Hello everyone! Yesh, it is Sonny, and she is baaaack! And she loves everyone. Even though I haven't told any of you of my longtime boyfriend, and I was going to, but...ya know...personal things. Derp. But anyway, I'm NOT writing this note to say I'm quiting fanfiction forever and then you'll be like, "Ooooh NOOOO, don't leave me Sonny!" And I'll be like, "Get a life." But I will be putting my stories on haitus, only two: Lies and Molasses.

Just to let you know why, because I know you're screaming at the computer like "WHY?" But it turns out...DUN DUN DUN...I'M PREGNANT! And I know most of the people on fanfiction get pregnant and be like, I'm pregnant, but I have learned I am hanving TWINS! I am pissed the hell off because I know it's my boyfriend's fault, but I'm VERY VERY happy and fat as fuuuuuuccck! Anyway, my boyfriend is going overboard by buying me everything in the store, making sure I eat well, and yelling at me when I say I don't care what clothes we buy when we don't even know the gender. I'm still very jumpy, because I'm not sure how to be a mother.

Anyways, I'll try to update, but if I don't in the next three weeks, I am going to wait until at least August or September. Don't worry, Sonny will be back...

-Sonny, the frightened mother...and hoping for some twinkies and pretzels once in awhile...-_-