"Urahara, I need your help. Please," Ichigo said with a rushed tone. "Aizen is this close to finding me and I still can't control my inner being and, and-

"Calm down, Ichigo. Get out of the rain. ", Urahara gestured for her to come inside. He led her into the kitchen where there was a tan girl with deep purple hair and a smile like a cat that got the canary. Sitting across from her was a man with bright yellow hair, a tongue ring that he was currently sticking out at the purpled-haired woman.

"Ichigo, this is Yoruichi and this is Shinji. Shinji came to ask for your hand in marriage", snickered Urahara

"Shuddup, Urahara. I came here to help you unlock and control your inner power. The one that the world only glimpsed on the night your family was killed.

"How do you know of that, " Ichigo yelled. "I don't even know you!"

"Ichigo, calm down," the purple haired Yoruichi who up to this point was silent said quietly. "We both knew your parents and we are all allied against the Hyogoku movement. There can be no secrets between us if we are to succeed, therefore, we have already been informed of everything that applies to you and Aizen.

Ichigo sighed as she took in her words. The thoughts of the day she saw her mother killed and then the day she killed her father and two little sisters.





It was 10 years ago, when Ichigo was 8. The dream of her mother's demise was replaying over and over like a record that kept skipping. Both her and her mother were walking home on a barren street after Ichigo's dance recital. It had begun at 8pm and ended at 10pm. Isshin couldn't make it because the twins had caught a fever and someone had to stay home with them.

"Mommy, did you like it? Did I do well? ," a 8 year-old Ichigo asked nervously

"Of course you did honey, you are the brightest star in the world, how could I not have seen you shine and sparkle," Masaki said with a smile

"Oh, your just saying that because you have to," young Ichigo said with a giggle. "I wish dad could've came, though."

"Ichigo, your amazing and your dad will be at your Karate Tournament, it's only chance that your sisters got sick."

They continued their conversation as they continued to walk in the dark.

"Mmhhm, but-

Ichigo never got to finish as a large van, drove down the road towards them. Masaki saw them coming towards them and recognized that the insignia on the side of the car was the one of the Hueco Mundo Co.

"Come on, Ichigo! Run!," Masaki grabbed Ichigo's hand to a dark alleyway. In the background she could here the tires squeal to a stop and doors opening and shutting. The sound of footsteps followed.

"Mom, why are those men chasing after us? Why-

"Be quiet, Ichigo," whispered Masaki. "Keep running!"

After turn and turn through the alleyways, the footsteps never receeded, they only seemed to get louder. They ran until they say a fire escape ladder coming down the side of the building.

"Ichigo, I'm going to lift you up, and I want you to climb it all the way to the roof and hide. Can you do that for me, please", she begged

"Yes, mommy, but why?", young Ichigo said with tears in her eyes.

"There's no time for explanations, just know that I love you and tell your father and sisters that I love them too." She kissed Ichigo's head and lifted her to the rungs and watched her climb up, before running toward the sounds of the footsteps.

She ran into a group of men all wearing white uniforms.

The men yelled 'Grab her. 'Wheres the girl, bitch' 'She disapeared'.

Two men walked through the crowd of men to the bronze-orange haired woman being held up front. One had black braids going down his back with a dark pair of sunglasses covering his eyes. On his wrist was an orange bracelet and tucked into his waist was a gun. The other had silver hair, with the smile of the grinch after he stole Christmas. He also had a gun holstered in the waistband of his white uniform.

"My, my. Who do we have here? Well if it isn't Masaki Kurosaki. What a pleasant surprise," the silver haired fox said.

Masaki glared at the man speaking. "What do you want, Ichimaru. Leave me alone!"

"You already know what we want, " Ichimaru said with a slight opening of his eyes

Masaki immidiately looked down in fear of looking into his eyes, and having his inner being work havoc into her mind.

"Hmmm," Ichimaru said with a chuckle. "All ya need to do is tell us, where tha girl went. Tell me and I'll letcha go. I promise it'll be our little secret, ne?

"You must be a fool to believe I'd tell you anything," Masaki said with a hardened voice

"Well then," Ichimaru began, reaching into his waistband, "I guess I'll just have to-

"Wait, Gin," interrupted te dark skinned man. "She has to be close. Did you notice that the woman ran towards us. Probably trying to give her daughter a chance to escape.

Division 1, go look threw the alleyways. Division 2, look threw the streets and see if she's running down it. " The crew of men left, now leaving the three of them alone.

"My, my Tousen. Aren't ya just a lil' detective," Gin said, his smile getting wider. He leaned down to Masaki's ear. Losing all traces of his accent, he whispered "It's only a matter of time until we find her, but since you don't know where she went, you are useless." He grabbed her chin roughly and held her face so that they were eye to eye. He slowly opened his blood red eyes and captured her eyes in a deathly stare.

Ichigo reached the roof in time to hear her mother give a loud, blood-courdling scream. After what seemed like an eternity of her cries, an even louder bang sounded and silence followed.



The dream always ended there, but would replay right after the gunshot.

It was while dreaming this dream, 6 years later, a 14 year old Ichigo's inner being slowly awoke, and took control.

Her inner power surged through her body creating a large amount of pressure that could be sensed for miles.

"Che, about time I get in control. I can finally get out of the constant rain. Get some sleep, queen. I have a feeling that someone is coming."

Inner-Ichigo walked out of her room and into her living room, where her father was already waiting.

"When are they coming", inner Ichigo said to Isshin

The look of surprise that crossed Isshin's face passed quickly.

"They'll be here in about 5 minutes. I just want you to be careful, especially since your in Ichigo's body. ", Isshin stated

"Che, whatever. I'll be fine and so will Ichigo." At that moment, a loud bang went through the house and the door broke in. A group similar to the one that attacked Masaki came through the door wielding weapons.

Isshin and Inner-Ichigo looked at each other and then went on the offensive.


Young Ichigo woke up surrounded by bodies and the most noticeable bodies was the ones of her father and two younger sisters.

"Oh God," young Ichigo cried. "What have I done?" Ichigo didn't remember anything after laying down to go to sleep. She walked over to her father and laid over him.

"Please. Please, wake up Dad. I need you. I'm so alone. I'm so alone. I'm... by myself. I didn't mean to lose control, Dad", Ichigo sobbed.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Present Time

"Fine, I'll take up your offer on your stupid training, but just know, if this doesn't work, I will figure this out on my own," Ichigo said less energetic than earlier after her flashback of the loss of both her mother then the rest of her family.








Ok. It took me forever to just sit down and write this, but I promise to not abandon my stories. Write a review and tell me what you think and how I could fix the story or make it better. I've also written the next chapter for 'Die Now or Live Forever' and 'Unattainable' so go check that out.