and then we will be gone."

They turned towards the stairs when suddenly Trudy called after them.

„Hey! Am I right that you don't deserve that much money with your –job?"

Dean nodded.

„Well I bet you have a long way home so I guess you should eat something good before you leave. I will arrange everything. Oh and the bill is free for you. For everything you've done to help us."

„Thank you Trudy. You're awesome. We would love to eat a little bit."

Then they went upstairs to pack their stuff.

For the first time after all those things that happened since yesterday evening Sam and Dean were alone.

Dean was packing their stuff in the bathroom when he heard Sam call his name. He put the last things in his bag and went back into their room where Sam was sitting on his bed.

Damn it Sammy, you're becoming a real chatter bird. You talk these days more than Oprah."

Sam laughed.

Ah Oprah. Now I know what you always watch in TV after I fell asleep.

Yeah yeah, go on, I'm not listening."

Do you think that dad is serious about... this?

Dean looked at his brother and saw fear in the hazel brown eyes. He knew that Sam was trying to figure out what was going on and how everything will continue.

It is strange but I think so. He is really sorry for the way he behave all those years and he wants to get to know you."

You're sure? I mean, I like it. But I don't want to get used to it when after a few days I will be the unloved son again.

Dude you know dad. He always disappoints people. That's just who he is. But he really tries and although I don't think that everything will be pretty like in some freaking TV show but he will try. We can just hope that it will work."

Sam nodded. Then something else came into his mind.

Did you show him how to sign that? You know- back in the hospital?

Yes. That was I. He wanted to comfort you but he didn't know how so I told him about that hand signing and showed him how to do it. He wants to learn sign language, Sam. He asked me to teach him."

Sam laughed. He didn't want to say it but that meant a lot to him. All he ever wanted was to be enough for his father and to be able to talk to him and now he wanted to learn his language...

He just looked to Dean and smiled. They didn't need any words; Dean knew exactly what his brother was thinking in that moment.



Thank you.

You're welcome. What did I do?"

For coming to Stanford and taking me here and you know... everything. For believing in me, I think.

You're my giant but small kid brother. It is my job to come when you need me. That's normal."

No it isn't and you know that.

You would do the same, wouldn't you?"


Like I said, chatter bird."

I won't go back.


I won't go back to Stanford. I want to go hunting together with you and dad. I think we're a really good team, aren't we?

Dean smiled. He was so grateful for what his brother had just said. The whole time he had been afraid for that moment when Sam would ask him to take him back to Stanford. Those last weeks with Sam had been awesome. He liked hunting with his dad but it was different with Sam. The thought of losing this new way of hunting together with his brother scared him. So these were the best news he received in years.

Of course he couldn't just say that, it would be a terrible chick flick moment if he would do so.

Instead he just nodded and said: „Now come on, I am starving."

They all met in the kitchen, Trudy decided that it was more familiar if they were eating here than in the dining room. The food was delicious, Dean ate way more than he should and they were all laughing and happy. Nobody said one single word about the events that happened here. It was over and that was the only thing that matters. John talked to Trudy and Dean looked like he would want to marry all the food on the table. Sam sat next to Kathy and taught her a little bit more sign language. She actually started to act normal around them and wanted to learn as much as she could.

John watched them from time to time and he was so happy to see his youngest son being all right. Both of his sons reminded him so much of Mary.

Look Mary, look what wonderful sons we have. I know that you don't like how I treated Sam and sometimes Dean as well but I promise you that from now on I will be the father they deserve. We did good jobs all those years ago and I wish that you could see them now. They are perfect just like you.

After the dinner was over and even Dean couldn't eat anything else, it was time to say goodbye.

Kathy hugged Sam and gave him her phone number so he could text her if he wanted to. She knew that Sam wasn't ready for a new relationship yet but maybe in a few weeks things will be different.

„I hope you don't mind but please, don't come back. I am very grateful for what you have done for us, but I don't need something like that again. Okay?"

John smiled.

„Okay. I wish you all the best and who knows maybe we can meet again some time without something supernatural bothering you and your hotel."

„I would like that."

Trudy and John looked each other in the eyes and in that moment Sam and Dean decided that it was time fort hem to leave. They waved one last time at the others and went to the Impala.

A few minutes later John came out of the house as well, his cheeks blushing.

„Do I even want to know what happened in there?" Dean asked his father.

„This is none of your business. We just said goodbye to each other. No more, no less."

Dean looked at Sam and raised his eyebrows.

Does he really expect us to believe him?

Sam smiled. I think yes, but I don't believe him and now stop this otherwise I have to imagine the two of them- too late. Damn it Dean, sometimes I really hate you!

Dean laughed.

Yeah you two little brother." To his dad he said:" So where are we driving?"

„There could be something interesting down in Texas. You wanna come with me?"

The three of us together hunting something in Texas? What do you think Sammy?"

I'm on it.

Alright. Let's drive to Texas."

„Okay, I'll be the first and you follow me."

John went to his truck and started the machine as well as Dean did with his Impala. Seconds later rock music was coming from the boxes.

Ready to hit the road?"

What are you waiting for? Drive! We have some work to do."

They smiled at each other and started to drive to another hunt together with their father. It was everything just like in any other normal family. Well, whatever normal means for the Winchesters.

So I really hope you guys liked this story and that I didn't disappoint you with this last chapter. Please, please, please review and tell me your thoughts of this story! I'm addicted to reviews I think :D

A special thank you goes to judyann, Starlight102, cold kagome and Ghostwriter. Your reviews make me smile every single time I read them. :)

This is the first story I have ever written and I hope that I didn't fail totally with this. Sorry if I did, as well I am sorry for all mistakes, they were all mine!

So again thank you all and have a nice day. :)

Greets, Jesssy